Rika just watched as Davis snatched the sword from Felix's hands, the older guy must've lost his marbles for a minute because he started to swing the gold painted sword around as if it was an actual weapon. It wasn't hard for someone like Rika to figure out that the sword was just a fake sword painted gold, Davis, on the other hand, must've thought otherwise. The second he called Rika a "Cunt!" the mummy wanted to deliver a swift kick to his groin, but she held back feeling that the guy was probably more immature than she was, which felt strange to her.
As the Davis began appraising the sword and speaking about how great it was, Rika only half listened to him, the moments when he started thinking of things to say, Rika quietly played a tape with a calm voice announcing." It's fake." She played it back saying."It's fake." more than once to see if he could hear the cassette player over himself as he continued. Unfortunately, he didn't hear her at all almost as if she was speaking to a brick wall, it was when he thought of Shona did he notice the sword was fake.
While he was walking back to his room announcing that he wasn't hungry and going to shut himself into his room, Rika stopped herself from playing an insult towards him he didn't stop with Rika either, Davis went to his room telling Ice to use manners, of all people. As Rika rolled her eyes, Felix began introducing himself and held out his hand for a handshake Rika shook his hand with her free hand, as Felix spoke to her she simply nodded agreeing with the cartoon named free runner.
Once Aleecia showed up, Rika slowly approached Aleecia with the selfie stick, she extended the stick as far as it could go before gently grabbing one of Aleecia's wrist, she pried open the semi-blind woman's hand before placing the selfie stick into it then held up her cassette player and for once turned down the volume." Guide cane." it told her. As Felix finished reading Aleecia the rules, the mummy looked at their own card almost forgetting about it completely, Once Mary arrived once again passing by them, Rika played the same tape as when they first met." Put your shoe on your head!" The device yelled at Mary. As the streamer walked off, Rika wondered what the robot monk would be speaking to them about, as Felix stood there awkwardly, probably waiting for them to say they wanted to go, Rika put in a fresh tape." Come on fellas' Adventure awaits us!" A man's voice came from the tape."