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5 hrs ago
Current After “C-Class” Partying of course! Proof that going outside, as whereever, meant Ruffian not baby!
5 hrs ago
It’s said to quit being a Cur you write a Diary, republicing “virtue” from adversely being “emo”. I began it as an Adult so it’d be perfected into an arbitary thing of Soulmate.
26 days ago
Thieves are meant to albeit desist. It's a first-person Trait aside Role Playing "Roleplaying" when Role-Playing. "Friend" shan't be "Avenger" but "Ward" because Gal's ain't Girl till Damsel!
1 like
2 mos ago
My first ever rp was larping as Vegeta in an Elementary School Recess Z-Fighter Battle Royal!


PMing me aught to be for advanced reasons. Leave a visitor message instead if you think I may become perverted through PM; never got to doing that for scriptures, instead I became zealy, having already been zany. So, I just may because I only like Barbarian, and Mercenary Medieval Nobility sense roleplays - with Militaristic Sci-Fy in my pocket. That was jive; because the 2nd worst surviving mercenaries are pervert gossip where I'm from, since I kept my wits about me. I'm now mature to appreciate it's sense for Guild Thief.

I dont role-play the opposite Sex; Damsel. Not like I thought "woman" originally, Im so virtuous first. Role-Playing a She is allocating ugly girls to narc. A juvinile narc... hah and if lucky puberty aliens- - whatever though. So, Im a Swordsman for myself and when it got to 'for the Princess' I ventured against "vanguards" prncpld to do so without Adventurer's-Pay intentions, and I never adapted Ranger to Ward as a Man-At-Arms to a other Boyfriend to make Envoy's of a Vanguard/Armiger. I bided to have my Knight-Errant effect be challenged to "Mad Swordsman" should the Harrowers tried me too without a Tournament. Role-Playing tried to nemesis male perverts, and female lead to vagrancy when metropolitaning, so I didnt rp. Played video and pc games with chat systems which brought my roleplaying out.

Had popculture invite me to a Halo 1|Halo 2 XBOX System-Link Party in Middle School before my Family moved closer to my High School.
When that happened I thought I'd actively pursue street to get to some hills and forests. Got to a Mall and platooned myself as a Rogue-Phaser not Gamer with Grunge-Street-Misfits, whose Click was older Sage-Gamers, so invitably I went Outlaw against Bogart-Cooties to keep the Sage technique. But I didnt Rebel, nah I protected the Girls I dated. . . Their vanguards, the Girls' I dated, I didnt accept as Phasers or Shadows, but as Party Animals! However grotesque.. earning 'boyfriend' Rangerhood for doing it Solo. That avenged my own Back. And SkateBoarding got me into contemporary Parties when I tried to gorge-through them into the High School with Board but they roved-by incredilousing me to deflect its adversity because thatd of been gay of me. So, I made Challenger Party Animal those next years making myself Renegade to suffice Avenger dignity... At about 23 I had the Hill and gave not to them, instead restituted against so to Soulmate, figuring my Animal to liken becoming an atypical Champion Knife-Fighter "Bopper" instead of a Jail-House Rock Champion styled Rank.

Now to blatantly disregard your feelings to Role-Play ruckus atlast--

I'd Witch-Kill, but as it were fantasy eveloped Girls tooo sexy. That's normal-Medieval(magick is heresy, especially fantasy-high-magic hehahaha) and adventure-group (where magic overpowers magick --heroicly without everyone has magic in their Soul. Since choice of magic vsing magic(k) is becoming their soul, or however its said why teleporting isnt time travel.)I'm going to keep my fantasy games secret, because I didnt seek them as a Kid, instead enjoying Warrior through doing so till I knew better. What I will tell you is Counter-Strike started my Humane legacy, to Rainbow Six Vegas after Halo 3 subsided. Turok for the 360 slew multiplayer out of the gambit for FPS' when I got to that. Black's got better maps than Counter-Strike though. And I'm at 30K+ Gamerscore.

The End.

Most Recent Posts

In MxF 2 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Interest Checks
Cool, cool- oh, uh actually I need you to have like 100 messages already. You're new, I'm new, and I need regulations. But, here, take some goodluck!
In MxF 2 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Interest Checks
We can go monster hunting@BunniesOfDoom. Interested? I'd make the rp section in 1x1.
In MxF 2 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Interest Checks
European only.
In MxF 2 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Interest Checks
Maybe you want adventure, huh. Get out of that Mansion, see Me a Swordsman as that very opportunity. Swimming? Petting Animals in Town? Want to feel a Sword...?
Fondle me a Damsel then deflect weapons before She does next, with my Longsword. There's a plot right there!
EDIT; Enemies from a Battle Royal into my Ferocity, Her doing Arbiter skill with Her weapon on those deadbeats - maybe build up a Frenzy and a Flourish ;7
Them frogpeople are quite weak, if the two - 'antagonists' is it?- didnt kill Him, allow me. With my Blaster it'd look quaint that thise Two beat Him offguard, felling into a Mass of frogmen Civilians I harried with my Blaster then open-palmed guiled them All obliterated. He'd of fallen into my range and died.
Happy to be here.
I lied in Middle School that I watched Wally Gator.
1} Name: Szef.
Gender: Male.
Age: 32.
Race: Vipegoggler.
Power Level: 1250.

Special Techniques: Plasma Scythe: Channels energy into the Arm, hyperleatheling it to a visible green plasma(ki) that eradicates and purges contact.

Venomsurge: Green honed Ki-Blast. Can be liberated power or overkilled like the Galick Guns|Kamehameha's do.

Venomnought: Green Ki-Blasts controlled that merge, if wanted, to better blasts. Usually the barrage is sufficient without merging ki-blasts.

Gear: Red Scouter, that Bardock type of Armor but Purple where Black, and sure I'll use the enforcer gauntlet blaster.

Appearance: Lean-muscular Brown Straight-Spotted Viperoid; The Head's Eyes have Viper Slit Irises not circular, with two Fangs protruding on the outside of the Snout, ample Fangs within too.
Torso has Arms and those have Hands with 3 Scaled Fingers each. The Belly Scales shape the Torso. And a Tail not Legs.

Hieght is 6"9.

Personality: Tactical, crude, but foreshadowy not primeval, so it's acceptable.

Backstory: I was a Space Mercenary whose Agency Frieza's elite killed. I was stealing a stardrive in a Ship Hangar when I saw those that didnt join die like marauders. I asked to join. When? A year before Planet Vegeta was eliminated.
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