Jake opened the door with his foot, and held out a drink saying "Whats up you big irresistible lu......." and then he kind of froze. He was shirtless, on his arms and chest were lighter colored then the rest of his skin, and Ryva couldn't help but notice that his upper body was really toned, but not in the I'm-using-steroids-kind of way. In the middle of his chest were oddly triangle shaped burn scars that made her wonder if he'd been abused, somehow, in his past. "By the way it was a bit of a dick move for me to pour that drink on you. I'm very sorry I just am really random when I drink and I can't sit still when there's conflict I have to put my two cents in or it drives me crazy." His voice brought her back from her musings, and a slightly pink tint colored her cheeks.
Ryva smiled. "That's alright, lad," she said. "I came tae apologize for being an ass at the cafe." She rubbed the back of her neck. "Do ye mind if me an' Moose come in?" For some reason her heart was beating a bit fast, like when she is about to go onstage and greet her fans. What is wrong with me? she scolded herself on the inside. All I know about him is his name, that he's a bit out of his mind when he drinks, and can't sit still when there's conflict. And two thirds of that is fresh new to me. I mean, we're all a bit slighted in th' head, but seriously, what th' feck? On the outside, she had a slightly embarrassed smile on her face, and her long brown hair kept getting into her eyes, forcing her to constantly tuck it behind her ear.