Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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8 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
13 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
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13 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
20 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

I'm going to the beach Sunday.

A Collaboration between @HaleyTheRandom & @Hedgehawk

It had taken Aloysius a while to figure out what to do about the body of the poor girl he had just murdered in cold blood. He actually felt bad about killing her and although he never wanted to admit it, he kind of regretted it. Magi were a dying breed afterall, and killing each other was only going to make things harder in the long run. Still he had his backup plan. That was important.

Aloysius had arrived at the DS headquarters; a small alleyway on a non name street in Brooklyn. At the end of the alleyway was a large metal door. To most people it was nothing but an old door to nowhere, but in reality it was far more than that. It was actually an enchanted door, designed to vaporise the poor souls that touched it. At least if they weren't Dark Shadow Members. The metal was slightly warped at the edges though; an aftereffect of the time that Salem stormed the building. Pushing the door open, Aloysius walked down the metallic spiral staircase and into the atrium, most of the lights were busted, and the screens were smashed. Aloysius never really had time to clean up after moving back in.

Walking across the atrium, Aloysius made his way to his office, noticing that the large Oak door had finally been replaced. Opening it, Aloysius walked inside, only to be greeted by Ty and Jaz. Fully closing the door he smiled. "Didn't expect you two to be waiting for me. Feeling lost without me?" He joked.

Jasper had been chastising her brother for the latest of his sexual scandals while Nirvana's greatest hits played in the background before Aloysius had walked in. Through a window in the main room they could see the lightning outside. The spectacle caused Jasper to laugh, while Tiberius had a concerned look on his face.

”He did it,” she mumbled. ”The idiot actually did it.”

”But… he asked me if…. I told him no, and he didn’t lis--”

”Oh, Ty. My darling, sweet brother. Aloysius doesn’t listen to anyone. You know this. He just does as he pleases, with no direction, and no,” she said, turning to face Aloysius. ”We can actually think and act for ourselves.”

"Really Jaz?" Aloysius replied as he made himself comfortable in his own office; eventually sitting down on his leather chair after running his fingers along the oak desk. "I thought you were only capable of thinking about your next fuck in between fucks." Aloysius finished before leaning back into his chair. He didn't say anything for a moment instead looking at Ty, both absorbing how beautiful he was, but also at the same time trying to worm out that puzzled expression that seemed to adorned that cute frame of face of his.

”You mean like all of the other occupants in the room with severe daddy issues,” she retorted. ”You don’t get to shame me. That’s sexist and stupid, and if you want me to add sexist to the list of your shitty qualitites, I’d be more than happy. The feminists rallies would probably have more fun with you than they do Trump - and that’s saying something.”

”Could you two fucking not,” Ty nearly growled. ”You guys can’t even be in the same room with each other for more than three seconds without going at it.”

Jasper shrugged. ”Doesn’t matter. Can we get to the point where you bitches start arguing because he went off and killed Aliira after he consulted you and you said no? Or are we just going to ignore that…?”

Aloysius couldn't help but look down when Ty almost growled. "Look. Holding onto Aliira was a liability. The longer I held onto her, the more likely my plan would not work." Aloysius rose from his chair and paced around the room as he carried on speaking.

"I noticed that when The Guild did not respond to my capture of Aliira, I had a sneaking suspicion the Guild Council was blocking a rescue effort. Which is quite ironic given that Salem has more power than them and also she is responsible for security for the Guild. Get where I am going with this? Aloysius asked.

”You wanted to piss Salem off so she could come in and kill us off in masses.”

"The opposite actually. The council and Salem are bickering so much that they won't even care that I killed her. The council won't call for a witch hunt because that would be an admission that Salem was correct… all that will happen is that Salem and the council will tear each other apart." With That Al had a smirk on his face. But his eyes were still fixated on Ty. He hated him looking like this.

”I…. Al… you’re -”

”An idiot,” Jasper finished. ”Salem is going to be pissed at the Council, but she won’t go for them. She’ll find a loop hole. She has before, and she will again. Do you ever think with your actual head?”

"Last time however Salem took advantage of the fact that the council hadn't even fully formed to stop her. By the time they had finished forming to stop her she had already ripped this place apart. The worst case scenario is she tries to go for me directly and unofficially. If she attacks me however I will be ready. We have to remember she was responsible for the death of Lana. We don't even have her body to Bury her properly." Aloysius sighed and walked right upto Ty, running his fingers along the jawline of the male.

”Lana’s dead,” Ty said, swatting Aloysius’s hand away. ”You didn’t even tell me that.”

"I wanted to be sure and find the body. But my investigations have proved that Salem executed her at a private Guild Safehouse. Kind of been trying to process the loss myself. Kinda lost without her." With that Aloysius let out a sigh and moved away from Ty.

" Lana had the power and the brains. She was able to rally troops and keep everyone happy." He sat down in the edge of the desk. " With Lana gone I feel so lost. However I had a backup plan. I still have Aliira's body in ice. And I have this." Aloysius reached into his shirt and pulled out a small white crystal that was attached to a rope necklace around his neck. " I have her soul right here though best we keep this between ourselves. Given how forbidden it is." He kept looking between the two, concerned about what they were going to say.

”But you still didn’t tell me.”

”You’re just expecting to keep Aliiras soul, break one of the most ancient laws, and… do… what, exactly?”

The fact that Aloysius has technically broken one of the most ancient and most taboo laws in the magi world didn't even bother him right now. His main concern was Ty and how he was being distant towards him.

"Ty… It is not like I did not want to tell you. I was going to let you know as soon as I had it confirmed. I obviously couldn't confirm it and one thing led to another. Ty. I am sorry. Please understand that I am telling the truth. I can't stand it when you are angry at me." For that brief moment the fearless leader that everyone knew had gone. Instead, a more sincere, or more like scared leader had been awoken. Though as soon as it appeared, it disappeared when he turned to Jaz.

" Well you see Jaz, the true answer is I don't know. This crystal has been in my family for years, figured I might as well do something with it. My original plan was to use to keep Ty close to me if something happened to him. But for now I can use it to interrogate Aliira and if need be, since I have her body… You know…" Even though Aloysius wasn't a very taboo person, there were lines even he wouldn't cross, and saying necromancy out loud was one of them. So he was hoping that the duo could infer from what he had said.

”So you just have her body, like… stored in the fucking freezer? And for the record, you could have told ‘the love of your life’ that you suspected that his best friend was dead, but ya know, whatever. Technical details,” Jasper said, waving her hand in the air in a dismissive fashion.

Not exactly a freezer. But yes, that is the idea." With that Aloysius drew a long breath. " Like I said, I had to be sure. I didn't want to panic anyone. I couldn't find her body. So that's what I am going to work on now. I need to work out why Lana was used as a target."

"Lana wasn't the target. Lana was never a target. Salem wanted her on the Guilds side. You were the target. Lana was just collateral. Just like everybody else," Ty said, his voice turning sour on the last sentence.

Aloysius let out a sigh at the last few words. The reality sinking in. ””Look, I appreciate that everyone here puts their lives on the line to protect me. I know that I can’t solve all the problems around here, and that our cause is tougher than it should be, but I promise that i am going to fix all of this. Salem is going to pay.” With that Aloysius stood up and walked back around the office, close to Ty speaking in a low whisper so only he could hear him, ”You know I am sorry right. I wanted to protect Lana and I failed.”

”Honestly, Al,” Ty said abruptly, ”I think it’s best if we just end the conversation here. Nothing personal. I just really need time to process the information. Just like a day or two.”

Al let out a sigh, moving away from the duo and slumping back in his desk chair. "I know, I know. Just try and make a brave face alright. There are certain people here who would flip their shit if they found out about Lana… I will speak to you both later on anyway. I have a job for the pair of ya, just need to finalise details."

”Keep a brave face? Are you fucking ser--”

Ty was cut off by his sister putting one hand over his mouth, the other on his chest. Ty’s eyes were full of rage, and Jasper thought that it would be best to get them out of the same room for the time being. ”Ty, why don’t you go and check on the rest of the group, huh? Make sure no one’s slacking off. Maybe set some losers jacket one fire,” she said, he voice soothing.

Taking a deep breath, Tiberius simply closed his eyes and nodded his head before making his exit from the room. ”Aloysius. I would really advise you to start thinking before you speak.”

At that point Aloysius was going to speak, but decided against it. He was afterall supposed to be thinking about what he said. Right now however he couldn't see what he did wrong. Instead he just lowered his head, acknowledging he had done wrong. Once Ty had left he buried his face in his hands, elbows propping his head up from the desk, Jaspers high heeled boots clicking to the rhythm of her disappointment as he wallowed in his misery.

Hey guys!

Deadline is Thursday, August 8th. Tomorrow/Today, August 6th, is the last day to ask for extensions. The GM team has decided that a week long extension will be given to anyone who asks for one, so long as it is asked no later than two days prior to the extension.

Some changes have been made to the thread and discord. A character roster and posting status has been created on the 0th post in the character tab. There is also now a channel in the discord with the posting statuses as well.

Any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to comment in the thread, or PM/DM any of the GM team.
Now ~ Chase Atlantic
Constant ~ Meg Myers
Dancer In The Dark ~ Chase Atlantic
Antique ~ The Ghost Club
at least i look cool ~ Sasha Sloan
S.O.S ~ The Glorious Sons
Giants ~ Lights
Seven Wonders ~ Fleetwood Mac
A Thousand Ways ~ Phoebe Ryan
Holy Roller ~ Cyn

A collab by @NeoAJ and @HaleyTheRandom; featuring Shawna and Ariel.

“Holy shit. Where did they go? This house ain’t that big!”

Cleopatra was fumbling with modern technology by the alcohol table. Not surprising given she spent most of the night there. Her inadvertent pep talk to Ariel had led her to push most of the rest of the whiskey into her cup, and the effects were starting to take hold. She had grabbed a chair to steady herself as she sent texts to Kellie Anne and Sunshine, wondering just where the hell they had disappeared in the midst of the party. Meanwhile, the crown was starting to get heavy on her head. There were noises coming from the upstairs, which meant the host of the party was probably having a very enjoyable conversation with her last drinking partner. Shawna sipped in silent solidarity as a door slammed above.

”Honest to gods, the nerve of that boy…” Ariel grumbled as the picture frames fell off the wall.

Ariel had never wanted Kavi to change. While it was true she didn’t particularly care for the moments when he was being a dick, she had still come to love and accept him for the complete ass that he was. Maybe Kavi trying to change wasn’t pressure from her, but pressure from himself instead. Maybe Kavi was the one fed up with himself being a douche. Regardless, their relationship was over. Stick a fork in it - done. She wouldn’t be apologizing this time, nor would she be paying for any of the damage that she had caused.

The rage inside of her was starting to dull now, the sadness trying to break through instead. Little did Kavi know that she was trying to change for him just like she was trying to change for her. She had been trying to pull herself out of her depression for months now due to her own self motivations, but what had really kept her motivated was Kavi. No one wanted to date a depressed piece of over reacting shit, so she had actually given effort into trying to be someone Kavi would want to be seen with. One of the happier, prettier girls. But just like most other things in her life that she tried to work on, their relationship had went up in smoke.

Storming down the stairs, Ariel was in the right mind to leave the party. In all reality however, she didn’t want to go home. She never really wanted to go home. Besides, the night was still young and there was plenty of alcohol left. And as luck would have it, it looked like her rage fueling angel was just where Ariel had left her.

Walking over to the drink table once more, she decided to pull up an empty chair this go around. ”Well that ended badly,” she commented sourly.

Shawna looked up from her own frustrations to see that the avenging Ariel had returned to the fueling station. She set her phone down and reached over to grab the bottle of vodka that her new friend had claimed earlier in the night, passing it to the girl who looked like she could use it. “Huh, I couldn’t really tell from the smashing sounds,” she remarked. “I always associated glass breaking with jubilation… or you know, some dumb hockey team losing a game.” The sarcasm slipped out of her drunken mouth before Shawna had a chance to correct its course. This probably wasn’t the time to make light of the situation. At least not with someone she met like 20 minutes ago, and who had clearly undergone some kind of trauma in the interim. “Sorry, didn’t mean to make jokes or anything. You all right, Ariel? It sounded as bad as you made it out to be.”

Taking the bottle graciously from Shawna, Ariel proceeded to take a few sips before speaking. By this point she had drank so much that the taste wasn’t even phasing her anymore.

”I…. Yeah. The breaking and smashing was all yours truly. I might have kinda sorta threw the playstation at his head,” she said casually. Taking a brief second to think about how that sounded, she shrugged. ”Maybe I overreacted. But maybe he shouldn’t have kissed April, ya know?”

Shawna’s eyebrows raised so much they disappeared under the bangs of her wig, but she nodded in agreement. At least the tone had been set, and it was a tone that Netflix had done a decent job preparing her for. “Yeah, that would have been smart to avoid that on his part. I mean, that was one expensive smooch from the results. Playstations run what, 400 dollars?” She raised her glass to Ariel. “I gotta say, I do like how you make a guy pay for his dumbass mistakes. Literally.”

Ariel nodded simply. ”Something like that, yeah. I also broke his smart TV and threw a judo trophy through his wall. As he would phrase it I’m ‘crazy’ and ‘have issues,’” she said, making more air quotes as she mocked her ex. ”Maybe I shouldn’t have overreacted like I did, Shawna, but I tried. I tried so fucking[p hard to be the person Kavi would want me to be and I ended up failing again. Like, I’m actually more pissed off at myself than I am him - not that you could ever tell it by looking in his bedroom, but.” Ariel shrugged and put the bottle to her lips once more. ”Sorry for coming to with all of this, by the way.”

These feelings Ariel expressed were feelings Shawna knew all too well. Feelings she told Kellie Anne about the day they first met. Feelings that Kellie expressed to her. Right down to the apology. Who knew she would become the school confessional? She could do her best to offer absolution to Ariel, at least on par with that of the alcohol passing her lips. But as a wise woman once told her, “There is no god. Only vodka.” There was no redemption here. But there was so much understanding.

“First of all, don’t apologize for speaking your truth. Ever,” she told the upright mermaid. “Second, you can’t be pissed at yourself for not being someone that someone else wants you to be. That is sooooo not about you. It’s about them. It’s not on you to take on that burden while trying to be yourself. Fuck, whatever gods are up there know that I tried to be that someone else for years. And you know what that got me, Ariel? A fucking mental breakdown that my parents took one look at, wrote off, and continued to press that shit life on me. They’re off perusing markets in fucking Thailand right now, that’s how much they gave a shit about me and my feelings! So fuck them, and fuck Kavi! If they can’t handle the real versions of us, then they don’t get the pleasure of our company or our attention! Whiskey was an angry drink and it was clear Shawna was starting to work herself up on both her own frustrations and Ariel’s. “And third, I am sorry for misunderestimating your ability to make people pay. You did not overreact for a second. You didn’t deserve being called out like that, and you didn’t deserve being made a fool of like that. So you were totally justified. Beyoncé would be proud.”

While Beyonce wasn’t one of her idols, Ariel would have to agree with Shawna’s statement. Something told her that the events of tonight could have inspired some sort of angry breakup song. ”I’m sorry the people in our life suck ass,” Ariel responded. ”On the bright side though, at least I made a new friend.”

Shawna smiled as bright as the jewels that adorned the various necklaces and bracelets in her costume. “Hey, me too! How about that?” She clinked Ariel’s vodka bottle with her cup and toasted what she assumed was their shared new friendship. If not, she could always refer to her welcoming Aaliyah back into her life as a friend and not a quiz bowl teammate instead. But there was a solid connection here, at least she thought. It wasn’t the red-hot passionate connection that her and Kellie Anne had shared that day in her bedroom. Instead it was a solid chill connection, one that could be as simple as sharing a drink in a spot like this. Kinda like what she had with Sunshine so far, but even more relaxed. Ariel just seemed like a good hang, especially since the boy problems were now permanently dealt with from the sounds of things.

A thought crossed Shawna’s mind. “Oh yeah, you never did tell me what your costume was. I mean, I can keep making guesses based on the red hair, but I’m probably not gonna be anywhere close.”

”Enaia Jin,” Ariel said matter of factly. ”She’s a character from on or my favorite singers latest concept albums. Dystopian worlds, cute girls making music videos, good music. I figured it was a cool costume that I didn’t have to worry about anyone else wearing.”

The crown bobbled as Cleopatra nodded. “Yup, nowhere close. Not even sure how to spell that!” She took another sip of her drink that was now starting to run dangerously low. Another bottle of whiskey would need to be discovered and fast. “So, Ariel, now that you have earned your freedom with a breathtaking display of destruction that would make Set beam with pride, what are you going to do now?”

Ximena;s smile withered away just as quickly as it blossomed; the sudden appearance of one ghastly looking girl had shattered her mood. With a hint of annoyance and a subtle vein popping through her skin, Ximena had found herself with a drink and finishing it within the next few seconds. Whatever miss little emo mermaid had to offer was of the same significance as trash in this instance, but what Ximena had to offer was quite the morsel. Like a runway model, the diva strutted her stuff towards Shawna to reveal the oh so heartbreaking news. If this had been a play there would be two glaring spotlights on the two of them, ready for the tension to break.

Once she arrived by Ariel and Shawna’s side, she gave Shawna quite the serendipitous smile, “Oh hi Shawna, or should I say Cleopatra. I didn’t know there was more than one Queen here tonight. You must have snuck in through a rug like you did with Caesar.” She turned her head to face Ariel which made her face grimace in disgust, clutching her bag as if Ariel were petty enough to take it, “Oh..and you. I’m sorry, what are you supposed to be? Well doesn’t matter now anyways. Run along, the Pharaoh and I have some business to discuss,” she said, waving her hand off at Ariel, mouthing the words bye bye.

Whoever this new girl thought she was, it didn’t matter to Ariel. ”I…. Nah. I’m good. I quite like this chair, I don’t take orders from bitches and it appears that I’ve drank so much funny juice that my legs won’t work. So unless Cleo wants me to leave, you can say whatever it is in front of me.”

As Ximena ambled up to the spot the two had staked out for themselves, Shawna was a little leery of what her fellow student may try. There was precious little whiskey left, or so she thought. However, it was clear that this Audrey Hepburn wasn’t here for comedic purposes. From the way she was dismissing Ariel, it looked like she wanted some drama, unaware of Enaia’s disaster movie-level of destruction earlier. Ariel wasn’t going anywhere, and Shawna appreciated that.

“I’m afraid that if we have business to discuss, I will need my advisor present,” Cleopatra answered, gesturing towards the redhead. “Can’t be making a bad business decision at this point in the evening. Not without my other advisor present.”

If her eyes rolled any further back into her skull, she would have seen her brain with the amount of nerve this girl had. What was it about girls these days who felt so entitled that they could just get away with what they wanted? Ariel’s voice turned into a blur of sounds that weren’t really coherent as she judged the girl’s nonexistent self-care routine and her ratchet looking costume. She sighed in retort, “If only your legs really didn’t work, then I could wheel you out of here myself.” Ximena was about to press on when she was cut short by Shawna’s interaction. Turning her attention to face Shawna, she spoke. “Listen preciosa, I’m just going to be up front with you. It seems like Max, your god of war, was jumping Kellie’s bones and by the sound of it, he was giving it to her pretty good.”

Shawna came very close to spitting out alcohol. Very close. She managed to swallow her sip. “Excuse me?!?” she asked incredulously.

It took Ariel a moment to register what was going on, narrowing her eyes in suspicion as she spoke. ”I don’t like you….,” she said slowly, turning to Shawna. ”I don’t like her.”

Instinctively, Ximena pulled her purse up to her face in attempts to shield her face from the sputum about to cover both her and Ariel. Luckily for her, Shawna had better control over her reflexes than most people. “That one definitely burned more than the others I’m guessing. I know you think I’m lying, and you know, 9/10 times and normally you would be right. I mean, I am that bitch you know, ay por dios. I can’t help that I’m popular,” Ximena shrugged while smirking, Ariel only proving her point by her snide comments. “Pero, when I was getting to leave after Aiden stormed out, I caught Kellie and Max heading to one of the empty rooms. All he asked was if she was sure it's what she wanted, and she really did want it. If you don’t believe me, you might be able to go up there and catch them in the act, but I’m not sure how much of your man you want to see.”

Shawna did her best to maintain control over her actions as well as she maintained it over her drinking. At least in one regard. She didn’t want to admit it, but she was worried now. The lack of responses from Kellie Anne were now starting to become more sinister. Was Ximena telling the truth? Then again, the fact that she thinks Max was Shawna’s man proved that she may be focusing on the wrong person in this situation.

Cleopatra composed herself and leaned back against her chair, crossing her legs and holding her glass aloft. “The Pharaoh thanks you for your service in bringing this to her attention,” she proclaimed as royally as she could muster. Shawna waived towards the still-bountiful alcohol table that would serve as her royal treasury, Kavi be damned. “Please, help yourself to any number of the bottles of liquid gold you see before you, as a reward for your honesty.”

Whether Shawna would take her truth as facts was left to her. Ximena’s reputation wasn’t exactly the most prestigious and a lot of people were quite blasé about her all together. Regardless, Ximena never had any reason to lie at least within good reason. “I thank you for your audience, Cleopatra. You know people might not like me, but you aren’t one of my targets. No need for you to be in my crosshairs, well at least for now anyways. Good luck with your love triangle,” she waved goodbye to Shawna and shot a disapproving glare to Ariel before she made her way to get some more drinks. The party was starting to settle down, Ximena’s cue to vacate the premises.

”I don’t think she likes me either,” Ariel said thoughtfully. ”Do you think she was telling the truth?”

Shawna relaxed forward in her chair. Her mind was starting to reel a bit, thinking over everything Ximena had said. There was a fair amount of detail in her story, spotting Max going into another room and all. Max was definitely promiscuous enough from Kellie’s description to be trying to nail someone at a party like this. But Kellie was so hurt by him. So distraught on the day her and Shawna met. So remorseful during their talk in the library. She wouldn’t have gone back to him like this, would she?

But it was Max that Ximena was focused on for some reason. Max, that stupid, sex-hungry asshole. Thinking that Shawna would be interested in Max. Eww.

Was it possible that she only saw Max and what she guessed was Kellie? Did Ximena know the costume Kellie was wearing? There were a lot of dark-haired girls at the party. Hell, Shawna was one of them for the night. Yeah. It had to be someone else. There was no way Kellie would do that. Not after the moments they shared.

Cleopatra took another sip of her whiskey and sighed. “I don’t think I do. I mean, it just can’t be, right? That kind of shit doesn’t happen like that? That whole ‘I’m bad for you, you’re bad for me, on-again, off-again’ bullshit. People aren’t actually like that, right?”

Ariel pursed her lips. ”I mean, you literally just described me and Kavi, but no, people aren’t like that. Not nice, normal people like you anyway,” she said, taking another sip of her drink.

That last remark earned a chuckle from her drinking partner. “I’m not sure how normal I am anymore,” Shawna told her. “I just… I can’t believe Kellie would do that. We talked about that shit. Talked for a while. I can’t believe she would go back to that manslut.”

”I mean, I don’t know what the whole situation is, but I would at least suggest talking to her, yeah? Like just say ‘hey there’s a rumor going around about this’ or something. I dunno. This alcohol is starting to taste like water.”

Shawna nodded. Ariel was making sense. Talking to Kellie was the best option. At least, when she figured out where Kellie was. At least Ariel was still here. “Yeah, I think you’re right. About both things. I can’t even taste the coke in this anymore.” She drained the rest of her cup with a flourish. “Guess I’m not driving home, that’s for sure.

”I don’t think a lot of people will be, honestly. Maybe we should call an Uber or something?”

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” Shawna thought for a second. “My car is going to be safe here, right? No one’s going to try and smash it up or something?” She didn’t want to imply this was a bad part of town, but she heard the rumors about Homecoming in the hallways after those stupid assemblies.

”You didn’t piss off Marisol, so I think you’re good.”

“Sweet.” Cleopatra finally abdicated her throne, hoisting herself up and over to the booze table to grab a couple of souvenirs. She wasn’t really a gin drinker… or a schnapps drinker, but she had to do her part to get revenge for her new friend. “Think we can take these lovely parting gifts and head out pretty soon then, if you want to split the cost.”

”Sure,” the drunken badass said, slightly struggling to get out of her chair. ”I think I leave some of the treasure here though. It’s probably best if I don’t drink for a while.”

Shawna shrugged. “Eh, I may need some in the future. Kavi can pay for a future night of commiserating. Do you want to call the car? You can add my number while you’re at it?”

”Good idea. You gotta keep me updated on this whole situation anyway, and I feel like we might need a lot of these therapy sessions in the future.”

“Hey, at least we will be well prepared, Ariel. Let’s get out of here.” Shawna stuffed the bottles in the bag she brought her wine in and pointed towards the door.

A Collab between @HaleyTheRandom and @eclecticwitch; featuring Sunshine and Guy.

Guy wandered, making his way toward the refreshments table with all sorts of feelings assaulting his poor, simple brain. This was not how he saw the night going. He hadn’t really had a thought on what the night would have been like, but he if had this certainly would NOT have been it. Watching Archer with Kavan. Getting kissed by some guy in drag. Being in fucking Kavi’s house. It was… a lot.

Standing at the table he surveyed the selection. He didn’t drink and so didn’t know what to choose. He picked up bottles only to set them down. Guy was having an inner battle. To drink or not to drink? That was the question. At last he picked up a bottle of good vodka, poured a bit into his empty cup. He tossed it back like he knew what he was doing but after swallowing the burn of the hard liquor kicked in. He began to cough, hiding his face against his sleeve.

Sunshine was starting to have second thoughts about coming to the Halloween party. She had considered the party for being a good place to meet and see her new classmates. All she had managed to do was meet a random hot guy and make another girl extremely uncomfortable. Debating on whether or not to try and mingle somewhere else, she heard a loud coughing behind her. Turning to see a young man clutching a bottle of vodka she sort of smiled at him - a mixture of both pity and amusement.

”No chaser? Someones feeling kinda ballsy.”

Guy looked at the young woman who spoke to him through the tears that welled up in his bleary eyes. “Chaser?” he asked with a final cough. He fanned his face, the exertion making him warm. “Like quidditch?” he asked, and then felt quite stupid. She probably was not talking about fictional sports.

”Definitely not like quidditch,” she said laughing. ”Something to drink after the liquor. Coke or something to that effect. It helps with the taste and such. I’m guessing you don’t do a lot of drinking though, huh?”

He shook his head in response as a cough erupted from him again and into his arm. How many more could he possibly have. “No, not really. What’s good?” The girl seemed quite nice and hopefully she would help him out of this very odd pickle. “I like things that are tangy and sweet.” He hoped that would help her in some way.

She took a moment to think. Sunshine’s go to had always been tequila, but she wasn’t completely sure if he would like it, especially with not being one to drink that much. If tangy and sweet was what he was looking for though... ”What about a screwdriver?” she suggested. ”Not like…. The tool, but… just give me a second.” Scanning the table quickly, she didn’t see any orange juice, but she remembered seeing the kitchen not to far from the drink table. ”I’ll be right back, promise.” So off she went, searching for the refrigerator.

Guy just watched the little ball of sunshine skip off after recommending something for him. He stood, stupidly and awkward with the bottle of vodka in one hand and an empty red solo cup in the other. Would she get waylaid and not come back? How long should he wait? He decided to take another shot to not feel like such a weirdo. Prepared this time, after the short drink there was much less coughing.

It didn’t take Sunshine too long to find the Salvador kitchen. While she second guessed how pleased Kavi would be if someone had decided to rummage around in his parents things, she quickly brushed the thought to the side. Didn’t want people snooping? Don’t attempt to throw a rager. In no time at all, Sunshine had managed to find the orange juice and return back to the new guy. Promptly picking up one of the red solo cups, she poured some of the juice into it before picking up one of the bottles of vodka to pour in there as well. Feeling like she had a decent amount of the mixture before her, she turned to hand it to the young man, a sort of proud smile on her face.

”Try this.”

She came back. He was honestly surprised, considering the type of party this was. He gave her one of his goofy, lopsided smiles and took the drink. He sipped, testing it carefully. While still quite strong it was much more palatable. Guy wasn’t a complete idiot - he understood the concept of mixing a drink. He was just looking to potentially get plastered. This would certainly help. “It’s good!” he responded with a light and airy tone. “Guy,” he held out his hand to the girl.

Yet another smile came across Sunshines face, this time of relief. She shook his hand in return. ”Sunshine,” she responded. ”My actual name’s Sable, but the nickname seems to get used more, so. Anyway, what’s your reasons for wanting to get wasted?”

He clasped her hand carefully, his much larger around the small feminine. The girl made him feel like he wasn’t such a dork. “Sable, interesting. Sable is a dark color - black. Sometimes used to describe something gloomy. The nickname is much more fitting I think.” He released her hand and glanced out at the room. He gestured toward all of the people and noise. “This is more than I am used to. A lot to take in. I don’t normally drink, if you couldn’t tell but I think the occasion calls for it.”

”That’s fair,” she replied simply. ”I thought I could use the party as a way to meet people. I haven’t been doing that great of a job, but at least I could help you find something to drink.” Taking a moment to look his costume over, the name of whatever character he was dressed as didn’t come to mind immediately. His choice of wardrobe pulled at some distant memory in the back of her mind - a movie she was pretty sure she had seen when she was little. ”What - or who - are you dressed as?” she asked. ”I feel like I should know, but… I don’t.”

“This sort of party is difficult to meet people at. A lot of noise and a lot of drugs.” He shrugged and sipped his drink again. He glanced down at his costume and the lopsided grin appeared again - this one a bit sheepish. “Milo Thatch, from Atlantis. I do believe you are doing a fantastic job of the classic Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, yes?” He crossed one of his arms over his chest to grasp his upper arm while the other hand held his drink. The hand which held the drink pointed his forefinger toward her costume.

”Oh, thanks!” she exclaimed. ”Kinda figured it was a safe choice. Not too slutty, ya know?”

“Nothing wrong with being slutty either,” he offered. How strange he was having yet another conversation about the appropriate level of clothing for the genders. “The way I see it, slutty is the state of the onlookers mind.” He shrugged and gulped down his drink. “But this isn’t the kind of party to have political or philosophical conversations at.” He chuckled.

”Seems fair,” Sunshine said thoughtfully. ”I’m just glad I could find you something likeable enough to drink.”

“Yeah, thank you. If you wouldn’t mind… I’d love to take a shot with you.” He knocked back the last of his drink before collecting a bottle of clear tequila and a pair of plastic shot glasses. He filled the glasses and offered one to Sunshine. “To new friendships,” he said as he raised his own glass.

”Of course,” Sunshine said with a smile, taking the second shot glass from him. ”And to all Palm Beach has to offer.” He clicked his glass with hers and they knocked them back before Guy offered to enter his number into her phone. He was also kind enough to take a selfie to add to the contact, in case she forgot who he was by tomorrow.

Guild Headquarters.

It had been a long day.

Customers at the restaurant had been assholes. The Council wouldn't grant Salem permission to send a search party after Aliira. She had been in the main atrium pleading with them for hours now, but no one would listen. Twenty Council members - and none of them could see reason. She sat on the marble floor now, the sound of conversation around her nothing but a murmur as she was lost in her own thoughts. Everything in the room was perfect. The smooth marble floors, the magnificently rounded walls, and the calculated space between each of the chairs. The way that there seemed to be a perfect balance between the whites, golds, and subtle hints of grays. It was easily one of the most beautiful rooms in all of headquarters, but it had lost all of it's warmth. Aliira was the warmth, and she was lost now.

The sudden blaring of her ring tone broke her from her thoughts as the Councils eyes shifted upon her. Salem pulled her phone from her pocket as she answered the call from an unknown number. As was a key rule for any Council meeting, Salem put the call on speaker just as a familiar voice came through - Aliiras voice. Something made her scream. Just as Salem was about to speak, one of the Council members - Kristoph Morgan - waved his hand and silenced her. He was the only one with the power to silence the people and things around him. Salem wanted to be there for Aliira as much as she could. She wanted to say something, ask her what was wrong. Kristoph had taken that from her, and for that Salem glared daggers at him.

Another familiar voice came through the speaker. The room was silent except for the mans voice. A voice that took Salem a moment to recognize, but once she did a blinding rage came through. Salem paced the room, listening to Aloysius talk. The fact that she could't do or say anything only added to her range. She wouldn't notice how hard she was gripping the phone until the gunshot rang out, the phone exploding in her hand. A collective gasp went around the room as the pieces of the device fell to the floor. With a flick of Kristoph hand, Salem was able to speak again.

"Look what you did," she growled. "Look what you all did."

She ran her hands through her hair to try to keep them from shaking, angry tears beginning to roll down her face. Aliira was her best friend. The person who could calm the storm raging inside of her. The person she went to for everything. Aloysius had taken her from Salem, and the Council had done nothing to help.

"I told you," she took a shaky breath, her throat dry as she licked her lips. "I tried to tell each and every one of you that he had her and you all just though that I was going mad! I know things! You trust me! I have proven myself and I am your Leader! Yet you stand by and you laugh when I tell you that one of our own needs saving." She shoved her hands in her pockets. "You laughed at me," she mumbled, taking turns looking at each of them. The static electricity in the room had reached a extremely high level.

"Now there's not need to get upset --"

"No need to get upset! He just shot and killed her, Alison, and you want me to be calm?!" On her last few words, the marble column five feet to her right shattered, the source of the destruction coming from her hands. The electricity gathered in her palms, a faint blue glow surrounding her body.

"I-if... If we could just all calm down..."

Two of the other marble columns collapsed as the glass ceiling above the room shattered, the electricity disappearing from Salem's hands as the night sky lit up above her. She turned to walk out of the room, the Council shouting at her to come back. Salem wouldn't do as told. She needed to be alone for the moment, and secluding herself was exactly what she planned to do.
I just listed all of the positions to be on the safe side.

In regards to the character sheet when you say "Rank Within Organization" there's only 2 options; Leader and second in command. Are those the only options available? Im making my character sheet right now and I was confused in that department

If Guild: Leader (1), Second in Command (1), Lieutenant(1), Captain(2), Member(Unlimited), Recruit(Unlimited).

If Dark Shadow: Leader (1), second in command (1), captain (2), members/recruits (unlimited).

My bad.
@pokemad1 Still good by me.
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