“He was my boyfriend; we were dating before the memory lapse.” Iris sighed eyes focused on the bruises on her wrist knowing that wasn't the only bruise she had because her father had hit her, “But he is not my boyfriend anymore.” I don’t know what I saw in him, maybe I was just frightened about being alone? I don’t know… Rubbing her tired eyes she felt the headache, the interrogation was enough to make her hurt, but she wouldn’t complain not when Cas was in a worse state than she was. Tearing her eyes away from the bruises she looked over at him, her own heart breaking as he said her name, the way he reached out but then retracted his hand.
“I understand. I’ll try to answer any questions you have, but I still don’t remember everything.” Smiling slightly as she returned to the supplies in the bag to get the painkiller and the first aid kit, so she could tend to the wound properly. Picking up the second bottle of water she moved to where he was on the bed sitting on it beside him hearing the creaks in the springs with her added weight, “Let me sort out that wound properly.” Passing him the second bottle of water and painkiller she put the first aid kit on her lap opening it up, it had proper bandages, antiseptic wipes with alcohol in and it even had a dressing which would keep the blood flow in and on its way to healing.
“A-Ah... please, let me.” Hesitating slightly before she started to untie the cloth that was on his arm rather than have him do it, she didn’t want him wasting more energy that he no doubt didn’t have. “It will be best to take the medicine after I’ve redressed this. It... it will hurt.”
Taking out the alcoholic wipes she cleaned up the wound once more, making sure to get the blood that surrounded it. Iris tried to be careful, but she knew it would hurt him, the wound wasn’t just some grazed knee after all. After a few more gentle touches she inspected the wound best she could in the dying light, biting her lip as she debated on if it was enough. There wasn’t more she could do for him or the wound, passing him the alcoholic wipes she sighed, “You can use them to clean up the blood on your hands. Just try not to move much for the next part. Please.”
Although the wound had now been cleaned, she took out the bandages and the dressing from the kit, unwrapping the dressing she pressed it against the wound biting her lip hoping she wouldn’t cause more unnecessary hurt. Wrapping the bandages around the dressing she tied it up neatly holding it in place. It now stood a far better chance of not getting infected. Sighing with relief she pushed herself off of the bed and back to the corner she had made herself somewhat comfortable in before. She didn’t want to overstay her welcome with him, as much as it was nice to be close to him in that brief moment.
Rubbing her arms from the cold she leaned back against the crumbling wall, her head now throbbing as she tried to relax. What was best for them now was getting some rest before they made a start at getting back to the Capital, she felt the exhaustion. Lack of sleep, food and now the cold. “I eh... I’m sorry I couldn’t fit any blankets in the backpack. It will get cold.”