Avatar of SrslyAnArtist
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4 yrs ago
Current Baby, I'm Back. I'm back bay-bee!
8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
I hate rubber bands. The kind they put in your mouth when you get braces. they fucking hurt.
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8 yrs ago
Still fucking bored
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9 yrs ago


I'm weird and love Adam Lambert.

Oh, and this, too.

I'm good with nicknames. My friend has short blonde hair, and it's really spiky. It sometimes makes him look like a shark when we're swimming, so I call him Sharkie or SharkBoy.

Most Recent Posts

Okay. I'm down with that
TalijaKey said
If you post before she gets captured, you can say you want to take her back being a teen and such. Walk out to get her, and attempting to get her claimed gets captured with her too.Well that is if you want. And no fear of using some NPC to your needs.@WinterChu:...b-but I still made you cry and run out. You should be proud of your dragon powers.me: well they wouldnt be hunters, or at least alive hunters if they were so easily defeated.They surely figth a dragon or two before. And you are in a emotional sensitive state, at the moment, dear dragon. You sure you have your magic 100% in grip darling?OOh just random plot idea, but what if when you try to fight the hunters you get a flashback of memories you lost? It could be a good turning point for showing vulnerability to end you up captured.

Winter: It's kinda hard to be proud when there's no-one to comment on how proud you should be. As for the crying and junk...I dont know why i reacted that way. Oh! Thats a good idea Talija!
TalijaKey said
Poor winter, she run ALONE out of the bar.......With suspisious guys walking around the street.....me: She so getting kidnapped, too.Chu: *feels guilty as heck for making her cry*...I am a bad dragon....

Silver Fox said
So kidnapped xDAster: *pats Chu's back comfortly*

Nah Chu it's not your fault. I wonder how the hunters would stand against being turned to evericecicles and then smashed to bits. Hmmm

Winter: No you're not Chu. It's me who's stupid. I don't deserve adulthood. *looks down sadly*
Anima said
Oh for sure. I don't see the radiation and its fallout disappearing anytime soon whatsoever. I was merely addressing the fleeting effects of the dark years. Namely, reintroducing civility. While I also want to hear the others opinion on this, having two separate generations, as you said, would make for a very interesting social attribute. Perhaps it'll add a bit of flair into the story overall. Plus, I can still incorporate the above, for it'll be a HUGE story element within this. I'd like to keep how a secret for right now though. Anyway, for right now, why don't you create your character under the assumption that we'll begin at 2065 then. I can't see the others having a huge problem with this. Everyone - including myself - will probably have to amend our biographies a tad. I'm in the works of creating a general map of the world, which will label the green zones with respect to the yellow and red zones. Hopefully that'll be up this weekend. Arlear and IrishAngelQueen, other than amending your biography and birth dates due to the above, everything I've read so far looks pretty spot on.

I fixed the birth date. Not sure how you want me to fix the biography though. And sorry for the post so soon after the last one. My kindke fritzed on me and only posted half of the original. Fuckaduck.
Anima said
Oh I totally forgot to acknowledge your super unique replies Bunnita! Like IrishAngelQueen, it's entertaining to read them. Seldom do I ever see anyone type like that let alone bunny-esque words being thrown in here and there!IrishAngelQueen, though I'm having trouble following that last paragraph, go crazy :D! Also, I approve of your signature. The one Marilyn Manson song I like!

I know right? I am crazy. I follow it perfectly while you do not because im cuckoo. Also I know I love that song too. I love that movie!
Boys and girls of every age, would you like to see something strange? Come with us and you will sed, this our town of halloween. This is halloween thus is hallloween, pumkins scream in the dead of night! this is halloween halloween halloween…
I was very sincere Bunnita. They are very cute and that says something about you I suppose. Why would I lie about something that makes me smile? I wouldn't have a reason too. I get so sad sometimes, so it feels good to feel good. I must warn you though, I'm a bit of a Mad Hatter and I get offended at myself If I make sense 9/10 times.

Do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk? Oh look, there's a dirt mark in the shape of a rabbit on my screen. Shoo bunny dirt!
I wanna lose my mind, like a maniac and cross the line, cause I've gone cuckoo!
Thank you Anima. Bunnita do you know how cute your posts are? They make me smile.
Hey...This seems right up my alley.

Real Life
Name: Jinx Whiteriver

Birthday: November 12, 2040

Appearance: Jinx has long black hair down to her waist that she keeps in a tight braid, eyes as blue as the night sky. People have often referred to the color as what they imagined the sky in hell would look like. A jagged scar runs from her right ear down ti her chin from an unfortunate event in high scholl. While not exceptionally short, she isn't a gaiant either, standing at 5'7 & 1/2. She has a small frame like that of a dancer. She may look delicate, but she's tough as nails. Jinx tends to wear dark clothes and boots, those being the things she's most comfortable in and rarely wears dresses. Like maybe once in a blue moon.

Occupation: Jinx is a freelance artist and professional rollerblade derby girl.

Biography: She has led a fairly normal life, wuth the exception of a few odd times in her life when things were chaotic and during WWIII. She was born in a small coastal town in Ireland and stayed there until she was about ten years old when her family moved to Seattle in Washington. She went through elementary and middle school uneventfully until she was in 11th grade in high school. It was dark, and she was on her way home from art club when she was cornered by a gang of thugs. She was pushed up against the wall with a knife to her throat while they went through her backpack looking for money.

She was silent for a few minutes before she kneed the guy holding the knife in the nuts. The other guys tried to maul her but she was too quick for them, although the right side of her face got caught with a blade. It cut her from her ear down to her chin in a jagged line. She ran home to her mom and dad where they called the police and took her to a hospital to clean her cut. The thugs were found and arrested for attempted theft and assault and Jinx was determined to learn to defend herself. She learned Wushu and moved on.

A few years after graduation, her parents died in a car crash and Jinx had no more family as she was an only child. She moved on and took more art classes and eventually did drawings and sculptures for money and got into roller derby competitions which she really enjoyed. One time, during a competition, she broke her foot and had to heal before she could rollerblade again. She got bored and was going insane with the inactivity.
And then Dust came along.

Dust Persona
Alias: Maddin

Style of Play: She is a sort of Mad Hatter like warrior who confuses her enemis by shouting obscenities and nonsensical phrases and then takes advantage of their confusion by turning into a deadly wgirl of steel.

Appearance: Her stands a few inches taller than Jinx at 5'8 with long wine red hair and blue eyes with flecks of hazel in them.She is noticeably more slender than herself in the real world and has more muscle tone and felixibility. Tends to wear a black button down long sleeve, dark blue denim jacket and jeans, a dark blue scarf tied around her head and under her hair and calf high boots. Twin katanas rest in sheathes on her hips and asmall dagger strapped to her upper right arm. a blue mask covers most of her fac, except for the middle of her cheeks and down.
Winter felt like hiding and melted the ice after Chu's reprimand. She hid behind her hair and fought back tears. Suddenly she didn't feel like drinking anymore. She hopped off the table, took one last drink and walked out of the bar. How could she be so stupid? If someone had seen her doing her magic it could have taken a turn for the worse and everyone might get hurt. And It would be all her fault.

Maybe I shouldn't try for an adult in two days. I'm too childish to be considered an adult. How stupid was that, making an everice sculpture out in public and even after I heard about those guys. She thought bitterly. She tended to overreact but this time she genuinely felt like the worlds biggest idiot and she felt ashamed as well. She leaned against a building and slid down to a sitting position, noticing it was getting darker by the minute.
Winter laughed softly at herself and ordered an creamy Irish Rum. "And bring the whole bottle please." She added. She watched Chu and Aster in amusement, deciding to hop up and sit on the end of the table closest to the wall, her legs criscrossed. "I tend to forget how old I am and revert back to my childish habits." Her ice blue eyes turned dark. "Not that I can even remember my exact age anyway. I could barely remember my name a feww years back, let alone if I was an adult or not." She muttered.

She played with a piece of everice in her hands, absentmindedly shaping it into a celtic knot in the shape of a heart. "such is my lot in life." She sighed.
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