we'reeee bacccckkkk

we'reeee bacccckkkk
Alright that sounds cool. And IAQ, it's up to you how you want to make your entrance, whether you sneak in to watch or if it's ok with Snar, you could be a student that have already been part of that school for a year like My student character Imarir, coming to help.....
<Snipped quote by IrishAngelQueen>
Great, glad you like the suggestion.
I also added this sentence, "The year is now 2090, seven years after Extraterrestrial Incident One. Extraterrestrial Organism Four approaches..." to the end of the backstory so you can know how long ago the devastating Incident One was, and maybe use the effect it had on your character's life seven years prior as part of your backstory.
Also, @KatherinWinter, Rixon is accepted and you can add him to the Character tab, you can always edit later is the need arises.
@IrishAngelQueenYes of course we just wanted you to know how we felt about your character.
@IrishAngelQueen Sorry for the wait, but me and my CO-GM's have decided that while your character is great. We can't have you be the son of Satan, we will allow you to be an artificially created deamon, but we cannot allow you to be the son of Satan. We feel that it would just make your character seem a little overpowering compared to the others, we apologize for he inconvenience of having to wait but we took a rather long time to how do I put it, find an outcome suitable for everyone. I suggest that you keep the artificial deamon part but change who created him, like say a crazed cultist leader with magic created him or something along those lines. And again we apologize for the wait.