Avatar of sukikyoufu


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Hahaha omg though bless his little heart! So adorable :3
Omg I'm pretty excited for this!! And then for the breakout too. I'm so hype!!

I'll probably have Regis leave after this to go get some more alcohol to deal with his problems. That's when Iris will try to break him out.
Yeah! It sucks but I'm sure I will still have a good time! All these awesome video games haha.

Oooo nice one! Hopefully you get it done! I bet you can't wait for it to be over!

Also that post was kind of fun to write :3 Regis deffo needs anger management.
Regis didn’t know what he was expecting when he walked down into the basement, but what he laid eyes on sent an immense rage through his whole body. His heart began to hammer away in his chest as he saw the bars tampered with, the Prince trying to climb out of the small window opening no longer tied up in his cell. The rage that coursed through his body momentarily stunned him as he saw the scene, for a moment he had completely forgotten himself as his eyes narrowed at the Prince who was desperately trying to escape them.

“WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?.” Shouts left his lips as he rushed forward, hands grasping the Princes ankles as he pulled him harshly back inside not caring if he hurt the Prince. All reason had left Regis at this point. Pulling him down the floor he raised his booted foot and slammed it into the Princes stomach as hard as he could, as if he was squashing some insignificant fly at the bottom of his shoe.

“I swear to god I will kill you right here and now.” His voice had turned dangerously low as he knelt down to the Prince, hands moved to the brown locks of hair on his head as he forcefully dragged him back into his cell by his hair, however Regis wasn’t finished. He was far from done and felt it was high time he taught the Prince a valuable lesson today. “It’s time I taught you manners, it’s clear that it’s something you lack.” Spitting at the Prince as he rolled up the sleeves of his tartan red top. You could see the anger in his eyes, the rage that filled him and his body shook with anticipation.

Curling his hands into fists he wasted no time in punching the Prince, first the stomach area that he had already kicked. One, two… three hard punches one after the other as if Regis was tenderising some meat to cook for dinner. A wicked smiled crossed his lips as he looked Caspain in the eye, moments later the fist that had been punching his stomach went to his jaw. Grunting as his fist connected with Caspains jaw he felt the pain run up his right arm from the power and rage that fuelled the punch. Even though it had caused Regis pain his anger was being soothed as he used the Prince as a personal punching bag, releasing his pent up anger out on the Prince.

“Don’t worry. I’ll end your miserable life. Maybe I’ll move it forward to now.” Cold words left his mouth as he took a moment to compose himself. His hand went to his pocket and just like last time he pulled out a pocketknife, it gleamed in the light that was filling the basement and the wicked smile turned into a menacing one. “No one will care if I scar you.”

Standing back up Regis used his left up to push the Prince to his feet, pushing him against the wall in his cell as his left hand wrapped around his throat to hold him in place. Fingers pushing against the skin on his neck to make it difficult to breathe, showing the Prince that he had the upmost power in this situation. In his right hand he twirled the pocketknife as he licked his lips, madness and rage had consumed the rebel leader and he relished in watching the Prince in pain. Fingers squeezed his neck hard hoping to hear him struggle for his life as he considered killing him now, getting it over with.

“No one will care when your dead. Sorry excuse of a monarchy.” Growling out his words as he used the pocketknife to stab the Princes arm, “Won’t be able to push yourself up out of my window now.” Grinning as he twisted it in the Princes flesh hoping to hear a scream of pain, his anger levels had reached an all time high. “No one is coming for you here; you are going to die. Alone and unloved.”
Exactly!! Although I'm back on Monday, I then have the 20th of April week off for my Birthday not that I am doing anything anymore xD Buuuuut good use of time to finish these games haha.

Oooo, how are the projects coming along? Got much more done yet?
Ohhh nice!

Yeah they are a huge commitment, I booked time off work to play them seeing as we are quite dead in store haha.

Although I'm going to take a break now so I can reply! Plus I should probably eat dinner too xD
Haha very true!

Oh gosh nah if you want like a proper chill game where you can plant flowers, talk to cute animal neighbours. Create your own town, it's a good time waster. I've always loved the AC series so have been waiting ages for the new one!

Yeah I do like short games too, but a good RPG with story is just amazing. Sadly two big RPGS came out at a similar time so I have to balance two games that you put 100+ hours in xD
No worries! I'm pretty much the same too, as long as you don't kill my character I'm okay with them getting hurt etc. Same with the sexual part as long as it's faded to black before specifics etc :3

Oh gosh don't even start with Animal Crossing too. That's another game I have already poured more than 90 hours into xD

I am very much enjoying them all! But I feel so overwhelmed with all the games it's unreal haha
Brilliant! I just like to check just in case it wasn't okay.

Yeah loads of people are now playing video games haha
Oh man I just read your post and I can already feel the anger of Regis before I've gotten to it hahaha.

Before I do write up m y post, how beaten up do you want Cas? Like anything you don't want me to do etc.

(Also I'm severely distracted because not only did I get Persona 5 Royal a JRPG video game I have been waiting for I was also one of the lucky ones to receive the FF7 remake early. I'm so overwhelmed with video games xD)
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