It was time.
Malakaus had spent what he felt was enough time gathering allies for his quest. He even left a hastily made but large notice on some local taverns about his quest. Anyone with a strong arm and a iron will would be welcomed to march with him to the village of Laam Village: it was about a week's march and everyone was expected to provide for their own previsions. Malakaus also made it clear that this was an volunteer quest with no guarantee reward aside from honor: he has nothing for mercenaries and sell-swords. Thus this ought to attract either the truly noble, or the truly desperate. Of course Malakaus had also asked for some highly professional and skilled mages and knights to accompany him, such as Felix and Vesta. There were also a few who piqued his interest, such as that Duncan fellow. While Felix isn't skilled with a sword, his ability at magic makes him as dangerous as any knight, and for Duncan to somehow manage to get an upper hand on him was surprising. Though being a peasant, Malakaus made sure to supply him... As best as he could.
On such short notice Malakaus couldn't get Duncan fitted for proper armor, nor train him in any weapons. So Malakaus gave Duncan his old four-mirror armor, a helmet, and arm guards. The very same one Malakaus wore during his first battle. As for weapons one may expect him to offer Duncan a sword and shield, but Malakaus was not bringing him to fight men. But monsters. And against monsters, you need proper weapons. And for Malakaus a proper weapon was big, heavy, and could break a demon’s beast harden bones and thick hide. Thus he gave Duncan a large spiked club. While some may consider giving him such a weapon insulting, only fools would dismiss the usefulness of the simple cudgel. One didn’t need years and years of swordplay and training to kill a demon beast. You need a strong arm, a strong will, and a sturdy weapon.
After gearing up Duncan, Malakaus had also left a letter for Maria. He didn’t find her at the time so it was simply a report that he has returned to the city to resupply, and has left to the village of Laab to fight off demon beasts in the area. He was almost certain that Maria may remember his death from yesterday, as her blessing may allow her to realize such things. Malakaus himself has noted that usually after his death, people he interacts with tends to forget him as if he had not met them that previous day. So far however, that doesn’t seem to be the case for some. However investigating strange magical phenomenon was beyond his ability. He needed to focus on the task at hand.
With all other preparations completed, Malakaus left the castle, taking the main street straight towards the exit of the city. Anyone who wished to join his mission would need to seek him ought en route towards the exit. Even for those in high esteem like Vesta and Felix, Malakaus did not intend to wait for them. Soon he was joined by Atisha in full armor, who seemed to have done some resupplying of her own. He was surprised to see that she was able to navigate the city so well on her own.
@ADamnFiddle@PhoenixRising@Letter Bee@Noodles@Sir Lurksalot@FamishedPants@ZekariVoblis@Lucius Cypher@Seirei No Hai@Soragoku@Kitsune

Atisha needed time to think about what she was told. So many questions in her head and she wasn’t sure what to make of it. She knew she had died, yet here she was. Surely others saw her, but she didn’t trust any of them. Blanc she could because she was an elf, but anyone else would have Atisha’s scrutiny. There was no way she was going to risk letting anyone else know what she might be capable of. That Atisha may possibly be immortal. Fortunately yesterday she had died without her armor, so as long as she kept her mask on no one should recognize her. It was also about time that Malakaus would be heading out of the city to the village of Laab, so Atisha went to do some shopping. She had some money left over from a previous raid on some bandits, so she was going to barter for goods and equipment.
The first thing she brought was essentials: food, medicine, and camping supplies. She and Malakaus has made due with bedrolls for now, but she could sense some weather ahead of them. Perhaps in a two or three days there will be rain. She wasn’t sure how much, but if she could sense it then it might be a lot. With the money left over she traded her spear for a trident as well. She remembered that her father trained her how to use it as a weapon, and while she preferred something with a more slashing grace to it, demon beasts needed something that could break their bones or pierce their hides. Trying to bleed them out was a fool’s errand.
Once she was equipped Atisha went to find Malakaus, which wasn’t that hard to do. The lone knight stuck out like a sore thumb among the common folk, and Atisha simply fell into line right behind him. He glanced at her and she at him, but no words were exchanged. None were needed. Atisha may not like the green ogre, but they had an understanding of one another that needed no communication. A sort of kinship between warriors. If nothing else, Malakaus wasn’t insufferable, so Atisha could appreciate that.