Avatar of Stargazer6225


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current merry crisis
1 yr ago
Last couple months have been weird. Dealing with a partially dislocated jaw on top of other medical issues. I'll try to catch up with posts soon. Sorry.
1 yr ago
TIL that your approval rating with Lae'zel only needs to be 'Fair' for her to want to jump your bones. Very unexpected.
1 yr ago
I've fallen down the Baldur's Gate 3 rabbit hole and I fear I may never climb my way back out.
1 yr ago
merry crisis


If you can't differentiate between fiction and reality, then we're not going to get along very well. Claiming someone must be "toxic" IRL because the character they're writing is an asshole shows you've not matured enough to be engaging with anything beyond My Little Pony or Care Bears.

I don't touch group RPs, for a variety of reasons. 1x1 or nothing, amigos.

Most Recent Posts

Nothing quite like sleeping through most of the weekend due to a stomach bug. Whee.
Fever-induced insomnia bump. Yeehaw.
Quick lil' bump, 'cause insomnia.
All I ask is that you don't waste my time. If we have something going, and you're just not feeling it anymore, speak up. We can either work it out, or I can move on.

That being said, if we had plans to do something and you fell off due to real life stuff, I am still open to picking up wherever we left off.​

Heya! Name's Alex, or Star. Whichever you prefer, really. 30+, any pronouns, CST timezone but up at odd hours thanks to insomnia and a few other factors out of my control. Decided to revamp this, as I've been having two specific fandom cravings. Also one celebrity face-claim craving, because I'm extra lame.

First up is the fandoms.

1. Resident Evil - Games or Anderson films, I'm looking for Albert Wesker to pair with one of my OFCs. Got a weakness for Shawn Roberts's adaptation for various reasons, but I'm more than fine with the OG!

2. Gargoyles (yes, the cartoon) - Owen Burnett, and by extension Puck, to pair with an OFC.

Now for the one celebrity face-claim:

Shawn Roberts. Yeah, big surprise there, huh? This would preferably be OCxOC, given that celeb-play tends to just... eh. I dunno, I can't say it creeps me out, but I don't really enjoy it much. I'm not picky about his appearance overall, so that and who (and/or what) he is, is entirely up to you! Setting is up in the air, so it can be fantasy of any flavor, sci-fi, or some sort of simple little slice-of-life.

Alrighty, onto the rest I suppose.

I'm seeking MxF for myself, but I am willing to double whatever pairing you'd like for yourself. Keep in mind I'm not super experienced with FxF or MxM.

Only interested in long-term, and I expect romance and smut (that does not fade-to-black), but I need a story, and I need it to feel "organic". While I'm not opposed to sparks flying early on, I definitely need it to feel right.

So far as the fandoms are concerned, headcanons are more than welcome, as I don't tend to adhere to source material 100%. I have no set-in-stone plots for either fandom, or for the face-claim, so we'll need to brainstorm.

And of course, 18+/21+ only. That goes for you and the characters involved. I feel like that shouldn't have to be said, but sometimes... people try to slip by.

If any of this appeals to you, feel free to PM me here, or add me over on Discord: Stargazer#6225
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