Avatar of Sugar and Spite


Recent Statuses

17 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
22 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
22 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
29 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
2 mos ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

Hey everyone, how are we coming along with those posts?

Slowly working on it, boss.
Hey lovelies <3

I will try and have some more posts for you soon-ish. As of now, home life is insane.

But hey! Roughly three days until Warped Tour!!!

Where you're from
You might be the one who's running things
Well you can ring anybody's bell and get what you want
See it's easy to ignore trouble
When you're living in a bubble

Everyone was always so hyped up and nostalgic for their senior year of high school. As he threw the blankets off of himself, and hit the annoying alarm to shut if off, Oliver would come to the realization that he had no idea how people could ever feel such a way. Sure, he got to see his friends, and maybe he would have a new crush this year, but he had never been able to stand school - at least not the academic part. English was okay, he supposed, but Oli was more of a social guy. He went through his morning routine with ease, a slight smirk on his face at all of the potential juicy gossip that would be filling the halls this year. He had actually had an idea to start a school website with all of the who’s who, said gossip, and the like, though he would have to most likely discus it with Victoire first, of course. He could convince her that it would work as a sort of helpful tool of the freshman, and he would probably have to promise her her own spot of dedication, just like the rest of the class representatives, but maybe, just maybe, he could get it approved.

Showered, fed, and dressed in the insufferable uniform, he made his way downstairs. His father was away on yet another business trip, so he only had to have a brief conversation with his mother to please her before walking out the door. Most of the other students took the bus or drove, but Oliver decided to walk more often than not. He didn’t have that many of friends, so carpooling was out, and he hadn’t decided what car he wanted just yet. Plus the bus was bound to be full of annoying little Freshman that he would much rather avoid.

Arriving on school grounds, he would see that Victoire had already assembled a small crowd, playing a Kesha song. An old one, at that. He rolled his eyes. Though he was open to pretty much all kinds of music, Kesha had never been prefered. He was more of a Brittney kinda dude. His eyes scanning the scene in front of him as he made his way towards the doors, he spotted Johnny with his camera. Oli had a feeling inside telling him to run and hide, but, since he had always sort of considered Johnny a friend, he gave a small wave and a smile in the other boys direction. Dodging the aforementioned freshmen, he would take a deep breath as he made his way over to one of the spare tables, sitting down, and grabbing his pen and notebook from his backpack, already starting to take notes of his observations from this year.
@jakeb1993 Your cinnamon roll complex is to cinnamon rolly for you to be evil

In response to the post times or whatever, you know I'm flexible xD I just try to be here when I can.
My PMs are open too, but my characters just moved from NYC so it might be hard to have relationships with them before it starts :/

Ariel is totally the type to help welcome them!
My PM's are open <3
@HaleyTheRandom When you get on next, if you post a place holder, I will start the next Cycle when i get home from work tomorrow :)

Said and done, boss man.
Salem & Aliira

A collab between: @Grape and @HaleyTheRandom

After yesterday's meeting, Salem had had a private conversation with Aloyisus. Most likely not the smartest idea, especially considering the whirlwind of emotions that she was feeling at the moment. Nonetheless the Guild leader made her way through the halls, back to her office. Pushing the door open, she would sit in the chair. Salem and Aliira met here practically every morning, and Salem was using this opportunity to clear the air once more. Perhaps she would tell her friend about the secret meeting, perhaps not. The actual reason was to delegate, more or less. Salem needed to tell Aliira about Elizabeth’s death. The whole Guild needed to know, actually, but Salem just didn’t feel up to it.

It wasn’t that she was lazy, or simply didn’t want to. It was that the young woman was exhausted: mentally, physically, and emotionally. She just simply couldn’t handle the questions and accusations at the moment, and she couldn’t put off telling the rest of the Guild until she actually pulled herself together. So, Salem had quietly decided that perhaps Aliira would help her out some.

Aliira went about her mornings as usual; checking on the security systems, checking on the young, making sure the kitchen staff were on task, addressing any emails or questions, etc. General maintenance issues that may have arrived in the morning or the night prior after she fell asleep. Satisfied all had been addressed Aliira sighed to herself, knowing now was the time for the morning meeting with Salem.

Heading down a few hallways, absentmindedly walking with her eyes scanning her phone she made it Salem’s door from muscle memory alone. Closing her phones screen she stuffed it in her pocket. She quickly pushed her fingers through her hair, wanting to look presentable. She then pushed her way through the door, casting a soft and sweet smile Salem’s way. She walked over to Salem, leaning down and hugging gently the sitting Salem. She then went to the chair beside Salem and took a seat herself.

”So, what’s on the agenda this morning, Boss.”

Salem welcomed the hug and gave Aliira a small one in return. Come to think of it, Aliira was the only person that Salem would really let regularly touch her. She turned her chair to look at her friend, trying to compose her thoughts. There were quite a few things on the agenda, there always were, but this morning, Salem couldn’t decide on what to tell her second in command first. The issues just seemed to… pressing, all of them important. The nagging suspicion that her meeting with Aloysius only complicated things was eating away at her. As she looked Aliira in the eye, her stomach now had a strange feeling in it; one that if she tried to lie, she though she might puke. All the young woman had ever done was lie: To her parents about where she was, indirectly by not telling her followers everything was going on… Her whole life had practically been a secret. Salem was done with it. ”Elizabeth is dead and I had a secret meeting with Al,” she said quickly, almost slurring her words. Her face would be serious, but as usual, her eyes would give her away with the look of pure anguish in them.

Aliira could tell something was wrong, something was eating at Salem. So her brown eyes just stayed affixed to her face, awaiting what she had to say; a nervousness of her own beginning to unsettle her stomach. But then she heard Salem’s words, and they had been far worse than she dared imagine. She didn’t care about the secret meeting. It held no importance over the fact of losing one of their own. Aliira reached out, taking Salem’s hand in almost a desperate manner. ”You’re… You’re joking, right? Teasing me because I’ve been so worried?” Aliira practically pleaded. Though Salem didn’t need to respond, her eyes gave away the sincerity in the claim

”No…” Her voice trailed in disbelief. Standing up from her chair and pacing around the room, echoing the denying words quietly to herself. Though her movements seemed slow and deliberate, she didn’t seem present. As if she were locked away within herself trying to make sense, but more importantly stay calm. Her powers were connected to her emotions, the faint glow from her fully encompassing tattoo’s beginning to flow in and out of view; like they were being pulled back with each breath. As each moment passed tears began to pool in her eyes, though her expression was one of calm desperation.

It was taking all that Salem had in her to keep it together herself, and seeing Aliira’s reaction wasn’t helping. Salem wasn’t about to condemn her for showing her emotions, however. The tears in her eyes didn’t come as a surprise to Salem. It was no secret that Li was the more openly emotional of the two. Salem had always thought that Allira and herself had always balanced each other. Salem was cold and shut off - a total bitch. Aliira was kind, and motherly, though when pushed to her limit her kind heart could turn ruthless. She watched her friend walk around the room, the mark on her body beginning to glow faintly all over. Salem had always seen a form of beauty in the way the other woman's skin glowed. She felt the need to reach out and give her a hug, though she wasn’t entirely sure if that would make things worse or not. So instead she stayed in her seat.

”I… I’m sorry,” she began. ”Zeke is the one that found her. Circe is the one responsible.” Salem sat there, watching Aliira pace back and forth. She decided to keep her responses short. If Aliira wanted to ask questions, she would give her as much information as she could, but for now, this seemed like the best option.

As Aliira heard the person responsible she felt rage swell within her. Scorching anger searing through her veins. No longer were her marks flashing, now there were fully emblazoned. Her marks burning so bright the glow seeped through her clothes. Luckily she was still conscious of herself, she knew this rage was dangerous.

Suddenly Aliira cried out loudly, dispensing immense energy from her body; the concrete beneath her feet cracking and spidering out under her. The similar glowing energy seeping out from the split ground, though no longer the calm flow. The energy was jagged, vibrating at volatile and irregular patterns.

Slowly though the energy began to fade back into the Earth, her markings beginning to disappear off her skin. Aliira then fell to her knees, sobs beginning to come from her as tears finally fell down her cheeks. Her arms wrapping around her own stomach as she let herself slouch into her own lap.

”I… I should have protected her…” She sobbed quietly to herself. Her fingers gripping strong at her sides, hugging herself tightly; trying to reign in her sobbing and pain.

Seeing her friend in so much pain cause Salem to feel it herself. How could Aliira think this was her fault? Salem was their leader; it was her job to keep them safe, not Aliira’s. Seeing the other woman fall to her knees, Salem would get up quickly from her chair and walk over to her friend, sitting down on her knees as she placed her hand under Aliiras chin, gently turning her face towards her. ”Hey…” she began, her tone quiet and soothing. ”This isn’t your fault. No one could have seen this coming. No one could have prevented it. She died a warrior's death. This isn’t your fault, Li.”

Aliira didn’t resist as her face was turned towards Salem. Her soft brown eyes pained and desperate. She listened to the words, trying to stifle her sobbing. As Salem finished speaking there was a short moment of silence, the desperation for comfort overwhelming. Aliira then moved closer, suddenly throwing herself at Salem. Her arms wrapped swiftly and tightly around the other girls back. Pulling Salem tightly into herself, hiding her face in the crook of Salem’s neck. Her fingers gripping tightly on the back of Salem shirt as she tried to keep herself from sobbing again; though the tears never stopped.

An overwhelming sort of anger filled Salem from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. It had been a while since one of their ranks were lost, and she had nearly forgotten what it did to her friend. Feeling how desperately Aliira was clinging to her, Salem did the same, wrapping her arms around the other woman. Thoughts began to run through her head once more. Why had she really had the meeting with Aloysius? He was the one who proposed it. Was it just some sort of trick? A distraction? ”We’ll avenge her. I promise,” she nearly whispered.

The moment lasted a few minutes. Silent embrace after Salem’s assurance there would be vengeance. As Aliira began to slowly take back control of herself her arms loosened around the woman. She sat back on her heels, resting her hands on Salem’s lap as she looked up at the other.

”We will avenge her. But we need to do this right. We can’t go out there looking for blood. We can’t be seen as a tyrant. We are the good guys, we need to keep our imagine.” Aliira spoke flatly, the pain obvious in her eyes. It was apparent she was conflicted with even her own words. Like she disagreed with everything she said, but she stood behind her words. No matter how much she hated to say it.

Salem simply nodded her head, knowing that Aliira was right. She couldn’t count how many times she would have went out on a murdering spree for vengeance or the like if it hadn’t been for Li’s level headedness. Getting to her feet, Salem would offer a hand to the other woman. ”You’re right. But… we should get going. There’s plenty of work to be done.”

Aliira nodded in response, though she no longer cried there was a deep agony behind her glossed over brown eyes. Taking a deep breath and quickly exhaling, as if she were desperately trying to expel the hurt. She then took Salem’s hand, using it to pulling herself to her feet.
Placeholder for Talya and Circe's night out.

-Massive destruction.
-Murdering seemingly innocent people.
-Some flirtatious remarks.

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