Avatar of SrslyAnArtist
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    1. SrslyAnArtist 3 yrs ago
    2. ███████████████ 11 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current Baby, I'm Back. I'm back bay-bee!
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8 yrs ago
I hate rubber bands. The kind they put in your mouth when you get braces. they fucking hurt.
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8 yrs ago
Still fucking bored
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9 yrs ago


I'm weird and love Adam Lambert.

Oh, and this, too.

I'm good with nicknames. My friend has short blonde hair, and it's really spiky. It sometimes makes him look like a shark when we're swimming, so I call him Sharkie or SharkBoy.

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Roxan-What do you mean, Father? *Tilts head innocently, grinning*

Shush, Roxan, Let me handle this.
Tesvec(Astarte) and Roxan

Later, around ten o'clock that night, Roxan arrived on silent wings. Landing at the base of a tree in a crouched position, she noticed that her nails were more like claws, and had turned black.

My powers must be growing, she thought. Vestec warned me that this what happens, eventually. Straightening, she approached the dragon calmly and said quietly, "Don't startle yourself-tis only me, Roxan." She knew of a dragon's almost impenetrable hide, and wondered if it was impervious to her deadly touch.

If not, she decided she would remedy that.

Tesvec looked around, slowly stretching his wings. "Mistress Astarte would not like that, Miss Roxan-" He said with a shaky voice. It was sad and pitiful, seeing a mighty beast like him completely broken and tamed. "My offspring, they... They're the Mistress', she made it clear. She wouldn't like it if I gave them to you like that."

Roxan smiled. "I don't like grudges, especially when they are held against me. I'm here to offer your child safety from Astarte, and in return, you let me raise it all by myself." She hummed softly as she sat down and leaned against the tree, her arm resting on her right knee, which was drawn up while the other stretched out.

"Normally, I wouldn't risk pissing a goddess off, but I feel that this way would be better for both of us."

Tesvec looked around, slowly stretching his wings. "Mistress Astarte would not like that, Miss Roxan-" He said with a shaky voice. It was sad and pitiful, seeing a mighty beast like him completely broken and tamed. "My offspring, they... They're the Mistress', she made it clear. She wouldn't like it if I gave them to you like that."

Roxan's eyes glittered. Poor beast, he was so scared of the goddess, and to be honest, she didn't blame him. She thought for a moment.

"Aye," she agreed. "She wouldn't, would she? You could tell her that I stole them when you weren't looking, and it's very possible. My wings are that of a black owl, and everyone knows how silent owl wings are." She grinned. "it's not that unfathomable."

Tesvec shook his head, avoiding eye contact with Roxan, "It's not... It's not..." He nearly whispered. In a swift movement, he perked up and looked all around him, "Mistress?"

There was no response, and he turned to Roxan with emergency and pleading in his eyes.

"Take them. They're in a cave on the side of a mountain to the northeast of here. It's half a day's flight from here. You'll know where it is when you see the body of my mate, if it's still there."
Tesvec grew more agitated by the moment. He flapped his huge wings once, sending a gust of wind and dirt in all directions.

"Take them, the both of them, please. Take them far away from here, sell them if you will, just make sure the Mistre-" His voice cracked, and he choked up, "M-Make sure the Mistress doesn't find them!" Tears started flowing, and he stood tall. The moonlight reflected off his teary cheeks.

Roxan kneeled, like a knight, and bowed her head, fist over her heart, touched. Her once golden eye was now a dark amber color, serious as a gravestone.

"Don't stress, beastie," she said. "I'll not let any harm come to them. You have my word." She then straightened and pulled her glossy black wings out before giving a small jump into the air, streaking off toward the northeast mountain. She would not fail the Dragon, nor would she give the eggs to the goddess, though it could result in injury, or even death. Half a day's flight, she mused. It would be half the night, which would giver her more cover. Her wings would help keep her hidden because of the way the absorbed any light. After about two hours, she felt some kind of disturbance and knew that Astarte had found that Roxan had not showed. She smiled grimly.

Hours passed, and the mountain came closer and closer every minute. Finally, she reached a cave and saw the body of a dragon. And what a beautiful creature she must have been, once. She alighted on the stone warily, checking for signs of danger.

Nothing. She walked on silent feet, following the faint heat that seemed to emanate from somewhere. She had gone a few feet before the heat grew stronger, and she saw the eggs. They were beautiful. Shaped like oval stones, each one was at least a foot long, and colored in marbled patterns. One was slightly bigger, colored with dark blues and silvers, and the other was the color of starbursts; dark reds, oranges and yellows made her flick her hands, black flame coming from them to shape a skull inscribed with vines, her symbol of respect.

She came closer and picked them up, savoring their warmth. The flight there had been cold and windy. She felt the biggest one vibrate in her hands and knew it was close to hatching. Roxan pulled out her black stone and pressed her lips to it, thinking of the island.

She disappeared with a dark, silver and amber flash,laughing almost maniacally. She had pissed the goddess of magic off; it was exhilarating.
I know. I was working all yesterday and pretty much just went to bed when I got back. I just got home from work today.

i understand. Excuse my french, but-it's going to be a real bitch when i go back to school. New teachers, schedules, classes, oh boy.
I think you might need to update the character roster and such, seeing as how I want to start Layel and Lucatiel out in their dorms, but can't because they have not been assigned one yet.
Layel Ashblade

"No, Sire, I have no wish to rule. You may give that privilege to Lucatiel."


Sexual/Romantic Preference

School Year
College Year Two

Pro/Anti/Neutral Match

-Weapons Practice
-Tree climbing
-Solid Pink Clothing
-People Who Leave Their Trash In The Forest
-Being Told Who To Be

Hiking, dancing, swimming.

Losing His Loved Ones

Quiet, Calm, Fierce, and Protective.
Layel isn't one to pick a fight, seeing as how he's always somewhere peaceful. "Being outside is relaxing, and almost nothing in nature will hurt you, unless you are the one to antagonize them," he is fond of saying. Most times he does not speak unless called on in classes, feels the need to say something, or wants to have a conversation with someone he considers to be a close friend. When he does somehow get into a fight, he is fierce and will usually try to end it quickly.if someone he cares about is being threatened in any way, he will take measure to ensure that those threats aren't carried out, whether it is a peace spell, or protective wards; he doesn't really approve of violence as the solution to everything.

Born on the Spring Solstice, layel was always more attuned to nature than most, although he was not a Wood Elf. Even as a young lad, he expressed that he had no desire to rule to his father, preferring instead to pursue his hobbies and work on his Elemental control. When he was about five years old, his mother gave birth to his little sister, Lucatiel. After gazing upon his sisters peaceful face, he turned to his father with a serious expression.

"What is it, son?" Lord Adarë asked. "have you changed your mind about being heir?"

"No, Sire, I have no wish to rule," he replied. "You may give that privelage to Lucatiel." Lord Adarë smiled.

"Alright, Layel," he said. "But that does not mean you get to skip your lessons on how ruling works. your sister may need help from time to time, in the future." Layel grinned.

"I'll do my best, da."

When he turned thirteen, his father decided to send him to Ivy Wood Academy to mingle with other races.

He has a small piercing in each ear, despite his family's disapproval-although his parents don't really mind it.

Non-Human Information

High Elf-Highly skilled in magics of every kind, although some skills are stronger than others. High Elves are the Elf version of Nobility.

-Control over Water and Wind
-Sword fighting -Skill in Progress-
-Hand-to-hand -Skill in Progress-
-Archery -Skill in Progress-
-Excellent Dancer

Elven Information

Rank within the Elvish Court
Son of the Chief Warlord, Warrior-Mage

Natural Power
Control over the Wind and Water.

Magic staff that transfroms into a blade at will.

Lucatiel Ashblade

"I didn’t mean to shoot him in his foot. Much."


Sexual/Romantic Preference

School Year
High School Year One

Pro/Anti/Neutral Match

-Archery Practice
-Energy Drinks

Drawing, dancing, Archery.

Disappointing Everyone

Energetic, Bright, Fierce, and Creative.
Lucatiel is always doing something, and she does it with great exuberance and energy, sometimes coming up with creative ways to do it (like shooting Teradyne in the foot). She will sometimes paint random murals everywhere-the ceiling of the cafeteria, the headmaster’s door, the floor in front of the girls bathroom-as her way of making things more fun.

Born in the fall, Lucatiel was always seeing the colors in everything. Even when she was a young lass, she talked of the colors and would rattle of shades of greens and reds never thought to be possible. When she was about ten years old, she finally persuaded her parents to send her to Ivy Wood so she could see what school was like. Even though she was a natural born leader who would eventually rule, she got tired of the palace and went a little stir crazy. It also helped that she had accidentally shot Teradyne (the Royal Advisor) in the foot.

When she turned finally arrived, she spotted Layel and ran over to tackle him with a hug, making him smile.

“Did the palace finally get tired of you painting the walls bright shades of pink and brown?” he laughed.

“Yup, I think the mural of Teradyne getting shot by a flower, and dying, was the last straw,” she quipped.

Layel chuckled and showed her around.

She has a three piercings in her right ear and two in her left. Her mother is the Queen, although her father is Chief Warlord.

Non-Human Information

High Elf-Highly skilled in magics of every kind, although some skills are stronger than others. High Elves are the Elf version of Nobility.

-Control over Plants
-Archery -Skill in Progress-
-Hand-to-hand -Skill in Progress-
-Knife skills -Skill in Progress-

Elven Information

Rank within the Elvish Court
Daughter of the Chief Warlord, Heir to the Throne

Natural Power
Control over Plants.

Bow and quiver of arrows, and a matching short sword.

@ViolentViolet @Avanhelsing @ThatWeirdChick
Lucatiel Ashblade

"I didn’t mean to shoot him in his foot. Much."


Sexual/Romantic Preference

School Year
High School Year One

Pro/Anti/Neutral Match

-Archery Practice
-Energy Drinks

Drawing, dancing, Archery.

Disappointing Everyone

Energetic, Bright, Fierce, and Creative.
Lucatiel is always doing something, and she does it with great exuberance and energy, sometimes coming up with creative ways to do it (like shooting Teradyne in the foot). She will sometimes paint random murals everywhere-the ceiling of the cafeteria, the headmaster’s door, the floor in front of the girls bathroom-as her way of making things more fun.

Born in the fall, Lucatiel was always seeing the colors in everything. Even when she was a young lass, she talked of the colors and would rattle of shades of greens and reds never thought to be possible. When she was about ten years old, she finally persuaded her parents to send her to Ivy Wood so she could see what school was like. Even though she was a natural born leader who would eventually rule, she got tired of the palace and went a little stir crazy. It also helped that she had accidentally shot Teradyne (the Royal Advisor) in the foot.

When she turned finally arrived, she spotted Layel and ran over to tackle him with a hug, making him smile.

“Did the palace finally get tired of you painting the walls bright shades of pink and brown?” he laughed.

“Yup, I think the mural of Teradyne getting shot by a flower, and dying, was the last straw,” she quipped.

Layel chuckled and showed her around.

She has a three piercings in her right ear and two in her left. Her mother is the Queen, although her father is Chief Warlord.

Non-Human Information

High Elf-Highly skilled in magics of every kind, although some skills are stronger than others. High Elves are the Elf version of Nobility.

-Control over Plants
-Archery -Skill in Progress-
-Hand-to-hand -Skill in Progress-
-Knife skills -Skill in Progress-

Elven Information

Rank within the Elvish Court
Daughter of the Chief Warlord, Heir to the Throne

Natural Power
Control over Plants.

Bow and quiver of arrows, and a matching short sword.
It'd be great if you could add onto his personality a bit. Give him some depth and whatnot so he can be properly matched later on. Not quite accepted yet since I'm picky with everyone, so wait for the tell tale like or one of the others telling you you're good. As well, you're missing the lines in the coding [hr*] should have been between sections. As well I want to be sure you aren't going to be over pwoered - he is only twenty after all and thus has only lived a fraction of a human life span. He can't have 'mastered' anything at all yet. Even Drizzt D'Urden spent nearly one hundred years training before he actually fought anyone but Zaknafein. Additionally, I would like you to take it out of the hider and refer to my most recent announcement concerning balance.

Okay. I'll get on it. And i have seen the thing on balance, but i really think that he should be male. It wouldn't be fitting to flip his gender.

@ViolentViolet@Avanhelsing @ThatWeirdChick

Layel Ashblade

"No, Sire, I have no wish to rule. You may give that privilege to Lucatiel."


Sexual/Romantic Preference

School Year
College Year Two

Pro/Anti/Neutral Match

-Weapons Practice
-Tree climbing
-Solid Pink Clothing
-People Who Leave Their Trash In The Forest
-Being Told Who To Be

Hiking, dancing, swimming.

Losing His Loved Ones

Quiet, Calm, Fierce, and Protective.
Layel isn't one to pick a fight, seeing as how he's always somewhere peaceful. "Being outside is relaxing, and almost nothing in nature will hurt you, unless you are the one to antagonize them," he is fond of saying. Most times he does not speak unless called on in classes, feels the need to say something, or wants to have a conversation with someone he considers to be a close friend. When he does somehow get into a fight, he is fierce and will usually try to end it quickly.if someone he cares about is being threatened in any way, he will take measure to ensure that those threats aren't carried out, whether it is a peace spell, or protective wards; he doesn't really approve of violence as the solution to everything.

Born on the Spring Solstice, layel was always more attuned to nature than most, although he was not a Wood Elf. Even as a young lad, he expressed that he had no desire to rule to his father, preferring instead to pursue his hobbies and work on his Elemental control. When he was about five years old, his mother gave birth to his little sister, Lucatiel. After gazing upon his sisters peaceful face, he turned to his father with a serious expression.

"What is it, son?" Lord Adarë asked. "have you changed your mind about being heir?"

"No, Sire, I have no wish to rule," he replied. "You may give that privelage to Lucatiel." Lord Adarë smiled.

"Alright, Layel," he said. "But that does not mean you get to skip your lessons on how ruling works. your sister may need help from time to time, in the future." Layel grinned.

"I'll do my best, da."

When he turned thirteen, his father decided to send him to Ivy Wood Academy to mingle with other races.

He has a small piercing in each ear, despite his family's disapproval-although his parents don't really mind it.

Non-Human Information

High Elf-Highly skilled in magics of every kind, although some skills are stronger than others. High Elves are the Elf version of Nobility.

-Control over Water and Wind
-Sword fighting -Skill in Progress-
-Hand-to-hand -Skill in Progress-
-Archery -Skill in Progress-
-Excellent Dancer

Elven Information

Rank within the Elvish Court
Son of the Chief Warlord, Warrior-Mage

Natural Power
Control over the Wind and Water.

Magic staff that transfroms into a blade at will.

@ViolentViolet@Avanhelsing @ThatWeirdChick

Layel Ashblade

"No, Sire, I have no wish to rule. You may give that privilege to Lucatiel."


Sexual/Romantic Preference

School Year
College Year Two

Pro/Anti/Neutral Match

-Weapons Practice
-Tree climbing
-Solid Pink Clothing
-People Who Leave Their Trash In The Forest
-Being Told Who To Be

Hiking, dancing, swimming.

Losing His Loved Ones

Quiet, Calm, Fierce, and Protective.
Layel isn't one to pick a fight, seeing as how he's always somewhere peaceful. "Being outside is relaxing, and almost nothing in nature will hurt you, unless you are the one to antagonize them," he is fond of saying. Most times he does not speak unless called on in classes, feels the need to say something, or wants to have a conversation with someone he considers to be a close friend. When he does somehow get into a fight, he is fierce and will usually try to end it quickly.if someone he cares about is being threatened in any way, he will take measure to ensure that those threats aren't carried out, whether it is a peace spell, or protective wards; he doesn't really approve of violence as the solution to everything.

Born on the Spring Solstice, layel was always more attuned to nature than most, although he was not a Wood Elf. Even as a young lad, he expressed that he had no desire to rule to his father, preferring instead to pursue his hobbies and work on his Elemental control. When he was about five years old, his mother gave birth to his little sister, Lucatiel. After gazing upon his sisters peaceful face, he turned to his father with a serious expression.

"What is it, son?" Lord Adarë asked. "have you changed your mind about being heir?"

"No, Sire, I have no wish to rule," he replied. "You may give that privelage to Lucatiel." Lord Adarë smiled.

"Alright, Layel," he said. "But that does not mean you get to skip your lessons on how ruling works. your sister may need help from time to time, in the future." Layel grinned.

"I'll do my best, da."

When he turned thirteen, his father decided to send him to Ivy Wood Academy to mingle with other races.

He has a small piercing in each ear, despite his family's disapproval-although his parents don't really mind it.

Non-Human Information

High Elf-Highly skilled in magics of every kind, although some skills are stronger than others. High Elves are the Elf version of Nobility.

-Control over Water and Wind
-Sword fighting -Skill in Progress-
-Hand-to-hand -Skill in Progress-
-Archery -Skill in Progress-
-Excellent Dancer

Elven Information

Rank within the Elvish Court
Son of the Chief Warlord, Warrior-Mage

Natural Power
Control over the Wind and Water.

Magic staff that transfroms into a blade at will.

Of course
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