Avatar of SrslyAnArtist
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    1. SrslyAnArtist 3 yrs ago
    2. ███████████████ 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Baby, I'm Back. I'm back bay-bee!
8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
I hate rubber bands. The kind they put in your mouth when you get braces. they fucking hurt.
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8 yrs ago
Still fucking bored
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9 yrs ago


I'm weird and love Adam Lambert.

Oh, and this, too.

I'm good with nicknames. My friend has short blonde hair, and it's really spiky. It sometimes makes him look like a shark when we're swimming, so I call him Sharkie or SharkBoy.

Most Recent Posts

Emmet O'Faollin

Emmet sat at his table, moodily picking at his food. He wasn't hungry, even though he knew he should be. He ignored the other Slytherins and just sat there. He was lost in thought, thinking of how his foster sisters were doing in their houses. He knew he should go make sure Roselle was doing okay, but he just couldn't muster up the energy right now. He looked up in disinterest when Headmistress Reynolds stood up and started speaking, then jumped in surprise as Dawna leapt onto his lap with a soft meow. he smiled and picked her up, letting her drape her orange body around his shoulders. He stood up with the others, but went over to the Gryffindors and tapped Roselle on her head. She looked up and smiled.

"Hey wolf, whatcha doin?" Emmet grinned.

"what, I canna check on my little sis?"
Emmet O'Faollin


December 10,





Blood Status

11" Cedar, Unicorn Heart-string core, Firm

Quidditch, Care of Magical Creatures, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Music, Singing, Drawing, and reading.

Losing, Humiliation, Rude People, Cooking, Boredom, Snobs



Place of Origin
Glasgow, Scotland


He never takes this off. it was a birthday present from Lucius
Scorpio McRae

Scorpio felt a little bit disconcerted as people stopped talking to him, his tail swishing back and forth, wondering if that was their subtle way of telling him to go away. Then he noticed the new girl. he went over to Deia and rubbed his great big head against her leg gently. he looked up at her, hoping he wasn't scaring her. besides other creatures like snakes, this was the only form he could shift into that was so big. he often switched between lion and snake most of the time, sometimes going after that deadly scorpion look that seemed so popular sometimes.

"Hello, lass." He purred. "i'm Scorpio, whats yer name?" He sniffed her, taking in her scent.
@Zoldyck yeah, the bell rang and i had to get to class. I'm working on it now.
Scorpio McRae

“Little ol’ me?” Graham said with that ridiculous accent. “Why, they call me Graham. Graham Turner. I guess I’m a pet vet without the whole tools or surgery part. I touch sick or injured animals, then they ain’t sick no more.” Dropping the accent, “What about you? I mean, I got the name part. Can’t say I’ll ever meet another Scorpio. Err...a person named Scorpio. I’ll probably meet another Scorpio. Waaay too many people into that whole astrology/horoscope mumbo-jumbo. Annnnywaaay, what do you do?”

"I shift into poisonous animals." He said. "Watch." he closed his eyes and concentrated. His form blurred, shifted, and then he was a king cobra.

"Sssee? i can alsso sshift into this," his form blurred once more, and his shape was that of a pale lion with black king cobra patterns in his fur. "I can't do a whole lot yet."
I'm in the same generation and I don't understand what they're saying either.
Scorpio McRae

“Toooony, ol’ buddy, ol’ pal.” Graham turned to the human Swiss army knife. “What’s the uh...whole sleeping situation around these parts? Do we just pick a bush? Or are we all in a big ol’ room, Full Metal Jacket style? If we need tents, I think I’m shit outta luck. Actually, if we need anything, I’m shit outta luck.”

Scorpio grinned. He liked this kid already, the way he rambled him reminded him of his little sister Valerica when she was on a roll.

"I might have a lot of stuff in me pack, but ye can bet I sure as feck didn't bring anything like what this guy," he jerked his head at Graham playfully. "Is talking about. Camping I can do, just not without gear." He dropped his pack and rolled his shoulders with a groan. That backpack may be small, but the way he packed everything made it possible to carry a lot.

"Bloody hell, that thing starts to really hurt after a few thousand miles," He grimaced when his shoulder cracked. "Ay, mate, what's your name? And what kind of powers do ye have? I've never met anyone else with powers til now." He asked Graham as he bent down to open his pack and pull out a titanium chain with a black scorpion on it. it was a gift from Ivan for his sixteenth birthday, before he died a few months later. He always kept it with him. He clipped it on and rotated the scorpion so the clap of the chain was in the back. Then he closed the pack and stood up, slinging it across his chest again.
Scorpio McRae

Scorpio grinned. Everyone here seemed to be pretty friendly, so far anyways. For all he knew, there could be some real assholes out there, he just hadn't had the displeasure of meeting one yet. Then was a powerful, white flash and Scorpio hissed, shielding his eyes with his arm. When he uncovered his eyes, there was a woman standing before them, dressed in robes that looked like they came straight out of a video game.

"Welcome," she said. "Welcome all. I am Vice Principal Nina Smith. I have been waiting for your arrival. I trust that everyone is in reasonably good condition? You did take a lot longer than expected."

"Nofing Dorian anf I coulfn't handlf. Tere waf a fight, I stopped it cush I'm aweshum." Said the mature-looking pretty teacher. She was talking with her mouth full. Not very mature in my opinion, Scorpio thought to himself.

"Ahem. A few students decided to have a little duel on the tram. No one was seriously injured, though someone broke their arm from some teleportation cuffs. Other than that, nothing serious." He lost interest in what they were doing after that and turned to Graham.

"Me name's Scorpio. Scorpio McRae, but ye can call me Scor if ye like."
Uh Irish I think you accident posted in the IC :P @IrishAngelQueen
-edit- Nvm you wrote more.

Yeah. had momentary writer's block.
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