N a m e: Remi Liviah Blake.
N i c k n a m e s: Mi, Liv, or Livi.
G e n d e r: Female (She/Her).
A g e: Twenty-Nine.
S e x u a l_O r i e n t a t i o n: Bi-Sexual.
B i r t h m a r k_S h a p e: Three lines that start at the top of the upper thigh. The lines slowly interwine until they come together at a perfect point located at the ankle.
L o c a t i o n_o f_B i r t h m a r k: On the outside of her right leg. The mark starts ate the upper thigh, and ends at her ankle.
M a g i c a l_A b i l i t i e s: Earth Mage: Remi can control plants (make them grow fast, wrap around things, etc). She can also control rocks, dirt, etc. Her abilities do not allow her to control metals.
P l a c e_o f_B i r t h: Asheville, North Carolina, USA.
C u r r e n t l y_R e s i d i n g: Manhattan, New York, USA.
P e r s o n a l i t y:Remi is an observant woman. She can usually be seen watching the people and things around her, often noticing and remembering things about people that others do not. Very much her fathers daughter, Remi is also very competitive and has the tendency to be sadistic when it comes to her fighting style. She enjoys to play with her prey. Quick to adapt to any situation, Remi is also a strategist when it comes to battles, or anything else. Brave and quick, Remi has often been called a formidable warrior. However Remi's bravery, over competitive and daring nature can often land her is dangerously stupid situations.
Upon meeting her, she can seem cold and distant. Typically a quiet girl, Remi is an excellent keeper of secrets, and a trustworthy friend. Once you get to know her you will see just how determined and prideful she is. With a love of vengeance, Remi has the tendency to take matters of justice into her own hands. An explosive temper and creative mind, itβs best not to get on the young woman's bad side.
Despite her outward appearance, she is actually a kind person, and knows how to party with the best of them. If you're one of the select lucky few that get a chance to get underneath her exterior, you'll find that Remi is quite the happy person
even though she really likes killing people.
H i s t o r y // B i o:-Born and raised in Asheville, North Carolina. Both of Remi's parents were Mages who were members of the Guild. They never hid her heritage from her, and did their best to educate her starting from a young age.
-She lived an average life, and grew up on a farm. Remi learned responsibility from a very young age. School was a hard thing for her, but her grades were always fairly decent. Remi was diagnosed with dyslexia at age eight.
-Remi spent most of her time growing up outside with her brothers. The youngest of three, Remi had to learn how to defend herself young due to her brothers. Siblings can be cruel, and while they never sent her to the hospital, pranks and horseplay ensued regularly.
-Upon graduating high school, Remi moved to New York in order to be closer to the Guild. She wanted to learn more about her roots, and how to control her power in ways that she never knew she could. Finishing college at twenty-two, Remi has worked at a local ER ever since. She currently lives in her apartment with her gray cat, Argentum.
S k i l l s:- Marksmanship.
- Languages: Italian, Hindi, Modern Greek, and French.
- Mechanics: Remi has experience with working with engines (both large and small), cars, and common household items.
- First Aid: Due to her nursing degree, Remi knows first aid.
- Endurance.
- Horseback Riding.
- Knife Throwing.
F u n_F a c t s // H e a d c a n n o n s // O t h e r: - Dyslexic.
- Loves Italian cuisine.
- As mentioned in her bio, Remi owns a grey cat who's name is Argentum. Argentum is a male. He loves head scratches, cuddles, and to run around like a crackhead at three in the morning.
- It's been said that Remi doesn't need much sleep at all. She feels fine on four hours of sleep, and often stays away until odd hours.
- Prefers weed over alcohol.
- Loves nature (or course) and is an avid swimmer.
- Has no tattoos or piercings of note. She does have a few noticeable scars on her body from training.
- Loves to party.
- She's the one the Guild calls when they need someone tortured.
- FC: Meg Myers || Color Code: 45B977 || Font: Handwriting -> Mathilde