Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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2 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
7 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
7 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
14 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

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Serena wasn’t looking forward to returning to Edenridge.

She loved her family, and as much as she hated to admit it, she was actually looking forward to the family reunion. Of course she was going to have to deal with the memories of her hometown. Then there was the added pressure of keeping up the lie that she was sober around her parents. Serena only hoped that returning to Edenridge wouldn’t make things worse.

She was wrong.

With a scream trapped in her throat, blankets thrown to the floor, and tears running down her face, Serena woke up in one of the rooms that belonged to the local hotel. Legs pulled up to her chest, the young woman wrapped her arms around herself as she rocked back and forth on the bed. It was a desperate attempt to hold herself together, and it failed with each memory racing through her head.

The sound of Charlie's shoes thudding on the floor of the school halls. The gunshots. That unmistakable sound of bodies falling to the floor. Screaming. The smell of blood.

She wasn’t sure how long she laid there, shaking and crying silently. By the time Serena had found the strength to climb out of the bed, the sun was coming through the curtains. With a groan, she rolled over to see that the alarm clock read eight in the morning. Knocking the clock to the floor, Serena decided that the best thing to calm her aching muscles would be a warm shower.

Climbing out of the bed, Serena allowed the water to warm up before she climbed in the shower. As the water ran over her body, Serena felt herself instantly relax. Once showered and dried off, the young woman chose her look for the day. She was back in Edenridge for the first time since graduation, and she’d rather die than look like garbage while walking around in town in front of the people she used to know.

Once her wig had been applied, Serena took extra care in applying her makeup. Her outfit for the day was simple, but a quick glance in the mirror was enough to let her know that she had made the right choice. Dressed in a black sweater, black jeans, and high-heeled boots, Serena grabbed her purse and car keys before exiting the hotel.

Not wanting to go to her parents house quite just yet, Serena drove around the town aimlessly while listening to the radio. Old habits were hard to kill, and Serena found proof of that as she pulled into the parking lot of the liquor store. Walking into the store, she was greeted by a bored looking dark haired gentleman.

Grabbing a bottle of Grey Goose, Serena cracked it open and began drinking it straight from the bottle on her way to the register.

“You know, you should really pay for that first,” the clerk said, glaring.

”Oh relax,” she retorted, putting the bottle down on the counter for him to scan. ”You’ll get your money.”

After her card was swiped, and the payment was processed, Serena snatched the bottle back up from the counter and took another drink while walking towards the exit. Once back in her car, Serena put her bottle of booze in her purse. As much as she would have liked to have only vodka for breakfast, Serena could hear her mother scolding her in her mind.

Leaving the liquor store, Serena headed towards the Cafe for a proper breakfast.


Christian was chatting it up with Spike and Eleazar - right up until the moment when an unnamed goddess decided to approach the grill herself.

”We totally have cheese,” he blurted out. ”I uh… I’m Christian, by the way,” he said, offering her a hand to shake while grabbing his plate from Eleazar.

Stuffing his hamburger into his mouth, Christians eyes widened. ”Dudes,” he said, turning back to Spike and Eleazar. ”These are fucking amazing. Thank you.

As a scruffy looking character approached the group, Christian waved the smoke out of both his and the goddesses face. Taking another bite, Christian thoroughly chewed and swallowed his food before speaking again.

”Don’t just blow smoke everywhere by yourself, fam. Pass that shit so we can all blow clouds.”


Being a short person was not a fun thing, and Billie was painfully reminded of that as she elbowed, shoved, and stomped on peoples feet to get through the crowd.

”He better stay right the fuck there,” she grumbled, returning a glare that she was getting from one of the cheerleaders.

Billie never imagined that her first real life movie like scene would be this moment, but yet here she was with music that was too loud, lights that were too bright, and getting lost in the crowd just like some stupid cliche. The thought only fueled her anger.

Caspian had been avoiding her for weeks. He had practically disappeared over the summer, then he had appeared to have returned to his normal usual self - only for Callie to vanish into thin air and for Caspian to go back to ignoring Billie. To say that the young woman was pissed was an understatement.

Of course she wasn’t actually angry at Caspian; She was just genuinely concerned for her friends. The truth was that Billie Jean Grey cared, and in certain instances like these, she cared perhaps a little too much.

Breaking through on the other side of the crowd, Billie jerked her head from side to side, eyes wide, in a frantic search to find the Vampire King.

Climbing on top of a chair, Billie crossed her arms and scanned the room one final time before hopping down and looking out on the back lawn to see if he had escaped through the back door.

With a stomp of her foot, Billie took a deep breath and clenched her fists. She was not about to be the sad tipsy girl, but no matter how many times she told herself that, she couldn’t help but let a tear or two fall.

”Cas… you absolute fool,” she mumbled defeatedly. ”You complete and utter ass…”

The shock of someone bumping into her broke her out of her sad girl moment, her lips curling back in disgust as she scoffed and marched off in an attempt to find Nicholas.

Walking back into the kitchen, Billie threw back her head in defeat as she assessed the situation in front of her. ”Absolutely the fuck not. Nicholas Salvador Grey - we are not doing this again.

While Billie was happy as long as her brother was happy, she was damn near tired of his obsession with redheads, and to be quite frank Billie just wasn’t impressed with his next target. Nicholas could do better. Billie knew it, he knew it, and hopefully the other girl knew it as well.

Of course Billie would have let Nicholas have his fin on any other night - but not tonight. She was needy, she was emotional, and her brothers attention wasn’t about to be wasted on some doe-eyed hoe when Billie needed him as badly as she did.


With a smug look on her face, Raven bobbed and weaved through the massive crowd of people while sending Alina a where are you text.

An SOS from Alina could mean anything. The problem at hand could be Alina’s anxiety, an issue with Niki or Caspian, just the simple need for company, or a multitude of other things. Nonetheless, Raven was prepared to help her friend with whatever it was that she needed.

Now if I was Alina… where would I be....

Scanning the crowd, Raven spotted a few familiar faces. She was interested in talking to none of them at the moment. She had a one track mind - at least she did before she spotted the drink table, and as luck would have it Alina was right beside the booze!

It was nice to see her friend's face. It was not nice to see the dark haired boy close to her. Was he the reason that Alina had sent an SOS? There was only one way to find out.

Practically shoving people out of her way as she went, Raven approached the drink table with her chin held high. Cutting right between Alina and the stranger, Raven snatched up a bottle of Patron before turning to her friend with a smile.

”Help has arrived, darling,” Raven announced cheerfully. Completely ignoring the young man, Raven took a drink straight from the bottle. ”Please tell me this guy isn’t acting like… all the other guys?”

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