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    1. subtleinflections 11 yrs ago


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Anthony was left in a blur as Josh and Jess sprinted towards the parking lot. He stared down at his injured ankle shaking his head ever so slightly. Looks like I'm riding bitch he thought to himself picking his head up to catch Mike and Sam lagging behind. He quickly caught up to them. While strolling to the parking lot Anthony took the time to examine the group of kids that just ambushed him. Jess, well, we already get that picture. Josh was the runt and seemingly the most charismatic. Sam was the big goofball and Mike gave off a more relaxed refined vibe. Then again, he knew these people for all of 2 minutes and impression is subject to change.

“So what movie did you have in mind?” He asked Mike but quickly realized the futility of his comment. “Ahh it doesn't matter. With a group of people it always devolves into comedy anyway” he joked as they approached the car, Josh and Jess coming into sight. “I know I know, Bitch seat for me,” he drawled, less than thrilled about being confined the middle seat. “Let's get this over with.”
Anthony listened to the strangers that had rushed him with a blank expression. He was a tad overwhelmed and scrambled to keep up. As Mike, Sam, and Josh jested, Anthony smirked and snickered a few times entertained by their antics. It was all so foreign to him. A group of close friends? Ha, he was just glad to have Azai in his corner. Jess, the girl that accompanied the goofy guys, had Anthony almost instantly enamored.

Did I die and go to heaven? Nah this isn't real, can't be he thought blinking his eyes a few times, then widening them dramatically. Guys don't often realize how obvious they are. Still, Anthony couldn't help himself. She was cute, but she was big, as in tall. Anthony estimated that she was just a few inches shorter than himself. What a rarity. He became fixated on an odd body part, her hands. They were also massive. To anyone else this might satisfy some freak show type of urge but to Anthony, all he saw was a prototypical woman's basketball body. Well except for her large chest, but seeing as though basketball wasn't the intent compromises could most definitely be made.

Anthony began to shuffle around in his pocket, retrieving and flicking through his wallet. “Here, This should cover gas.” he said unsheathing a ten dollar bill and sliding in towards Mike. “That way we have a little more to spend.” he continued, shooting a quick look over at Jess then back to Mike. “I'm Anthony. Nice to meet you guys. I'm not usually this spontaneous but hey, new town, new leaf.” Anthony stood to his feet, his ankle swelled leading to some discomfort but nothing he couldn't handle. He stretched out, revealing his pelican-esque wingspan, and brought his attention to Sam and Josh. “So, What would the hooker say?”
Wernher said
^Still going to start Erika's 1x1 as this may take some time. Jess is still looking for someone to interact with.

Alright I opened him up
Anthony sat in the courtyard making a list of things he needed to do. He hadn't brought much with him, only essentials and a lone ball. Getting a phone topped the list followed by finding the local public court. Having trouble thinking of something else to place on the list he began clicking his pen repeatedly. I can't be this simple he though as he soul searched for his desires. “Ahhh I got it,” he murmured to himself while finishing off the list, at least for now, with a final goal: Find local beef jerky source. Anthony tried to make the best of his situation but he couldn't shake that feeling, like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. A brief careless moment would do wonders, but Anthony's uncanny ability to remain reserved prevented such things. A blessing to some but indeed a curse, it was entirely possible that a new setting could bring out a new Anthony. "I'll believe it when I see it," said everyone who was ever close to Anthony, if they could.
Anthony is open for interaction, anyone interested?
Anthony darted to the dining hall, hoping Azai didn't have too much trouble keeping up with him. The combination of his height and athletic muscle memory caused him to speed walk. There isn't any strolling on the court. Anthony ducked as he entered the dining hall and slid in line accompanied by Azai. He looked around at everyone talking. Some looked cool, others not so much but he attempted to remain optimistic.

“Looks like is just you and me for now. Two days ago I would've told you that this was my dream.” Anthony said shaking his head. Back home Anthony felt jaded. He could have anything he wanted. He could befriend anyone at school. He could get any girl he pleased. He could even sell out and get all the material items he could ever ask for. Anthony wanted none of it. This he was sure of. He thought he wanted to be alone to pursue the things he loved without the leeches. The truth was what he really wanted was people who cared about him, and not his position on the school's all-time scoring list. Anthony's brood session was cut short when the line began to move.

“Something tells me this place is going to be really interesting. Hopefully the transition isn't rough.” He continued, noting some of the rougher kids roaming the dining hall. “But for once I'm actually a little excited. My life was bland. Basketball, Basketball, Basketball. I bet having friends is nice.” He laughed. He had laughed more times in the past 10 minutes than he had in the past 3 years. “Which brings me to my next point. My case worker asked me about roommates. I told him I didn't know anyone. Now I do. I'm pretty sure you're not an axe murderer or anything but who knows, I'm willing to take the risk. What do you say?”
Learning that Azai was an orphan put things in perspective for Anthony. Open Roads being a shelter for troubled teens meant many of his peers would have troubles that extend far beyond his own. He didn't recognize Armaic which was bothersome. He decided to read up on it in the near future. Azai seemed to be a reasonable kid with a wickedly awesome name. Anthony slowly loosened as the conversation persisted.

“I'm Anthony Ware. Nothing special or interesting about that,” Anthony chuckled lightly, once again pleased by the lack of prior knowledge regarding his identity. “You are an orphan, eh? Must be tough. Great people often go unnoticed. The ones that do get attention often get it for all the wrong reasons.” Anthony sighed. “I ran from my parents. The ones that didn't choose you? They aren't worth your time. They aren't worth the stress. There are people out there who care. I care. I made the decision to run because I decided that it was better to be alone than to be with people who don't care.”

The bell rang for lunch. Anthony jumped to his feet, famished and chomping at the bit to indulge himself. He turned to Azai, “Sorry if I was intrusive. I didn't mean to get all in your business. I'm going to grab some grub, join me.” He offered, hoping he had made a new friend.
Anthony sat accompanied by some of the other new residents. He felt uneasy. It was eerily quiet. Anthony was a bit shy. He never had trouble making friends growing up. In a way this caused him to be quite inept when meeting new people. He observed the beings around him, intrigued by the myriad of interesting characters. He sat beside Azai. Azai Chasina. The name itself had Anthony captivated. He thought the name was awesome and when it was called, he had to know more.

Anthony turned to the new resident beside him. “Azai, right? Azai Chasina?” He asked with a quizzical look. “That's a really interesting name. What's that all about?” He inquired, hoping he wasn't too invasive.
Alright Ill try to kickstart some interaction
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