Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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5 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
10 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
10 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
17 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts


Dear Reader,

If you have received this letter, you are about to be given the chance of a lifetime. I am inviting you to my home for one night. I will be hosting a masquerade party that will give you the chance to walk free. The chance to be cleared of your crimes. The chance to start again. A new house. A new car. A new identity. I have take the liberties of arranging transportation. You will also find that I have gifted you your attire for the evening. Please come dressed and prepared for a night filled with fun and surprises.

Your friend,
Dr. Benjamin Charles.


In this RP, you will be playing the part of a character with a mental disorder. Your character has previously been locked up in prison for violent and abhorrent crimes, or a mental institution in order to receive special treatments, etc. They were invited to the party by a renowned psychiatrist. Over the course of the RP, your character will be studying the other characters in hopes of figuring out what disorder the other party has. At the same time, you will do your best to keep your disorder hidden throughout the night, and more so, you as the writer will slowly give away clues/traits to what your character's illness may or may not be. You know what's so fun about this? You never know which one is a predator and which one is a prey. If you get your guess wrong - you die. If you refuse to play - you die. If you get the answer correct - you get to live and live the rest of your life as a free person. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a fancier version of hunger games gathering twisted masked figures with bipolar disorders, dissociative personalities, high functioning psychopathy and more than you can fathom. Not only their faces are hidden, but so are their intentions. Only the smart can expose which trait defines a member. Only the observant can thrive.


  • Keep in mind that this is a character driven RP. Make sure that you communicate with your fellow writers outside of the RP, as well as having your characters interact IC wise. While the GM will help to move the story forward, you characters will make decisions that keep the story going.
  • The writing expectations for this RP is that of casual. I will expect two well written paragraphs for each post minimum. More is great, though quality over quantity is best!
  • The maximum amount of time between posts allowed for this RP is Twenty-one days. I will expect one post for each of your characters every twenty-one days. Deadlines will be every on Sunday at Midnight, Pacific Standard time. Extensions will be given until the following Wednesday if needed. Communication is key, and if you are not going to be able to post for a decent amount of time, DM/PM me and we'll try to work something out. If you work with me, I will do my best to work with you.
  • If you miss a deadline, your characters will be put on hiatus until the next deadline. For example, if you miss a post for the second of the month, you will not be able to post with your characters until the twenty-third of the month. If you go hiatus twice, you will be removed from the RP. Being stuck in a collab is not an excuse for missing a deadline. If it comes down to it, post what you have.
  • To let me know that you have read the rules, put your current favorite song in the extra section of your Character Sheet.
  • This RP has a darker theme to it. The GM would love for there to be some funny moments as well though. Keep in mind that murder, mental disorders and other such things will be of common talk and mention in this RP.
  • I will not fact check you on how you chose to portray your chosen disorder. HOWEVER, please do your best to research and fully understand your chosen disorder. This RP is not the place to disrespect people who have these disorders.
  • Please allow two people to post before you post again. This does not include if you are posting separately for your characters back to back.
  • If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please PM/DM me and I will address them to the best of my ability. Same goes if you are having any problems with any of the writers in the group.

  • This should go without saying, but no Mary-Sue or Gary-Stu characters!
  • There is three character limit for this RP - but please DO NOT take on more than you can handle. Give all of your characters equal attention. An even gender ratio is not required, or enforced. It would be interesting to see as much diversity among the cast as possible.
  • Real life faceclaims only!! Your faceclaim can be of any age.
  • You are allowed to customize the character sheet any way you feel like when it comes to the aesthetics. Do not add or remove any sections for either of the sheets. Furthermore, do not add anything to your sheet after it is approved without contacting the GM first.
  • Please PM completed character sheets to the GM team for review on the Guild. You will be completing a shorter CS to be posted in the character tab, and a longer, more thorough sheet for the GM. Both need to be PMed for approval.
  • Only two characters will be allowed to have the same disorder. Feel free to ask me in the Discord if your chosen disorder is available.



Credit for the initial idea for this RP goes to @Chasebloodcrest.

Mads Mikkelsen as the FC for Benjamin Charles.

Extra info.

Start date. Discord Link. Blah blah. Reservations.

The last week leading up to the fair had been surprisingly great for Asher - minus the phone call from home. His mother had scolded him for being mentioned in the tabloid more than she had yelled at him for the contents of said tabloid. While she had made it clear that she didn't like the fact that her son was rumored to be flirting with someone other than his betrothed, the Notian Queen was hoping that her son could keep himself out of trouble for at least the first event. When the Queen had heard Marcy was involved, she wasn't all that surprised. She had suspected something going on between him and the Aragonian princess and her son, but she had never approved nor disapproved. Asher wondered what his mother would think if she found out that he and Marcy had been sleeping in the same bed.

Asher's intentions in this case were purely innocent. Marcy had showed up knocking on the door to his room looking an absolute wreck one night, and he was more than glad to be there for her. His sleep schedule had suffered slightly, but - much to his surprise - he really didn't mind. Asher was a light sleeper, so perhaps that worked well for them both. When Marcy would begin to talk in her sleep or move around frantically, Asher would wake up. He was gentle in how he woke her. Softly speaking her name at first, then giving her a light shake. He didn't care if she accidentally hit him or anything in the process. She would apologize while he reassured her it was okay. The young man stayed awake with Marcy as long as she needed, sometimes telling her stories while brushing the hair from her face. More often than not he would find himself waking up to his arms around her. Old habits died hard. Very, very hard. Apparently so did long semi-forgotten and buried feelings.

Leo was all but forgotten. He had spent time between Marcy and exploring the castle having small conversations with her here and there, but nothing to really amount to anything. Was it possible that he was going to get stuck in a marriage where it was specifically designed for the media?

Looking forward to the fair, Asher had only ever read and heard about them from Raven on his previous visits to Aciras. He had heard that they were something special, and the the food wasn't the healthiest but some of the tastiest. Breakfast had been spent with Marcy, but she had decided to ride alone this morning. It was a respectable request. Dressed casually for the event, Asher climbed into one of the vehicles closing the door behind him as he went. The only people he could think that would want to ride with him were Marcy, Leo, and Cass. Marcy needed space, Leo likely hated him, and Cass was very unpredictable. It seemed as if the Notian prince would be traveling by himself.


Henderson's assemblies were possibly one of the most boring things in the universe, and Morgan was both glad and disappointed at the same time to see that the fact hadn't changed this year. The assembly just gave her more time to check her social feeds. She had gotten more donations last night which she would most likely be using to pay her phone bill, buy pizza and more band t-shirts. Morgan would save plenty enough money to buy her Uncle something especially nice for Christmas, but for right now, she was going to spoil herself. Such was a teenage girls life. She thought of sending a text to Jenna, but didn't really know what to say. She was sure that JK would be at the party though, so maybe there would be a chance for them to talk then.

Morgan was looking forward to the Home Ec class. While Richard had taught her to cook, clean, and other basic life skills like that, Morgan knew she had more to learn, and was open to learning it. Home Ec was going to be a great experience. She had heard that you got paired up in groups for classes like that. While she had never had a problem with group work, she just hoped she got paired up with decent people.

The young woman had taken the time to memorize her schedule over the last few days between doing her streams. Her first class of the day was English. Not her favorite, but also not her most hated. Grabbing her things and walking out of the auditorium, Morgan was truly looking forward to the school year.
On the subject of children - I do want kids one day. I just feel like I need to be in a way better financial spot than I am right now, and I need to travel to a couple more music festivals first while working through my own shit. I've always liked kids, but they cost so much money, and heaven knows I do not have enough for a box of Pampers right now.

On the subject of quotes - I have this little blue book (sort of like a journal thing, I guess) full of quotes. I need to start writing them down again. Mine are from poets, actors and the like.
<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>

You, of all people, know I am not fit to become a father. And never will be due to my anger issues.

An accurate point. I just think it would be cute to see you with your hypothetical non existent son.

<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>

But looking forward to see you become a mother, Hales.

Not for a while, my friend. Not for a while.
I have never been a fan of babies, or children. But I do admit that when my little niece was born, I had a soft spot for her, despite the fact her father being a dickhead.

#MakeChaseADaddy when?


"When will you learn... when will you learn.... THAT YOUR ACTIONS - HAVE CONSEQUENCES," Eli whisper shouted as Mr. Henderson announced that the arts programs would be receiving even less funding this year. Turning to Minty and Lana he rolled his eyes. "Like seriously. As if teachers didn't already have to decorate their classrooms with their own funding. And yeah, sure. Totally great that we can get the football team new helmets to protect their last brain cell, but what about replacing the text books from fucking nineteen eighty-five."

Grabbing his bag and standing up from his seat, Eli said good bye to his friends before exiting the auditorium to head to his first class.

Going to Rosefell wasn't his dream, but it was the best his family could do. It was the nearest school where he could ride his bike or take the bus. Any other school and his parents would have to drive him. The gas bill for the family car was already high enough. With the funding being cut for music class again, Eli wasn't really looking forward to his chosen elective. Normally the thought of sitting around for over an hour with some friends playing guitar would have been a nice thought, but some of the kids in music class weren't lucky enough to have their own instrument. Maybe he could use the money from his summer job and get some supplies.

That wasn't his responsibility though! Why couldn't they just give the students what they needed?
I use faceclaims and written descriptions.

I can't stand anime FC's. I will use digital art or a really nice drawing to match what the GM and other players are doing though.

At first, using someones face was a little weird. Now I'll be watching movies, see someone and be like: "Yes. You. Your face. I'm gonna use it.

Using an real life faceclaim lets me do a lot for aesthetics. I have been working on conceptualized faceclaims like this one for Serina, this one for Chelsie, and this one for Serina that's a little more in detail.
<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>
Makes sense


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