Hey, @Roecoon, I can show you how to turn those links in your sig into actual words. Just do this.
[url=your link here]Name of the rp[/url]
Example: Creepypasta High School
[url=your link here]Name of the rp[/url]
Example: Creepypasta High School
@IrishAngelQueen Lol, I feel you ma'am. You should download Plants Vs. Zombies on your phone and play it. It's free and I promise it'll fix your boredom problem! Or you can always join an extra rp, just make sure not to overwhelm yourself! I also like to browse Pinterest in my off time to plan what Nori is gonna wear next. :D
@IrishAngelQueen yes I'm afraid only one main each, cool CS though, hang on to it, we might work him in as a side character much later on.
@Narcotic Dollie The fact that Nick Weston was in your dream was flattering enough as it is, the fact that you had him use the word 'sweater kittens' makes me want to archive that post for all eternity.
Obligatory 'I-showed-up-to-work-naked' dream. You're welcome! :D
@IrishAngelQueen I like it, but I actually think we're only allowed one main character. Otherwise, I'd totally make DJ Dangermouse my second one. :D
Okay a couple of things.
1. I don't mind a shifter
2. Goth culture wasn't a thing until the 80's this RP takes place in the 70's I sort of feel like you didn't read the backstory.
3. This is an advanced RP, and honestly what I'm getting from your CS is not advanced level. I'd love to have more people join at this point because things have slowed down a lot and I'm worried about the RP dying (in part that is my fault sorry guys real life punched me hard recently (company closing, finding a new job, grandma-in-law died and a few other things that have messed with my free time)), but I don't feel like you're a good fit for this group. I am sorry.