Mikhail Botvinnik, CPC Resident

Left Josh Burrow, Right Samuel Kirk
"Hey there hot stuff, wanna go for a ride?" And as Jessica said these words to the stranger showing his back to her, she sat right next to him without much ceremony, her back to the table and leaning to see the face of the person she was speaking to.
"Woah, you're right Sam, no matter how I hear it it's exactly what a hooker would have said!" Three other guys came from behind and also began to sit around the table, Jessica watched Josh as he sat, he quickly raised his hands to excuse himself. "Ok ok, a really high class hooker."
Jess smiled to Josh, which Samuel was now sending the 'You fucking moron' look. "Thaaaat's better Joshi. Too bad you don't look like a really high class guy uh?" And to this, Josh could only look down and sigh as Sam giggled. Mikhail however decided to clap his hands a few times and whistle to attract everyone's attention for a moment.
"Sooooooo, uh, hey dude. I'm Mike, this is Sam, Josh and Jess, and yes, she's single. I think. Whatever this isn't why were here. Yoooou sir seem like a man which may need to go downtown to do... whatever it is guys like you do downtown, I mainly imply you want to buy stuff but you're too lazy to walk there. Which is why I have a wonderful proposition for you! I, as one of the only resident which owns a car, and debatably a license to drive it, am willing to allow you, random guy, to be the fifth guy to pay 2 dollar for the gas in exchange for the last spot. Rear, because Sam already called shotgun."
Jessica took the liberty to take it from there. "Plan is, unless you have something to add: convenience store, then rent some movies and if any of us is still rich enough, have some take out maybe... Damn, I had some awkward sexual innuendo for that."
Sam raised an eyebrow. "Something something hotdog?"
Jess shrug. "Nah, it had to do with thai food."
Erika had kept for herself for a while in her room. It wasn't the altercation itself that bothered her, she had almost forgotten all about Callie. A drug fiend obviously that lacked all form of self control. No, it wasn't that, it was that no one intervened to break the fight and afterward, they dared to give her a warning while letting that hoodlum with a warning! The ridiculous of the situation was unbearable. As she thought about the subject, she rationalized this to being a sign that the administration had it on her. They never did understand her. Middle class people coming here as charity to feel good about themselves, where a 'Good life' was being what they were, a middle class home in the suburbs, a mortgage debts, having to work until you're 60. Ridiculous. The 99% movement was right to protest, that wealth distribution is unfair, but the 1% did the impossible by convincing the middle class that all was as it should be. She didn't feel jealousy toward the 1%, at least not one that would incite her to vote democrat for the sake of wealth redistribution.
Right now, she was on Mister Rhodes's office porch, awaiting to encounter him for some 'Therapy'. She could tell he was becoming tired of this after each meeting, but Erika didn't care, if anyone dared to treat her like a child and belittle her, this person could expect Erika to belittle him in return. She accepted that there was a hierarchy in their interaction, Rhodes, was the owner of the place she was staying at the moment, but she could never accept that he'd expect her to do something because 'He has experience and knows best'. Erika didn't see it as such, to claim age as a factor of wisdom only prompted her to remind people that as much as they have seen before, this can also obfuscate their perspective as times change and more often than not, things aren't as they were before.
She looked at her watch, this wait was becoming tiresome, internally she questioned her habits of punctuality and coming 7 minutes earlier to any meeting.