Avatar of SrslyAnArtist
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    1. SrslyAnArtist 3 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current Baby, I'm Back. I'm back bay-bee!
8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
I hate rubber bands. The kind they put in your mouth when you get braces. they fucking hurt.
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8 yrs ago
Still fucking bored
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9 yrs ago


I'm weird and love Adam Lambert.

Oh, and this, too.

I'm good with nicknames. My friend has short blonde hair, and it's really spiky. It sometimes makes him look like a shark when we're swimming, so I call him Sharkie or SharkBoy.

Most Recent Posts

Winter looked around, reading the labels on the bottles. Fire whisky, vodka, tequila...She licked her lips when she saw the bottles of Irish Rum. Rum was her favourite besides certain types of wine. She looked at the adults. "I'm allowed to drink right?" She asked, a gleam in her icy blue eyes. "I mean, just one bottle if Irish rum of whisky and I'll behave. I promise." She waited for their response, crossing her fingers.

Winter hoped they would say yes. It had been several months since the last time she drank and she was eager for her next bottle of rum ir whisky.
Sorry Silver. My mind was total mush right now.
Winter smiled. "I love it. Thanks." She examined it closely. "Damn you have an eye for detail." She praised. "It looks exactly like lick . I'm definitely keeping this."
Whats it called?
oh shit. yes i was. Im sorry. Whoops.
Sorry for not talking with you guys. Homework is the bane of my existence and my aunt keeps nagging me. For some reason she doesn't seem to believe that i actually get it done.

Winter: Gee I wonder why

Hey! I actually do my work.

Winter: Aww look, the child is getting indignant
"Dude that was cool." Winter said to Aksaja, shifting to her compact form. She grinned and put the glasses on, giving a thumbs up. She handed Chu the mask. "Now that I think about my fangs are kinda small. So I should be fine." She flushed. "Sorry for making a big deal out if it." She looked at the ground, embarrassed. She played with a ball of snow in her hands out of habit, shaping it into a dog not unlike the one they had just encountered. She offeres it to Aksaja, smiling at him.
"Yeah that should work." Winter rumbled. She twisted her long neck to look at the two males. "One of you is Aster and the other is chu. Clarify which is which please so I can decide who to prank first." She smirked. Then shooke her head, snowflakes drifting out of the ice colored mane on her neck. She walked around a bit,snowflakes making a trail as she tested the feeling of the two people on her back. She could hardly feel them. Which surprised her. She had no idea she was that strong.

"I can hardly feel you up there." She said, looking at them. "I wouldn't mind another rider. Then I might actualy remember you're there when I want to do a barrel roll." Then she remembered Chu's earlier question. "Kind of. When I went to the other villages it was always dark. So they couldn't see anything wrong." She explained.
Winter watched Chu's antics with amusement, laughing at his comments on not having to worry about thecdrinks being cold. She grinned then her eyes widened. "How will I hide my fangs or my slitted eyes?" She hissed in alarm. "I can hide my ears with a hat but my eyes and my teeth? I dont think i can do anything about that!" She growled in frustration. Then she turned to Chu. "You can ride on my back." She offered. She shifted into her dragon, her scales the color of wet ice.

Snowflakes fell from her scales as she moved around.
damn. I was really looking foward to this rp. Now it seems that it has died.

Shame that
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