Avatar of sukikyoufu


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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Take a bus, he really doesn’t know his Kingdom outside the Capital. Iris thought to herself as she thought back on his comment on how they could just simply take a bus back to the Capital. If only it was that simple. I’ve made my choice; I’ll have to live a life of constant running. I have no doubts my father would kill me for what I’ve done. Dark thoughts began to circle through her mind as she looked for a brief moment of piece, but Cas had other ideas. More questions, more questions that she didn’t really want to answer because it reminded her of the truth.

“I… I-I.” Stuttering to find the right words she couldn’t say she still had feelings for him because he would shoot that down, he wouldn’t believe her. “…Would you believe if I tell you my reasons?” Her voice was soft, but it had a hesitation to it as if she was nervous. “It doesn’t matter right now, I’m helping you escape because of what I believe, not their beliefs.” Shivering as her own adrenaline of running away started to subside she could feel the cold air, the hoodie wasn’t thick enough fabric to protect from the cold.

Pulling up her knees to her chest as she wrapped her arms around them, “He’s not my boyfriend…” Burying her head in her knees she felt tired, the stress was catching up to her and it was only the start. There was so much more she had to do, that she had to plan to get him out safely. “He… he wasn’t always like you know. My father.” Lifting her head up slightly she used her knees as a rest for it as she glanced over at Cas, “The rebellion was about help to all the districts beyond the Capital. They wanted access to healthcare, medicines. A chance to work their way up higher. It was meant to be about a better quality of life for everyone. That’s what I believed in fighting for…”

When did it begin to change? How did I notice it wasn’t what it was all cracked up to be?

“I guess, there is corruption everywhere. Whether he was hungry for power. Revenge as he believes your family is responsible for her death. I… I don’t know.” Sighing to herself as she used the wall behind her to lean against, “I was never going to be able to kill you in the Capital, it was a suicide mission from the start.” Speaking bitterly as she knew deep down had she not fallen she’d be in his cell awaiting her execution. Maybe I was meant to be a Martyr? Surely, he wouldn’t have done that to me… Thinking on it when her father relied on the alcohol more and more his motives became more sinister, but she still had blanks in her memory so couldn’t put it together fully.

Hanging her head low again she couldn’t make eye contact with him, not with what she was going to say. “I… liked you Cas, I never stopped liking you. It wasn’t a lie; it wasn’t some master plot to have you kidnapped or killed. I didn’t know who I was, I still don’t know fully… but I don’t want you to die. It solves nothing for anyone and only leaves more pain, a broken Kingdom.” Shifting in her position in the corner she tried to get comfortable, but it wasn’t easy, it was cold, and the worry was already eating away at her because she had to keep him hidden. I’m on a roll betraying everyone it seems. Thinking to herself as she looked at her wrist, the bruises a reminder of the fact she had done the right thing.

Hahaha xD
Omg don't worry about it!

I will however be going to bed because it's 3am and I'm not as young as I used to be staying up to play video games xD

Omg though Cas thinking they were going to a hotel hahaha bless him
Oh I hope you get them! I know a lot of places have hiked up their prices and such!

Also poor Cas, he doesn't realise it's not that simple to get back to the Capital haha
“It’s… not that simple.” Iris grimaced as she avoided looking him in the eyes, “For one we don’t have taxis in this area… well none of the districts outside of the Capital have Taxis. I thought you knew that.” Hesitating as she turned to him looking away from the trash, “I wish it was that simple to get you back to the Capital, to get you away from all of this… but I don’t have that kind of power.” Sighing as she shook her head she continued to walk on, moving away from the shops in the district knowing he would follow because he didn’t know where he was.

“Do you know how many men my father commands? He has all the districts under his thumb. Like your father no doubt has a council, he does too. All of them a highly respected recognised man from each district outside of the Capital.” Rubbing her arm as she felt the cool breeze past them, she hung her head knowing he probably didn’t believe her. “Each of those men command their districts, men, woman… the shops. It’s a bigger network than anyone probably realises…”

Walking on she knew where she was taking him, there was an abandoned building that her and Maisie had often played in as children. It wasn’t ideal, but it was far better than the streets where they could be recognised. It would have to do for the night. “As much as we could spend the rest of night and day walking you straight back to the border. We can’t. That’s where my father will look first, he will expect you to make haste to the border and in your condition, I doubt you could walk for hours to get there and I don’t have a car. I don’t have a taxi or anyone that can drive us for that matter because all the people I know would sell you out in a heartbeat at a chance for a better life.”

It was the cold hard truth, the only person she trusted here was Maisie. Everyone else would sell him out, he would have quite the bounty on his head and she knew her father would do at nothing to bring him back to kill him. “Cas… I’m sorry. I wish I could get you back there tonight… but. I physically can’t. I don’t have the resources… I… I-I.”

Shaking her head as turned away from him, hiding the hurt at how useless she was to him right now. All she could do was get them shelter, make it back to the Capital the long way as anyone could be part of the rebellion. Any one of these people could recognise them and he’d be dead in a heartbeat. Pushing on she moved towards a rather run-down looking bomb shelter, it was tucked just on the edge of the districts forest and it was far enough away from the streets of the people for them to be disturbed. Hands pushed at the door and a loud creak could be heard, a layer of dust surrounded them as it revealed a small enclosed space inside.

The old bomb shelter had a bed with broken springs inside, a broken table and a few dirty dusty blankets and it was clear this hadn’t been used in years. Coughing from the dust Iris sat herself down in the corner of the room, hands opening up the backpack pulling out the trash bag. Ripping it open she sighed with relief seeing some welcomed items. Maisie didn’t disappoint. Seeing the small first aid pack, she knew she could treat the wound better, ensure it didn’t get infected and Maisie had managed to get a painkiller. It was only one, but better than nothing. There were two bottles of water and thankfully Iris knew of a few streams to refill them in so she knew that would come in handy but then her hands pulled out some bread and some sort of pie. Maisie must have gotten into trouble for sneaking all of this.

“Here. You will need this if you are to regain your strength to walk back to the Capital.” Iris sighed pushing both the bottles of water, the bread and pie so he could feel somewhat human again. She was used to going without food, but she doubted he wasn’t “I’ll tend to that wound again with this… if you need it, we even have a painkiller. Just one, but it should help.” Tapping at the first aid kit before she leaned against the cold stone wall closing her eyes, she wasn’t feeling too great herself but with everything that had happened she put it down to stress.
Oh gosh yeah I can imagine! I'm quite lucky in the sense that were I work is right next to a big supermarket so I can pop in during the week daily to check on things.

Oh man though I was lucky enough on my last shop I managed to get hand sanitizer (need it for work as dealing with a lot of money.) Paracetamol, pasta and toilet roll! All things I needed because I was out haha but then people look at me thinking I'm a hoarder too when I'm like nah I genuinely have none so needed them :(
Oh gosh what was it like??

Did you manage to get what you wanted at least?
I hope this gets easier. It’s ever so awkward. Haru thought to herself blowing on her hot tea to take a few more sips of it in hopes to keep herself distracted. She could feel her heart beat away, nervous around him still as she tried to make herself feel a little comfortable in her new home.

“O-Oh!” Looking up at Chunjiro as he spoke about cooking something simple, she had done most of the cooking back home for her and her father. It was something she enjoyed, creating new dishes and recipes to try, new interesting flavours. Maybe we could cook together? Oh no. Don’t be stupid… what an idiot. Feeling her face heat up at thinking they could do something together as a couple.

“You… ah.. like to cook?” Tentatively asking him as she watched him stand up moving to one of the cupboards. “Y-Yeah. I know how to cook rice. Who doesn't?” Smiling at the thought of not being able too, it was one of the most common and favoured dishes of most in the village. Curious as she watched him pull out a huge bag of rice she paled, was that all he ate? Did he not consider other foods? “That’s… quite a big bag of rice.” Chuckling nervously as she looked from him to the big bag of rice he had pulled out, but somewhat impressed that he had managed to move it.

However, in the next moment she found herself smiling at the attempt of a joke to lighten the mood, “The food was really good.” Standing up herself she brushed down her Kimono before moving over to him and the huge amount of rice. “Should we make breakfast together? I quite enjoy cooking myself, I did all of it back home.” A bright smile crossed her face as she thought about cooking, it was clearly something she enjoyed, “Well I guess I like to bake more maybe? But even so I like to do both… ah sorry. I’m rambling again.”

Smiling at Chunjiro as she felt a little better for finding some common ground, but a little embarrassed she had started to ramble once more in front of him. “We should probably get some vegetables at some point though.” Grinning as she looked over at the bag of rice back to him, but then she felt her face heat up again as she started to over think herself and her actions so the embarrassment of hers began to settle in once more.

“Ah… so..”

Trying to fill the silence as she bit her bottom lip, fingers once more fiddling with the sleeves of her kimono. “Yeah…” Coughing slightly as she glanced away from him feeling the awkwardness settle in again between them.
Walking into the streets of the lower slums of Aspiria it was like a different world, the streets were covered in potholes and the odd littered trash. Even some of the people looked dirty and unkempt. Buildings looked as if they were ready to crumble, dirty and dusted paint peeling from them as bin bags piled up at the bottom of most of the buildings. Although there were some cars on the streets it was faster to walk in most cases as some of the cars were so battered and beaten it took a while for them to start. Coughing at the change of air you could taste the pollution, bad smells surrounded them as she continued to lead him on into the streets further away from her home and her father who would be returning soon. No one paid them any attention, there was no idle chatter, no people talking like they were friends here and it felt like quite a bad neighbourhood.

Iris felt the embarrassment creep up on her, that she was leading the Prince to nowhere fancy nor luxurious and she only felt like he would judge her more for it as he now knew this was where she came from. “This is the twelfth district, the most overlooked district there is.” Whispering her words to Caspain so no one could overhear their conversation. “It’s the birthplace of the rebellion. My hometown.” Glancing around the street looking out for any onlookers she caught site of a couple of children sat in the doorway. They wore tattered clothes; dirt covered their pale sickly faces and they looked half dead in the doorway, but it was common here. To see kids and adults alike sat in doorways of residential buildings and even businesses, they didn’t beg they had no energy to do that plus it was useless here as no one had anything to spare.

Turning a corner, she led him towards a small street full of shops, you’d have thought it was livelier. Full of people, but it was just as run down as the rest of them. “Don’t worry about the jacket.” Shaking it off, that was the least of her worries right now because top priority was to get him back home.


Iris felt herself cringe at the voice but as she glanced to the sound, she sighed thankful it was not aimed at them. A part of her had worried it was the rebels, finding them already but she knew she had a little more time to get them hidden somewhere. “Don’t make eye contact.” Hissing at Caspain so he didn’t look at the people shouting, they didn’t need attention drawn to them and she knew that often people in fights hated onlookers here and they would start a fight with them if they thought they were looking.

“I’m sorry! I need the food for my family.” Another panicked voice called out, the two people who had been shouting at each other was over some meat. One of them had stolen a cut of meat from the butcher and was running away shouting his sorrys as he made his escape, but the butcher chased after him without thoughts down another street leaving her and Cas alone once more.

Rounding another corner, they passed a bakery the paint was peeling on this building, but it didn’t look as gloomy as the rest of the shops, but she didn’t go inside. Instead Iris moved towards the side of the shop were the trash was located. Glancing behind her she could see the coast was clear so took the moment to rummage through the bags, smiling when she caught site of one tied with a pink hairband. It has to be it. Pulling it out to the side she grabbed her backpack stuffing the black bag inside, it just about fitted and as much as she would have gone through the supplies she didn’t want to stay here too long.

“Okay… Do you think you can last a little longer on your feet?” Glancing over to Cas from the pile of trash bags, “I have somewhere we can hide for the night. I don’t want to push you; you need to rest but it will just be a little longer getting there.”

I can't wait, Cas finally seeing what the lower slums looks like :3
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