Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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3 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
8 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
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8 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
15 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

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Also Shay Mitchell as Bellona, Roman Goddess of War.
Reserving Emeraude Toubia for my Hecate FC please.

Featuring Jasper @HaleyTheRandom and Dani @Moro

As Dani took his hand, Jasper became even more nervous. It wasn’t that he hadn’t ever danced before - he did - but he didn’t really consider himself good, graceful, or anything else that made someone a half decent dancer. Luckily as they entered the dance floor a pop song was playing. This meant that Jasper wouldn’t have to worry about stepping on or tripping over Dani’s feet (at least not for now).

Trying to follow along awkwardly with the rhythm, Jasper raised his voice over the music to ask her ”So what brings you to Palms?”

Danielle was mentally kicking herself in the ass, right now. As the pop song came on, she quickly glanced around and watched another girl near them dancing, mimicking her moves as best as possible. Dani started laughing, mostly at herself, as she danced with Jasper out on the dance floor. Her attention snapped to her dance partner when she heard his voice call out to her over the music.

“Family. Dad got a job offer he couldn’t refuse and we moved back. Wasn’t too jazzed about it, but I do know a few people here, still. Enough to get me through the end of the year, anyway. Always got my cousins, if anything. Even though Max totally ditched me soon as we got here. He’ll hear it later,” she laughed jokingly.

Trying to copy what others were doing around them was an awful idea. Jasper couldn’t mimic them in the slightest, and instead managed to screw up a few times before finally finding his own rhythm.

”Max?” Jasper questioned. ”I don’t really know that much about him. Seems like a cool dude though.”

Dani nodded, taking a quick glance around to see if she could spot her cousin. ”Yeah, he’s alright.” She turned her attention back on Jasper, watching him as he danced and giggled a little bit. ”So, what brought you to the dance tonight? Don’t strike me as a guy who seeks to attend school dances.”

"I came here with Ariana. Pretty sure Chrissie was trying to set me up or something. I didn't really want to come, but since Ariana asked…."

”Well, that was sweet of you. I wasn’t so sure if I was going to come tonight, myself. My mom and aunt convinced my cousin and I to go anyway.”

”I’m used to Chrissie trying to set me up with people, honestly. She tries so hard to find someone for me or some shit. She’s a fixer, honestly.”

As the song came to a stop, Jasper looked around the room to see that most of the crowd had disappeared. The DJ announced the last slow song for the night, Jasper quickly glanced at Dani. Did he ask her to dance the last song, or did he ditch?

”Hey, give me just a second, okay?” Looking around the room, the blonde realized that he didn’t see his previously mentioned date. ”I…. I don’t see Ari… uh…” Pulling his phone from his jacket pocket, Jasper sent a quick text to Ariana and confirmed that she was okay before returning his attention to Dani. ”I low-key ruined your last song. Looks like my date went home with my best friend. I have no other plans so… would you like to grab something to eat?”

”I think we both equally were ruining the song for everyone else.” Danielle laughed lightly, adding ”Yeah, sounds good. Just as long as you don’t plan to take me out into the boonies and kill me.” The girl nudged the boy’s arm playfully as she started for the door slowly.

A small smile spread across his face. Offering his arm for her to grab, Jasper lead Dani away from the dance.

As Salem listened to everyone introduce themselves, she rolled her eyes. They weren’t answering her question. She wanted the reason why they were here - not their life story.

Salem knew everyone in the room, somehow. Rather she had read their files behind her fathers back or not wasn’t of importance. The young woman knew everyone’s abilities. She knew their names, where they were from… Nothing that they said wasn’t something she didn’t already know. The urge to remove Faye from the house came when the orange haired girl asked them to `protect her`. Rolling her eyes again, Salem took a deep breath before introducing herself.

”This is more of a formality than anything. Most of you guys know me. I’m Salem. Heir to the de Silva thrown or whatever. I like to blow shit up.”

Remaining seated on the counter, she watched as the secret doorway opened up.

”Hm. I thought I remembered him saying something about the lock for the secret rooms. Used to be the third light switch on the wall beside the microwave….”

Spacing off for a brief moment, Sam’s voice brought her back to the present moment.

”That makes sense. Anyway, I’ll be claiming my usual bedroom. You’ll know which one it is. Meanwhile, I’ll be in the basement punching shit if you need me!”

@HaleyTheRandom & @TootsiePop Collab

The car ride turned out to be more of a drag than she would’ve wanted. While Diana loved Jasper dearly, the woman was asking too many questions. Why was it so important to know what her type was? Just do eeny, meeny, miny, moe. She didn’t care and honestly, sometimes she wondered if she was just not that into anyone. No one intrigued her enough.

Sure, Diana had dated in the past but she did it because she wanted to give it a try, not necessarily because she was into the person. Eh, whatever. She’ll go with it and enjoy the ride. Copping out, Dee decided to subtly quote a famous pop song to describe her ‘type’, “Uh, I guess… I like it when they take control, even if they don’t know they do.”

Absentmindedly, she tapped her finger to the music playing. Sheepishly smiling, as if this was so embarrassing to share - but really, hearing herself she sounded dumb, Dee continued to half-quote the song, “A tough guy, who likes it really rough!” Pause. “...if you know what I mean.”

With a groan, Jasper flopped her head against the seat. Why was Dee always so reluctant to ever try her hand in the romance department? More importantly, why did Jasper constantly insist on trying to set her up with someone no matter how many times it failed?

Because she cared. That’s why.

No matter how many times the boys turned out to be total fucking dumbasses, Jasper still held on to hope that she would play a part in finding Mr. Right for Dee. Deep, deep down, she secretly hoped that maybe one day both she and Dee could do one of those weird double date things with one another. Above all, Jasper just wanted her friend to be happy. Music was the only thing that Jasper had ever truly seen Dee light up over. The key to finding Dee love was to find someone for her that would make her feel the same things music did.

“Are you seriously quoting fucking Billie Eilish?”

Damn. Caught red-handed. “Okay, so I don’t have a type. Sue me.” Diana sighed in exasperation. No matter how many times Jasper tried to set her up, it never worked in the way she hoped for. “Why are you so caught up with finding someone for me anyways? We both know even if I find someone, it won’t last more than two weeks.” A record for her honestly. “It’s not like you care for romance either, or you’d have a guy wrapped around your finger by now.” After throwing mild shade, with mischief in her eyes, Dee teasingly nudged her good friend, “Let’s just have fun tonight. Who cares if we take someone home or not.”

Jasper pursed her lips, listening to her friend speak. Dee had a point, but Jasper’s determination was stronger than any rhyme or reason. If Dee was ever serious about Jasper stopping her efforts to find love for her, then Jasper would stop. But until then…..

"Fine, fine. But can I still flirt my way into free drinks?"

“I wouldn’t dare take that pleasure away from you.” Dee smirked, while glancing down at a text from Nate. Fantastic. They got a table and ordered appetizers. Just what Dee was hoping for (and expecting). “Even if we both could easily afford whatever we want,” she teasingly shook her head. While she didn’t mind free things, she also knew she was fortunate in comparison to most kids in this town. If anything, Jasper and her were royalty, coming from more money, prestige, and power than Meadow’s underclassmen could fathom.

When the car came to a full stop, in front of Nectar’s, Dee did a-very-gentleman-thing-to-do. Exiting first, she made sure to hustle to Jasper’s door and open it for her, “M’lady.” They were both legacies after all and it only made sense if she escorted her friend better than any hook up she’s ever had.

Dee’s gesture managed to put a small smile on Jasper's face as she exited the vehicle. Going right along with her friend's antics, Jasper did a small curtsey in return. “Why thank you, My Knight.” A silly thing to say, it did hold some truth. Dee had been there to save Jasper more times than she could count.

As they made their way into the bar - Jasper holding the door for Dee this time - the dark haired girl scanned the crowd, looking for familiar faces. She could spot Fiona setting up on stage. Bastien and Nolan at the bar, and the rest of the football team huddling in the corner looking like their usual no brained selves. Surprised that there was already a decent crowd inside, Jasper shrugged her shoulders and turned to Dee. “I’ll let you choose the table this time.”

When Dee noticed Fiona, her eye twitched momentarily in annoyance. Why didn’t she text her saying she’d be performing tonight? Whatever. Bringing her focus back on Jasper, she hooked her arm on her hawt friend, well she was dressed like her this lovely night, and directed her to the center of Nectar’s, not too far from the bar, “Oh, that won’t be necessary” Pulling up next to Millie Jean, and across from Nate so he could get a good view of them both, having no recollection of the drama that transpired earlier this week, Diana grinned at her friend, “I already made a reservation.”

Bringing her attention to the other two, she unceremoniously tossed her clutch on the table, “Do you all know each other or am I going to have to do the whole introduction thing?”

“Fucking really, Diana?” It wasn’t every day that you had the opportunity to hear Jasper use her friend's real name. She usually reserved it for when she was especially angry at her better half, and now was one of those times. Lips curled, the young woman smiled at the blonde through gritted teeth as the waiter walked over.

“Can I get you guys anything?” she asked.

“Vodka, please. Leave the bottle.” Turning to glance at Millie as her facial expression soured, Jasper handed the waitress her card. “Looks like I’m going to be needing it.”
In Deify 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
God of Grumpy Faces.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. Dude. You don't dance.

Sure, Danielle claimed that she wouldn't think badly of him if he did't go out on the dance floor. The problem there was that people only meant what they said half of the time. A solid fifty percent chance. That wasn't enough for Jasper. Add that to the fact that he had only met Dani just a few moments ago and you wound up with the Jasper Fray that refused to bet on his current odds.

No. He couldn't not dance with her. That made zero sense. They were at a dance, after all. It was senior year. If there was ever a time for Jasper to embarrass himself it was now. Maybe he'd even land himself a spot in the yearbook.

"Nah…." he mumbled, reaching his hand out for her. "Come on." His face lighting up, Jasper gave Dani a smile. "Let's go make some memories or some other cheesy shit."


Even with Sawyers additional help, Ariel struggled to get up off of the ground. Grabbing the young mans arm to steady herself, it seemed as if her legs were the only things not to get in a rush to recover from her embarrassing fall. After nearly tripping over both her feet and Sawyer once again, Ariel managed to stand up fairly straight, brushing her hair out of her face as she did so. Doing her best to manage a smile, Ariel waved her hand lazily in the air.

"Pft. Yeah. I'm a-ooo-kay." Way more drunk than she had realized, Ariel managed to catch a glimpse of Sawyers now ruined shirt. "Awww man. I'm sorry," she slurred, putting her left hand on his chest as she pouted in order to steady herself. "I totally have to buy you a new shirt now."

This last realization caused Ariel to be sent into a fit of nearly uncontrollable laughter. The last few months had been exhausting for her, and as bad as it seemed - this was the most relaxed she had been in a hot minute.

"Hey. Do you wanna dance or something? Or like... maybe grab a drink? Water? Punch? Just... somethin'? My mouth is like... really dry."
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