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Split second

Once I got back to the hideout with Noi, Yan had done some prep work to a job, it was kind of a big job, or at least big by my standards. He began going over the heist in front of the white board filled with blueprints, pictures of the place, and several drones that hovered around outside." Okay, listen up, double for you Noi." He pointed to the hectic cat girl." This job will have us split into two teams with Gaz the leader of team two and me the leader of team one."

As he said that I raised my hand as reclined into the couch."How come my my team is team 2? I want to be team one."

" Gaz we can fight about team names later I'm going over the plan."He tried to get back on track." Team one will be Me, Ven, and Noi at a shipment hanger getting the containers ready for you guys."

I raised my hand a second time." Hold, Hold up. I want Ven this time around, she's with me I'll trade her for Ash."

The red myr woman leaned forwards to look at me giving me a sour look."Why? What does Ven bring that I can't?" She held out her arms probably feeling confused.

"Well, thinking about it now Ash you don't really do well when the situation is stealth." I thought of a word to say besides, she's still kinda chubby and the armor is loud, then I thought, fuck it." Plus Ash you're still chubby and that armor is heavy and fucking loud if you haven't noticed." Noi began laughing."All you hear is a just a series of heavy footfalls then security is calling the cops because of a fat myr is running around in heavy armor with a light machine gun like she's gonna shoot up the place."

"Fine then, you bastard!" She crossed her arms

"He's right, you know, plus you might actually be more use than Ven would be, we might get into more of a shootout than the other team will." Yan attempted to calm her down." Now team 2, you guys will be sneaking into the car shop and looking for the keys for the show cars."

For the first time, I was actually surprised that Bates actually said something." Wait aren't show room cars just fakes? Or are they gutted?"

Just as surprised as I am, Yan took a second before he answered." No, showroom hover cars are actual cars on the they take from a lot. Now before you Ask Gaz, I paid an inside guy to fuel them up and get them ready, we're only stealing a couple of them."

"Yeah, no shit when there's only six of us." I brought up.

"Unless you can find someone to take another spot to help us, then I doubt it will help us." The big guy told me.

Thinking about it, I did know one person that could help us, but I couldn't tell if they were ready or if they were well enough to help us."Actually I might know somebody that may help us and not those fucking assassins."

Yan put a hand on his chin, thinking about it."Are they trustworthy?"

I thought about it a second time and decided this is probably not the job to bring them in on." Yeah, but we shouldn't bring them for this, might be too much for them in their current state."

"Fine then." Going over the plan one last time and telling us to finally shut the fuck up, Yan went over the new improved plan." Alright, here's the plan, Team one will be at the Hanger and securing the area and making sure nobody ruins the plan or stop us from shipping the cars into the containers. Team two will be at the car shop getting the keys and stealing the show room cars, remember this must be done without the cops showing up, no matter how much we could try, I doubt any of us could tell Aliens that bullet holes, warped metal, and melted paint are a feature of these cars. Anything else I need to go over?"

All of us told the large man, "No" at the same time before we geared up and piled into the van. The drive to the car shop Yan told us about was a short ride it felt a bit different though, once we hopped out of the van, I grabbed a gym bag before he took off to take care of his part of the heist. Once he was off, Ven stared at me before looking at the store for a brief moment." Uh, Gaz I should've said this earlier, but I don't think I'm exactly. Uh stealthy."

"What?! But how did you get my mask back?" I asked." Wait are you just getting some performance anxiety? You can tell me."

The dog woman shook her head with an honestly worried look painted across her face." That was just something I got lucky doing and got even luckier nobody noticed me or noticed I did anything." She tried to play down what she did before.

I pointed to the car shop across the street." Don't worry Ven, me and Bates will sit back and watch you from across the street." I told her.

" I can't do all the work you jerk!" She barked at me before I plucked her nose."Stop that!" She rubbed her button nose.

"No shit you can't do everything, fuzz butt, that's why you'll be setting up the short cut for us." I pointed to a small section of the street nearby with construction cones and small hologram barriers, it was lucky that the street was vacant and the place looked like it was about to close up." Me and Bates will move in through the back entrances of the shop while you get rid of those barriers and set up the explosives, when you're done we should have the cars and I'll speed over to pick you up." I told her.

The Ausar took a deep breath before nodding and taking the gym bag from and slinging it over her shoulder, the dog woman pulled her mask over her face and jogged over to the small construction spot to work on the part of the plan I told her. I looked into my old mask considering to put it on before I put the cracked gas mask over my face

Feeling as if he wanted to get this shit over with quickly, Gaz went off towards the Cryo bay, while he strolled through the halls he spun his handguns around his finger while keeping the safety on, he then even tossed one up into the air to spin himself completely around and catch it before continuing to the Cryo bay. Once Gaz made it into the sizeable room, his eyes met a number of Cryo pods busted open and beat to shit."Aww man, Shit's dim some time." He spoke out loud before he found a couple of them not so beat to shit."Huh?! I guess there are some popsicles left. Might as well tell Thunder Thighs the situation." He mentioned Irisa before spinning his gun around his finger using the trigger to help keep it spinning around. He slowly began strolling back to the area where he left the tall as fuck Qari only to be greeted by different people, people leaving to go dick around." Where the hell is Irisa?" He asked whoever didn't just outright ignore him."We got some popsicles in the cryo bay, probably running on E-power."


Quinn walked along with the engineer human, the Halion had her sword resting on her shoulder as she strolled along with the human and her noisy clacking robot drone, to break the silence Quinn tried to think about what a Humans would talk about." So...Uh what is your favorite sexual position? Or Um, what about your favorite type of partner? You humans like talking about that stuff." She asked the woman bluntly."Humans talk about procreating a lot right?" Then suddenly the Alien woman felt she felt a bit odd and awkward before attempting to change the subject." Nevermind, what is your favorite method of crushing the opposition? Do you use your drone?" She looked back to the small machine.

"There are humans on my home world that hunt with drones, they are mocked and laughed at for not shooting their own prey and sitting back while a machine does all their work. They also get their machines broke and stolen by Cliff chasers, massive centaur like beings with oddly shaped heads and a roar that scares the bravest men." Quinn revealed to the human.

The moment that Zin stepped out into sight, Maria couldn't exactly take her eyes off the dragon woman, the knight drunk in her complete form looking over every part of her body that she could, Zin began to wonder if the knight even heard her and if she was looking at the more fleshy parts of the dragon woman or if she was looking at her scales and wings, the dragon had half a mind to knock the Knight's eyes out for a response from them. Then finally the woman said something 'Skulking like a wolf' She said then said her name, Zin crossed her arms and told her."No, I'm clearly Vivi." She spoke in a semi condescending tone." Of course I'm Zin."

Suddenly the knight began to answer Zin's question about wanting to join them and was flustered by it; she then began calling Vesta a strange epithet before getting red in the face and getting close to answering the question." Quit dancing around the question human!" She yelled."It's an easy yes or no question; You must be afraid of your own feelings or something." she considered. Then, right before she could truly give her answer, the knight began screaming like a crazy person, as if someone wounded her with an attack; each day she spent around humans, the more she was beginning to think they were all deranged, save for a few good eggs." Goodness, whatever you're the captain of I hope you don't give out life changing orders, with how you handle my question I couldn't see how you'd handle someone questioning your orders."

The knight soon started to get it, she spoke aloud, saying that Zin was attempting to tick her off and make her angry, the shining knight began slowly showing off her blade and began looking Zin over once more almost annoying the dragon woman with her long stare before she would speak once again boasting about battling scarier monsters than she was." Getting up at sunrise and looking yourself in the mirror shouldn't be considered a scary battle." She insulted the knight, once she noticed a hand on the woman's blade, Zin cocked her head back looking down on the knight." So you would rather cheat in a fight with me by using a blade, perhaps you'd like to stab me in the belly like a coward in order to end the fight early."

Zin curled her fingers into fist by her side as the woman attempted to insult Zin's form and call her fat chested." Unlike you, I have been graced with larger boobs unlike your pancakes that you have attached to your chest." Zin's spiny fin like ear wiggled as Alexander spoke of her." If I never heard you spoke, I'd consider you a man." She further insulted the human.

She then turned her glance over to Alexander, not bothering to look the human in the face or even turn her head to look at them." Alexander, you're a rude and weak human being. Speaking of someone secretly while in their presence, I'd burn you to a crisp if I didn't want to waste my energy." She then turned around to him." I have been oggled at by this knight once already, if you think about looking upon my scales, you better ask and hope to whatever gods, you believe in that I say yes." She then turned her back to him and looked Maria in the eye." Fight me with some honor, I have hands like you do, but carry no sword."

As the newcomer leaped off her horse and greeted Vesta and the others, Zin listened in on the conversation from the shrub she was hiding from, With what the dragon woman learned the newcomer was someone that knew the Celestia family and oddly enough for the first time Zin heard Vesta in a different tone, a tone that sounded as if she was happy. The stench of the humans began to make her nose burn, or the fertilizer in the dirt made it burn, throwing away her cloak once again Zin stood up outside of the shrub before noticing the humans and looking to the newcomer and even walking over and getting into Maria's personal space with the slight smell of brimstone coming off her.

She got so close to Maria that she pressed her breast up against the woman's armor, unintentionally, and looked her in the eye, wondering what Vesta saw in the woman before speaking."[color=00a651] You're a shinier human than these others." She spoke openly." You're probably tougher than some of them here as well. Probably tougher than the small human sucking up to you." She glanced over to Alexander before looking Maria. She stared the knight down as if she was gonna attack her set her aflame." With what you said earlier." Zin shook her wings for a second before stepping back with smoke coming from her nose." You say Vesta is making an army or some kind of Harem, she still hasn't beaten me in combat for me to willingly join a harem of her choice, and what if she is shiny?" Zin looked down at the woman's sword."Are you going to stop her or are you going to join it?"

With all the time she used learning to fly, Zin never bothered pestering Vivi into a fight or any of the staff, she was not only itching for one from lack of one for such a long time, but she wanted to fight something that wouldn't be a quick fight and something that would actually give it's all. Henrich would likely stop if he got a good number of blows in even if Zin asked for him to give his all he did seem like he would be a good fight. Alexander looked like a strong whip of her tail or some hot breath from Zin would drop him quickly so any idea of a fight with him would be over in an instant. Vesta just got back and probably wasn't in the best condition or didn't feel like fighting or fighting anymore right now, plus with that rock slab thing Alexander gave her, she'll probably be busy. That mostly left the shiny armor in front of her. She didn't care who would get in the way of it or if it was wrong by whatever rules or traditions of these people, she had wanted a fight.

"Does that armor look as tough as it is shiny and clean?" She didn't outright ask the knight for a fight, not yet at least."Because it looks like it wouldn't last in a true fight" She examined her claws before looking back to Maria. She looked at the armored woman wondering what her response would be.

She was surprised that she hit the guy instead of his gun to disarm him, when she got home, she'd need to practice throwing her kunai. The next thing that surprised her was the guy removing it from his hand and throwing it back at her, she caught the makeshift dagger before it could hit her." Hey, thanks." She told him before she noticed he was gushing blood from his wound as if the guy never been hurt before or something, before she could react next the guy pulled a machine gun from his back and began firing off all of his ammo, right when the bullets began to fly, Rin threw down one of her smoke bombs and scaled up a nearby light pole in the cover of smoke and hopped from the light pole to the ledge of a nearby building.

Once she was on the roof, the kunoichi felt a wound on her shoulder. The injury was as long as a cut from a knife, but wasn't too deep, something that she could recover from in time. Rin stayed low on the building to avoid being shot in case the guy would get the idea she went up and she didn't want to get shot in the top of her head, she hoped that the dwarf got away and didn't get hurt.

There's like 3 humans in this rp, and like a dwarf isn't really considered human tbh, they are considered short people.

Rin kept moving through the bordello, at this moment she didn't care if people spotted her while she was running, she needed to leave the place. One of her weapons was broken and she didn't expect to be caught on camera, this went all down hill for her and she just wanted to leave and try again when she comes back later. The Kunoichi found her way out through a small bathroom window before noticing that she wasn't exactly being followed or chased as she thought she was, she almost believed that nobody noticed the two people she killed and being spotted on a camera.

After sliding down a gutter pipe and walking out of an alleyway, Rin made her way as far as she could away from the brothel. As she continued walking along she noticed that a guy was having a stand off with a dwarf across the street, one that looked really cute. Without knowing anything about the situation, Rin threw a kunai dagger at the guy's hand in an attempt to disarm him of the gun, it looked wrong for him to point a gun at someone without weapon and at someone who looked fun sized.

@Thantos I apologize again for everything, you're accepted, I apologize for the long wait and the trouble you've been through, I hope I haven't soured this rp for you.

@Thantos It would've been nice if you'd shown me the updated version of you cs, and it would've been doubly nice if you'd waited before me and Ursa accepted you before you posted in the IC, I know I said that if you were working with temp that you could post'em up in the OOC, but I didn't really say you were accepted, you still need both me and Ursa to accept you.
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