Avatar of Sugar and Spite


Recent Statuses

13 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
18 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
18 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
25 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

Vodka for me, please.
We're constantly lurking. xD

Cookies are my thing...
Although your current status makes me sad...

Sorry about that, love. I tend to be a bit on the depressing side at times.

But this is a happy thread!

So, yeah! Happy stuff. xD

<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>

I'd like to think so! Although that gianormous black hairy thing growing on his face is scary. Then again, I don't get the whole bushy beard thing with dudes. Is it some kind of rite of passage into manhood? I mean sure, if you're a barbarian...

Hales, I think you need to make a thread so we can discuss, lol


I'm sortta indifferent to beards, tbh. Some guys can pull them off, some can't. One thing I don't understand is why sometimes they let them grow as long as I do my hair.

Hmm.... You actually gave me an idea. xD We shall see.
Okay, so while I have a bit of time during lunch I shall drop names of people who I've come to really admire on RPG/Discord in the short few months I've been on here :)

<eh em>

@Ruby is just pure awesome, and was one of the first people I met on RPG and started chatting with on DC. She is an excellent RPer/writer, and I see her as like "the big sis I never had" and def loving her new RP.

@Ghost Shadow, another awesome d00d, really interesting character ideas, and a great writer to boot! Love RPing with him.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity is like one of those spirit guides in all things, and he's fairly well groomed for a lion which is always a plus. But, he's been a great source of D&D info the few times I've been able to pick his kitty brain on DC :D

@Briza is well...Briza, lol. But srly, she is fun to chat with, her writing style is so eloquent and rich with details, and her characters are equally as interesting.

@HaleyTheRandom, whose posts I love because they really get the community engaged in the topics, whether serious character/RP building stuff or just silliness. She is a fun addition to RPG :)

I know I'm prob missing people, but lunch period is over and I gotta run to class :/

You aren't so bad yourself. xD

RPG's little ray of sunshine.
I feel like half the population of the beach house has a crush on Sunshine xD Molly, too.

Thing is - she's totally oblivious xD
@HaleyTheRandom Definitely looking forward to him being a stuttering mess of a human whenever she is around, let alone if she ever acknowledges him.

Awww. She's nice to everyone, so she'd definitely would make a move to include him into the crowd.


He's such a cutie.

Be patient with me guys. I'll try and have a post soon-ish, but RL is kicking my ass.
Banned because okay then, buddy.
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