Avatar of Stormyx


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4 yrs ago
Wishing a relaxing weekend for everyone. Take some time to be kind to yourself, to unwind, and to have some rest. <3
6 yrs ago
I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
7 yrs ago
There was an explosion at a cheese factory in France. De-Brie everywhere.


that elder scrolls / mass effect roleplayer

I put a spell on you

“I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.”

Most Recent Posts

Great post @Hound55! Worth waiting for :)

I'll get a post up very soon!
I'm going to wait for Hound to post - everything is happening all at once!

Eilidh to the bot - "please knock me out"
Aaaah, fuck it.

Woah this is cool! :D
She may feel a similar chill down her spine but wouldn't think to associate that with him so is just assuming it's everything else.

Eilidh earlier: "everyone please come home."

Eilidh now: "everyone please leave. This is too much headache."
I've been a busy bee too, but loving the posts that are coming in! Take your time and feel no rush (: I think we're all stoked to be back and happy to control the pace.

Connor trying to sneak in hmmmmmm..... Eilidh may sense him around. Although she may be distracted by the gunshots. Whew!
Getting my post done tonight as my work day isn't as hectic.

I mean it doesn't really matter to anyone else quite yet but... if anyone's waiting for the next segment of Conors sad story.

Personally I can't wait for the emotional terrorism
Eilidh: can sense someone waking up from a two year coma

Also Eilidh: can't sense that someone has been watching her sleep
While listening to the newcomer, Eilidh felt the bright and vibrant presence of Kali as she approached. She offered a slight smile and wave as the woman approached, noting too the change in the stranger's mood as she entered. That dark, brewing storm inside him had quelled. Curious, she thought with humour trailing it.

"Lincoln... Do ye like Link?" she asked after a moment.

"We can help," she began. Red wasn't going to like that. Eilidh was quick to judge, but she had keener senses for lies and other tells than he did. He'd need to be set at ease, he'd need to be allowed to ask his own questions too.

"But ye have tae be honest with us about anything that's happened."

She brought the cup of tea to her lips, eyes staring idly out across the room over the rim of it as she took a quiet, thoughtful sip.

She was about to speak again, when she was interrupted by a sharp, phantom pain in her head and the disruptive sensation of ringing between her ears. She winced at it, instinctively shutting her eyes tight to try and block it. As quickly as it happened however, it slipped back to itself and away - leaving Eilidh's mind clear again. Her head tilted and she gripped the cup a little harder, letting the warmth from within it flood through to her hands.

"Errr, I... We might just want... Understanding, of what happened before... but yes. Help, yes we can help."
an expression plastered on his face that Link could only assume belonged to feelings of constipation.

@Lord Wraith

This cracked me up. Good job, I love Link haha.


Congrats on 100th post, and welcome back Fearless GM!

Question, or rather, a thought that I've had - is it plausible that Eilidh could "notice" Julian is awake - due to some psychic/connection/timey wimey stuff? Maybe she gets hit with a weird headache out of nowhere in the Tower scene and isn't sure why? Just a thought I had! Let me know what you think and I'll get a post going c:


:D so much activity!

and for me... so much real life!

I'll get a post in soon c: I'm still buzzing that this is going.

Seconding the idea of more of a casual, villain of the week/character driven RP - that's definitely what I came back for - more of these rich interactions. I'm looking forward to what the returning members cook up for new characters for sure :)

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