Avatar of sukikyoufu


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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

There we go! Cas get's to meet her friend haha
“Yeah…” Iris muttered to herself at the mention of one more ally, it was something at least and she knew she could rely on her friend to not give them up. Frowning slightly, she could have sworn she had heard a hint of jealousy? No that’s my imagination. Although she couldn’t stop the warm feeling in her heart at the idea, he was jealous. Maybe there was still something there? Maybe? No. He is going to be a King, I’m a rebel. I’d never be worthy of him. His father would rather me dead I’m sure. Trying to stop herself from getting too excited at the idea there was still something there between them.

“That’s the quickest way back to the Capital. Unless you’re up for some hiking in the woods we will have to wait.” Iris sighed trying to think on another plan, desperately hoping that the rebels had not spotted them. “Him? Oh no, it’s a she. Maisie.” Iris smiled slightly clearing up the fact it was a girl and not a boy, hope rising up on the idea there could be something. No. Stop it. “But… that’s not a bad idea. She might be able to help us.” Whether or not she could Iris knew that she’d at least be able to give them more food and cleaner water than the river.

“It’s worth a shot. Come on, if I remember correctly her house shouldn’t be too far.” Glancing back towards the gate she could see Ethan in the distance, and it looked as if he was shouting at someone, perhaps the rebels at losing Cas? She didn’t know, but she didn’t care. Right now, they had more important things to be doing. As they were in the housing district, she was sure it wouldn’t take too long to find her house, she hoped she wasn’t working today she couldn’t think of what day it was anymore and she didn’t know what her schedule was.

Continuing to walk it took around twenty minutes until she finally reached a run down looking housing complex, it clearly housed a lot of the district and although it looked run down it wasn’t as bad as some of the areas they had passed. Pushing open the main door she knew it never locked, they may have had buzzers to allow people inside, but they never worked. It was all for show. Moving inside holding the door for Cas she headed towards the stairs, carpet was pulling away at the wood and there was a damp smell in the air but otherwise it seemed okay.

Climbing around three sets of stairs she reached a door with a number placed on it, a little mailbox with the name Howard on the outside and she knew she had made it. Maisie Howard, her beloved friend. Knocking on the door she waited for a few minutes to see if anyone was inside, she could har shuffling on the other end of the door and she felt the relief because finally something was going right for her.

“Who is it?”

“Hey… Maisie. It’s me.”

The door flung open and Maisie wrapped her arms around Iris hugging her as she realised it was her friend. The girl in question was short with medium length brown hair tied in a ponytail aqnd bright brown eyes. “Oh… I was so worried. What the hell happened?” Pulling back Maisie glanced at her friend and frowned seeing her cheek, “Who did that?”

“It doesn’t matter. Can you help us?” Iris glanced behind her making sure Casain was still there and that no one had followed them here.
Hey no worries!

Honestly I don't mind, I'm happy to pick it up too! If you are still interested of course! I'm quite a patient person. I understand life gets in the way.

How are you feeling now?
I think I will later!!

Thats okay! I'm heading to bed right now anyway. It's way past my bedtime haha xD
Awh that's so cute! I honestly love that, I'm going to have a look and see what I feel is right for Iris on there :3

I love these details to characters!!
“I will try to get you back today, but we have a lot of ground to cover.” Iris sighed softly doubtful she could, “but it’s unlikely we will get there today. Not with your wounds. You will need rest or there won’t be much of a Prince to take back.” Glad he was happy to have the subject changed and not focus on how grim life was outside of the Capital, it was something she hoped he would see. Hoping he would look into it when he got home, if she didn’t make it at least she knew she had tried to make things better for them. That’s what the cause was meant to be about, not killing.

Feeling them go deeper into the city this time she continued at a slow place, not rushing as it would look unusual amongst the others who were just casually walking around. The people had worn down clothes, some didn’t even have a pair of shoes to wear but she didn’t look at them. Not making eye contact with a sea of people that could react differently was the best in this case. “Ah… well. A friend. My best friend actually. Something I managed to remember yesterday.” Feeling herself smile slightly as it meant she wasn’t fully alone, she had someone that wanted the best for her and was willing to help. “That bag I collected, they gathered the items and hid it there for me to collect. So, I could get you out. They are probably the only other person here that wants to help.”

Rounding a corner, she stopped holding her arm out for Cas as she caught sight of someone she hadn’t expected to see. The one person she hoped she would never see again and her heart stopped at the sight of him, “We can’t go this way.” Hissing her words as she casually turned away hoping Cas would follow, it was none other than Ethan standing at one of the gates talking with a few people, the gates to move onto another district. It seemed as if he was waiting for them to turn up.

“Shit.” Grimacing to herself as she led Cas towards some run down housing estate, a park was located in the middle but there was no working slide, no workings swings or anything for the children and it just had an eerie feel to it. “That’s the only way to the next district, we need a plan.” Biting her lip as she started to think to herself on what she could do, he wouldn’t stay there forever. He would have to move on wanting to see if they had made it further into other districts. “We may have to wait, keep scouting until he leaves? They have weapons… we don’t.” So, going in for a full-frontal attack would be a suicide mission, it was going to have to be the waiting game for them.

Fiddling with the sleeves of her hoodie she felt tense, she had never had to do something like this before and it was an entirely new situation to her. “I’m sorry I didn’t think of a full-on plan. I should have prepared for this.”
Ohhhh, this is pretty cool!

“What’s not to get Cas?” Iris whispered looking down at the ground shaking her head, “Everything outside of the Capital is dying! Everyone has been left to fend for themselves here. There was never any development for us, no financial aid. No food, no water system. We are lucky that we even have few businesses that can provide food.” She could feel her body tremble, her voice sounded broken as she tried to explain to him that it wasn’t what he thought it was outside of the Capital. “I can guarantee you there has been no one outside of the Capital who has been able to make it past border security.”

Placing her head in her hands as she couldn’t look at him, she didn’t want him to see the hurt in her eyes or the tears that were threatening to spill. “This area doesn’t have any grocery stores, no pharmacies. It has one butcher, one bakery and one blacksmith who doubles as a carpenter trying to keep this area running. They barely make ends meet because the others can’t find work. The other areas may not be as bad, but they have the same. The same few businesses with the exception of an odd grocery store. It’s all riddled with death… with crime…” Feeling herself choke at her own words her hands curled into fists, blades of grass being pulled within her fingers as she tried to calm herself.

“We haven’t had a working hospital in years, there is one on our outskirts, but it has become a cemetery housing the dead. Hiding the bodies because there is nowhere else to put them.” Her heart felt heavy as she spoke her words, explaining just how different life was outside of the Capital. A part of her wondered if he would just tell her it was all lies, she was making up, but it wasn’t. There was no deception in her voice, no fight. It sounded like she was broken and tired of it all.

“It doesn’t matter… you will see it all with your eyes as we make our way back. Hopefully by then you would have healed so border security recognises you. Or they’ll shoot you were you stand.” Pushing herself off of the grass she turned her back on him to head back into town, thinking on what the best route was to take because she had to keep them hidden from her father.

“Cas… when you get back home… I.” Shaking her head stopping herself from talking she sighed, “It doesn’t matter. Let’s start walking.” Pulling the hood on her own hoodie she shoved her hands in her pockets to move back into town. She was going to ask him to take a look when he got back home, to see what the Capital was truly doing to the lower districts, but she couldn’t bring herself to ask it. It didn’t feel right, not right now. For now, she had to focus on pushing them forward closer to their destination, she kept her pace slow knowing he was in pain. She didn’t want him pushing himself more than what was needed right now.
Bless his heart though.

Ohhh no I haven't! I'm going to go take a look!
Hearing the sincerity of his apology only made her feel worse, she didn’t expect him to care about small things like that for her. Not after what she had done to him, but there was a little hope that maybe she hadn’t ruined everything between them. Something she quickly pushed to the back of her head because she knew she still liked him, those feelings hadn’t and wouldn’t change. Regardless Iris did not care if she had the bed or some food for night. It was nothing to her right now, she only cared for his well-being and getting him back to safety like she had promised. She wanted to tell him it was okay, that she wasn’t fussed by what had happened, but she didn’t want him to think she was ignoring his apology.

Thankful he was ready to move she moved to the entrance of the bomb shelter, glancing back just checking she hadn’t forgotten anything. Even though she was tired she pushed her tired limbs on and started to lead him towards the river, it was through a part of the forest and clearly no humans touched the area as it was overgrown. Moving away from the path they soon came in front of the river where she had been earlier to fill up the bottles, it wasn’t anything fancy, but the river was somewhat clean. It hadn’t been mass polluted like most of the others.

“Yeah.” Nodding at the idea of getting herself some food she smiled knowing it wouldn’t be an easy task, she had no idea on what she would do. No money meant she couldn’t just go into a small business to pay for something and she didn’t want to steal. Taking a seat on the grass again it was far more comfortable than the stone floor in the bunker, she took the time to relax a little whilst Cas could clean himself up. “It’s… not that simple.” Sighing softly as she looked up at the morning sky noting the clouds which could mean there was rain headed for them. “We don’t have many grocery stores… and well… I don’t have any money.” Cringing at the mention she did not have any money on her, there was nothing in her home. No savings, no pennies that she could just take and use to get them more supplies. Her friend hadn’t supplied money in the bag of goodies, but then money wasn’t easy to come by in these areas.

“I can survive without food for a little. At least we have water for now.” Iris smiled as she tried to make a positive out of a terrible situation. There had been a few times she had gone without food at home and she was certain she could get something for them before the point of feeling weak. “I’ll see what I can do about painkillers, but we don’t have any pharmacies. All medical goods are usually stolen.” Leaning towards the river she put her fingers into the cool running water, playing with it to distract herself from the harsh reality on the fact she didn’t have a fully thought out plan yet.

“I… I will do my best.” Sighing as she looked down, fingers still playing with the water as she vowed to do her best for them.
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