Free by Rudimental

Theme & Setting: Open Roads is a Slice of Life Open RP. There is no overlaying plot asides from the ones generated by the players or the GM. The RP takes place in Open Roads, a shelter for runaway and homeless teens, but is not confined in its four walls. Players may roam the city it’s located in. Open Roads is located at the periphery of a metropolis somewhere in the east coast of the USA. The shelter is defined but the metropolis is not. Players have creative freedom regarding the metropolis, they may define its surroundings.
Characters: Players take up the role as a runaway/homeless teen who sought shelter in Open Roads. Character Sheets provided below. As the role suggest, characters aren’t allowed to be younger than 13 or older than 18 years old. A player may have up to three (3) characters. Senior Staff Members are reserved for the GM and are non-playable characters (NPC). Players may create and control other staff members, such as cafeteria personnel and janitors, and/or residents, such as bunk mates and class mates. These characters are considered to be common playable characters (CPC) i.e. other players and the GM may control them as well.
Open Roads is a shelter for runaway and homeless teens. We provide temporary housing, food and specialized counseling for the troubled youth. The shelter is a safe place for teens to face and confront their problems versus running away and avoiding them. It’s also a place for those who’ve loss or never had anything to build something for themselves. Education and Training are provided to ensure a better future. The staff are trained to understand, work with and advocate for teens who’re lost or who’ve run away.
The shelter has a Resident-Guest system. Guests are walk-ins. They arrive in Open Roads to seek food, which is always provided, and a place to stay for the night if space is available. They leave the following morning and may return again in the evening. They may decide to stay and become Residents. Residency is a commitment to put their lives back together and better themselves. They’re provided a room, which shared with one or up to three other individuals, regular meals, schooling and/or training. They are assigned a case worker, who’ll act as their advocate/guardian. The case worker will help guide the teen to a better future.
Procedures are followed before a Guests may stay for the night. 1) They have to sign-in with the name they wish to be called. The names doesn’t have to be their real ones. IDs aren’t required as well. 2) A medical check-up to see if the person is physically injured or sick. First aid is applied if the former is true and over the counter medication is given if the latter. In case the person is suffering from something severe, a staff will accompany them to the nearest hospital. 3) After the check-up, the guests is shown to the dining hall if it’s day or the pavilion (the guest sleeping area) if it’s evening. Guests follow the same routine and rules as the residents and may stay up until before lunch and no longer. They may return in the evening and stay if a place is available.
If a guest decides to become a Resident, they’ll be assigned a case worker. 1) The new resident and the case worker would have a discussion. The individual’s information would be formalized. If they wish, they can provide their real names. If they have a family, they may contact them but this would mean that their parents will be involved during the whole procedure. The Resident’s goals, plans, the house rules and etc. would also be discussed. 2) Studies/Training are mandatory. A resident’s curriculum depends on the assessment of the facilitator. Therapy is optional depending on the case worker and medical examiner but the resident may request participation. 3) Open Roads has a three strikes system, a resident receives a warning if they break the rules. Residents are allowed two warnings, the third means expulsion i.e. back to being a guest.
The House Rules:
1) No alcohol, cigarettes, drugs or weapons within the walls.
2) Be Orderly – if there is a line, fall in line.
3) Any conflict not solve in a mature way will grant immediate expulsion for guests and a warning for residents.
4) Residents may leave the premise during their recreational time. For residents sixteen (16) and above, curfew is 10:00pm. Any resident below sixteen (16) have a curfew of 8:00pm.
2) Be Orderly – if there is a line, fall in line.
3) Any conflict not solve in a mature way will grant immediate expulsion for guests and a warning for residents.
4) Residents may leave the premise during their recreational time. For residents sixteen (16) and above, curfew is 10:00pm. Any resident below sixteen (16) have a curfew of 8:00pm.
Daily Routine:
08:00 – 09:00: Breakfast
09:00 – 10:00: Morning Routine
10:00 – 12:00: Studies/Training
12:00 – 01:00: Lunch
01:00 – 03:00: Studies/Training
03:00 – 05:00: Recreational Time
05:00 – 06:00: Group/1on1 Therapy
06:00 – 07:00: Dinner
07:00 – 09:00: Recreational Time
09:00 – 10:00: Evening Routine
10:00 – 08:00: Lights Out & Bedtime
09:00 – 10:00: Morning Routine
10:00 – 12:00: Studies/Training
12:00 – 01:00: Lunch
01:00 – 03:00: Studies/Training
03:00 – 05:00: Recreational Time
05:00 – 06:00: Group/1on1 Therapy
06:00 – 07:00: Dinner
07:00 – 09:00: Recreational Time
09:00 – 10:00: Evening Routine
10:00 – 08:00: Lights Out & Bedtime
1. Fundamental Rules of the Guild will be observed and enforced.
2. Posting Standard: Free Casual – Proper grammar and structure is observe i.e. no text-speak and no one-liners. Speed-Posting is discourage but won’t be moderated. Please keep your posts within the range of a few sentences to a paragraph, more is encourage.
3. Content Standard: Free Casual – There isn’t any strict rules regarding content but please keep it logical and within the RPverse i.e. realistic. Characterization is highly encourage but not enforced.
4. Fair Play and Observe Standards – No railroading, godmodding and meta-gaming. It’s unpleasant for other players.