Regis felt the punch from the Prince connected with his own face and he stumbled back distance now between them, shocked at first the boy had fought back. He felt the punch, it had hurt and for a breath moment the rage he felt had ceased, until he heard the snarl from the Prince. Grinning he could see the fight in the boy, the desire to live and laughed, he full on laughed in the basement as he looked at the pocketknife wedged in his bicep. The blood that was dripping down the Princes arm from the wound he had caused, he looked far worse than he did, and he was a lot older than the boy.
The screams of pain that Caspain had let out soothed the inner rage, but he wasn’t over. Regis wanted more, he desired to harm the boy more and he was one step away from killing him. Old eyes looked over the tremble, he knew that right now he was cornered and there was nothing more dangerous than a cornered beast with a will to live. Although the rage, the anger urged him to hurt him more the practical side of his brain was telling him not too.
Grinding his teeth as he took deep breaths trying to calm himself, he shook his head, he couldn’t stop. No. He had to hurt him, he had to hurt the Prince that had taken everything he loved from him. Although his steps were heavy, his breathing was heavy as he spat at the floor removing the taste of iron he had in his mouth from the punch. Regis edged close to the Prince, a dangerous look in his eye as his left hand curled into a fist readying up for a punch. This would be a fight, he knew the Prince would fight back and a part of him was excited.
Drove by madness, drove by insanity Regis cackled shaking his head, “Oh no no. This won’t be a fist fight.” Taking a step back he moved to the chair that Caspain had used in his escape, picking it up in his hands he smashed it against the wall so one of the legs broke off into a somewhat splintered poll. “You will die here, and now.” His voice was cold, void of any emotion as he headed towards the Prince, his intent was to kill him now and be over with it all. Raising the splintered wooden poll, he was ready to ram it at the Prince, aiming for his stomach.
“DAD! STOP!” Iris panted skidding to halt in front of him arms outstretched as she cringed waiting to be hit by the wooden poll in his hands flinching out of instinct, but luckily her shout had brought him to his senses because he had stopped.
“Iris… what are? I could have killed you, stupid girl.” Regis grumbled his arm dropping to his side, but the wooden chair leg was still in hand. “He tried to escape, I decided to kill him now. Get it over with.”
“That doesn’t solve anything. Think of your plan.” Iris pleaded, she had heard his screams, the crashes and bangs and honestly feared the worst. She had thought he had killed Caspain already but was relieved to see him still standing. Injured, but alive.
“I..” Regis frowned shaking his head the anger was dying down, the rage he had felt disappeared when he felt his daughters’ hand on his arm as if to support him. The gentle touch reminding him that he was still human. “I didn’t think. You’re right. It’s only a few hours anyway.” Running fingers through his hair he cringed as he started to feel the pain in his arm, the pain on his face. “Idiot.” Grumbling he moved to the window putting the wooden plank back in front of it, but this time he reached for a padlock securing it in place so the Prince would not be able to use it as an escape.
“I need a drink; I’ll lock the basement. Keep an eye and an ear out so he doesn’t escape. Cause if he does. You will be responsible Iris and you know what that means.” Glaring at Caspain as he climbed up the stairs the wooden chair leg in tow, he shouted at his daughter to follow who hesitated for a split second but left the basement looking at the door as he locked it.