Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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9 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
14 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
14 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
21 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

Color me interested.

I'll put this down on my list.

Edit: Reserving Elizabeth Gilles, color code edbeff as the a low-key goth bitch.
Also reserving Ginny Gardner, color code 00ee54 as the hot nerd.
I will stab people for @Dirty Pretty Lies.

Just say the word, mami.

Ariel highly doubted anyone would know what - or who - her costume was. That didn't bother her though. It was just less of a chance that she would have to worry about someone else stealing her costume. Said costume consisted of a red wig, a white spaghetti strap halter top, black jean shorts, a tan trench coat and a white scarf tied around her neck and face. Enaia Jin was who she was dressed as. Ms. Jin was a character that one of Ariel's favorite singers - Lights, to be exact - had created for one of her latest albums.

Much sooner than she had expected, Ariel found herself entering the Salvador house right behind Santiago Fernandez and one of his buddies who's name she didn't remember. It was way to early in the night to be that loud. Then again, Ariel had a feeling that being loud was one of the very few things that the Devil was good at. Searching the crowd for Kavi as she walked around aimlessly, the young woman felt her palms begin to sweat and her stomach begin to churn. Ariel didn't have the best luck with crowds, and it didn't look like tonight was about to be any different. Maybe if she found Kavi, seeing his face would help calm her nerves. It sounded stupid to some people when she tried to explain it, but familiar things helped calm her anxiety. Familiar faces, scents, even voices helped to calm her nerves. Lost in thought, she looked up only when she heard his voice.

"So what do you think about the costume," she asked, twirling around so he could see her outfit. "I'm thinking maybe I should dye my hair red."

Sunshine seemed to be settling into Kings Academy just fine. To her surprise - and mild expectation - Kings wasn't that different from back home. Granted she missed her friend back home. Could Kellie and Shawna offer her as great of a friendship as Spice had? Better yet - could Sable not screw this new friendship up like she had the old one? Granted Spice had overreacted. Well, maybe not. Who knew. She had tried messaging Peaches - she had always insisted on calling Spice, Peaches - many times, but she had gotten no answer. Oh well. Time to dress up and drink her problems away.

She had chosen to dress up as Dorothy for tonight's outing. Her blue dress was a tad shorter than the actual characters, her white socks had turned to white stockings, and her red shoes had turned to just red flats. She had took special care when applying her red lipstick and mascara, and even more care on making sure the pigtails and blue bows were even in her hair. Texting Shawna a quick 'headed that way', Sunshine borrowed her aunts car to drive to Kavis. In a short fifteen minutes, she had arrived. Though Sunshine had yet to meet Kavi, she admired his decorations. At least he didn't just throw something up in a split second decision.

Sable let herself through the door, watching her step as to not bump into anyone as she went. Searching the crowd for Kellie and Shawna as she went, Sunshine spotted someone dressed as Sandy from Grease. Anyone who knew Sunshine knew that Grease was her all time favorite movie. She could sing every song, quote the movie word from word... Grease was a huge part of the young womans life. She would have to speak with the fellow fangirl later - but first, she had to find her queen. Just as the thought had escaped her mind, Sunshine found Shawna at the wide arrangement of alcohol. Giving her new friend a smirk and the best courtesy she could manage, Sunshine gave a silly greeting of "My Queen," before standing back up to pour herself a shot of tequila.
Forehead kisses and thigh touches make me weak.
So yesterday, I was watching AHS, Season three, Coven.

And, as some of you may know, Stevie Nicks appears as a guest star on a few episodes, so of course I immediately go "Holy Shit, it's Stevie Nicks."

Through a thirty second conversation I learned that my best friend had no idea who Stevie or Fleetwood Mac was, so I felt the need to educate him.

Anyway, my point is I've been listening to nothing but Fleetwood Mac for the last twenty-four hours. More specifically the songs Seven Wonders and Dreams. Yes. Seriously.
Yet another test site by yours truly.

A few rules:
    -This thread will contain my RP concepts. Don't steal. If I find out, I will be very, very angry and you will officially be on my shit list.
    -Don't steal my characters.
    -You can use my images, and you can use the faceclaims that you may find here. I prefer if you ask first. If you don't, I'm not going to hold any hard feelings, but politeness is always appreciated.
    -That's pretty much it. Enjoy these few shitty resources.

This was about a month and a half after I started my current job waiting tables at a pizza joint.

There's this one guy who is semi-regular. He doesn't come in that often, but when he does it's either exactly nine o'clock or right after - we close at nine. This is the second time in this week that he's came in after nine and asked if we could make him a burger. Both times we denied him. Our kitchen was closed, register was in the process of being shut down, etc.

He didn't take his frustrations out on us thankfully, but it was a busy Saturday night and we still had a few tables that we were working on busing.

This guy yeets over to one of the tables, snatches a leftover half-eaten piece of pizza, takes a bite and walks out the door like nothing happened.
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