Erik saw his chance when Raven left her father’s side. Erik hadn’t been close enough to overhear their conversation, nor would he have wanted to be, but king Robert’s expression beamed clear displeasure. Although Erik could not deny to himself that tinge of curiosity, he doubted that he wanted to find out what had just transpired between the father and daughter. Though he did dare to guess, it was probably wise not to bring it up with Raven unless she started it herself. He knew very well how touchy the subject could be from personal experience, after all. How often had he argued about it with his own father to no avail? He did not dare count.
Erik moved through the crowd graciously. The crowd contained many friends and allies to his family and nation, and he rose his glass and nodded to everyone he passed. He kept mental note of those he would have to speak to before the event was over. Diplomacy required that he would have to personally speak to most of them at least once on this occasion/ Luckily time wasn’t exactly an issue. He had cause to speak to Raven before them.
The conversation with her father was over, and Raven felt a sense of relief at that fact. She didn’t have to marry Morrhys anymore. Of course there were arrangements to be made now that the engagement was to be called off. The press would have an excellent time with all of the juicy gossip and speculations that were bound to follow. Something told her that it would be worth not having to spend the rest of her life in Dredlan.
Going over her list of people that she wanted to talk to in her head for the twentieth time that night, Raven was surprised to see one of her closest friends nearest to her.
”Erik!” she called out. “Didn’t think you could avoid me forever, did you?”
Erik looked straight at Raven as she turned around. He had been aiming to talk to her in the first place, after all. ”I would never think of such evasion, your royal highness.” he jested and smirked with a slight mocking bow. Erik wasn’t particularly known for his humor, but he did manage a quipp every now and then. He knew Raven must’ve been sick of the formalities by now. As both his friend and well as his peer, Erik believed little in the need for such, but etiquette did not always agree with him.
”Please for the love of all that’s holy can we drop the formalities? I almost lost it when you greeted my parents and I,” she replied, a smirk spreading across her face at the memory. ”So, how have you been? Did you travel okay?”
Erik smiled cheekily. What were friends worth if you could not tease each other, from time to time? Erik wasn’t really known for his jokes, but he knew how to joke with Raven. ”My travel was well enough, thank you.” All things considered, anyway. Flying to the other side of the world with his two little brothers was rather arduous. But politeness decreed he would not complain. ”Two months of festivities will make a welcome… respite. Truly, my compliments on this reception.” He told her genuinely. No politeness required. ”If the rest follows suit, this might be a wedding for the history books.”
”If I’m being honest with you, Erik, I really don’t know how I’ll survive. The only reason the festivities are lasting this long is because the treasury can afford it, my sister is extra, and she stomped her feet to get her way like an overgrown child.” She took a sip of her drink. ”Now don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed the planning, and watching this all come alive before my eyes is amazing. But two months? I’m sure there’s a handful of people here who think we’ve lost our heads.
Yes, that was the Vivian that Erik knew. Erik wasn’t as close with Vivian as he was with Raven. But he had heard and seen plenty. Though the planning seemed to be marvelous so far, he definitely pitied the younger princess. ”Thank god you’re not the treasurer, then. But I must agree,I think my dad might just about laugh me out of the palace at the mere suggestion...” Erik admitted. Two months seemed ludicrous. And that was saying something, considering the political weight of his inevitable wedding.
Erik wanted to offer her some help. He had attendants aplenty. However, he was quite sure that in some country’s etiquette that would be the greatest insult he could level at the host, to offer help as the guest of royalty! At the very least, it could be a blow to her pride. ”Well, what’s done is done. The very least we can do is make the most of it, right?” He said joyously as he patted her shoulder.
Then, he remembered his plight. ”Speaking of siblings and weddings. My mum has finally decided the twins have to enter the market, so to say. And I imagine nobody knows the guest list better than you do...” It was not hard to see where Erik was going with this.
”Well…” she began, scanning the room as she thought of the possibilities. ”The only two here that I’m pretty sure aren’t betrothed already are Cassandra and Gen. Cassandra wouldn’t be the best choice, I don’t think, especially if they’re looking for something to please your mother. She's too… proud. To boastful. Not to mention she dresses everyday like she’s going to someone's funeral. I like her - I do - but I don’t think she would be someone that you would want to bethrote your brothers too.” Taking another sip of her drink and finishing it off, she handed the empty glass to a nearby waiter. ”Now Gen on the other hand… I think any guy would be lucky to have her. She’s pretty, she’s young. There’s never been any scandals that I can think of off the top of my head involving her. She’s quiet, and looks delicate - but I’ve heard she has quite the fire buried in there if you can break it out. Of course there’s always Catherine, but I think one Arcenian princess is enough for the Bel Auster family,” Raven said, a slow smile spreading across her face as she recalled the memories of Erik and Arabelles arguments.
Erik sighed. He had honestly hoped for a little more than that. But it seemed that their options were truly as limited as he had thought. ”I’ll talk to Phillip later,.”
Erik adored Gen, and definitely would welcome such familial relations. But discussing such topics with the girl directly was probably the quickest way to great embarrassment. A brother-to-brother talk was probably more fitting. Both of them were future rulers as well. But besides that, it seemed his brothers might have to look at different options. Even if there were few singles available. Befriending royalty with available children or siblings was a viable strategy nonetheless. Their parents would probably frown on them greatly should they return with no political advancements at all. Erik very much remembered how amused his mother was when Arvid had wanted to come along ‘just for fun’. That was not the way their world worked, no longer.
But of course, any talk of marriage was bound to bring up the topic of a certain Almore.”One too many, if you ask me.” He murmured. ”I’m not sure what’s worse. An Almore or a Raske.” He quipped. He considered neither of them as having lucked out with their matches.
Raven laughed. ”Oh Erik… you don’t think I actually planned on marrying that man, do you? Honestly… spending the rest of my days in Dredlan? I wouldn’t dare begin to think of it. I know mom and dad were just trying their best, but no.” She lifted her head, her posture clearly signaling her hardheadedness and defiance. ”I will not be marrying Morrhys. The tabloids can make what they want of it, but as of this point on the arrangement is off.”
She knew she could trust Erik not to spread the news before she had the chance to tell a few others. No doubt her parents were already doing their best to calm things down with the Raske family. It was a speak now or forever hold your peace situation. Raven had never been one to bite her tongue.
Erik smiled. ”I envy you having that choice. However, I am happy for you. You deserve far better indeed, and Aciras deserves a better future king.” Erik barely knew Morrhys, but rumour had it that he wasn’t much of a regal figure. Regardless, nobody would hear this news from him. Erik wasn’t much of a gossip anyway. ”Tabloids will make something of anything, regardless of subject. Best to just amuse yourself with their antics rather than be bothered.” However, Erik was still elated they had not been allowed to atrend this event.
Raven took a moment to think of how to respond.
”Why don’t you have that choice? Why don’t we… all have that choice?”
”We all have the choice, we all just face different consequences for making it.” Erik explained. He had been too young to truly experience the extreme close-to-war tensions between Arcenia and Austerund that existed before his betrothal. Though the uneasy ceasefire of sorts that came about since then spoke volumes. Neither sides were pointing guns at each other. But they were both keeping their hands on the trigger. ”Calling off my betrothal would invite war. Or I could give the honour to one of my brothers… Which would not only force them to suffer in my stead, it would also bring about my abdication and a great loss of face for me and my family.” He sighed. Some choices really weren’t a choice. But they were choices. ”If I make this choice now. Nobody else will be forced to make it.”
”You’re right,” Raven responded with a sigh. ”I just wish everyone had the choice without the major repercussions. Marrying your children off to stop a war or for economic benefit just seems… archaic. No offense to you, your family or anyone else of course.”
While Raven had never agreed with arranged marriages, she was also smart enough to see the importance in them. If it wasn’t for a few marriages over the centuries, there would have been one world war after the other. Some of the less wealthy countries wouldn’t have been able to get food. Rather she liked it or not, betrothals were a way of life.
”You know that whenever you and Ara disagree after the... arrangements have been finalized, you can call me up, right? Just remember that I’ll make horrible jokes and be Switzerland about the whole thing.”
”None taken.” He answered simply. It wasn't as if he liked the practice. He was happy that his brothers had the option to choose on their own. ”I don't imagine she and I will do enough talking to disagree over.” He said bitterly. His married life was going to be one of solitude, he imagined. ”But I appreciate the sentiment. So thanks.”
"I understand," Raven said with a defeated sigh. It was hard being caught between two of her greatest friends when they were each other's biggest enemies. "Just let me know if there’s anything I can do for you. I'm afraid for the time being though I have to go speak with some more allies. Always a pleasure talking to you my friend."
”I probably should as well. But certainly, it was good speaking to you again as well.” he smiled at Raven. He reckoned they would speak much more often over the two months anyway. He knew she loved the Aciran library, and so did he. ”Enjoy the rest of your day, Raven.” Having said that, he scoured the room for a new query.