Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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3 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
8 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
8 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
16 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

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The thing about being caught between his best friends talking about their relationship problems was that he was jealous of them both. As a bisexual guy, it was easy finding both Frankie and Theo attractive. So while Sol didn't like Frankie, and Leo didn't like Theo - Sam landed the perfect opportunity to be Switzerland and enjoy the view. Seeing how flustered Sol had gotten once Theo walked through the door made it nearly impossible for him to contain his smirk. It wasn't everyday he got the chance to see his friend so flustered - especially over a guy.

As the discussion continued on about skipping the assembly, Sam chewed on his bacon, staring off into space until Sol brought him back to reality with the announcement of her departure. His mouth full, all Sam could do was wave as she walked away.

"Women, am I right?" Leo asked.

"Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em, eh?"

As Wesley approached their table Sam gave the young man a nod of welcoming, shoveling down the last of his breakfast as he did so. Rolling his eyes at the mention of classes, his curiosity and mood were lifted immediately at the mention of the party.

"Yo. Someone's finally throwing a party around here?" Obviously both excited and shocked, Sam wanted to stay and get every detail for himself. Sadly his first class of the day was all the way across campus. "One of you guys text me with the details. I gotta get going before Mr. Nichols kills me."
Lightning Crashes ~ Live
Without Me ~ Halsey
Skinny Dipping ~ Stand Atlantic
Terrible Ideas ~ CYN
Promises ~ Wiz Khalifa
SUGA's Interlude ~ Halsey, SUGA, BTS
Looks Red, Tastes Blue ~ Mayday Parade
Poisoned Autumn ~ Isotopes
My Heroine ~ Silverstein
Paperback ~ The Last Sleepless City


Eggs? He opened the conversation with eggs? How absolutely mundane.

Fortunately for Charles, Talya was willing to give him a decent chance this morning. Just because the rest of her morning had been boring didn't mean that this conversation had to be - even if the current topic was eggs.

"Mmm.... no thank you," the brunette said, scrunching her face in disgust. "There's just something about scrambled eggs that disgusts me unless they're smothered in cheese."

Watching as Charles meticulously arranged his food, Talya was once again reminded how breakfast was her least favorite meal of the day. Sure, there were great things out there like pancakes and mimosas (those were more of a brunch thing though) - but even that wasn't enough for her to actually enjoy the most important meal of the day.

"I've not been up to anything here lately? Anything spicy happening in your life, though?"

As soon as the question came out of her mouth, the first school bell rang for the day. While Talya had a reputation for always being late, she was trying to stay out of detention for her tardiness. Grabbing a pen from her bag, Talya grabbed Charles unoccupied hand and quickly scribbled her number across his palm.

"Looks like I have to run off to class. But if there's ever anything worth talking about that comes your way - feel free to send me a message." Slinging her book bag over her shoulder, the young woman departed from the lunchroom.

When out and about (walking through the store, at work, etc), I keep my phone in my back, right pocket.
In Ask an Admin, v2. 4 yrs ago Forum: News
<Snipped quote by Roach>

I haven't gone through a round of review and rewrite with Mahz, so this is base I've requested that fonts be enabled, but that's my stretch goal—people use weird unicode anyway, so we might as well unify it under a feature to prevent it from breaking on unsupported devices.
2. I would hold off if I were you, but I'd be more than glad to send you the responses of whatever ted on the LegendBegins Unapproved BBCode Parser™ and is subject to change.

1. Tables are completely fixed™. Half a dozen other glitches are fixed.st cases you want to throw at it.

3. Send me your BBCode requests (anyone who wants to) and I can add them to the engine if they work. It's all custom, so the world is your oyster.

You can observe the progress of my fork here: github.com/LegendBegins/guild



The drive to Las Vegas was fairly uneventful for Reyna. Sitting on the couch with her earbuds in, the young woman stared out of the RV window for the first hour or so. As she let the beat in whatever song was playing carry her away to day dream land. Snapping pictures on her phone ever so often, she made sure to save them so that when all of this was said and done she could print them off for her dream board back home. She needed to add pictures of her and all of the gang (even the ones that hated her) to the board too. Maybe she'd make one for everyone. Somewhere on the way there, the brunette managed to fall asleep. The sounds of the hustle and bustle as the rest of the crew shuffled around the RV woke Reyna up in a daze. Yawing loudly and stretching before grabbing her luggage, she made sure to keep up with the rest of the crowd as they made their way inside.

When the arguments ensued over who was going to bunk with who, Reyna chose to keep her mouth shut. No one was going to be completely happy with who they got stuck with, and acting like children in front of the staff wasn't a good idea. Besides, she was still a little groggy from her nap. Luckily for them, the receptionist seemed nice enough and understanding. Drawing a candy from the bowl, Reyna rolled her eyes seeing who she was bunked with. She didn't speak up though, so she couldn't complain much. At least she had her girls with her - that's what mattered.

Fighting her way up the stairs and making sure she didn't trip over anyone, Reyna managed to make it to the suite safely. Following Chloe and Katie, Reyna flopped her bags down on one of the beds before jumping on the bed herself. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, the girl nodded her head at her friends suggestion.

"Shopping sounds amazing. But first - " Standing up as she began a stroll around the room, Reyna found the mini bar in a few short seconds. Grabbing a few random bottles before heading back to the room, she held up the bottles in her hands like they were trophies. "I think we should start with those pre-drinks you mentioned."
I just spent the last five hours re-dyeing my hair.

I used Good Dye Young's Blue Ruin last time and this time, only last time I bleached it first.

I expected it to mix with the lighter blues and greens of my fading hair.

It didn't. It's dark as FUCK. My naturally brown roots are now nearly black xD

I'm still waiting on it to dry, but so far I am in love with it.
Mentioning to Shawna that she was going to grab drinks, Sunshine walked over to the punch fountain and promptly filled yet another two glasses for herself and her actual date. Turning around to try and find Shawna again, Sunshine's height was definitely a disadvantage. Maneuvering through the crowd with the drinks in hand, the young woman spotted Shawna and Chrissie just a few feet away. Eyebrows raised in curiosity over what they were talking about, Sunshine thought that it was best not to interrupt them. She knew it had been a hot minute since her girlfriend had gotten to talk to one of her besties - so why not let them?

Nearing the end of the first drink, Sunshine watched as Ryeland grabbed the mic from the DJ. Like most, Sunshine only knew what she had heard in regards to Rye. They hadn't interacted enough for her to get to know him, but from what she did know, it was a total shock that he was claiming to be hella attracted to Julie. Of course Julie was drop dead fucking gorgeous, but she had pinned Ryland up against the lockers not to long ago and now... Literally none of this made sense. But hey - if being a bottom was Rye's thing, Sunshine wasn't going to judge him.

With the crowd breaking up to go back to dancing, Sunshine was able to maneuver her way back over to Shawna. One cup empty and the other full, the young woman offered Shawna a smile while handing her the full glass.

"Well that was.... something," she said laughing. "Sorry I missed Chrissie, but I got you that drink I promised. Everything okay with you?"


While Jasper didn't mean to have interrupted Danielle, he was glad that she did. In typical Jasper like fashion, he took the opportunity as the people around him spoke in order to watch the new comers mannerisms. How her hair shifted ever so slightly when she looked towards the dance floor, the small curve to her lips, and how those breath taking eyes seemed to linger on his for just a second to long. There was a lot that Jasper noticed about her in such a short time. These small things were something he would store into his mental box for poetry inspiration later on. There was something about Danielle that Jasper couldn't quite put his finger on - and he liked that.

Noticing that he had been silent for just a moment to long, Jasper turned his attention back to Kavan as a small, polite smile spread across his face. "I'm okay man. Nothing much on my end either." Listening as Kavan explained that he had came with Ariel Grey and how she was talking to Kavi again, Jasper sighed. "For the love of God -- you just can't keep those two away from each other. I just hope she doesn't break his nose again or something."

With Archer joining the party, Jasper nodded his head in solidarity towards him, lifting his hand for a small wave.

In an attempt to carry on the conversation, whatever Jasper had been saying at the moment was drowned out by the sound of Ryland's voice. Jasper didn't know all that much about Ryeland, and what little he did wasn't enough to form an actual opinion about the other young man. However, as Jasper watch Ryland confess his attraction to Julie while singing and dancing his way to her, Jasper couldn't help but laugh.

"I didn't know the staff hired entertainment for us too," he remarked, continuing to watch how the events unfolded. Once Julie took Rye's hand, Jasper clapped along with the rest of the students. "Before you know it, Kings will have banned DJ's and just hook up the radio instead..."
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