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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Awh bless him, he has such a good heart the poor thing ;A;
When Cas had lifted the hem of his shirt she couldn’t look, she had seen the discolouration. The dark shades of purple, blues and greens and it made her stomach churn. There was no doubt he had been beaten; she hadn’t known the lengths her father had taken to harm him, but she dreaded to think what would have happened had she not stopped him. He would have killed him, he would have been dead had I not stepped in, I thought he was going to kill me. That look in his eye. Shaking her head from her thoughts her hands were on the backpack, holding it to stop the tremble.

“Good.” Whispering more to herself when had confirmed he could wait for food, in all honesty had he said no she didn’t know what she would have done. There was no way she could get food, not looking as they did as questions would be asked and then it would be reported to her father as he had a hand in everything now. They couldn’t get caught by him; it would guarantee his death as well as hers. Feeling a wave of cold wash over her, she rummaged inside the backpack for anything they could use right now, perhaps she could take him to the river to clean himself up a bit? They both still looked a state, but she had managed to wipe the dirt from her face this morning.

“Huh?... O-Oh… Well I…” Hesitating a little as she caught his question on where she had slept for the night. A part of her felt embarrassed, but then they couldn’t exactly share, and she wasn’t about to force him on the floor. “I didn’t really sleep. It’s fine.” Waving it off like it was nothing as she kept her gaze firmly on the backpack not wanting to look at him. “I just kept myself over here, it’s fine. I’ve slept on worse anyway and you’re injured…” Rambling slightly but her own words caught her attention; she had slept on worse.

Her eyes glazed over signalling she wasn’t all there; another memory had returned of her and her father. A younger version of herself was holding her fathers hand looking at their home, it was in flames and she could see them clearly, she could feel the heat of this memory. She was watching her home burn down with her father, the flames licking at the wood. Thick smoke emitting from the building as she was led away as a child. They had nowhere to go that evening, not that late in night and not whilst their home burned to the ground. They had made it into town, both silent on their walk and she remembered clear as day sitting in an abandoned doorway of a business that was no longer there. Of course, she had fallen asleep there, she was young tired and didn’t understand whilst her father kept watch.

Touching her head with her hand she sighed before doing up the backpack and placing it on her back, “Sorry. Let’s get out of here. We need to keep moving so they can’t track us and find some food.” She could feel the pain of her empty stomach, she needed to eat but moving was their top priority and maybe they could make good headway back to the Capital today. “There is a river not far from here if you’d like to clean up a bit?”
Ohhh I will deffo take a look! I do love a good dark story. It will give me something new to read on my way to work!
Ohhhh that makes so much sense! I must admit I did enjoy the Hunger Games. Final Fantasy 7 has quite the dsytopian feel to it too which is really nice whilst I'm playing through it now as it gives me little ideas and things I can use in the story!

I think I need to take a look at 1984, that sounds quite interesting
Barely enough sleep to function Iris had tried to relax herself, not let her thoughts get the better of her but she had now betrayed what little family she had left. Even though she knew it was the right thing to do, she knew he wasn’t the same man anymore, but it didn’t excuse the fact it was another person she cared about betrayed by her hand. It had to have been early hours of the morning when she couldn’t try anymore, feeling around for the empty bottles of water she took them in hand to at least refill them. It was something to do and she was certain that Cas would still be asleep, or not even notice she had disappeared.

There was a river not far from the shelter she had ventured too, limping as her leg agitated her more today but her whole body felt stiff from the floor. Kneeling down on the grass by the river she used the sleeve of her hoodie to cover the cover the bottle so only the ware would fill into it. It was better than having big lumps of dirt or leaves inside, sure it wouldn’t be the best tasting water, but it was better than nothing at this point. Plus, she was incredibly thirsty having not had any herself last night. Taking the chance to down a bottle herself she filled it back up so they would have two for the long day ahead, she had to get them back to the capital.

Rubbing the back of her head she placed her hands in the running water and began to scrub her face, hissing as she touched the bruise from the hit forgetting it had been there. There were hardly any mirrors around for her to even care about her appearance right now. “We must both look a mess.” Whispering to herself as she took the time to let the cold water freshen her up if only for a little.

Falling back into a seated position she looked up at the sun rise sighing, it was another day and it was full of uncertainty. The beautiful sight didn’t make her forget about anything, it only reminded her of how alone she truly was. The cool morning breeze sent a chill down her spine, she was susceptible to the cold because of the lack of sleep and lack of adequate clothing to protect herself from it. Rubbing her arms trying to warm them up she cringed forgetting the wet patch on her sleeve from filling up the bottles, dropping her hands she shook her head figuring it was time for her to go back to the shelter.

I will have to face him.

Rising to her feet she grabbed the bottle stowing them into her pockets, it had only taken a couple of minutes. Pushing open the door to the bomb shelter morning light seeped into the small cramped space. The light revealing just how dingy and run down the place was. Dust coated practically everything and there was no huge space in the room, holding her hand to her mouth as she coughed letting the dust settle, she moved inside realising Cas was awake.

Instantly the guilt hit her, eyes watering at the sight. Bruises were covering his skin and that wasn’t to mention his stab wound, he looked nothing like the Prince of Aspiria in his current state and that was her fault. “H-Hey… I.” Reaching into her pocket she handed him a bottle of the water she had secured this morning with shaky hands, her skin was pale and the bruise on her own cheek had turned a deep shade of purple, blackening in some places. “I got us some water. Food is still something I’m working on, but you may have to wait until later… I…” Looking away sighing she hobbled to her corner placing the other bottle of water in the back pack.
I've never done a dystopian style one before so I think that's why it's so exciting for me!
Omg same! It's just so nice, this is one of my fave stories and I always get excited when you reply!

Oh deffo! Iris will be devastated seeing the wreck of the town when it becomes worse. It's going to be so fun!
Feeling the shot in his knee he cried out in pain as the bullet collided with his skin, dropping to the floor as the gun was kicked out of his hand. It didn’t take long for soldiers to apprehend him holding him roughly in place, struggling against the soldiers that held him. His knee pulsated in pain, blood pouring out of the new wound he now had. Growling as he tried to push the soldiers off of him, still fighting even though he knew he wouldn’t escape this. A part of him had wondered what would have happened if he had returned with back up, if he had his men guarding this house but even, he knew that meant he would have lost more people for the cause.

A malicious grin crossed his face as he heard the soldiers shout at him, demanding to know what happened to the Prince. In truth he didn’t know what had happened, all he knew was that his daughter and Caspain was gone but he wouldn’t tell them that. He wouldn't give them hope. All they had to know what that their precious Prince was dead, he doubted that his daughter could get him back into the Capital. They would no doubt die for survival. He had to believe that.

“Dead. I killed him. Want to know how I did?” Keeping his voice cold and calm as he looked back at the cell, there was enough blood to convince them that he was dead. “Quite the little trusting Prince, through him a damsel in distress and he wants to help. Pathetic.” Spitting at the floor he would take his daughter down with him. He knew she had broken him out, he knew her kind heart had ruined the rebels. Stupid girl couldn’t do anything right. Thinking bitterly to himself as he felt a punch collide with his face, apparently, they were quite touchy on the subject of the Prince.

“HAH. Don’t like the fact MY daughter stole your Prince. Brought him to his death.” Regis growled eyes flaring with anger, he was desperate to inflict pain. To get back at these people that thought they were better than him.

The malicious smile did not leave his face, the look in his eye was that of a crazed man and you could smell the alcohol on him, he reeked of it. “I bashed his head against that very wall, you see all that blood. His skull smashed with each hit. The cries of pain, calling out for help, but no one came.” A cruel laugh left his lips, he was living out his best fantasy. That he had killed the very Prince, the monarchy that ruined his life and now his family. They had taken his wife and now his daughter, the last thing he had in life apart from the rebellion and he had become quite the desperate man.

“You let your Prince die in this hell hole, with no one.” His last words were cold, but the minute he spoke them he felt another fist collide with his face so hard it knocked him out. Body slumping against the soldiers that were holding him in place.
I loved it! They won't know for ages too and it will be brilliant when they realise in the end haha
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