Nobody has posted in two-no-three days.
I am thoroughly impressed.
I am thoroughly impressed.
If he gets on, then of course.
But until he gets on, if he does (there are plenty of cool people that I've known that just stop showing up), then I'd say she's alright. She's not anything special, in that she doesn't have any gamechanging traits, nothing radical or over the top.
Don't thank me-
I'll be saying that's 4/6 aye, and so majority says aye.
You're in, @IrishAngelQueen, methinks.
Got a post up for Anouk aswell.
And @IrishAngelQueen, as said in the PM there were still some issues to your CS. If those are fixed then I guess we can accept her.
<Snipped quote by IrishAngelQueen>
Works for me! Though most of the Dragon Knights went with Viscardi, and I leave the rest up to you.
@IrishAngelQueen XD Arty disproves that stereotype extremely. And awesome, I have some Irish in me myself but I have never been to Ireland myself unfortunately
Also I think I will hold off of posting for a bit, I think that is the rule any way
@Narcotic Dollie XD Tell me about it, poor guy seems to have the worst luck ever