Thankful that the knife was seemingly enough Iris tried to relax, it was difficult of course because this was an entirely new situation to her. Listening to the sounds she could tell he was eating, that not long after he had finished and seemingly settled to get some rest on the bed. It was hard not to still feel guilty, the mess she had dragged him into. This was entirely her fault and there was nothing she could do about it now other than get him back to the Capital. Something I don’t know if I can do it. I don’t know what I have done… all this mess I’ve caused.
Frowning as she curled up into a foetal position in the corner of the floor, trying to make herself as small as possible hoping it would make her feel safe. It didn't work however, she could feel the tears leave her eyes and there was nothing she could do to stop it; her small form shook slightly in the corner as she tried to get some rest. Silently crying to herself in the corner as she felt alone with no one that she could turn too, no one except her friend who she had no means of contacting now. The exhaustion had caught up with her, unable to physically keep herself awake as she fell into a restless sleep nightmares plaguing her dreams.
It had been hours but the sound of a backfiring car had returned home. Regis had finally come back home, alone and somewhat intoxicated as he sought means to sate his anger. The Prince had royally pissed him off, his daughter had gotten involved again and he was fuming, it felt like his whole plan was falling apart in his hands with no means of saving. Speaking with the members they had decided it was best to kill the Prince and that was what he was intending on doing. The car came to a halt parking outside the premises, a tired old hand reached towards the glove compartment pulling out a gun. The very gun he was going to kill the Prince with.
Moving out of the car he made his way inside his home, unsteady on his feet as he looked around his home. “Iris?” Calling out as he felt like something was wrong. Something wasn’t right and it felt empty, looking into the front room he couldn’t see her there. A part of him thought perhaps she had gone to sleep; it was no matter he was here to kill the Prince.
Grinning to himself as he made his way towards the basement, he flicked a light switch that illuminated the room. A pool of blood on the floor reminding him of how he had harmed the Prince already, but then he slowly realised that his prisoner wasn’t there. “What?” Confusion swept over him as he moved further inside the basement as if he was hiding somewhere. “Hell no… I swear to fucki…”
Eyes widened as he turned on his heel his gun drawn as he realised, he wasn’t alone. Soldiers had been behind him and he wondered just how long they had followed him. Heart hammering away in his chest as he started to shoot at the soldiers, if he could shoot them, he could run. He would not go down like this. Regis would not die here, not without killing the Prince first. “YOU’RE TOO LATE. HE’S GONE. YOUR PRECIOUS MONARCHY DESTROYED.” A crazed voice called out as he wildly shot at enemies knowing he was all alone in this very house.
Frowning as she curled up into a foetal position in the corner of the floor, trying to make herself as small as possible hoping it would make her feel safe. It didn't work however, she could feel the tears leave her eyes and there was nothing she could do to stop it; her small form shook slightly in the corner as she tried to get some rest. Silently crying to herself in the corner as she felt alone with no one that she could turn too, no one except her friend who she had no means of contacting now. The exhaustion had caught up with her, unable to physically keep herself awake as she fell into a restless sleep nightmares plaguing her dreams.
It had been hours but the sound of a backfiring car had returned home. Regis had finally come back home, alone and somewhat intoxicated as he sought means to sate his anger. The Prince had royally pissed him off, his daughter had gotten involved again and he was fuming, it felt like his whole plan was falling apart in his hands with no means of saving. Speaking with the members they had decided it was best to kill the Prince and that was what he was intending on doing. The car came to a halt parking outside the premises, a tired old hand reached towards the glove compartment pulling out a gun. The very gun he was going to kill the Prince with.
Moving out of the car he made his way inside his home, unsteady on his feet as he looked around his home. “Iris?” Calling out as he felt like something was wrong. Something wasn’t right and it felt empty, looking into the front room he couldn’t see her there. A part of him thought perhaps she had gone to sleep; it was no matter he was here to kill the Prince.
Grinning to himself as he made his way towards the basement, he flicked a light switch that illuminated the room. A pool of blood on the floor reminding him of how he had harmed the Prince already, but then he slowly realised that his prisoner wasn’t there. “What?” Confusion swept over him as he moved further inside the basement as if he was hiding somewhere. “Hell no… I swear to fucki…”
Eyes widened as he turned on his heel his gun drawn as he realised, he wasn’t alone. Soldiers had been behind him and he wondered just how long they had followed him. Heart hammering away in his chest as he started to shoot at the soldiers, if he could shoot them, he could run. He would not go down like this. Regis would not die here, not without killing the Prince first. “YOU’RE TOO LATE. HE’S GONE. YOUR PRECIOUS MONARCHY DESTROYED.” A crazed voice called out as he wildly shot at enemies knowing he was all alone in this very house.