Gone before Daylight
After the bank job, all of us needed to lay low for the past couple days, mostly with us doing our usual daily routine. With Yan goes to the gym to keep his perfect body nearly every day, Bates stays inside all day only to go out at night like an animal, Akira wanders around the city browsing the shops for his cartoon comics, and Gaz doing whatever it is he does.
I laid in bed with a pillow on my face, and suddenly my antennae picked up on something closing in on me. Without a single warning, the purple haired catgirl leaped at me."Ash, Ash, Ash!" She yelled while I groaned."Get up! You can't spend all day laying around and sleeping you will get all thick!" The cat girl didn't bother using her indoor voice as she bounced up and down.
I peeked out from under my pillow at the clock by my bed to see it was still in the early hours of the morning I slapped now with my pillow before lining up." no, it's still fucking morning, plus I can do whatever I want with my time." I told the manic cat. Instead of leaving, the cat girl found her way under my covers and met me face to face before saying." How about spending your morning with me?" She did her best seductive voice.
Before she could do anything, I flicked one of Noi's cat ears to make her back off." No, I'm not in the mood." I pulled on the same ear to make sure she got it." Jesus Noi, I told you to wake Ash up, not have sex with her in the morning." The both of us looked over to see Gaz standing in the doorway." Ash throws some clothes on, you're coming with me." The dark skinned human told me.
I threw Noi out of my bed before throwing on some random clothes I could find around the room, once I had on a pair of Jeans and a simple black tank top, Gaz bothered with telling me why he wanted me and where we were going." Before you ask, I wanted you to come with me because Noi's heading off to buy some rush from her dealer, and everyone else is busy." He told me, I scratched the back of my head before asking." What about Bates? Can't he go with you?"
" Oh, so you want to lay around all day in bed?" He asked." You're already slightly chubby Ash, even with your rock hard muscles."
I held back punching Gaz in the eye and instead just barked out." I may be a warrior Gaz, but I'm a woman also!" I held a fist up at him." I'm not that hard, or chubby!"
The white haired human just shrugged before telling me." I'm just saying, don't look the same as you are in armor." I wound up a punch only to stop it just before his face.
I then calmed down and put my hands at my sides." Where are we going?" I asked.
"I'll tell you while we're heading there. Let's hop on the bike." He headed outside.
I took a deep breath before walking outside behind him to his motorcycle, unlike most vehicles today, Gaz's bike wasn't a hover cycle, it was a ground bike with a side car attached to one of its sides, it had a beige paint job but with paint chipped in several areas. I stepped into the sidecar as he started up the bike and had us take off down the street from the hideout, I glanced back at the warehouse as it quickly grew smaller and smaller before relaxing myself, but found it kind of hard with something hitting my feet.
At the first red light Gaz stopped at, I reached down into the sidecar to pull up a briefcase, feeling curious about what's inside of the case, I tried to open it only for Gaz to stop me." Hold up, don't open that, it's got part of my share inside of it." He warned me." We're going to see someone then we're heading off to the hospital."
" Who's in the hospital?" I asked him. The light turned green, then Gaz answered." Somebody I hurt badly." He didn't look at me as he spoke, then a hover car blasted their horn at us making Gaz speed off. The two of us drove through several different neighborhoods, once we turned into suburban territory, Gaz began slowing down and stopped in front of a corner house." Hand me that case." He asked. When the case entered his hands, Gaz opened it slightly to see the money inside packed neatly inside of the briefcase, but there was a big bundle of money sitting on top of the rest of the neatly packed cash.
Out of nowhere two dog boys began walking up the street and once Gaz caught sight of them, he closed the case shut and handed it back to me." Alright, we're here, we're going up the back porch." He told me as he got off the bike. As I did my best to get out of side car I dropped the case on the sidewalk, luckily it didn't crack open and spill everything all over the ground, when I bent over to pick up the case I caught wind of a wolf whistle from across the street where the two Ausar dog boys were walking by, suddenly one of them yelled out."Extra Thicc!"
The second I got up and turned to the two boys, they immediately jumped and began running down the block hoping I wouldn't chase after them." Hey, there's nothing wrong with being extra Thicc Ash, it looks good on you." The white haired human began eying me up. We both hoped the white picket fence and strolled up the back porch and closed in on the sliding glass door, before he knocked on the glass Gaz looked at me with a serious look on his face for once." Ash, you aren't afraid of spiders are you?"
I cocked an eyebrow, then remembered Earth spiders being tiny then shook my head saying."No, their tiny, I'm not afraid of something so small, Why?" I asked." Does your friend here have a pet spider or something?"
Gaz just turned his eyes to the glass door while saying." Something along those lines, yes." He knocked on the door twice before sliding it open. The door led to a small kitchen, both of our noses were slammed with the smell of recently cooked breakfast and it made my stomach growl in hunger." Hey thicc-ness we aren't gonna eat here sadly." Gaz announced.
" Gaz!" An older woman's voice called out." Show yourself!"
The white haired human sighed before grabbing the case from me and heading through the kitchen into the next room, ignoring my stomach and following behind Gaz's reluctantly, I found myself in a small, quaint small, quaint dining room with sitting at one end of the table was an old woman wearing black pajamas. The old woman had long graying blonde hair and tired blue eyes, she must've been in her fifties going from how little face wrinkles she had, in her hands, she was nursing a cup of what I could guess was coffee and sitting on the plate in front of her was normal human breakfast food, bacon and chunky yellow blobs they called scrambled eggs.
At the other end of the table looked like an odd colored Bothrioc from my home world, but they looked different, the alien woman was covered in dark carapace all over her body that wasn't clothed and instead of her face, she had four black arms, red hair tied back into a small black ponytail, and the second she stood up to see Gaz she had six long spider like legs and a giant spider backside." Oh Hey Gaz, oooo who's your friend." she asked.
I stood still frozen not saying anything, as Gaz looked back to me and introduced me."That's my buddy Ash, excuse her she's afraid of Spiders, well Driders really."