Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Oh, but Shrimp-chan! You’ll never make it into the Black Class with that sort of attitude,” Donna chimed in happily. “Now come this way, come, come! We need to get you all patched up before lunch. Oh ho, but you’re so short I think I can eat you myself!”

Donna led Minako behind the counter and into one of the many doors. Inside was a typical school infirmary room, complete with bed, couch, an examining table, a sink, and even a television set that sat suspended above the bedside. Actually, thinking about it, it was more like a hospital room than anything else but that comparison was soon lost as Donna motioned for the short girl to climb herself up on the examining table.

“Do you want some morphine or do you want me to just rip it right out Shrimp-chan?”

Away from the school infirmary, Rei was glad that Addie had made up her mind and finally picked a room. All the while, she continued to ignore Sayaka’s deluded and frankly disturbing vocal fantasies about her older sister. Instead, she merely grunted as Sayaka complimented her family’s inherited, er, sexiness, showing that she was at least paying some attention to her burned roommate.

“I don’t think the students are in danger anymore Addie-san. That’s not the way my sister operates and besides, I doubt they would want to test their incoming classes twice in the same day. Classes begin tomorrow so I assume they want us prepared for whatever that may bring.”

With that answered, Rei narrowed her eyes as Sayaka tried to skip out on hanging around by lying crudely and obviously. Sighing, Rei lashed out and grabbed a hold of the burned girl’s collar, slowly dragging her back into the dorm room and closing the door while she was at it.

“As much as I hate her, I’m not letting some damaged pervert try to do something to my sister,” Rei said, hauling Sayaka over to the living room area. “Besides, I think you really want a death wish because the Head Director will probably kill you before you could so much as visualize her with that dirty mind of yours.”

Back in the main control room, Saya turned to see Izumi enter forth. Only a few remaining staff were around, the rest having gone prepared their classrooms for tomorrow’s big day. With arms still crossed, the Head Director gave Izumi a cool look.

“Izumi. Looks like Donna and Kaede are busy with their tasks. Why don’t you do a quick security check on the campus?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sayaka felt herself going backwards and felt her feet dragging into ground, she soon noticed that Rei was pulling her back into the room and into the dorms living room, Rei began to berate Sayaka and the mummy girl squatted down as she listened to the girl berate her and Sayaka could tell that she Rei still cared a lot about Saya." Wow, I...I can see that you really do care about your sister." The burned girl said to Rei as she stood back up with a smile under her bandages.

Then Sayaka put her hands onto her bandaged cheeks and a tinge of red blush appeared on her bandaged face." And I can see that you care so much about me too, you just tried to stop me from possibly dying in front of your sister." Sayaka said to Rei." Even though your on the petite side, your still pretty cute and tight looking, but I do think you should drink more milk and eat some more protein to have those bad boys on your chest grow out and become a manslayer, but it's your body and your choice." Sayaka told her before getting onto an armchair and sitting in a squatting position with her hands onto her knees.


Izumi saluted to the red eyed woman."Consider it done ma'am." Izumi told Saya as she turned right around and sprinted out the same way she arrived into the security room, as she began leaving Izumi began wondering if Saya wanted to throw Izumi out of the security room and get rid of her, As Izumi got into the school hallways once again she passed by Rei, Addie, and Sayaka's room and left a mini vortex behind her as she sprinted past the room having the lockers break open and a trash can being thrown down and scattering trash along the floor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I'll do it my way to get into that Black Class, no matter what." Minako grumbled before following Shark-chan, she was getting kind of pissed of from being called short by her. You know Shark-chan, I can cut down your legs so that you're no longer mobile, this school really is pissing me off. They're all wimps. Minako climbed up onto the examining table as she held out her arm to her, honestly Minako was hating her at the moment but she needed this to be done so she can plan her next move. Minako grumbled when she was called Shrimp-chan yet again.

"It's Minako Tsukahara you brute." Minako sighed but then heard if she wanted the shot of morphine or it get ripped straight out. She thought a little before looking back to Shark-chan. "Just give me the shot." Minako said with slight confidence but mostly boredom, she just wants to find an Onii-chan but she has not found anybody yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

While Sasha originally thought that Katie's actions were more befitting a normal person instead of an assassin, these thoughts were also turned onto Lucifer, at his reaction regarding sharing rooms. Were these two truly assassins? Or were they sent here, oblivious to all?

"You can't bear the thought of being alone, having two wonderful ladies to yourself~? You would not know how many a young man would kill, to be in your position."

Smiling as she teased the boy, Sasha then couldn't help but to poke at the boy some more. Circling the boy, and walking closer, until she was all but leaning on the boy. Turning her head slightly, and whispered into the boy's ear.

"Ney, ney, how about this~? Wanna~ Eat~ Me~?"

With a sultry voice, she continued her fun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by White Feather
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White Feather Soul of a warrior / Feet of a Coward

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Lucifer Palaiologos

Lucifer shook his head as the American tried to justify them staying in the same quarters. It didn't matter if that was the done thing here, it was still highly inappropriate. Boys and girls do not sleep in the same room - full stop, end of story.
Part of him couldn't help but think maybe he was being a stick in the mud. It was an ideology that he had grown up with, yes, but it was one taught to him by old men who hadn't seen women in years. Was he the one being backwards, or was he justified in his stance? He pondered this for a moment before deciding that, in the end, his thoughts weren't going to change anything. He had been assigned a dorm with two girls, whether he liked it or not. He was just going to have to get used to it.

He was about to concede, reluctant as he was, until Katie slipped up - she said they were all girls here, even when she was looking right at him. He puffed out his cheeks and frowned, his face turning red "Ahem! I happen to be a boy, Miss Knox! What the hell? What gave her the impression that he was a girl? Did he really look, sound and act so effeminate that she just assumed he had to be female? He gave her a deathly glare as he continued talking

"It might be okay for people like you, Katie, but I feel a little more... what is the American word for it? Conscious of self? Something like that."
But then he sighed and conceded defeat "But I guess I don't have much choice in the matter. We should probably pick a room soon, by the way."

He walked up the corridor, opening up a couple of doors. The first one was occupied, the second one had a few bags in it, but the third one he opened was clear "This one looks okay!" he called to the girls.

Kate seemed to have lost her bag and Alexandra... he couldn't quite tell what the Russian was up to. She had a strange look on her face, like a mix of bemusement, humour and something else.

"You can't bear the thought of being alone, having two wonderful ladies to yourself~? You would not know how many a young man would kill, to be in your position."

He didn't like that tone. Not even a little bit. And that smile was nothing short of terrifying. The Russian started circling him like a shark, getting closer and closer with each loop.

"Alexandra? What are you doing?"

No answer. Instead, the Shark leaned lightly on her prey and put her lips to his ear.
"Ney, ney, how about this~? Wanna~ Eat~ Me~?"

Lucifer was unfamiliar with the metaphor, so he gave the Russian a confused look. What could she mean by eating her? He wasn't a cannibal, if that's what she meant. He was about to ask when his brain finally got it and the penny arduously, painfully dropped.




Lucifer.exe has encountered an error and is no longer responding. What would you like to do?

> Close program
> Wait for a response
> Restart Program

Would you like to send an error report?

> No
> No

Brain is searching for a solution to the problem. This may take a few minutes

Solution found. Restarting Lucifer.exe

Lucifer blinked. Then he blinked again. He stood stock still, unsure of how exactly to respond to such a proposal. He tried to think of something to say, but no words left his mouth. He didn't dare look Alexandra in the eyes. His eyes roamed, looking for something, anything to get over what just happened.
He may or may not have had a nosebleed.

His brain was struggling to choose an emotion - total embarrassment, healthy scepticism and clocking the Russian Shark right in the gills. It decided to go for a mix of the two former, leaving the latter for later if necessary.

"Hmph. Y-you're not that attractive, you know." he managed to splutter out, in a somewhat bitter tone. His cheeks had decided that pale wasn't quite in this season, so they adorned themselves in red. "Anyway, you wouldn't dare. You're just saying that to embarrass me. It's not going to work, Miss Mauk, not even a little bit."

With slightly more weight than was necessary, he stormed into the room, threw his bag onto the first bed he saw and turned back to beckon the other two in.
"Well, come on! Quit lollygagging! We've got lunch to go to!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sasha inwardly laughed. This boy's reactions were so innocent! Whether or not he was actually an assassin in training or just happened to be enrolled in this academy, she found someone fun to tease. She definitely gotten a positive reaction however, despite the boy's denial. That stutter did not help his cause, not one bit. To stand absolutely still, as if flash frozen, for a good length of time, that spoke volumes. Whether it spoke of her looks, or the boy's mentality, that was the question.

"To say I'm not that attractive, I'm kinda hurt." Despite her words, it was spoken with a teasing pout, before switching into a smile of satisfaction. "Though you say that it didn't work, and you're not going to be embarrassed, aren't you red?" Walking around, until she was standing in front of the boy, she leaned in her face only a foot from Lucifer's own, her hand reaching out to softly touch the boy on the cheek with her finger. "Right here~"

However, deciding that the boy probably had enough for now, she backed off wihtout waiting for a response. Turning to look at the cheerleader to the side, she smiled. "As for your problems, don't worry, I'm certain none of us will be so inclined to peep on each other, even if the door doesn't lock. Come on Katie, choose a bed!" While speaking, Sasha hurried into the room, before placing her bag on the bed closest to the window, before walking out. Slowing down just slightly as she was beside Lucifer, she couldn't help but to play just a bit more.

"Of course, if you would like a peek, I could always leave the door opened a crack~" Whispering such seductive words, she continued past the boy before turning around and waiting for her two roommates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Embalmer
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Katie tilted her head to the side as she stared at Lucifer for a moment. She didn't even seem to realize that she was getting a death-glare from the boy, but what she did realize was that Lucifer said she was a boy. That, that didn't make any sense at all. No boy would be put in a room with other girls. And more to the point, however as she pondered upon it. She came to a realization concerning the girl Lucifer. "Ooooooh! I get it now. E-erm, I uh, hope the doctor's visit goes well then for you Lucifer."

It all made sense now. However, there was still the problem of the fact she lost her bag. And it appeared that neither of her room-mates managed to see it. Then Alexis after an overly obvious flirting attempt, decided to speak to her. "Like! Oh! I'm still really gonna need a bag, or go shopping for more if I can't find them." The girl shook her head, and with an eager smile skipped on into the room, and tossed her pom poms upon a random bed that wasn't taken. "Kay! Chose mine!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Satus didn’t allow the comment from his roommate to stop his search, although he was right; there wasn’t much difference in any of the dorms, aside from slight changes in furniture placement, the rooms were essentially the same, but Satus revelled in looking at them anyway. His room in Mistvell was minimalistic and practical, so his threshold for what could pass as “suitable” was somewhat low. Whether the simplicity of his original living space stemmed from age-old traditions or to make Satus focus his attention on learning wasn’t really touched upon while he was there, nor would he try considering it now. The lunch announcement served to interrupt his train of thought anyway, in addition to his room-shifting.

"Attention all students of Riddle Academy. There will be an early lunch today. Lunch begins promptly in thirty minutes, regardless of what you are doing.
That is all.”

In spite of all of the searching he had been doing, he had failed to pick a room yet, while his supposed roommate had – and locked it, for that matter. Satus considered choosing a different room in response, but dismissed the idea rather quickly. It’d just cause problems later on for the school administration or something along those lines. He’d touch on the subject when he returned from lunch, hopefully there were more keys in that dorm – for both him and the third roommate.

With little else to do beyond that, Satus began to make his way to the lunch hall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Flatmates then," Mashuka said, climbing onto the top bunk by the door. "Lucky me, bet I'll learn plenty living around upperclassmen."

Leon tilted his head at the other boy. "Don't be too sure about that, amico mio," Leo grinned. "I'm not too sure I've learned anything I didn't already know at least a little bit about, academic wise. But school wise? Oh boy." The italian chuckled. "You'll learn so much." Maybe he was scaring the other one on purpose just a little bit, but hey-he'd never gotten to do it before now, so why not?

"Attention all students of Riddle Academy. There will be an early lunch today. Lunch begins promptly in thirty minutes, regardless of what you are doing.
That is all.”

Leon hummed speculatively. "Wonder what they've cooked up today," he commented, sliding out of bed head-first, only to twist in the air like a cat and land on his feet, with one arm spread for balance. His ankle still throbbed a bit from earlier. "Come on, ragazzi," he said, rising from his crouching position. "Let's go eat, sì? I'm hungry. Peccato che non servono Alfredo di pollo più spesso." He mumbled the last part to himself as he padded out of the room, heading for the cafeteria.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jun headed out after Leon, but kept his pace slow so that the middle eastern boy could catch up to them as they walked to the cafeteria. He was busy being... well, sparkly. That girl despite being a jerk before really was kinda cute. Then again, there were probably lots of cute girls here. He too had noticed the pattern of apathy among the students and he was glad he wasn't among them. He liked being happy, or at least wearing the facade that he was. As the trio headed out, Jun looked to the first year boy, speaking in his thick Korean accent.

"Come to think, how is it you are here at this school? Clearly you have interest in assassination, but you're awfully young and seem not from here like myself and he." He paused to gesture to Leon. "What brought your interest to killing other people for profit?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mcmolly
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Mcmolly D-List Cryptid

Member Seen 35 min ago

Mashuka heard the announcement for lunch and promptly hopped back down off of his bunk. There were be time to relax later, but somewhere deep down he figured the academy would offer better food than the scraps or gruel he was used to. He had a mental list of things he wanted to try, and his time in England had afforded him the opportunity to check off a couple, but a decent, hot meal would be a welcomed first.

As the three of them headed out into the hall, he found a smile creeping onto his face. Sure, things had been hectic so far, sure there might have been a bomb threat and one of the hall monitors might have tried to lobotomize him with a training sword. All things considered though, he was alive, among relatively nice -if at the very least peaceful- people, and about to have his first lunch at the place that, hopefully, he'd be building the foundations of an actual life.

Then Jun spoke up, and Mashuka turned his attention back to the present. Instinctively he wanted to shirk off the question as quickly as possible, there was little about himself that he wanted to bring up, but all the same it would have been rude to be curt, and thus far Jun had been nothing but hospitable to him, so he figured a little loosening of the screws couldn't hurt. "Oh, well I guess you could say it's a bit of luck, really, maybe fate if you believe in that sorta thing," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "To be honest I don't really know if I want to kill anyone yet. That's probably just my humanity talking, and given some of the other people I've seen so far, I'm sure a few years here will strip me of that. I have the skills required for this type of work, I guess I just need that refinement, y'know? Albeit a lot of it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by White Feather
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White Feather Soul of a warrior / Feet of a Coward

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Lucifer Palaiologos

"To say I'm not that attractive, I'm kinda hurt"

Lucifer knew it was a trick. He knew she was just trying to tease him. But somehow, with that damn pout and the vague quiver in her voice, she managed to make him feel guilty for saying what he said. His face fell slightly and he lost some of the embarrassed fury he had been overcome with, with regular embarrassment taking it's place. Even as she smiled, knowing she had him in a weak spot, he still felt bad.

"Though you say that it didn't work, and you're not going to be embarrassed, aren't you red?"

The Russian leaned in, as if about to steal a kiss. Lucifer wanted to back away, but he stood frozen to the spot. Damn this Russian! Damn her, and damn the American and damn this wretched school for putting the three of them together!

"Right here~" Alexandra gently caressed his cheek mockingly. Lucifer flinched. He hated to admit it, but she was right. He could feel the heat of a thousand suns burning their way through his pale skin. He was surprised that the girl could stand to be this close, much less how she was able to touch his cheeks without sustaining a third-degree burn.
Alexandra turned on her heels to go get Katie, so she probably couldn't hear his sigh of relief. He was going to die if he had to stay in the same room as those two for the rest of the year. Not a nice quick death, either - a slow, painful one, probably caused by blood loss as only three parts of his anatomy would receive any degree of blood flow, two of them being his cheeks. No prizes for guessing the third.

"This... this is exactly why boys and girls shouldn't share a room." he muttered unhappily. He would spend one night in this room. Tomorrow, he was going to talk to the management and see about getting a dorm more suited to one of his disposition.

"Hey, Katie, I hate to bring this up but what are you going to wear in the meantime? You can't really sleep in your uniform, can you?" he half-hoped Alexandra would offer to share some of her clothes with Katie should the need arise. It was unlikely, but the alternative was either sleeping in her current gear (eww) or sleeping in her underwear (Out of the question). However, there was a significant difference in the two girls' frames and it was unlikely Alexandra's clothes would actually fit Katie.

When they had all picked their beds (Crestfallen, Lucifer realised he was in the middle bed. He didn't even have a nice wall to turn to without one of the girls getting in the way.) they went to make their way out. But Alexandra - of course - decided to play with Luci a little more.

"Of course, if you would like a peek, I could always leave the door opened a crack~" She whispered sultrily, before sashaying past him. The humiliated fury that had faded before came bubbling to the surface and he just couldn't stop himself.

"O-oh yeah? What makes you think I'd want to look at you in the shower, or on the toilet? J-just because you look pretty, it doesn't mean I'd want to... do things to you! A-and anyway, you're just saying that! I bet you wouldn't even think about it! I dare you to do something like that! You wouldn't, I just know it!"
"Why are you saying such embarrassing things, Alexandra? I don't like being teased..."

He decided to look over the "Doctor's appointment" comment of Katie's for now. Clearly his gender was too much for her to handle right now and he didn't want to worry her, especially if he was getting a new room tomorrow. No need to make the poor girl panic
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 7 days ago

"Well then, if you don't want my help..." Addie said after Sayaka turned her offer down "please tell me if you ever change your mind" she added, still hopeful that the bandaged redhead would indulge her.

When Rei dragged Sayaka back into their room and they began to talk about how Sayaka seemed to have a big crush on Rei's sister Saya, but Rei disapproved of their relationship, Addie kept quiet, since it had nothing to do with her. Still that didn't do any good to help her not think about said relation ship "SaSa, huh? Isn't that just like a bamboo?" the lavander haired girl muttered unconsciously.

Now, free of her weird daydreams, Addie nodded when Rei told her that very much probably no one would be hurt during lunch "If you say so, I'll believe you" and with a tiny hop, she jumped off of her bed and turned to her roommates, before saying "Let's go, then. Maybe they have something special for us? To apologize for earlier?" However, once she stepped out of their room, Addie's world froze...

When she set her eyes at the trash covered corridor (actually, there where only a few papers here and there, but...), Addie couldn't help but go around and try to pick every piece of it and throw them agin on the trash bin, if no one of her roommates stopped her, Addie would spent the next ten minutes or such trying to catch the papers, effecitvely squandering their chance to arrive early and get good spots at the cafeteria.

Meanwhile, at the dining hall...

The first students to arrive would be graced with the figure of Maid!Kaede as she welcomed them in the specially prepared hall, with all the grace and lethality expected of a true ninja maid "Good morning, master. What may I help you with?" she said as she handed everyone a menu with and helped them to their tables with a speed that was almost impossible to follow, though from the security room, her trickery was obvious. It wasn't that Kaede was super fast, but rather that she used her powers to trick other minds into believing she was fast.

Once Jun's group finally arrived, Kaede said "I have a special table to you, please follow me." Once she helped them to the table, Kaede handed them the menus "I hope you like sushi, that's our chef's specialty." then, she lowered her voice a bit as she said more specifically to Jun "Please, be aware that I'm not on the menu, though" once again using her scarlet scarf to hide her reddened cheeks.

As Kaede waited for their answers she kept an eye on whoever was yet to arrive and coordinated the lesser maids with the utmost grace and efficiency, keen to her title of ultimate female bodyguard, AKA Ninja Maid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Saya was frowning. It was the average expression that seemed to always grace her visage so it was difficult to tell when the Head Director was either thinking about something or if she was simply going about her day. At the moment though, it turned to be the former. She had sensed them long before her staff had informed her of the intruders. And quite frankly, she was wondering what took her attackers so long this time.

As with any powerful corporation, the Yakuza couldn’t be completely purged from this world. The Red-Eyed Ghost could only keep killing them off so much before they began to become a nuisance. Even now they still thought they could drag both her and Rei back to whatever base of operations they had now and deliver unto them a swift and bloody execution. They were little more than insolent swine in Saya’s opinion.

A small group of them were discovered, each a trained ninja of sorts. Saya had to sigh inwardly at the plain tacky approach her former employers were using these days. Really? Ninjas? Even so, they needed to be dealt with; she didn’t want her past demons to interfere with the prospect and growth of the Academy and its students. Her staff gathered around, they merely treated the intrusion as just another protocol.

Besides, Saya had already sent someone to dispatch the school of these fools. That was the true purpose of Izumi’s patrol after all. In fact, the group of enemy assassins would be stumbling upon her position at any moment now, unbeknownst of the dark fate that awaited them. That taken care of for now, the Head Director flipped on the PA switch and spoke into the intercom.

In the infirmary, Donna grinned widely as Minako agreed to take the morphine shot. Good, because the sharp-toothed girl would have taken as much glee as she needed to rip the bullet out messily. Though there was some disappointment there that had to be ignored for now. Running back and forth in a flash, she produced a small needle and injected the substance in Minako’s arm after first cleaning up the indicated vein.

“Now this will hurt just a tiny bit Shrimp-chan. Even with the morphine so be a good girl for me and don’t scream too loudly~”

Snickering to herself, Donna gently dug her fingers into the wound and plopped the bullet out of Minako’s arm. One had to wonder if she was even qualified to do this kind of stuff to other students. But she had done the procedure without killing her so she couldn’t have been all that bad. Right?

Back in the dorm room hallways, Rei shook her head to deny both Sayaka’s motion of her actually caring and the idea of her being cute. Coming from the perverted mummy, she didn’t know if that was a compliment or something to put a bullet in her head for.

“Whatever. Just don’t grope me in the middle of the night,” she muttered before following Addie outside and towards the cafeteria. Quite honestly, her stomach was grumbling and she was ready to eat whatever the Academy had prepared for them. So it was to be expected then that Rei only sighed in annoyance at the trail of garbage along with Addie’s expression.

Not wanting to waste their only lunch time for the day, Rei gripped onto Addie’s collar and gently began to drag her away from the trash and in the direction of the cafeteria. A whole ten minutes were spared that way and the trio were able to find half-decent spots in what turned out to be a massive cafeteria. Taking out a gun, Rei shot two bullet holes into their decided table to mark it as theirs before she joined the other two at the lunch line.

It was then when Saya’s message bleeped to life on the intercom system.

"Attention all students of Riddle Academy. There will be a new student joining us for the school year at this time. Please greet Second Year Charlie Walker with a warm welcome. Location of housing has yet to be decided.”

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Charlie Walker

Walking through the school, it's hair was in a braid and it couldn't help but not understand what the actual hell it was doing here. It "woke" up walking and all it remember was a mission in which it didn't have a clue who gave it to it, when it was given and why it was given, now it was walking through the halls after talking and meeting with the headmaster, a very...interesting women, had it been a regular person, it might have even been intimidated but it could tell the headmaster was different from a lot of people here, which meant something. While it was walking, it tried to pull up everything it could find on what the school was, where they were, but it got no results, like the school was either being hidden or it was just not on the map. Whatever it was here to fit in not question why it was here, just weird none the less.

Walking through the halls, it was told to go to the lunch room, but it didn't really have a need for food, maybe it was just going watch people and see how they act. As it entered, the headmaster announced they had a new student and it felt like people were staring, simply walking over to a table with bullet holes in it, it was confused with why those were these, but none the less it simply took a seat and put it's hands in its lap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Izumi soon made her way up to the roof of the school during her patrol and on the roof were the ninjas, the second they got a look of Izumi a thunder clap filled the air followed by a bright flash of lighting in the sky and it began to rain almost like something in an old fashioned noire movie or action movie.

The ninjas kicked the security guards around and knocked out a couple. It was a good thing that Izumi arrived the moment she did or the Ninjas would've probably killed the guards, when one of the ninjas unsheathed a kunai from a thigh belt, the stoic woman ran in and kicked the Ninja that was about to execute a guard, and landed in the middle of the group of Ninja.

The stoic woman then delivered an elbow to the throat of one of the ninjas stunning him, then she reversed headbutted another ninja, one of the ninjas unsheathed a sword from their back and began swinging their sword at Izumi, but the stoic teen just dodged the swipes and caught the blade with both her hands, when he tried to hit her with an over head swing, she then kneed the ninja in his lower jaw and punched him in the nose and he staggered off of the roof and took a quick trip to the ground, the Ninja with the Kunai tried to stab Izumi with it but she stopped him by grabbing his wrist and twisting his arm to an odd position.

The ninja let go of his Kunai and it fell right into Izumi's hands for her to use, she then stabbed him with his own blade, the ninja that was hit in the throat earlier recovered from his injury and tried to punch Izumi but the punch was intercepted by one of the formerly incapacitated guards who managed to get back up after his beating, only to be put back down on the floor with a single punch.

Izumi used the distraction to quickly take down the Ninja, breaking his arm and stabbing the kunai into his back before finishing him off with a knee to the face and knocking him face up onto the ground and the knife pushed up through his body and poked up through his chest, the last that took the reverse headbutt from earlier witnessed Izumi's fighting prowess and decided to run when she turned towards him, and dove off the side of the roof to possibly escape, Izumi looked off the edge to see the ninja running away from the scene like a coward.

Soon one of the guards got up and before he could speak Izumi gave him an order." Wake up your cohorts and bring them to Saya's interrogation room before the extended lunch ends, and make sure no one sees you, wrap them up in rugs if you can and use the excuse that you are putting them in the basement if someone ask what you are doing and stops you." She told them. The guard nodded before waking the other guards up." Thank you ma'am, and understood." All the guards on the roof began to clean up the scene like the fight never happened and took care of the body on the ground.

-Meanwhile in the Hall and lunch room of solitude-

Sayaka knew that under her stoic expression she cared deeply about both of them, she followed behind Rei seeing all three of them as a little team like out of that ninja anime or manga, when Rei told her not to grope her in her sleep." Don't worry I won't if you don't ask, and since I don't sleep, I'll just watch over you both and keep you both safe." She said to the blue haired girl sounding as if she had Rei's back.

She watched as Rei pulled Addie along trying to stop her from cleaning the entire hall way due to her odd OCD taking over her brain and trying to make the hall perfect in her eyes, Sayaka sighed and just stayed quiet as they made their way to the canteen and when they arrived Rei fired a gun at a table and put two holes into the table, Sayaka turned to Rei and started to berate her." Rei !! That table had a family, and you just killed it in front of it's friends and family !" Sayaka yelled to her as she and Addie stood in line and Rei joined them.

Suddenly a girl sat at their table that Rei marked and Sayaka pointed to the girl." Hey Rei someone stole the dead table you killed a second ago." she pointed out to the blue haired girl and tried to focus Rei's attention to the girl or boy that stole a spot at their table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Minako watched as Shark-Chan flashed over and back with the needle and morphine. With no notice for Minako, the morphine shot went into her arm, she bit down on the sides of her cheeks to distract her from the needle. When the needle was taken out, she had already started to feel the side effects, one of them being a slight drowsiness to start off with. Minako was then told not to scream too loud, she widened her eyes a little at the statement as she felt fingers going into her wound.

"Ouch..." Minako whispered to herself as she closed her eyes tightly continuing to bite on the sides of her cheeks. Minako then felt the bullet pop out as she opened her eyes to take a look at her arm. It was awkward for her to take a look at somewhat of a hole in her arm, she then took a look back up at Shark-Chan. "Thanks to that dumb blue head this happened to me..." Minako said as she stopped biting on the side of her cheeks, she started to grit her teeth, she looked back down to the wound as she sighed.

Say, what if I do actually plant a bomb here? Minako thought and snickered to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 7 days ago

Riddle Academy - Cafeteria


Kaede listened to the whole situation with the Yakuza attack and how Izumi was fighting them on her own in the rooftop. "I wanted to be there with you, but I have to keep theother students safe..." Kaede said over the intercom making a brief pause before finishing with "Come back in one piece or I will not forgive you, Izumi" Kaede said over the intercom, despite all their disagreements Kaede considered Izumi a sister and if those Yakuza hurt her in anyway "I'll hunt them to the depths of hell" the sound of her whispering was muffled by her scarf, though, so no one should have heard that semingly non sequitur.

Kaede's attention was snapped back to the cafeteria when she heard gun shots coming from the entrance. She wasn't surprised to find that they came from Saya's problem sister, Rei, though. With a swift move (or rather a well placed illusion), Kaede was in front of Rei, and had disassembled her pistol in the meanwhile "Riddle Academy Student Handbook; Rule 1, paragraph 7: 'No dangerous acts are permitted within the living wards unless permission is given by the Head Directo or an emergency arises.'" Kaede said while opening said handbook and pointing the rule to Rei "I believe you received a copy of it too, haven't you, Momoko-san? Please, heed to it next time, unless you want to face the disciplinary comitee's punishment."

With that said, Kaede did a well rehearsed curtsy and bow "Well then, young ladies, what may I help you with?" she said while motioning them to their table, which was already occupied by Charlie "I'm sorry, young miss...ter? But would you mind sharing tables with these ladies? Also, if there's anything I can do for you don't hesite to say it." She bow again before leaving, all the while throwing a long glance at Addie.


"Kya!" Addie cried when she was suddenly startled by Rei's haphazard shooting "W- why did that?" she asked while still quite a bit shaken.

However, before any of them could do anything else, a mysterious looking maid appeared in front of them holding a guidebook and berating Rei for shooting randomly inside the school living area. This time, Addie had to agree with the maid, in that Rei's behavior was way too dangerous, though the way the maid kept stealing glances of her, even as she followed her routine couldn't do anything but make Addie feel very uneasy and self-conscious.

Addie gave off a sigh of relief, once the mysterious maid left them in the company of cute boy... or, was she a girl? Not that the quirky lavender haired girl minded that, anyway... Nevertheless, Addie blinked once or twice, fidgeting nervously before talking to the cutish trap "H- hi! Can we, hmm... sit here?" she asked, while a slight blush graced her face "Oh! Sorry, we didn't introduce ourselves first. I'm Adelia Accel and these are my friends Rei and Sayaka-san." Addie said, before falling silent, waiting for the otokonoko's reply.

Meanwhile, somewhere on the dimly lit, damp passages that lie under the main building of Riddle Academy...

Riddle Academy - Basement B2


A mysterious blonde girl, wearing a custom school uniform prowled the tunnels very causally, despite their inherent creepiness, listening cautiously as the droplets comming from the pipes hanging precariously overhead hit the puddles of stagnant water covering pretty much all the floor.

"Man, I think this place needs a better plumber, 'cause the current one sucks" She said mockingly, despite the fact that she was literally buried way over her head in hostile territory "Anyway, where was that secret storage, again? This damn thing doesn't work underground, shitty piece of crap" the mysterious blonde said, pocketing her cellphone, after being sure that it would get no reception deep underground.

"Oh, well... I guess I'll have to do it the hard way, then" the girl, who sure was way too fond of talking to herself, said after retrieving the PDA that she stole from a guard that was being sent to the infirmary and checking in the basement map, though it was hardly of use, since it had no data on the section she currently was in. Still, she was able to have a small idea based on the distribution of the air vents and the service tunnels on the floor above.

"I hope those old geezers at the director's board really give me that one week trip to Hawaii after this job, 'cause I'll sure as hell charge them extra..." The girl said, before disappearing further within the shadowy galleries.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Charlie Walker

Charlie turned it's head and looked at the maid who was disciplining the student who had apparently left bullet holes in the table. Looking at the table it began analyzing the holes "Those were shot from an FN Five Seven...standard gun it seems with a lot of people in this field, not my choice of pistol but it is a solid choice. Why would they shoot at the table however?" it looked under the table and saw nothing "There was no person there...so...what was the purpose of shooting it like this? It almost seems like they were going for the bear making their territory approach...this could be a problem if they were making their territory, how shall I approach this? Making make a bigger mark? no that could cause scolding...I will apologize and act accordi-" turning it was going to start moving but it seemed the maid approached it.

Charlie nodded and bowed slightly "Thank you for your kindness..."

Then it hit it like a wave, looking up the maid had left but what remained was a girl who was extremely...adorable? "a·dor·a·ble, it's an adjective...means to be inspiring great affection; delightful; charming...how is it possible I just have experienced thinking this word...about someone else none the less..." it stood and shook it's head "No, I do not mind if they sit here, actually truth be told...I had wrongfully taken the seat, I do not like conflict so I shall move, my apologies" it bowed in apology before standing and turning, thinking for a second "What was that? Why did I just...what? I could have easily just remarked the table but my head made me say something else, what on earth is happening right now? I have killed countless people, witnessed horrible things, and I am experiencing attractions? What is happening..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sasha couldn't help herself but to giggle aloud, as she heard the boy attempt to respond with an uncaring attitude. Obviously nothing more than a facade, a paper-thin one at that too, if his stuttering was any sort of indication. However, for someone to continue to resist themselves against her words, it was quite intriguing. Despite the fact that she was obviously playing around and not actually aiming to manipulate the boy, she still felt like it was an amusing challenge, or game.

"Oh my, so it seems that you are confident in yourself. Careful now, else I just might call that little bluff of yours~!"

Teasing the boy once again, she walked closer and leaned towards the boy once more. "You know, there's nothing wrong with being attracted. All you have to do is take a chance, and take charg-" However teasing her actions and tone were, it was cut short by a cute growling sound, with Sasha's face becoming tinged with a lovely shade of pink.

Quickly stepping back, the Russian backed off from the boy. "Eh....shall we get going?" Somewhat knocked off pace by the betrayal of her own hunger, she fidgeted slightly while breaking eye contact with Lucifer, her face still dyed that same shade of pink.
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