Hey...This seems right up my alley.
Real Life
Name: Jinx Whiteriver
Birthday: November 12, 2040
Appearance: Jinx has long black hair down to her waist that she keeps in a tight braid, eyes as blue as the night sky. People have often referred to the color as what they imagined the sky in hell would look like. A jagged scar runs from her right ear down ti her chin from an unfortunate event in high scholl. While not exceptionally short, she isn't a gaiant either, standing at 5'7 & 1/2. She has a small frame like that of a dancer. She may look delicate, but she's tough as nails. Jinx tends to wear dark clothes and boots, those being the things she's most comfortable in and rarely wears dresses. Like maybe once in a blue moon.
Occupation: Jinx is a freelance artist and professional rollerblade derby girl.
Biography: She has led a fairly normal life, wuth the exception of a few odd times in her life when things were chaotic and during WWIII. She was born in a small coastal town in Ireland and stayed there until she was about ten years old when her family moved to Seattle in Washington. She went through elementary and middle school uneventfully until she was in 11th grade in high school. It was dark, and she was on her way home from art club when she was cornered by a gang of thugs. She was pushed up against the wall with a knife to her throat while they went through her backpack looking for money.
She was silent for a few minutes before she kneed the guy holding the knife in the nuts. The other guys tried to maul her but she was too quick for them, although the right side of her face got caught with a blade. It cut her from her ear down to her chin in a jagged line. She ran home to her mom and dad where they called the police and took her to a hospital to clean her cut. The thugs were found and arrested for attempted theft and assault and Jinx was determined to learn to defend herself. She learned Wushu and moved on.
A few years after graduation, her parents died in a car crash and Jinx had no more family as she was an only child. She moved on and took more art classes and eventually did drawings and sculptures for money and got into roller derby competitions which she really enjoyed. One time, during a competition, she broke her foot and had to heal before she could rollerblade again. She got bored and was going insane with the inactivity.
And then Dust came along.
Dust Persona
Alias: Maddin
Style of Play: She is a sort of Mad Hatter like warrior who confuses her enemis by shouting obscenities and nonsensical phrases and then takes advantage of their confusion by turning into a deadly wgirl of steel.
Appearance: Her stands a few inches taller than Jinx at 5'8 with long wine red hair and blue eyes with flecks of hazel in them.She is noticeably more slender than herself in the real world and has more muscle tone and felixibility. Tends to wear a black button down long sleeve, dark blue denim jacket and jeans, a dark blue scarf tied around her head and under her hair and calf high boots. Twin katanas rest in sheathes on her hips and asmall dagger strapped to her upper right arm. a blue mask covers most of her fac, except for the middle of her cheeks and down.