Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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9 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
14 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
14 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
21 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

When I lived at my parents place, I couldn't fall asleep unless the house was nearly dead silent. Now I can't fall asleep without the TV on or rain sounds playing.
I now have a total of four piercings (Both nostrils, labret and helix). I want to get my ear lobes redone, eventually have double nostril piercings on both sides, and perhaps an orbital conch.

Trying to line up a job out of state next year.

Aiming for Colorado.
"They say that pressure makes diamonds; How the hell am I still coal?"

Coal - Dylan Gossett
Banned for laying forever.

The last few weeks in Tanner had been hectic for the Rosales family. Driving back and forth to Seattle while managing the family’s restaurant had taken up the vast majority of her time, leaving very little room for Reyna to get involved in or worry about Coven matters. In times like these, she felt like a rather horrible witch. Being torn between your blood and magical families was an indescribable feeling - one that she found leaving a bad taste in her mouth. Erin was nice enough to update her from time to time. Reyna had reached out to some of her friends to make sure that they were okay, but for the most part she had received radio silence in return. She chose to think it was because they were busy with their own issues.

With her mother returning from her business trip just a few days prior, Reyna was now free to do as she pleased around Tanner. Though she was the youngest in her family, Reyna found herself looking after her siblings in times like these. Maybe now with her mother home she wouldn’t have to worry about who had clean socks to wear. The young woman really hoped to get back into her Coven duties, and hoped even more that her friends wouldn’t judge her for ghosting them for the last few months.

She had spent days going through her closet, doing her best to find something in her closet that would be considered formal instead of slutty. It turned out that the young woman didn’t have many options to choose from. She had settled on a crop top and long skirt combo. While the sleeves fell off the shoulders, and there was a split in the skirt all the way up to her thigh - she hoped that her choice in fashion wouldn’t draw to many unwarranted comments tonight. Reyna had decided to lightly accessorise with large hoop earrings, and her makeup was just as simple. She had chosen to stick to a more nude and natural look tonight, hoping that her ‘new look’ would show how much she had matured.

The brunette had rode in the back seat of her brother's car to the Handover Ceremony. She had kept her eyes glued on the scenery outside of the window, her invitation in hand the whole way there. The young woman had always believed that she was lucky to have grown up in such a beautiful place.

Once they had arrived, Reyna climbed out of the car, made sure her outfit was properly adjusted, and waltzed into the Handover Ceremony right behind her brothers. She had exchanged a few small pleasantries with Carlisle and a woman she didn’t know.

Walking into the room, the Rosales woman kept her head held high, plucking a glass of champagne from one of the passing waiter's trays. A small, warm smile appeared on her face here and there as she waved back to the few people who recognized her. She was searching desperately for someone who she talked to at least on a semi-regular basis to no avail.

That was when she had seen the scene unfolding by the entrance. So many faces that she didn’t know, with so many fists flying around them. The thought made her down the second half of her champagne in one go. A nearby waiter gave her a some-what judging look - but Reyna didn’t mind. Reaching for another, she was trying not to stare as Amanda Aston was dragged away.

Soon after came Carlisle’s speech. She stood and listened as he bore his low self-esteem and mommy issues to the world, but all in all, there wasn’t much to complain about. Reyna had never had much to hold against the Aston boy, and only time would tell how horrible or magnificent of a leader he would be. It would be wrong to jump to conclusions so soon.

With a sigh, the young woman found a nice chair on the outskirts of the room to settle into. Soaking in the scenery, Reyna was more than sure that this was about to be an eventful night.

Starring: Lilith Montgomery, John Montgomery, & Salem De SIlva

The only thing that Lilith Montgomery wanted to do right now was drink.

In the spirit of transparency - Lilith had never dreamed of living past the age of eighteen. She had all but checked out of this world by then, and the fact that she was still stuck in it pissed her off on a daily basis. Regardless of that fact, the young woman kept pushing herself every day to do what she could to build some sort of life for herself.

During those quiet moments when she envisioned her future, Lilith had seen Miles from time to time, sure. But she had never imagined herself as a wife or mother. No white dresses or hospital beds, dirty diapers or wedding bands. The Montgomery line had stopped with Lilith twenty-three years ago, and she had made as much peace with that as she could while constantly having Cordelia telling her she was destined for great things.

Lilith was pretty sure that pregnancy wasn’t a ‘great thing’. Not in her case. Not with Miles. Not now.

She had returned to the main room of the Coven house, doing the best that she could to appear calm and collected. Spotting her grandfather at the drinks table, Lilith had beelined over to him right before Carlisle’s speech had started. Slipping her hand into the older man's calloused grasp, Lilith held on for dear life. Her energy had been focused on giving Carlisle glances of encouragement during those awkward moments when their eyes met. His voice, on the other hand, was drowned out by the roar in her ears.

Lilith’s grasp tightened on her grandfathers even further, the world threatening to slip out from under her feet. A plethora of images flashed before her, showing the past, present and future simultaneously. Visions of a dark haired woman, paperwork strown out across a hospital bed. Oddly familiar blonde and dark haired figures walking into the Coven house. Salem wielding the sky in her hands. The young womans blood turned cold, a shaky breath escaping her lips as John shot her a look of concern. Before she had time to collect her thoughts, the Guild Leader's hand was on Lilith’s shoulder once more that night.

”Lilith,” Salem nearly cooed. ”I’d really like your assistance with something,” she explained, her eyes now resting on the eldest Montgomery. ”John, would you mind coming along for back up,” she asked.

With a shrug of his shoulders, John led his granddaughter along beside him as they followed Salem to the Alchemy lab. It was taking everything that Lilith had in her to put one foot in front of the other and not shout at Salem. What did she have planned? Did she know Lilith was pregnant? How would Salem react if she did know? Would it matter if Miles wasn’t related to whoever this Aloysius character was?

”Lilly,” she heard her grandfather whisper. ”What’s going on?”

Shaking her head, Lilith ignored his question, keeping her eyes glued onto the back of Salem's head.

As they entered the room, John had taken a seat beside Salem. Lilith chose to stand, looking at the glass in the other woman's hands that she hadn’t noticed earlier. She hadn’t pegged the Guild Leader for a whiskey kind of woman.

”So,” John questioned. ”What are we doing here?”

”Mr. Montgomery,” Salem began, crossing her legs at the knee as she made eye contact with the man. ”I have suspicion to believe that Miles Price is the son of Aloysius Leighton - a magi war criminal from one of our great lineages. I also believe that your granddaughter is pregnant with his child.”

As the last sentence fell from the woman's mouth, her eyes met Lilith’s. Goosebumps ran up the brunette's arms as she looked towards John.

”How in the goddamned fucking hell –” the old man shouted as he rose from his chair. Angry at and for Lilith, his eyes stayed glued onto Salem, knowing full well that she was the threat at the moment.

Eyes as sharp as daggers, Salem glared at Mr. Montgomery. ”Sit down before I kill you faster than cancer,” she grumbled, clearly not entertained.

”Thank you ma’am, but I prefer to stand,” John responded, now standing behind the chair he was sitting in as he gripped onto the back of it for support. Looking at Lilith, he sighed. ”Is it true, Lilly?”

Lilith had shoved her hands into her pockets now, balling her hands into fists as she did so.
”I don’t know,” she answered, her voice a hoarse whisper. Clearing her throat, the young woman kept her eyes glued onto her feet, careful not to look at either of the authoritative figures before her. ”Mary confided in her powers and got a clear yes in response, but I haven’t taken a test or anything, and I really had just –” Voice thick, Lilith shook her head as she blinked the tears from her eyes. ”I reckon so.”

Lips pursed, Salem studied the girl from head to toe. ”It’s more than true, Lilith,” she cut in. ”There’s so much power coming from you right now it’s almost as if you are a magi, my dear.” Taking a deep breath, Salems eyes furrowed. ”It’s hard to tell, since you’re so early on. It’s a strange thing indeed. Multiple sources of power are just radiating off of you.”

”Multiple,” John questioned incredulously.

Nodding her head, Salem's eyes never left Lilith’s figure. ”Five total. Hers, the boys, and if I had to guess… she’s having triplets.”

”Stop talking about me as if I’m not right here,” Lilith snapped.

”Watch yourself,” Salem warned.

It was now Liliths turn to glare daggers.

”Triplets,” was all that John could manage, echoing Salem once more.

Wasting no time, the Guild Leader now cut to the chase. Picking up the glass, Salem used her free hand to lift a few droplets of water from the rim. ”Now that that’s out of the way. I’ve collected one of the glasses that Miles was drinking from this evening. Both of you are necromancy users, yes? I’ve heard of a spell that allows you to track lineages as long as you have a piece of the person in question. Is that true?”

”Last time I used that spell was thirty years ago,” John grumbled.

”Can you,” Salem asked Lilith.

”Never tried it, and even if I had, I’m not sure I want to help you put a target on my back.” she quipped.

Tilting her head to the side, Salem took a deep breath before speaking. ”Ms. Montgomery. I can assure you that I’ll get my answers and handle my problems either with or without your help. Now all I need you to do is focus on the question at hand, and channel it into the water. Simple enough, right?”

Still very clearly not pleased with the situation at hand, Lilith crossed her arms. ”Fine.”

Over the next few minutes, John had located one of the world maps that The Coven kept stored in the various corners of the Alchemy lab. Don’t ask Lilith why it was here. All she knew was that they had found it, which now meant she really had to do this spell. No matter the outcome, she hoped that Miles would forgive her.

Salem continued to control the water, focusing on the small sphere floating in the air above the middle of the map.

”I can’t believe I’m playing with Miles’s spit,” Lilith grumbled.
”I think you’ve been playing with more than that,” John responded sarcastically.

Lilith was sure to glare at her grandfather for a moment before turning back to stare at her intended target. Taking a deep breath, Lilith focused all of her energy into the one question before nodding to Salem. Once the other woman had let her control of the sphere fade, the liquid fell onto the paper, showing no signs of going anywhere.

A silence filled the air as everyone kept their eyes glued onto the map.

John sighed again. Salem looked pissed. Lilith didn’t know what to feel. She was about to turn and head for the door when the water finally began to move.

It broke off into a few smaller circles, all of them headed towards North America. Four of them had settled in Garden City, New York, one of the others in Tanner - right in the center of town where the Coven house was located. The last seemed hesitant, almost as if it was trying to decide which way to go. Lilith watched the last droplet vibrate in place before darting off to go place itself right beside the other one that had landed itself in Tanner.

”Fuck,” Salem growled. Pointing at the larger collection of droplets, she began to explain. ”That’s Lola and her children.” Moving her finger to point at the others, she continued. ”That’s Miles. And that’s Aloysius.”

”How do you know?”

”The spell wouldn’t have even worked to begin with unless Aloysius and Miles were related. Additionally, Aloysius’s sister Lola lives in Garden City with her three children. Miles is in Tanner. And it appears that his father is too.”

”So Al is Miles’s father…”

”And you’re carrying Miles’s children,” John finished.

As Lilith looked back up at Salem, all she could sense from the woman was rage. The image that she was just shown minutes before flashed in her mind once again, making Lilith stand on edge.

”Thank you for your help,” the Guild Leader spoke to no one in particular. ”If you’ll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to. We’ll reconvene on your… issue, later.” As she spoke, the more and more upset Salem sounded. Her crossed arms and furrowed brow only added to that fact.

”Issue?” Lilith responded, her voice hollow.

”We’ll have to discuss specifics. Surely you don’t want to have those children?”
Glaring once again, Lilith could stop the venom dripping from her words. ”What if I do want to, Salem?”

Eyebrows raised, the older woman was already headed for the door. She couldn’t waste time arguing with a child when Aloysius was in the building. Hand now on the door knob, Salem turned to look at Lilith before responding. ”I have way bigger fish to fry, darling. Quite literally. Now. Like I said - we’ll discuss specifics later.”

As Salem turned the knob, all that Lilith could feel was rage and fear. She didn’t know what to say or do as Salem exited the room. Attacking her was a suicide mission, but she didn’t want to see anyone harmed, and Salem seemed as if she was on a war path.

Turning to John, the young woman began to break down. ”I’m sorry,” she began, the first of the tears beginning to fall. ”I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”

Closing the small distance between them, John embraced his granddaughter in a tight hug. ”It’s gonna be okay, Lilly. You just need to go and find Miles right now, okay?”

Wiping her face, Lilith nodded her head as John held the door open for her.

The young Montgomery had no idea what the next few hours - or life in general - had in store for her.

All she knew was that she had better buckle up for the ride.

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