Avatar of sukikyoufu


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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Omg I understand though, anyone would be suspicious!

Right I need to head to bed :3

I shall see you tomorrow! Have a great evening!
Hearing his scoff, she felt her heart break, she knew she had caused this. Everything that had happened was all her fault and she had to live that. Sighing softly when he finally said fine agreeing to her help she reach out to his arm; thankful he had rolled the sleeve back. Taking the towel soaked in vodka she began to dab at the wound gently, cleaning it up so it didn’t get infected because if he was to get sick before she got him back to the Capital it was unlikely she’d get any medicine for him. “Sorry.” Whispering an apology knowing this was going to hurt, that each dab and clean of the wound with the vodka would cause him more pain. Not as bad as the pain of my betrayal though I’m sure. Spiteful thoughts crossed her mind as cared for the wound with a touch as gentle as she could muster.

Happy it was clean she used the torn pieces of fabric to wrap it, it was tight enough that he could feel it but not dangerous to cause any problems. Cringing as the fabrics colour already started to turn a different colour the blood flow was at least slower. It would hold for now until they could get away from her home. I don’t want to take any risks though. Deciding to add just one more layer to the makeshift bandage just in case things went from bad to worse. “There’s not a lot of time.” Whispering to herself more than anything as placed one of the hoodies on his lap, her mind racing at just how she was going to do this.

Feeling her body tremble, she zipped up her own hoodie pulling up the hood before grabbing the backpack putting it on her shoulders. Glancing back at Cas she felt her eyes water at the sight, he had been beaten, hurt and this was all her fault. All my fault. Shaking her head, she tucked her hair inside the hood as she stood back up glancing towards him, “Put the hoodie on and follow me. We have to be quick.” As much as she willed her voice to be strong it did not sound it one bit, her voice wavered but that was because she was blaming herself for his injuries.

“I… it won’t be easy. You have no idea how many members a part of this rebellion are. How much power he has and what he will do if he finds you.” Moving towards the stairs of the basement she hoped he would follow, she wouldn’t blame him if he made a break for it himself but she hoped he wouldn’t because he would get himself caught and this would be all for nothing. Taking a moment to listen out for any noises she glanced around her home, eyes catching site of the happy family photo of her and her mother and father all smiling like a normal family would.

I’m doing the right thing. Mother would have wanted this, not his death.

Heading towards the front door she opened it slightly to take a look outside, there was no sign of her father or anyone around. Her heart hammered with each step she took but she gave it a few minutes just to make sure the coast was clear. Okay… it’s now or never. Opening the door fully the creak resonated throughout the empty building as she took a step outside. The first place she had to go was by the old bakery, for the supplies she had requested and then she had to find them somewhere to sleep for the night.

Although she had a plan, she hadn’t thought out every aspect, like shelter but she knew that they had to keep moving. Her father would be hunting them down the minute he knew and for once she would rather the military find them, at least it guaranteed his safety. Placing hands in her pockets she kept her head down as she moved towards the run down street, glancing back to see if Cas was following her.

I'm so excited!
Omg no jokes, as I was writing this I paused my game mid fight and it has this real like sense of urgency music and I felt it as I wrote. It was so strange omg
“I’ll be back in an hour. We’ll kill him upon my return with everyone” Regis stated as he looked over at his daughter, “Think you can watch him for an hour?” His words came across colder than he meant too, he was just angry the Prince had managed to get in a few hits at him and cause him pain. He had not expected the Prince to fight back at all.

“But… that’s sooner than originally planned…” Iris frowned looking over at her father, her hand outstretching to examine the injury on his face. Cringing instead as she felt him slap it away harshly, not wanting her comfort.

“It’s more than he deserves. One hour. I swear to god Iris if you fuck this up for us.” Regis growled feeling himself get angry. “Ergh. I can’t think straight. Fuck.” His good hand ran down his face as if trying to wake himself up, his mind was all over the place and he could barely think straight without his usual alcoholic fix. “Sorry… just behave.” Sighing as he slammed the front door behind him to go meet with the others, to plan how they would kill the Prince in an hours’ time.

“An hour?” Iris whispered to herself as she looked at the front door, her mind began to race as her heartbeat quickened. “Shit… I.” Scrambling to her feet she rushed to her bedroom moving as fast as she could, grabbing her phone she quickly texted Maisie to say it had to happen now before shoving it in her pocket. “That arm… the blood.” Panicking as she realised, she did not have anything to help it with, she had to find something to wrap it in at least. “Vodka…” Talking to herself as she tried to get herself into gear, it was a small opening but now the only one she would have to get him out. Grabbing the backpack of items, she had already packed she slung it over her shoulder before pulling out an old top of hers, she could rip this up to cover the wound until she could get the supplies. Hopefully Maisie got some form of first aid kit.

Feeling the panic as her heart raced, she grabbed two of her hoodies that should conceal them enough to make an escape, running downstairs she headed to the kitchen grabbing the last bit of spirit left in the cupboard. Eyes darted around looking for anything else, other items that would help right about now. Grabbing one of the towels on the table she threw it over her shoulder with the two hoodies before heading to one of the kitchen drawers looking for the spare key to the basement. “Where are you. Come on… come on.” Urging herself to be quicker she found the key and rushed to the basement, time was against them and she already felt like she had spent twenty minutes gathering all the items she needed.

Unlocking the basement door, she propped it open to allow the light inside as she rushed downstairs, hesitating for a moment in case he reacted or thought she was here to hurt him. “Cas…” Calling out his name as she bit her lip, she edged towards him holding her hands up as if to say she meant no harm, “I know it’s a big ask but… please trust me.” Kneeling down to his level she pulled out the vodka and started to rip the top into strips to bandage the wound. Pulling down the towel she dabbed it with the vodka holding it out to him. “I meant what I said about not letting them kill you.”

Glancing back up towards the door of the basement that was left open she bit her lip, “We have an hour. Most likely less now, but I have a plan. To get you out, to get you back home.” Her voice was panicked, trembling as she spoke because she feared what could happen, he could turn the tables and try to escape himself. Leave her here to face the wrath of her father for letting him escape, but she hoped he would trust her. If only for one last time so she could help him get out.

“Let me sort that wound out quickly, then you’ll have to wear this.” Pulling down one of the hoodies that she had slung over her shoulder in a panic. There was a black hoodie and a dark navy one for them both to wear. As long as Caspain wore his she hoped it would conceal his face just enough for no one to look at them, to allow them to slip into the crowd unnoticed.
Omg bless his little cotton socks!!
There we go! I hope that's okay!

Regis knows deep down should he get in a fist fight with Cas, he would probably lose as he is not as healthy or young as he used to be haha
Regis felt the punch from the Prince connected with his own face and he stumbled back distance now between them, shocked at first the boy had fought back. He felt the punch, it had hurt and for a breath moment the rage he felt had ceased, until he heard the snarl from the Prince. Grinning he could see the fight in the boy, the desire to live and laughed, he full on laughed in the basement as he looked at the pocketknife wedged in his bicep. The blood that was dripping down the Princes arm from the wound he had caused, he looked far worse than he did, and he was a lot older than the boy.

The screams of pain that Caspain had let out soothed the inner rage, but he wasn’t over. Regis wanted more, he desired to harm the boy more and he was one step away from killing him. Old eyes looked over the tremble, he knew that right now he was cornered and there was nothing more dangerous than a cornered beast with a will to live. Although the rage, the anger urged him to hurt him more the practical side of his brain was telling him not too.

Grinding his teeth as he took deep breaths trying to calm himself, he shook his head, he couldn’t stop. No. He had to hurt him, he had to hurt the Prince that had taken everything he loved from him. Although his steps were heavy, his breathing was heavy as he spat at the floor removing the taste of iron he had in his mouth from the punch. Regis edged close to the Prince, a dangerous look in his eye as his left hand curled into a fist readying up for a punch. This would be a fight, he knew the Prince would fight back and a part of him was excited.

Drove by madness, drove by insanity Regis cackled shaking his head, “Oh no no. This won’t be a fist fight.” Taking a step back he moved to the chair that Caspain had used in his escape, picking it up in his hands he smashed it against the wall so one of the legs broke off into a somewhat splintered poll. “You will die here, and now.” His voice was cold, void of any emotion as he headed towards the Prince, his intent was to kill him now and be over with it all. Raising the splintered wooden poll, he was ready to ram it at the Prince, aiming for his stomach.

“DAD! STOP!” Iris panted skidding to halt in front of him arms outstretched as she cringed waiting to be hit by the wooden poll in his hands flinching out of instinct, but luckily her shout had brought him to his senses because he had stopped.

“Iris… what are? I could have killed you, stupid girl.” Regis grumbled his arm dropping to his side, but the wooden chair leg was still in hand. “He tried to escape, I decided to kill him now. Get it over with.”

“That doesn’t solve anything. Think of your plan.” Iris pleaded, she had heard his screams, the crashes and bangs and honestly feared the worst. She had thought he had killed Caspain already but was relieved to see him still standing. Injured, but alive.

“I..” Regis frowned shaking his head the anger was dying down, the rage he had felt disappeared when he felt his daughters’ hand on his arm as if to support him. The gentle touch reminding him that he was still human. “I didn’t think. You’re right. It’s only a few hours anyway.” Running fingers through his hair he cringed as he started to feel the pain in his arm, the pain on his face. “Idiot.” Grumbling he moved to the window putting the wooden plank back in front of it, but this time he reached for a padlock securing it in place so the Prince would not be able to use it as an escape.

“I need a drink; I’ll lock the basement. Keep an eye and an ear out so he doesn’t escape. Cause if he does. You will be responsible Iris and you know what that means.” Glaring at Caspain as he climbed up the stairs the wooden chair leg in tow, he shouted at his daughter to follow who hesitated for a split second but left the basement looking at the door as he locked it.

Awh look at it! Bless his little heart.

I was thinking of Regis forgetting to take out the pocketknife wedged in his arm.

Oh man I don't know what I want Regis to do next, I think Iris will stop them though. Bring them back to their senses
Just Chunjiro is fine, she felt herself relax at the idea of being able to call him by his name and not the traditional terms. She understood why people addressed each other as Ka-san, Anata. Her father had explained it to her before, of course she had never heard the words leave his lips as he always addressed her mother by first name. Wanting to make sure she knew her mothers name even though she grew up without one. Plus, it had been part of her lessons growing up, understanding the importance of respecting your husband and treating him well.

“Chunjiro…” Haru tried saying his name out loud, “Chun-san…” Pausing as she opted for the nickname version which felt friendlier, it felt like she knew him which she didn’t but at the same time it was better than addressing him traditionally.

He seems kind though. Her eyes looked over him, watching the cup of tea that rested in his hands. Cupping her own tea, she felt the warmth of the cup and it was a wonderful feeling, it gave her comfort especially when she had caused quite the commotion already. I hope he doesn’t think badly of me. I didn’t mean to drop the china. I didn’t mean to break something already. Well done… Biting her lip as she let her thoughts consume of how she had to have made a bad impression already. He probably thinks I’m stupid, I’ve already messed this up…

“O-Oh… you don’t want to eat anything?” Glancing up as she looked over at Chunjiro, a part of her already thinking that it was because he didn’t want to be with her. Or because she had already made a mess of the china so that meant she'd make a bigger mess cooking.

“I am so sorry. I should have had it all prepared before you woke… I just… didn’t think.” Bowing her head in respect to hide the shame she felt. Already she began to berate herself at not thinking, she should have had tea and some food prepared for him for when he woke up. That’s what she was supposed to do, how could I forget the fundamentals? Her pale hands had dropped from her cup of tea and had moved under the table, she was feeling incredibly conscious of herself and her actions around him.

Keeping her head bowed for a few minutes she fiddled with the hems of her sleeves on the pale pink kimono she was wearing under the table away from sight. The nerves were bubbling away as she tried not to be so nervous around him, but it was hard to forget that she had been such a klutz in the first few minutes of them actually being alone together. Bar the wedding of course, but they barely had time to talk at the event, not with all eyes on them at the ceremony.

Letting out a rather shaky breath she finally raised her head blonde hair falling behind her shoulders as she reached out for her tea, taking this moment to finally take a sip letting the hot liquid run down her throat. Distracting herself for a few moments as she tried to think of what to say, what to talk about but her mind kept drawing a blank which only made her feel worse. I wonder what he thinks of me… probably not good at this rate.

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