Morgiana Le Fae

Height: 5'6"
Age: ~17 Years Old
Gender: Female
Race: Fae
Power: As a fledgling Fae Enchantress, Morgiana has full access to both Lores of Life and Mysticism Magic. The Lore of Life is centered around the themes of healing, restoration, and growth (nature). While the Lore of Mysticism is more focused around blessings, enchantment and divinity. However due to her youthful inexperience, her magic is subject to a chance of being miscasted with devastating results.
Raised as a Lady, Morgiana has a fine elegance in the way she presents herself as it is expected of her. This proper etiquette that has been drilled in her leaves Morgiana to be rather polite and sweet but at times her presentation results in being snotty and snide towards others (especially to deemed "lower" creatures). Despite this, Morgiana's youth and sheltered upbringing has left her rather naive and gullible, making her easily manipulable to the more sinister intellects. Underneath, she just wants to kind to others and is curious about others but struggles with her conflicting nurtured upbringing.
Morgiana's origin indirectly relates back to old Arthurian Legend and the story of the Lady of the Lake. Around two millennia ago and according to legend, the goddess Diana (goddess of the Hunt, Moon, and Nature) shared her spirit in a lake to form a Fae in her image, named Viviane. She wanted to order to watch over the mortal world, with a special focus on the mortals as they were becoming quite interesting. Several hundred years after that, supposedly, the Arthurian Legends happened: King Arthur, Merlin, Excalibur and so on. Due the reverence of man, the Lady of the Lake soon took shape as a quiet guardian of man, sought out in the event of trouble. It is said the Lady could be reached by any body of freshwater but primarily took residence in somewhere in Wales. Of course that is just the legend...
In reality, the Ladies of the Lake are just a coven of Fae Enchantresses that have taken residence in a few lakes scattered across the earth. Their primary desire is to keep the earth and its inhabitants healthy but in rare instances the Ladies were sought out by humans for blessings and the like. After ever few millennia or so, they add combine their strength and summon another Fae to join their coven and with the recent acceptance of magical beings, now seemed like a good time to add another: Morgiana.
Morgiana was created in a lake, not far inland from the recently built Pakora Academy. The motion was mostly symbolic although the Ladies wanted to send one of their own to the Academy. With careful instruction by the coven, Morgiana was groomed to be accepted and represent the Ladies properly.