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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Sorry for the late reply! Work was busy haha
“You really didn’t know?” Maisie sighed softly as she heard Cas say he had no idea on how it was like for them. “That’s why the rebellion started. It was meant to be a good cause; it was for a good cause, but everyone can lose sight of what’s right.” Shaking her head, she pulled out the pie from the oven placing it on the side, “They were all good people, I’m not excusing what they have done at all, but originally it was about the people. Iris was always about the people, that has never changed. I’m assuming you know about her mother?” Cutting a big slice of the freshly cooked pie she placed it on the plate for Caspain with a knife and fork before moving over and handing it to him.

“Enjoy!” Though she felt herself sigh when he spoke about not hurting her friend, that it would never work because of her station and she knew that was true. “Thank you, but I’m not just talking about emotions here. If they catch her, they will kill her. You have to know this right? As much as your life is on the line hers is now on the line not just from the Capital but the rebellion here. I’m just worried she won’t make it out alive.” There was clear worry in her voice, she didn’t want to lose her best friend because of all of this.

Shaking her head, she put the smile back on her face, “Well I’m glad the pie was good. This one though. Much better. So, enjoy.” Not thinking on the subject of the previous pie anymore she was distracted by his question on if she lived alone, “Yeah. It’s just me. Me and my dad look after the bakery, me more so than him now due to age. I’ve been trying to convince Iris to move in with me, heaven knows she needs to get out of her place.” Chuckling to herself as she stood back up glancing at the bathroom door, “Eat up. I’ll go check on her and then I’m sure you can’t wait to shower. I think I have some spare clothes you can use.”

Busying herself she moved over to the bedroom grabbing some clothes for her friend before knocking on the bathroom door and slipping inside as she couldn’t hear the water running anymore. “Hey. I brought you some clothes. Iris?”

“O-Oh… thanks.” Forcing a smile as she turned to Maisie, towel wrapped securely around her.

“I’ve made some food too, he’s just eating. He can hop in the shower in a moment… you’re not okay, are you?” Maisie sighed as she could see through the forced smile on her friend’s face.

“No! I’m fine. Don’t worry. Let me get changed and then enjoy that pie of yours.” Iris smiled drying her hair with the towel acting like nothing was bothering her.

“Fine, but we will talk whilst pretty boy is in the shower. You know I don’t take no for an answer~” Maisie smiled as she moved out of the bathroom leaving the clothes behind for her friend to change, she would talk to her without others listening in on them as she knew something was wrong.
I have no clue on where to start but I will find something!!

Oh I know :( I don't want it to end but it has too!
“Oh, come on, you heard loud and clear. Don’t play that card with me.” Maisie laughed at the way he had stammered; the way he had choked on the beverage she had given him. “There’s no denying she likes you, she’s never looked at someone like that before. Even with that scumbag.” Winking as she picked up on his reactions to when she spoke about Ethan, but then not many people did get on with that rebel and it fascinated her how Iris had put up with it. Probably her fathers doing.

“I’m no saint, I say it how it is. I am a humble baker from the wonderous… somewhat revolting district twelve.” Grinning as she picked up her own glass of water taking a sip, she kept an eye on the time for the pie as she did not want to burn it. Not when she had guests who would enjoy her cooking. Feeling the smile drop slightly she sighed softly, “But she hurt you right.” There was no denying there had been hurt involved, after all the Prince was here kidnapped and Iris had a part to play in that endeavour.

“Look I’m not stupid, you probably like her too, else you wouldn’t have stammered just then but I want to ask you something. In fact, I want a favour for what I am doing for you right now. Regardless of all these feelings that are no doubt involved.” Maisie spoke boldly as she eyed up the Prince, “Whatever the hell happens, I want your word that you won’t hurt her. That is all I ask in return for what I am doing.” In truth Maisie was not fussed who she liked, even when she had been with Ethan, she dealt with it because it was her friend. There had been plenty of nights when she had picked up the pieces for her friend, but that was something she couldn’t do this time. Not if they were going to be on the run, she wouldn’t always be there, and she wanted to be sure her friend would not get hurt.

“Now, let’s see how that pie is doing.” Smiling as she stood back to her feet, she moved towards the kitchen checking on the pie, glancing at the time wondering just how long Iris was going to be in the shower. Glancing at the pie she checked how the pastry was doing, the room filled with the smell of food cooking covering whatever damp smells there had been. “Not too much longer, I hope you’re hungry. Oh! Speaking of, how was yesterday’s pie? Iris never mentioned if she liked it.”

Get a hold of yourself. Trying to will herself to stop the thoughts she tried to push them aside, continue on like it was nothing. Taking a deep breath she stood herself back up and started to wash the grime and dirt off of her body, she would not cry, she was strong and she could at least spend some time with her friend before she had to go back to the reality of running once more. Stopping the water once she was clean she grabbed a towel to dry herself with, feeling more human now she had showered.
Yaas! I need to find a face claim for her!!

Hey no worries! I am nearly finished with my video game and it's hitting me right in the feels ;A; I;m not ready to complete it hahaha
“You can sit on the sofa; I was only messing with you about the smell.” Maisie chuckled as she brought him over a glass of water alongside two painkillers. “This is all I have, but it should help the pain.” Placing them on the table beside him she headed back into the kitchen and started to make some food for them, she had opted for a leftover pie. Pie filled with whatever leftovers she could find, but hot food would be best she doubted they had eaten much.

Grimacing she sighed as she went about making a simple pastry with the ingredients she had in the cupboard, “She didn’t tell me. Ethan did, I’m sure you at least know who he is.” Shaking her head at the mention of Ethan it was clear she was not a fan of him, not in the slightest. “We’ve been friends for as long as I can remember, we’ve been through a lot together.” Contemplating on what they had experienced as a due, nothing had separated them. Unless you counted the amnesia. “They don’t like me, perhaps that’s why they didn’t want me seeing her when she returned in hopes she wouldn’t remember me… buuuut you can’t just forget a bond like that.”

You could hear the sound of utensils rummaging around as she happily baked with ease, “We always liked to bake together. Swore we would own our very own bakery.” Laughing at the memory she shook her head, “You don’t need to know that.” Glancing back at the Prince just to make sure he hadn’t bolted, not that she had expected him to move quickly in his state. Finishing up with the pie she placed it in the over before washing her hands, opening up the fridge she grinned pulling out a beer glad she had some left.

Moving over to Cas she put the beer beside him before sitting herself on the sofa looking at him, “There, it’s all I can offer for now.” Crossing her legs, she tapped her fingers against her arm, “I was so worried about her, I still am.” Sighing as she looked at the door to the bathroom the sound of running water could still be heard, “I can see the way she looks at you…”

Feeling the water hit her skin Iris sighed enjoying the feel, sure she hadn’t gone days without a shower, but it was a stress reliever the running water against her skin. Thankful she could at least enjoy a shower before heading back out into the districts trying to get him back to the Capital. Catching sight of her skin she could see the faint fingerprint marks around her wrist, they were fading but still there. Tracing the outline as she looked at those bruises, she felt a knot in her stomach, a darker part of her screaming that she deserved it. That she deserved to be hurt for everything she had done, that the pain should be a reminder.

Stop it. STOP IT. Gripping her wet hair as she lowered herself down into a kneeling position trying to distract her thoughts, but they weren’t easy to push back. They were haunting her, reminding her that she deserved what was coming to her for what she had done.
Maisie urged them inside closing the door and bolting it shut behind her just in case, her home was modest. It had a kitchen attached to the living room, a separate room for the bedroom and one final one for the bathroom. There were items inside the house the usual like a sofa, table and even a worn old TV but everything looked second hand. Everything was old, worn and clearly not brand new or even remotely luxurious. The house itself was rather brightly coloured, something Maisie had done to make it feel less dingy and damp than it really was. “Iris… Ethan is furious with you. I honestly think he will kill you if he finds you.”

“That’s the problem, he’s at the gate. We can’t get past.” Iris sighed as she moved inside, “I’m sorry to ask this. I didn’t want to get you involved.”

“Don’t apologise, I’ve always got your back okay? What I think is best for the both of you is proper rest in the somewhat warmth with food and drink. We can come up with a plan to get you past that gate.” Maisie smiled as glanced between Iris and the somewhat homeless looking Prince that was with her. “Look, you go have a shower. Clean yourself you are both a state and don’t exactly smell fresh either. I’ll get some food and water in this friend of yours; I think I have some more painkillers then he can shower.” Brown eyes glanced over at the Prince as if assessing on his capability right now.

“No, he can go first.” Iris sighed looking over at Cas, her eyes disobeying her true feelings for him as she felt the care for him, but it was soon washed over with guilt.

“Iris, he needs to rest. I don’t think he could stand in a shower yet. You go first. He can sit and eat and regain some strength before taking his turn.”


“Iris.” Maisie frowned speaking a bit sterner as she pushed the girl towards the bathroom, “Go. I’ll get towels, clothes. I’m sure I have some spare that your friend can borrow. It will be fine. I don’t bite~”

Sighing heavily as she felt her friend force her to the bathroom, she slowly nodded knowing it was best, it would mean Cas could take a little rest before grabbing a shower himself and cleaning himself up. The river wasn’t the best for him this morning, but it had done in a pinch. At least there would be hot water here, well warm but not cold. “Fine… I won’t be long. Just… be nice to him. Please.”

Rolling her eyes Maisie moved to the heating cupboard grabbing fresh towels before throwing them at her friend, “Just go.” Happy that her friend was finally looking after herself she turned to Caspain with a smile. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you. How about some food and drink?” Not even giving him time to answer she moved towards the kitchen and began rummaging through her cupboards to cook something up for them. “So, what do you fancy? I’ve got rice, bread… ohhh pie. I could make some pie.”
I'm thinking that she will come in and out to help and such. Like a reoccurring role maybe?

Oh gosh bless him!!
Watching as he got the water from the well, she listened to him talk about how the errands were that of hard labour, yardwork and she couldn’t help but smile. It was sweet of him to take the time to care for the elderly, the weak who might not be strong enough to do it themselves. “That’s so kind of you. I’m sure they are grateful for your help. I’d love to assist sometime too. I’m not really strong to do the hard parts, but I’d like to help! As your w-wife.”

Smiling as she nodded at the idea of visiting them, being introduced she felt her face flush slightly because she would be introduced as his wife. “A-Ah… I would like that. T-To visit…”

Moving alongside she glanced at the bucket in his hands, a part of her worried that it was too heavy. That holding her hand was making things worse, but she didn’t want him to let go. The feel of his warm hand in hers was enjoyable even though it made her blush. This is nice, I like this. Feeling the warmth leave her hand as he did finally let go, she clasped her hands together smiling as she followed him along.

“Oh wow, I mean. I suppose I did have my own space. It was always just me and my father.” Haru smiled as she realised how different growing up for them had to have been, “It could get quite lonely though. Father had to go to work. I had to find things to pass the time.” Thinking back on her growing up, she had been quite lonely at times, but she understood why. It was no one’s fault, and she was okay with that.

“You think so?” Haru brightened up at the idea that his parents would love to meet her, she wanted to make a good impression. She wanted them to like her. “I can’t wait to meet to them, I’m sure they are lovely… ahh.” Feeling herself blush even more as she came to the realisation, he had called her pretty. “A-Ah… you think I.. I-I.” Fiddling with her sleeves as she glanced over at him, her heart hammered away in her chest as she looked at him.

“You think I am pretty?” Haru felt her voice go incredibly high at the last part of the sentence, as she finally managed to get her words out after flustering. She felt her cheeks were still red, she felt ever so warm and slightly embarrassed but in a good way.
Ahh awesome! I look forward to your reply!

Ahh I'm glad to hear you are much better!
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