Avatar of Sprokkelhout


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Well, it’s been five years it seems, but I’m ready to get back into the action!
5 yrs ago
What do you call a German online weapons store? Kriegslist
7 yrs ago
This world is blessed to have baby elephants in it.
7 yrs ago
TT night here in Assen was the tits omg. Burnt rubber and AC/DC; fuck yeah.
7 yrs ago
My second dnd character also made two orcs explode, after which she cooked part of one to near perfection. One party member refused to eat. 'That's fine. I'm not mad. Whatever. '



Gonna use this for a quick overview of my rp interests. People can pm me at any time, really.
- 1x1's only, unless it's a group rp with a really small amount of people and not too fast-paced.
- Fantasy, both modern and otherwise
- Action, love it
- Adventure, yaaaaas
- Horror, though not all kinds of it. I do love the supernatural stuff, though
- I'm not very good at sci-fi, but willing to try if you're okay with me not being great at it.

Most Recent Posts

Been away for about a year or so, but I'm picking RP back up again a little.
So yeah, hi. I'm a 24 year old RPer from the Netherlands that also draws stuff. I'm a sucker for crime stories, mystery, urban fantasy and characters that have bitten off way more than they can chew.
I'd like my name changed from Piddle to Sprokkelhout.
Shameless bump
Yeah, relatable. For me the issue is that at some point I have characters for almost every questline and having too many questlines done by too many characters just makes it feel a wee bit less like that one character's accomplishment to me, so new characters often strand because I'm just dicking around with them.
@pugbutter Have to say it's definitely something I'd love to do. But I do think I want to do a few studies first. Both metal and folds have not gotten the attention they deserve in the past few weeks.
In a few weeks my current schoolyear's over, so during the holidays I'll certainly have plenty of time for a commission like this.
I'll PM you then, alright?

@JBRam2002 That is a very big compliment, thank you! I have to admit that having the confidence to charge more for my work is still a tough thing.
And glad to hear that!

@Drazah Very glad to hear that!
@Pugbutter Thanks! The B&W is going to be colored, by the way; it's just easier for me to adjust things while in greyscale. However, a B&W as an end product is also definitely possible, or maybe something with very minimal coloring.

Uniforms and military gear: I'll have to have proper reference, since I'm not very well-versed in military history myself and might use the wrong pictures as reference if I just look something up, but with the right reference it should be pretty doable.
I've done a few armors before, so while I'd definitely do a few more quick metal studies first to get back into it some more, I don't think it'd be a problem.

Just to make sure I understand correctly; you're talking about a digital piece, but with a border drawn around it, right?
Updated with a new plot
Glad to hear that!
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