Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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12 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
17 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
17 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
25 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

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Banned because you again.
Sunshine & Finn

You've got me more than clumsy
But you're my yellow, lovely

Sunshine had to admit - it was kinda cute the way he blushed when she had surprised him. It was definitely better than the alternative of him getting mad at her. After he said the she had scared him, her smile brightened even more as she backed away, arms folded across her chest as she surveyed Finns room. She wondered if he was even planning to go to tonight's affair. Knowing Finn, probably not. But she figured she would at least extend a persuasive invitation to her friend.

No longer smiling, her face showing just how deep in thought that she was, Sable turned to look at him as he repeated her last word with curiosity. She nodded slowly. ”Yep, a mission. Checks point will include: you getting dressed, getting you to the party, you having a good time and… anything else that comes up.” As she named off her objectives, she held up a finger for each one before putting her hands in her pockets. ”Granted you don’t have to come if you don’t want to. I just thought it might be cool if you tagged along.”

Finn’s room was significantly cleaner than most of the other rooms in the house probably were. All his clothes were still neatly in his suitcase which sat beside his bed, aside from a small pile of dirty clothes that sat next to it. There was a keyboard, a guitar amp and two guitars sitting beside his computer desk, and a stack of books, comic books and board games organised on another table. He even brought a bin in there. There was no mess on his desk or on the floor, his bed was even made. Even on vacation, Finn couldn’t stand things being messy or disorganised.

Finn listened to Sable intently, with a hesitant, yet curious look on his face. He twirled a finger into his hair, tugging on it at little as he thought, his eyes gazing absently down at the floor. “I… Uhh… I’ve never been to… A p-party before…” He mumbled softly, shrugging his shoulders. “I’d be so out of place…”

Sunshine shook her head reassuringly. ”Don’t worry about it. I’ve got some experience with these things,” she said, walking over to sit down on the edge of the bed. ”I’d be more than happy to show you the ropes.” She tilted her head slightly to the side as she thought some more. ”Ya know.. For what it’s worth… There’s going to be tons of cute girls there.”

There was something comforting about the way that she spoke, that even though Finn was still incredibly anxious about the thought of going down stairs, let alone to a party, it was no wear near as bad as it would be if she weren’t there. He continued to pull at his hair, pulling a few strands free as he started to blush again at the mention of cute girls. There was only one girl that he thought of like that, and she was already right there in front of him. “I… Ummm…” He stuttered a few times, still staring at the floor. before deciding to attempt to dodge that particular subject. “But… What if someone tries to fight me? Don’t fights happen at parties…?”

Watching his face as he spoke, Sable began to wonder if she was pressuring him, more than merely persuading. He was turning more and more shades of red as she spoke, though it seemed to be more out of nervousness than frustration. She bit her bottom lip, toying with her necklace as she thought once more. Hopefully he didn’t think she was being to pushy. At his comment about the fights, she laughed lightheartedly. ”No one’s gonna fight you, Finn. If they tried, I’d kick their ass. ‘Sides. I’m sure the only one you have to really worry about fighting here is Sam. Not only that, but fights usually happen between drunks. Just because you’re going to a party doesn’t mean you have to get drunk.”

Finn couldn’t help but smile slightly at her words, letting out a quiet giggle, lifting his face to look at her. “O-okay…” His fingers drummed lightly on the desk he leaned against, pulling out a few more strands of hair as he thought. “But… If… If I want to get drunk… J-just… Just to see what it’s like…” He paused for a moment, seemingly thinking hard about his next few words. “Would… Would you… Look out for me…? Like, make sure I don’t hurt myself or anything…?” Alcohol was definitely something he was curious about, but had never had an opportunity to try until this point.

Face lighting up at his response, Sunshine simply nodded her head. ”Consider me your personal protector guider person or whatever,” she responded. Granted, her original plan was to get super drunk herself, but she could limit herself to where she only got slightly tipsy. She had meant what she said, making a sort of mental promise to herself to keep Finn safe tonight. ”Sooo… does that mean you’re going?”

With a few more moments of thought, he stopped playing with his hair, dropping his hands to his side and nodded, with a genuine smile on his face. He was still anxious as hell to face the outside world, but he’d have his ray of Sunshine beside him, so that made it okay. “Okay. Let’s do it.” His smile suddenly dropped into a look of slight panic as realised something. “Wait… I don’t know what to wear… What do people wear to parties??”

Yet another smile made it’s way to the young girls face as she realized her accomplishment, feeling awfully proud of herself. Finley Morrison was going to a party, and she had been the one to convince him to do so. Standing up, putting her hands back in her pockets, she took a deep breath. ”Well, you could wear jeans, but it’s a beach party and we’re in Florida, so not the best idea. Maybe a pair of swim trunks,” Sunshine said slowly, clearly lost in her thoughts as she studied him. ”And either a white or grey t-shirt. It’d look good on ya.”

The topic of clothes heightened his anxiety again, forcing himself to take deep breaths, trying hard not to lose it in front of Sunshine. He clasped his hands together, twirling his fingers around each other nervously as he tried to keep himself calm. “I… Uhhh… I only have long-sleeve shirts… I-is… Is that o-okay…?” His eyes flickered around the room, bouncing between Sable, the floor, his instruments and back, trying to find something to focus on to stop himself from entering a panic attack.

Giving him a reassuring look, Sable nodded her head, though she was curious as to why someone would pack nothing but long sleeves to take a vacation to freaking Florida. ”Of course that’s okay, Finny,” she said, the tone of her voice soothing. Still paying attention to his face, she noticed his eyes darting from place to place. Making her way across the room, she placed her hand on his shoulder comfortingly. ”I’ll step out while you change or whatever. You can let me know when you’re ready, and we can meet the others downstairs or just chill up here. Either way’s cool with me.”

He felt her hand on his shoulder, and his eyes shifted to meet hers. He almost instantly felt a wave of calm wash over him, his breathing starting to steady, and his hands becoming still. He was still visibly nervous, but significantly less than he was a few moments prior. “Okay… Umm… I’ll get changed… And then, umm... I guess we can go down stairs…”

”Awesome,” she responded. ”I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” Not bothering to wait on his response, she practically skipped back out of the room.
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