Dr Harper Diane Kinsley
43 | Human
11 | Good boy

43 | Human
11 | Good boy

Intelligence: 10 | Perception: 9 | Luck: 6 |
Agility: 5
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 3
Strength: 3
Agility: 5
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 3
Strength: 3
Proficient: Medicine | Science | Survival
Other: Repair - 3 | Unarmed - 2 | Melee - 2 | Throw - 2 |
Other: Repair - 3 | Unarmed - 2 | Melee - 2 | Throw - 2 |
A natural intellectual, her way of thinking offers a lot of insight into the world around her, but for the most part, Dr. Kinsley is private and withdrawn, and so very little is known of her, just that she is good at what she does and does it without much of a fuss.
What is known, however, is that she is direct in her communication, and does not mince her words. It is not too much of a secret that Dr. Kinsley glass is entirely empty. Her eyes are often glazed over with a gloom that transcends her social interactions. Her brutal honesty can be refreshing, and between the lines of melancholy, there is often genuinely helpful nuggets of wisdom that most certainly come from the little warmth that she does have left. Particularly for those who make an effort to get to know her beyond her outward quirks.
Life isn’t all a spiral of darkness, and there are brief moments where Dr. Kinsley will light up with joy, and smile from her heart. In those moments, colour seems to momentarily return and she possesses a maternal grace that hasn’t completely left her. But yes, those moments are fleeting and rare — but the longer she spends with people, being useful, the more such moments beat back the darkness.
Dr Kinsley can usually be found pacing back and forth, muttering her thoughts to herself, or perhaps to Chowder. She doesn’t really seem to care that she sleeps in short bursts. Her pacing and chuntering late at night might well bother others, however.
She has an incredibly logical mind, and is a fantastic problem solver. She enjoys intellectual puzzles, particularly linguistic or mathematical ones. Solving puzzles is one of the few things she presently takes joy in, and her skills translate beyond being able to figure out the answer to a riddle - but in the real world too. She can make logical decisions with ease, without being too tangled up in emotional aspects. She excels in analysing connections, linking together seemingly unrelated factors in a way that might confuse someone else.
What is known, however, is that she is direct in her communication, and does not mince her words. It is not too much of a secret that Dr. Kinsley glass is entirely empty. Her eyes are often glazed over with a gloom that transcends her social interactions. Her brutal honesty can be refreshing, and between the lines of melancholy, there is often genuinely helpful nuggets of wisdom that most certainly come from the little warmth that she does have left. Particularly for those who make an effort to get to know her beyond her outward quirks.
Life isn’t all a spiral of darkness, and there are brief moments where Dr. Kinsley will light up with joy, and smile from her heart. In those moments, colour seems to momentarily return and she possesses a maternal grace that hasn’t completely left her. But yes, those moments are fleeting and rare — but the longer she spends with people, being useful, the more such moments beat back the darkness.
Dr Kinsley can usually be found pacing back and forth, muttering her thoughts to herself, or perhaps to Chowder. She doesn’t really seem to care that she sleeps in short bursts. Her pacing and chuntering late at night might well bother others, however.
She has an incredibly logical mind, and is a fantastic problem solver. She enjoys intellectual puzzles, particularly linguistic or mathematical ones. Solving puzzles is one of the few things she presently takes joy in, and her skills translate beyond being able to figure out the answer to a riddle - but in the real world too. She can make logical decisions with ease, without being too tangled up in emotional aspects. She excels in analysing connections, linking together seemingly unrelated factors in a way that might confuse someone else.
Born Harper Howard in 2147 in the New California Republic, Harper had an affluent upbringing. Both of her parents were notable doctors, and she was destined for the same path - and maybe more. In 2164 she was formally learning the art of medicine and surgery from books, until she came of age enough to start practicing in clinics.
Her friendly demeanour and intense passion for her chosen science made her popular in the NCR, and her career grew very quickly. It was at some point that she met Alex Kinglsey, a fellow Doctor who travelled with the Followers of the Apocalypse. They begin a flirtatious friendship, wherein Alex would design and create various puzzles for Harper to solve. This went on for some time, until they confessed their feelings to one another, eventually getting married, and leaving the NCR for a nomadic life with her husband.
At the same time, Harper’s medical skills flourished - her expertise in the nervous system, and specifically, tumours, gave her a prodigious reputation. Her record exceptional, until she came across a patient with an impossible tumour. Dr Kinsley’s hubris got the better of her, and the patient died on the table. Her first, but not her last. A lesson, and yet a motivator to be better still.
It wasn’t long until Alex and Harper welcomed their daughter, Victoria to the world, and Harper took to motherhood well - doting on the child. She’d never known such love before, and that love drove her yet again to continue her work, to continue saving lives and preserving life. Their family grew when Victoria was a little older, and a blue heeler puppy was brought home, with their daughter naming him Chowder.
The dog terrorised Harper. He would only chew and piss on her things, and yet was such the perfect best friend to Victoria, practically shoving out the child’s mother. “I’m just not a dog person,” Harper would say, despite the challenges of the animal, she accepted that Victoria had chosen him as her best friend, and in that she was glad that they had each other.
Eight years into parenthood, Alex and Victoria got sick, after an expedition out. They appeared malaised, coughing and wheezing. Their blood instantly coagulating. Harper diagnosed pneumonia. But the bleeding and rashes… It was more than pneumonia. The two were constantly confused, slurring.
<Snipped quote>
It took only days for the sickness to take them. First Alex. Victoria held on for another 36 hours before passing in her sleep. Harper buried her next to Alex, where Chowder sat for days on end, crying occasionally. Harper had to drag the dog away, for both of their sake - taking off from the Followers.
For a long while, Harper wandered aimlessly as she could from place to place. Staying here and there, treating people where she could for caps in some walking, waking dream. She eventually stumbled upon a wounded youth in the wild, alone and hurt. Chowder seemed to take to him, and when Harper helped him back to his feet, she realised that he was a member of the Brotherhood of Steel. This awoke something in her that had long been asleep, a stirring to the reality that still existed even amongst her grief. Factions remained, and war never changed.
She’d travelled so far from anything that was her home, hell, she’d buried her home miles and miles gone, years ago. With something of a purpose, fate brought her to the strange shores of Hawaii.
Her friendly demeanour and intense passion for her chosen science made her popular in the NCR, and her career grew very quickly. It was at some point that she met Alex Kinglsey, a fellow Doctor who travelled with the Followers of the Apocalypse. They begin a flirtatious friendship, wherein Alex would design and create various puzzles for Harper to solve. This went on for some time, until they confessed their feelings to one another, eventually getting married, and leaving the NCR for a nomadic life with her husband.
At the same time, Harper’s medical skills flourished - her expertise in the nervous system, and specifically, tumours, gave her a prodigious reputation. Her record exceptional, until she came across a patient with an impossible tumour. Dr Kinsley’s hubris got the better of her, and the patient died on the table. Her first, but not her last. A lesson, and yet a motivator to be better still.
It wasn’t long until Alex and Harper welcomed their daughter, Victoria to the world, and Harper took to motherhood well - doting on the child. She’d never known such love before, and that love drove her yet again to continue her work, to continue saving lives and preserving life. Their family grew when Victoria was a little older, and a blue heeler puppy was brought home, with their daughter naming him Chowder.
The dog terrorised Harper. He would only chew and piss on her things, and yet was such the perfect best friend to Victoria, practically shoving out the child’s mother. “I’m just not a dog person,” Harper would say, despite the challenges of the animal, she accepted that Victoria had chosen him as her best friend, and in that she was glad that they had each other.
Eight years into parenthood, Alex and Victoria got sick, after an expedition out. They appeared malaised, coughing and wheezing. Their blood instantly coagulating. Harper diagnosed pneumonia. But the bleeding and rashes… It was more than pneumonia. The two were constantly confused, slurring.
<Snipped quote>
It took only days for the sickness to take them. First Alex. Victoria held on for another 36 hours before passing in her sleep. Harper buried her next to Alex, where Chowder sat for days on end, crying occasionally. Harper had to drag the dog away, for both of their sake - taking off from the Followers.
For a long while, Harper wandered aimlessly as she could from place to place. Staying here and there, treating people where she could for caps in some walking, waking dream. She eventually stumbled upon a wounded youth in the wild, alone and hurt. Chowder seemed to take to him, and when Harper helped him back to his feet, she realised that he was a member of the Brotherhood of Steel. This awoke something in her that had long been asleep, a stirring to the reality that still existed even amongst her grief. Factions remained, and war never changed.
She’d travelled so far from anything that was her home, hell, she’d buried her home miles and miles gone, years ago. With something of a purpose, fate brought her to the strange shores of Hawaii.
A standard outfit consists of denim fatigues and a battered burgundy fedora. In a sterile environment, and when not out on the road, Dr. Kinsely can be found in a surgical jacket and scrub cap.
Pocket Knife
.44 Pistol
Roll of Surgical Tools
First Aid Kit
Pocket Knife
.44 Pistol
Roll of Surgical Tools
First Aid Kit

An 11 year old Blue Heeler. Dr. Kinsley's companion. Chowder makes himself useful in the field by sniffing out items that may be of use. Sometimes, anyway. He's 11 years old, that nose isn't as powerful as it used to be - or the ears for that matter. Still, he's a Good Boy and friend to all - if nothing else, he's a fantastic morale boost. Just don't leave your shoes unattended.
You have a dog, one of the many enterprising furry companions for any wasteland wanderer. Your dog is an NPC and can earn XP and attack enemies, albeit at a diminished rate compared to you. Once per scene, your dog can reduce the DC of any skill check you are doing by providing moral and emotional support in the form of cuddles.