Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rookery


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Free by Rudimental

Andrew Rhodes went to work early. He was in his office reviewing the new residents’ files, scanning their goals and plans they have in mind. There was an influx the past few days that the senior case worker was feeling hopefully. Open Roads was indeed becoming what he envisioned. A haven for lost teenagers, a place that was safe and where they’re able to put their life back on track. His work load was rather light so he’s looking to relieve other case worker’s load but he has to see who’re their willing to drop.

The usual bell ringed at 8:00 am, both guests and residents were making their way to the dining hall. Andrew Rhodes watched from his office window as the scene unfolds. He wonders if one of the guest would become a resident today. Andrew’s thoughts wondered to his troubled youth, his time in juvie and the moment he became change man. He sighed and went back to reviewing the files. At any case, he was eager to work today.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It had been only a week. Seven days. 168 hours.

Isabella had been rethinking her decisions that morning diligently. Her petite body laid in the stiff bed, trying not to make a sound. Staring at the ceiling Isa wondered if her mother had even noticed that she had been gone between work, drinking, and sleeping with her new husband. "Wouldn't it have been something if I walked right through the door of the house and exclaimed 'I'm home mom!', I've been gone for a week at this shelter that I Googled 10 minutes before I left the house. By the way, I have had almost no sleep due to the fact that I feel the need to keep one eye open in case someone wants to use my mouth for a storage center for their unmentionables! But ah, where are my manners? Hell the fuck o to the happy couple!" Isa thought to herself as her hand came up and her thumb nail shoved between her lips, she didn't chew it off, but bit on it just enough to taste the remnant of the red nail polish she had painted on a couple days ago during recreation time.

The 8:00 bell came earlier every day since she had came there it seemed. Then again, Isabella hadn't had too much sleep. This was of course due to the worrying and just uneasy feeling she had gotten from some of the teens. Sure, her situation wasn't a vacation- but she had a cake walk in comparison to a lot of the people she had been speaking to in passing these few days. It didn't help that her first night there, one of the guests who had a clear methamphetamine addiction threatened to rip Isa's throat out and wear it as gloves. Definitely not the comfort and collection the young girl had been searching for within Open Roads.

Slipping on her jeans, shirt, Isa brushed up her hair into a messy bun on her head and reached for her boots under the bed. She had been worried someone would steal them if she left them out, but nothing had happened yet. Slipping them on quickly, she grabbed her bandanna that she could distinctly be seen wrapping her hair in. Tying the knot twice tightly, she made her bed and walked out towards where she was starting to learn quickly was the way to the dining hall.

Her tummy grumbled loudly, "I know, yo. Chill out a minute." Isa groaned pressing an open palm to her stomach as she stood in line for breakfast. Isabella was an easy going, and usually made friends quite easily due to the all the moving she had done as a young girl. Granted, making friends as a kid and making friends as a teen seemed to be a totally different task. This was apparent, as Isa's hazel eyes panned across the dining hall for a place to sit after she collected her tray of the very basic breakfast the shelter offered. All hope wasn't lost as she hurried over to an empty table in the midst of the dining hall and claimed it as her own, sitting down and feeding the beast erupting from her tummy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheRider


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Alistair woke early, as was his custom as an old resident of Open Roads. The hard bed that was what he had slept on for the past two years creaked under the movement of the light weight guitar player that called this room his own. Alistair looked around at the room, now adorned with a few things that he had bought with the few odd bits of money he gathered in free time through his guitar and some dulcet tones from his voice. He smiled a little at the knowledge that his passion was worth some money to some people. He ran his fingers through his hair gently and looked at the mirror that hung next to his closet. Alistair scratched at the jagged scar that went from his left shoulder to his right hip, a reminder that some parts of town weren’t a nice place for kids that ran away. He tossed on a black shirt and a pair of faded grey jeans and grabbed his guitar, leaving the room. He was greeted by a few of the other early risers as he padded softly through the halls. He had to go outside, he felt the need to play his guitar. He stepped outside, the grass of the lawn crisp under bare feet. He smiled at the feeling of it, being awake and knowing he was alive. The tree he sat under had a gnarled root that acted as a perfect natural bench. He sat down and began to strum softly.

Alistair shook his head a little “hmm…a bit too…angry…” his eyebrows furrowed gently and he placed his guitar strap over his shoulder, putting it on his back. He padded back into the facility as the 8:00 am bell rang out. Alistair was hungry, his stomach telling him to go eat even if he didn’t feel like it really. He made his way to the cafeteria, his hand rubbing through his hair as he collected something to eat. He looked around and saw one of the new kids sitting alone. He smiled, knowing he was one of the older residents and was usually looked upon to make people transition easily. He placed his plate down across from her. He sat down and smiled “sup new girl” He held out his hand “Alistair Knight, a pleasure to meet ya”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It hadn't even been a week since Cal arrived and she was already loosing it. There were too many rules, she had to be in bed by ten and she was forced to attend therapy sessions. 'It's for your own good!' she had been told. But this whole place seemed phony to her. The staff was always so smiley and 'oh if you need anything just ask!' all Cal needed was to be left alone. She wasn't here for the therapy, hell she didn't think anything was even wrong with here. Cal was currently laying on her bed, looking up at the bland ceiling and wondering why she didn't just leave already. Glancing over to the corner of her room there was a crumpled up piece of paper. Cal sighed, she knew exactly what it was. They had given her a schedule when she first arrived, but she had crumpled it up once she learned how bogus it was. She couldn't help but feel the slightest bit of guilt. She had been angry so she destroyed something. She swung her legs over her bed, walking over to the crumpled piece of paper to get it.

"Well...maybe it can be fixed." She muttered.

She returned to her bed, using the frame to straighten the paper back up. It was nearly breakfast time, the rumbling in her stomach confirmed this. Cal knew the only reason she was here was for the food and the bed. Sleeping in her truck and buying as little as possible with whatever money she had saved was a shitty way to make a life. But with her comfortable sleeping arrangements and food she had lost a few things. She would have to find a way to get cigarettes in. At the 8:00 bell Cal sighed again, making her way to breakfast in silence. She didn't want anyone to talk to her. Especially not adults.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by subtleinflections


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Anthony sat with his left leg on the bed wrapping his aching ankle. He was worried sick about his mother. Unable to handle the idea of her inevitable emotional breakdown due to his departure, he choose to block the images from his mind. Instead he replaced them with delightful thoughts of his father panicking. The dam that held the reservoir for his gambling escapades crumbled leaving the water free to flow to more promising seas. Whether a residency at Open Roads was a good idea, only time would tell.

The 8:00 bell rang as Anthony finished his wrapping. He winced as he stood to his feet and shuffled around to get used to the pain. He quickly slipped on a plain black sweater but took years trying to push through the left pant leg of his jeans. His solid black high tops were even worse. After taking what seemed like forever to dress he was finally off to the dining hall. Since he arrived the day before the one thing that he enjoyed most was that not a soul knew his name. Sure he still got looks, abnormally tall people often do, but nothing like back home. None of those forceful attention seeking greetings. "I can get used to this." Anthony thought flashing a brief and rare crooked smile as he entered the dining hall.

While waiting in line Anthony thought about his team back home. They were surely heartbroken. He always remained humble regarding his ability, but he also realized without him the team was doomed to fall short of the championship. “It's just a game. It's supposed to be fun. I hope they understand.” he thought to himself as he had repeatedly since he ran.

He snapped back as a tray was thrust in front of him in a vaguely confrontational manner. He looked down to see a measly breakfast especially for someone of his size. “Thanks.” He uttered, shaking his head as he began to search for a table. He found one, completely empty, and limped over. As he settled he listened in on the people around him, talking about their lives and Open Roads, and soon after came a revelation. Anthony had no clue what he was doing. He sighed, “Like I'm back on the court, trying to make something out of nothing.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by shinigami94
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Azai arrived last night late, he got lost trying to find this place, this area was new to him and he just happened to get on the last train here from the orphanage. The staff at the orphanage was very generous, and understanding, they respected his wish of leaving and gave him enough money to get by. It was bed time by the time he arrived at Open Roads, so he didn't get to know any of staff members and just went to sleep, dreaming of the possibilities he would have here... It was a bell, something that was familiar to him back at the orphanage, the staff member that showed him his room told him about this bell, it was breakfast bell here but different because the sound would come from the room, this place was huge and Azai was hungry, and with no directions to the dining hall.

As he was roaming the building, thoughts about what kind of people he would meet here crossed his mind, were they all gonna be mentally destroyed? Will he be having trouble? He didn't really care for that, he can take care of himself but will it be lonely in here? Will he be achieving something that mattered here? At last he found it the dining hall, it didn't take as long as he expected, there were a lot of teenagers like him there and the tables were almost full, he didn't know where to sit. He expected to see maybe some friends from the orphanage but there were none. It would've been nice but there were not even a single familiar face, so he grabbed a plate and went to sit on an empty table...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiredSkye


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Levi got up later than usual, in the peak of her heroin withdrawal. Her back was killing her, and, as she stood up to get her shoes, her legs almost collapsed under her. She bent down painfully and yanked her black combat boots on with more force than necessary, than walked out of the guest sleeping hall and into the dining hall, hands shoved deep in her pockets and head hidden under the hood of her cheap black hoodie. It was only her second day at Open Roads, but she was aware of the rules and expectations. In the dining hall, she took a tray, sat down at the furthest table in the darkest corner, and tried to eat.
Tried to. Levi only managed a few mouthfuls before she shoved the tray aside and rested her head on the table. As a mere guest, she was to leave after breakfast, which she did, but since her admittance to Open Roads at night, her suppliers had started to shun her, leaving her alone to her withdrawal pain. She groaned and buried her head under her arms, hiding from the light, the stares of other teens and staff, the embarrassment of withdrawal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ruben awoke with a start. It was quite a common occurrence for him to have disturbed slumber - he hadn't always been, but he was certainly a light sleeper now, after spending a couple of months on the street you learn that you have to keep on your guard, there are all sorts of things out there just waiting to get at your neck. The mattress was, by no stretch of the imagination the best he'd ever slept on, it looked cheap and felt uncomfortable, but it was by far the best thing that was available to him and he was thankful. He sighed, wiped his brow and got off the bed.

The last month or so had treat him well - after being homeless for some time, he found his way to Open Roads and settled in. Over the period of a few weeks, he became a resident of the shelter and had several chats with the therapist, clearly wanting to face his demons involving drugs, booze and his family issues. In whole, his life went from it's lowest point on to a steady climb back up, and that pleased him. Although he had not finished his education and he had no passion to continue it, he finally felt a spark of hope for the future that had been stamped out by his father and then shown to be almost impossible when he was without a place to stay, having a strand of belief that his dreams and aspirations could actually come around. One of the workers had given him their old guitar, which, like his bed, was old and poor in quality, but far better than anything else he could ask for. In his spare time he would sit outside and play, or maybe walk around for some fresh air. He'd not yet found time for friends.

Not only did Open Roads offer shelter, but also good food - for his standards at least, so after he cleaned himself up at the showers and changed his clothes - two luxuries he had not had until arriving here, he left his room and headed for the dining hall to get some nourishment. When he arrived, he took a tray which soon had a small breakfast upon it. He didn't eat much anyway, so as long as he was getting what his body needed to keep going, then that was okay with him. He took his tray to the corner of a table with nobody around him - he felt awkward approaching people and, honestly, he didn't really want to anyway, he was fine as he was. Nevertheless, he considered the fact that he hadn't really made any friends since arriving and it might be an idea to have at least someone to talk to other than a shrink.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Sup new girl” He held out his hand “Alistair Knight, a pleasure to meet ya”

The voice and the tray hitting the table had made Isa jump to say the least. She suddenly regretted picking an empty table to herself. "What was so pleasurable about meeting me?" Isa thought, her gaze going from her tray up to the boy's hand, trailing along his arm, and finally up to his chiseled face. He was far from unattractive, and had nice hair style. He was friendly enough too, not threatening to use her skin as a source of warmth, or as a drug mule.

Sure, this probably wasn't a place Isa wanted to find 'the one' at, but a companion or a few in this town wouldn't be a bad thing. No matter how messed up they were to land here. Isabella made a weak smile as she offered her hand in return. "Good morning Alistair Knight." Isa chirped making sure to repeat the full name so she could remember it later. A gentle shake with Alistair's hand was done before she retracted it back into her lap. "I'm Isabella Roma. You can call me Isa though, most people do." she stated confidently, taking her spoon and stirring around the oatmeal. Who was she kidding? Most people didn't get to know her long enough to have friendly nicknames. The girl could try though.

Nothing wrong with trying.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Ben didn't remember the last time he actually slept in a bed. Months at least.he thought to himself while forcing himself out of bed. After two years of sleeping anywhere (and I mean ANYWHERE), the idea of getting out of a perfectly comfy bed seemed much harder. Still, wake up he did, and he took a quick shower and changed into new clothes, which were two other luxuries that had been foreign to Ben. When he was all done, he looked in the mirror. "How do I look?" he asked himself. Like you've been living on the road for two years. Ben shrugged and headed out, hoping the food was as good as the beds.

Ben soon learned that the food totally was as good as the beds, maybe better. After loading up a plate of food, he saw the cafeteria full of tables, and to Ben's dismay, all were occupied. He had no choice but to try and socialize. Great. He sat down at a table where a younger girl and a guy that looked about his age. Then he said the most cool, socially acceptable thing he could think of. "Hi."

This is gonna be a long day.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

"When you manage to break the laws of physics and create something out of nothing, please do come to me and I'll be certain to find a way to monetize this unique ability." So said Erika in a dry voice to the unknown man sitting next to her table.

Of course she knew that this was just a figure of speech on the part of this man and furthermore, he was only speaking to himself. But her humor however had been extremely bad in the last 4 days. Indeed, after 289 days here they decided it was best to remove the source of Erika's 'Addiction', if addiction there ever was, and force her to go about without her electronics for a change. She'd like to say she'd have never expected how dependent on the internet the modern woman was, but she fully expected it and it was as bad as she thought, her only regrets was humiliating herself in front of the entire building as she argued with Mister Rhodes. Of course these hooligans wouldn't understand that this computer was not a mere source of entertainment but her tool for work and studies, what would make her stare at all of them from the highest point of social hierarchy one day.

She had gotten up early in the morning, as usual, and had gotten in her white dress shirt and black pants (She never even owned a pair of jeans or jogging), putted her brown loafers and brushed her blond hairs. She always preferred to be first in the cafeteria, allowed her the privilege to chose a table for herself and not being forced with people. She had a reputation as an ice queen, something she embraced, which deterred most people to come near her... Well, unless they were newcomers and didn't know of the said reputation.

And now, before her was "Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension" by Michio Kaku, the most interesting book she managed to find in this place, but even now it was closed as Erika couldn't find the will to read and she merely held her chin and cheek with two fingers. Next to her however, between herself and Anthony, was a tray with its content visibly discarded and only half eaten, its owner visibly picked through it for some of the best bits and left it there, still hot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiredSkye


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After a mere minute at the table, Levi pushed away, running towards the bathroom. She fell on her knees, retching violently into the toilet. Gasping, Levi rested her head on the seat. God, she missed the drug. And Aaron, her main supplier. She remembered smoking heroin in the beginning, but upon graduating to intravenous injections, not being able to shoot herself out of squeamishness. His gentle hands, teaching her the correct way to hold the syringe, shooting her himself when she couldn't make herself.

She blushed, thinking of the idiotic things she'd said and done to Aaron while in her euphoric high. The parties, then - the spiked drinks. Waking up tied to his bed. She tore away from that train of thought as her stomach convulsed again, sending the eggs and bacon she'd picked at into the toilet bowl. Tears ran down her face, running into the vomit smeared on her mouth. She coughed, sobbing now, and scrubbed her mouth and face on her sleeve. Aaron was the reason she'd gone to Open Roads. After that night, she'd run blindly into the streets, getting caught by the police, who'd sent her to Open Roads. She'd just messed up, like she had in middle school, like she had in juvie, like she had trying to raise her younger siblings. The strongest of the nausea had passed, and Levi curled up on the floor of the open stall, her body racked with hiccuping sobs.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TraceStHusky


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hope woke to the sound of the eight o' clock bell. Feeling the ache that was becoming more and more familiar, she swung her feet over the side and stretched. She drove her mantra into her head, 'This pain is nothing and you are more than pain.' She let a slow smile creep onto her face; she has made it another day. Seventeen years and sixty-eight days alive, just under two of those years spent here.
Hope had forgotten how she got here, but she knew it was a miracle that she was alive. Standing up an stretching more completely, hugging her calves as her body protests.
It is lonely keeping to yourself, she suddenly thought. She had a weird feeling about today as she walked through the breakfast line. Hope was hopeful.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rookery


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Conference Room #3 - Welcome Building
8:30 AM

Open Roads’ case workers gathered in the small conference room. There were ten in total, each responsible for eight to twelve residents. Andrew Rhodes was standing in front of them holding the latest files. He’s planning to shift around the newer residents so that the work load is equally distributed. The senior case worker was only responsible for six teenagers at the moment since two of his ward have already graduated and started living a responsible life. Among the six were long timers Holy Daly, Alistair Knight and Erika Sutherland. Andrew was concerned with Erika. She’d shown little improvement since her arrival and it’s been nearly a year. By the time she turns nineteen, she can no longer stay within the shelter.

He pushed these thoughts aside and address his co-workers: “As you heard, we got an influx of new residents these past few days. We have to assign these kids a guardian, who’ll be us. They accepted the commitment of becoming a resident. It’s our responsibility to guide them to a better road than they are on now. So I asked, can anybody of you take an addition? Mind your work load though, we wouldn’t like you burn out.”

Howard Brown, one of the older employees of Open Roads was the first to volunteer. “I can take up a couple. I only got eight and one of them is graduating today.” He tends to pick up the harder cases since he has one of the greatest patience and have dealt with troubled youth all throughout his career.

Andrew passed him Callie Evans' and Anthony Ware's file. “Ms. Evans has been with us for nearly a week. She has shown little signs of cooperation. According to Diane, she might have something against authority figures.”

“I’m hardly an authority but I got a lot of experience with such kids before.” Howard chuckled.

Samantha Geer was the next one who volunteered. “I currently have nine youngster on my hands but they’re progressing well. I think an addition wouldn’t hurt my load.” Andrew assigned her Isabella Roma and Azai Chasina.

“I don’t think these kids will give you much trouble but they’re lost so guide them well.” The senior case worker gave her an encouraging smile. Sam was warm-hearted and her aura made the kids feel comfortable.

“As for I, I’ll be take up the rest since I have the lightest load. That’ll be all.” He dismissed them and thought about the files he has on hand. There was one kid is particularly interested in, Ruben Batista. He reminds of himself when he was young. Maybe he can teach him a few life tricks he learned in his youth.
Showers and Toilets
8:30 AM – Levi Ackerman

Britt has been recently employed in Open Roads as a janitor. Unlike the other places she was employed where the work load was evenly distributed, cleaning duties here were gambled – nightly. She loss the poker game and now she was assigned to clean all the toilets and the showers of the Shelter. Assholes. She cursed her colleagues slightly. Brit just started mopping the showers and toilets for the guests when she heard vomiting. Shit. She checked the stalls one by one until she opened one with a person hunching over, as if praying to the Gods of Indoor Plumbing. She took out her phone from her blue overalls and texted one of the nurses in the clinic.

“Girl, you better not puck your stomach out. It’s a bitch to clean.” Was the only thing Brit said while standing guard until the Nurses arrived to help the poor girl into the clinic. The janitor noticed the symptoms since she was down the same road before, withdrawal hell, and from the looks of things, the girl might be staying over for another night.
Special Needs Housing – 3rd floor, Residential Building
9:45 AM

Claire was just half way through her meal after an hour and fourth-five minutes. She waited exactly five minutes for every bite. An hour fourthy-five, twenty-one bites equals to half a meal. Three hours and a half, fourthy-two bites equals to a full meal. They won’t allow me to have a full meal. I need three hours and a half to eat a full meal. They just give me two hours. Two hours equals to twenty-four bites equals to half a meal. These thoughts raced through her head. She set her wrist watch to ring within five minutes so that she could take her next bite.

Claire has been a resident in Open Roads for nearly a month. She was a half-starved amputee, diabetic and homeless 15-year-old kid who’s luckily came across the shelter. Unlike the other guest, she got special treatment when she arrived. According to the nurses she was a minute away from death but some kind of saving grace brought her here. Whatever, she’s just happy she can eat without begging or scavenging for left overs. Her alarm and the PA system rang at the same time. Claire took a bite and listened.

“Calling the following Residents to the Assembly Room in the Welcome Building: Isabella Roma, Callie Evans, Anthony Ware, Azai Chasina, Ruben Batista, Benjamin Vaughn.”

The message was broadcast twice more then it went silent. Newbies being assigned Guardians. Claire looked out the window and wondered if she could recognized the new faces.

“Welcome to Open Roads.” She said to no one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by shinigami94
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It was already 9:40, Azai had just finished his meal, it was even better than the one back at the orphanage... He sighed while he was watching the view from the window, he was craving for an after meal cigarette it was his best cigarette, he knew he couldn't get one so he tried to keep his mind busy about it. He turned his head to the hall as he watched this lair of teens, it seemed like everyone here had some kind of addiction problem. It seemed to him that this was more like a rehab center for teens rather than a shelter, but he still wanted to see what this place is like and what it has to offer, and as he was taking his second glance of the hall he saw injured people too and some were in such agony, what kind of lives did they have? He didn't give it much care, he reached towards his ear pierce, remembering what he which one he was wearing, he was surprised when he discovered he wasn't wearing one, he remembered that he took off his accessories before he entered, he didn't know what kind of place it was.

It was 9:45 a PA system announced his name, to go to the Assembly Room. He wondered what could it be he got up and started to look around for that room, he didn't want to be late for the welcoming...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Callie looked around the dining area with a frown and a mouth full of food. There were so many kids here. A whole bunch of teenagers who are probably hooked on half a dozen drugs, probably ran away from home after mooching of mom and dad for drug money. She stuffed her mouth with bacon and eggs. She was glad for her ability to repel people as she just wanted to eat her breakfast in peace. It didn't take long for a distraction to come along for Cal. The phone in her pocket buzzed. They might have taken away her cigarettes when she first arrived as a guest, as smoking wasn't allowed on campus, but they allowed her to keep her phone.

In one smooth moment Cal pulled her phone out of her pocket, unlocking it with one hand. Cal couldn't help but grin for a moment when she first saw who was texting her. An almost friend from high school. "Yo Cal man where are you at? I haven't seen you around for days." Cal looked around quickly, making sure no weird kids were looking over her shoulder. "Yeah man shit I've been chilling at a teen shelter. And before you say I'm going soft I get free food and a bed that is better then sleeping on your shitty couch." Cal right after hitting send, heard her name in the announcement. With a sigh Cal stood up, leaving her tray.

As she began to walk to the Assembly room she texted her friend again. "Sorry Ronnie I gotta turn my phone off. I'm being summoned. Stay chill."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TraceStHusky


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It was at 9:45 that Hope heard an announcement that awoke her to the fact that she had classes soon. She sat up and began to gather her books and made her bed, the tasks feeling monumental. Her joints were feeling impossibly broken and like she would fall apart at any moment. She repeated her mantra in her head and tipped her books into a simple canvas bag that had been provided when she started classes. The edges were beginning to fray, and she wasn't sure of its strength anymore. Perhaps she should ask her case worker for a new one. Wasn't he there to help?
Hope held her face in her hands for a moment as she wondered why she was still here. It was miraculous that she was alive still, but she had a feeling that she was going to get kicked out when she entered Open Roads. She hadn't made much effort to make known why she was there and felt like the counselors and staff just thought she was lost and didn't know where her life was going. Was that enough reason to let a teenager in off the streets? Most of the others who made their home in these halls had much more serious issues. She laughed to herself as she realizes her issues were very serious.
Hope pulled her sneakers on and last second decided to pull on a thick hooded jacket, feeling very cold. A voice in her head reminded her that it was most likely a flare up of anemia. Pushing the thought away, she zipped the jacket up, pulled her bag onto her shoulder and let her sleeves cover her shaking hands. She opened her door and walked into the hallway, closing it behind her as she left, headed across the Open Roads campus for her first class.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiredSkye


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Levi shuddered violently as a nurse half-carried her to the infirmary, screaming profanities in her head. The nurse gently helped her into a cot and brought a gown to wear instead of her vomit-smeared clothing, which Levi slowly managed to change into. "How's detox work here?" She asked, somewhat curious. "You lie there until it passes," The nurse said. "Oh," Levi said, feeling her stomach clench. She sat up and nearly vomited in her lap, would have, except the nurse, speedy with experience, shoved a basin on her lap before she ruined the blankets. "T-thanks," Levi gasped, earning a 'you're welcome' sort of nod.

Levi and the nurse talked in between rushes to the toilet and lifting the bowl to her mouth. She learned about the nurse's background - how she'd come over her own addiction here as a seventeen year old, living on the streets, just like Levi. After an hour or so, Levi blurted out, "I- I want to become a resident," and blushed hotly after that statement. The nurse smiled and patted Levi's thin, tanned hand. "You won't regret it, dear," she said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

When Ruben finished his meal, which he had picked at and taken some time to finish due to having quite a lot on his mind, he took the plate and tray away before heading towards the toilets. He saw a girl walk out beside a nurse, she was clearly in great distress and looked very ill. He sighed, feeling bad for her but deciding not to offer his assistance, recognising that the workers here were professional and offer much more than him in terms of help. He walked over to a sink in the toilets and washed his face, clearing his mind, when he heard an announcement on the speaker: “Calling the following Residents to the Assembly Room in the Welcome Building: Isabella Roma, Callie Evans, Anthony Ware, Azai Chasina, Ruben Batista, Benjamin Vaughn.” He normally didn't pay too much attention to announcements or anything, but when he heard that the speaker began to list names, he made sure he listened well for his own, and when he heard it, he nodded to himself, turning on his heel, out of the toilets.

Casually, he strolled towards the assembly building. He was probably going to be finally assigned a long-term therapists - he'd already spoken to a couple people but he felt having someone he could talk to regularly, on a personal level, would be a much better alternative than to someone who had no relevance to him in any way at all. Unlike some of the people here, who only went to the therapy because it was pretty much mandatory, he went because he genuinely wanted to get back in control of his head - his life had sucked since he'd left home, he'd been in withdrawal from drugs, in an incredibly low state of mind and constantly paranoid. By now, however, he was feeling good. He still had urges to take drugs, but the only form of drug he'd taken since coming to Open Roads was a few cigarettes every now and then when he was out of the grounds.
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