Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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4 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
9 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
9 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
17 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts


"No one was being passive aggressive towards anyone, Chanel," Ariel responded, her anger bubbling at the surface.

Why was everyone judging her? What buisness of theirs was her relationship? What business of there's was her decisions. She hadn't hurt anyone. She wasn't one to hurt people. Sure, there was that thing with Mari and the Misfits, but that was nearly one-hundred percent corrected.

Was she and Kavi's relationship confusing? Yes. Beyond a shadow of a doubt - yes. No one got to see the walks on the beach hand in hand at three in the morning when she called him up because the thoughts in her head were to loud. No one got to see how he waited outside of the restaurant to get off of work every night he wasn't busy. No one seen how he attacked her neck with kisses until she started laughing because he knew she was ticklish there. No one got to see her Kavi. They didn't see the kind and gentle man that he was, used to be and could be.

Marisols words rang in her ears as she stood there thinking.

"I know you say you love him and all that good shit-- I get it. But is how he is in private worth sucking up how he acts in public? I know you say he's not a bad guy and whatever, but the dick in him is a lot more obvious than the cool dude I know he can be. Do you really wanna have to deal with the anger and outbursts and him making you look like a dumbass bitch all because of who you think he can be instead of who he is? Think about that shit for a sec."

She was right. They were all right. Even Ariel in her weird ass way of head-over-heels-in-love thinking. But the people around her were doing more logical thinking that she was. They weren't clouded by the love, memories, or caught in the moment. They were making unbiased opinions based upon the facts of Kavis actions. The more Ariel thought about it, the more she realized that they were right. While he might be the person that she knew he could be one day, today wasn't the day.

Her mind was racing so fast that she barely realized Rye leaving before Kavi's shouting and Julie slapping him broke her chain of thought. Her right hand balled into a fist as she prepared to defend him, a small voice in the back of Ariels mind told her to drop the subject. It wasn't worth it. Kavi needed to learn from his actions, and if Julie slapping him was one of the repercussions of what he had did, so be it.

She turned to April, an apologetic look on her face. "I'm sorry about this morning. Hopefully next time we talk it'll be a bit less of..." Ariel threw her hands up beside her before dropping them back down to her sides. "this."

As she turned on Kavi, she could feel her face get warm, her eyes filling up with tears for the umpteenth time. If Kavi thought that he had made her sad again, he was dead wrong. It wasn't even Kavi as a whole this time, but more the side affect of both of their actions that had her pissed off. But since Kavi was the only one she could blame besides herself...

"That was disgusting. You're disgusting, and you still act like you're five. You don't go around yelling and calling girls bitches like we did in middle school, Kavi." As she finished the beginning of what she had to say, the young woman let the venom drip from her words without regret. "This isn't who I know you can be, and it isn't who you told me that you would try to be. I may have people looking at me like I'm an idiot and screaming at me to tell me how much of a fool that I am, but you will never make me look anywhere near as dumb as you act." She took a deep breath, the first of many frustrated tears beginning to fall.

"Do better, Salvador," she said as she began to walk away.
It Is What It Is ~ Mayday Parade
Turn My Back ~ Mayday Parade
Sleeping In ~ All Time Low
Resentment ~ A Day To Remember
The Drug In Me Is Reimagined ~ Falling In Reverse
929 ~ Halsey
You And Me ~ Memphis May Fire
Far Away ~ Breaking Benjamin ft. Scooter Ward
This Is Gospel ~ Panic! At The Disco
It's Hard To Be Religious When Certain People Are Never Incinerated By Bolts Of Lightning ~ Mayday Parade


Pouring herself her first shot of Tequila, Jasper was interrupted by one of her only friends here at Meadow University. Ramona Martin was like a gentle ray of sunshine in Jasper's otherwise dark and cynical life. While Jaz would never admit it, she was actually quite grateful for her cooking partner - and even more grateful that she was also in the mood to get wasted.

"Mona babyyyy" she sang, handing the other woman the shot she had just finished pouring. "I am so ready to get shitfaced." The usually playful glimmer in Jasper's eyes had been replaced by a look that was more of a determined fire than anything else.

Determined to have fun. Determined to cause trouble. Determined to make the Great Bash great.

During the short beginning of her conversation with Mona, the pair was approached by none other than pain in the ass extraordinaire Nathaniel Blake.

When it came to Nate the Great - self proclaimed, of course - Jasper had a love hate relationship. The guy was fun to look at, but his overall attitude and the words that came out of his mouth were always an immediate turn off. Sure, he had decent jokes, but those freaking obnoxious puns. Ugh. On the other hand however, Nate might find himself a step above flirting tonight if he learned how to say the right things for a change.

"If we're all going to get wasted, we need a good drinking game. Though I have to say my money is on you passing out first lover boy." As she spoke, Jasper poured herself her official first shot of the night before knocking it back like a pro and giving Nate a flirtatious look. All was actually going well until Junie showed up.

Junie 'Baby' MacMillian. Where did Jasper even start with this bitch?

First off, she was dressed for Woodstock. Secondly if she was going to give Ty the time of day, she needed to hurry up and do it so that they could have their little tryst and Ty could dump her like he did all of the other bitches. For god-sake what kind of middle name was baby? Better yet, why did she walk around as if she owned Meadow? Sure, her family had money, but even then - get off the high horse, bitch. Jasper didn't make a move to respond to the other girl, but instead gave her one of the fakest smiles she could muster. Scoffing as she watched Ty welcome the red head with open arms, Jasper took a gulp of the tequila straight from the bottle.

Looking to both Nate and Mona, Jasper mischievously smiled at them both.

"Well come on you two. Try and keep up," Jasper said, the tone in her voice playful.
<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>


That right there was a compliment. Where is the proof?

Just know that I stand by my initial statement no matter how many times you say that an insult is a compliment.

even though i know your insults are how you show your toleration of someone, so please continue.
<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>

You have no proof, ya filthy ratface.


that right there is bullying.

I am a firm believer that @Chasebloodcrest is a bully.

In Stranded 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Still plenty of time left to join!

A @HaleyTheRandom & @TootsiePop Collab

Standing in the doorway of her closet, Lilliana was currently trying to figure out what to wear to this year's Great Bash. While she was feeling a bit of the pre-party anxiety, she was feeling more frustrated than anything. Looking through hanger after hanger and drawer after drawer, Lily was mentally exhausted. She had plenty of clothes! There wasn’t any reason she should have any problem picking an outfit.

Her brother Lance was waiting as patiently as ever on her bed, scrolling through various forms of social media as she huffed and puffed, tossing various articles of clothing over her shoulder.

"Okay… I think I have it down to three options…” snatching the pieces of fabric up as she made her way to the bathroom, the young woman closed the door behind her before changing into the first option.

"It’s cute and comfy. A liiiitle flirty. But maybe too school girl,” she said, stepping back out into the main room. "What do you think?”

Looking up from his phone, having read a few articles on the Rococo Era Fashion, which this era was based on richness and artifice, for inspiration and to kill time, his bored expression shifted to disgust, as he saw every wrongdoing his sister ever made in her first choice. What would she do without him? For any other lady, sure, they could make this work, but not his sister. Not on his watch. As such, Lance answered her question with a question. “Are you trying to be a cliché, Lilliana?

Standing up, tossing his phone on her bed, he strolled toward her, priding himself in his natural ability to influence her, and eyed her up and down, in Lance’s oh-so-welcoming, scrutinizing way. “You will not become some perv’s sexual fantasy! Thank God the ensemble at least goes well together. I’ll give you that. You rarely can go wrong with earth tones. But babygirl, can you at least give me some pop in color and not let some unworthy heathen fetishize over you?” Lance’s outfit popped just enough, since he chose to sport pink, but it wasn’t too blaring to get him called out as an attention whore. He was an average guy, making pink fashionable for more than just prep boys, while still managing to slip on some accessories.

Putting his hands on her shoulders, he turned her around to face her mirror hanging on the bathroom door so she could see how disgraceful her look was to him, but most importantly, to herself. “This is the GREAT Bash, Lil’. You can do better than this. Let’s try again.” He slapped her butt, which was his way of telling her to go back into the dungeon where she came from.


Yes, he was harsh, but only because he loved her. She was a beauty and yet, without him she was utterly hopeless and had no idea how to showcase it. What can you do?

With a defeated sigh that blew a loose strand of hair from her face as she stared at herself in the mirror, Lily couldn’t help but think of how right her brother was. Her current outfit of choice screamed school girl kink, and while she secretly might be trying to get laid tonight, this outfit wasn’t the way to go about it.

Rolling her eyes as she walked back to the closet, she took a moment to decide where exactly she went wrong with her first choice. Was it the skirt? The long sleeves? Lance had suggested color. Hell with it. Why not go in a completely different direction? Shimmying out of her skirt, Lilliana quickly pulled on her jeans of choice before changing her shirt. Some people would find it weird that she and her brother were so comfy changing around each other, but Lilliana had never gave it a second thought. Changing in front of Lance wasn’t any different from changing in front of her friends.

Pulling her hair out from under the tank top, Lil did a slow spin that allowed Lance to see nearly all angles of the the new outfit.

“Tell me I’m at least headed in a better direction,” she said, her tone making it clear that she was starting to get slightly frustrated.

While yes, she was getting somewhere, Lance was still not impressed. For a lady with such an appetizing body, a SWIMMER body, she was so, so, so coy in how she dressed. “Light of my life. My sweet, sweet cupcake.” He paced around the room, trying to think of the right words to say. “You do know I adore the silk cami look, it’s a beautiful minimal design, and a summer staple, but Sugarplum. That was so last year.”

He sighed heavily, marching to her bed once more, all the while complaining, “Do you know how many girls strutted that look at last year’s party? TOO MANY.” Grabbing a pillow off her bed, he turned on his heel and darted it to her face, “What do you want to achieve tonight anyways?! If you’re trying to make an impression, then: MAKE AN IMPRESSION,” which was his polite way of saying if you want to get laid, you can DO BETTER.

Throughout Lilliana's whole life, she had been making impressions on people. Academically, athletically, and sometimes beauty wise. Her biggest impressions from her looks had been with the help of Lance. Where she'd be without him, she didn't know. Probably dressed like a school girl having an affair with a professor or something. She mentally seated the thought out of her head in the same way she did the pillow that Lance had sent flying towards her. With a playful glare, she snatched her very last and most desperate attempt from the clothes hanger.

"Just know I put up with your passive aggressiveness because I love you and you make good points, okay?"

“Omigod. I love you too.” He snickered back, while taking his seat once more and crossing his legs.

With the previous failed attempt switched out for her current attempt, Lil did yet another twirl before speaking again.

"I was thinking of pairing this with some gold bracelets or something - if you approve, of course," she stated, her hands on her hips as she awaited her brothers verdict.

Silently, Lance observed his sister. His eyes surveyed her up and down, and up and down, before he excitedly clapped his hands, “I love it. Sure, it isn’t as colorful as I’d prefer, but it works, Lil’. It has a bit of you but it also has a bit of sexy vixen ready to make the night her little bitch.” Finally, they could get going. They were running late, but that’s okay. All in the name of love. He’d do anything for his sister.

Standing up, he strode to Lily and childishly grinned, “No need for a jacket, I’m sure a boy will take his shirt off for you.” While he was surprisingly accepting of his sister having flings, he knew if it got too deep, then it would become a problem. Checking the time on his wrist watch, he dramatically gasped, “I’ll get us an uber. Catch me outside, bye baby-boo.”

"Thank God," Lil exclaimed. "If I had to try on another outfit, I wasn't going." Clasping a simple gold necklace around her neck, the young woman simply nodded at the explanation of her brother’s plans.

Swiftly, his services here were no longer needed and he went to her bed, grabbed his phone, and then scurried his way downstairs and out of her apartment, which was right across from Dino’s . Once he had excited the room, Lily brushed her hair one last time before grabbing her phone off of the bedside table. The urge to grab a jacket overwhelmed her as she realized just how much skin she was showing.

While requesting an uber on the app, Lance decided to cross the street and kill some time: “You.” He approached a boy with mediocre style at best, with an interesting choice of yellow for a jacket, and cleared his throat, “You look familiar. Go to Meadow?” Knowing his sister, she would take another five minutes, so he might as well keep himself busy. Sure, it was outlandish to talk to random people, but that was just the type of guy Lance was. Outlandish. Eccentric. Fabulous. A billionaire-in-the-making.

Shaking her head in defiance, as she locked her apartment door, Lilliana made her way out to the street where she expected to find her brother. Instead what she found was her other half was across the street. Raising a brow as her protective instincts kicked in, Lilliana crossed the street, preparing herself to get Lance out of whatever potential trouble he may or may not cause.

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