“Oh, come on, you heard loud and clear. Don’t play that card with me.” Maisie laughed at the way he had stammered; the way he had choked on the beverage she had given him. “There’s no denying she likes you, she’s never looked at someone like that before. Even with that scumbag.” Winking as she picked up on his reactions to when she spoke about Ethan, but then not many people did get on with that rebel and it fascinated her how Iris had put up with it. Probably her fathers doing.
“I’m no saint, I say it how it is. I am a humble baker from the wonderous… somewhat revolting district twelve.” Grinning as she picked up her own glass of water taking a sip, she kept an eye on the time for the pie as she did not want to burn it. Not when she had guests who would enjoy her cooking. Feeling the smile drop slightly she sighed softly, “But she hurt you right.” There was no denying there had been hurt involved, after all the Prince was here kidnapped and Iris had a part to play in that endeavour.
“Look I’m not stupid, you probably like her too, else you wouldn’t have stammered just then but I want to ask you something. In fact, I want a favour for what I am doing for you right now. Regardless of all these feelings that are no doubt involved.” Maisie spoke boldly as she eyed up the Prince, “Whatever the hell happens, I want your word that you won’t hurt her. That is all I ask in return for what I am doing.” In truth Maisie was not fussed who she liked, even when she had been with Ethan, she dealt with it because it was her friend. There had been plenty of nights when she had picked up the pieces for her friend, but that was something she couldn’t do this time. Not if they were going to be on the run, she wouldn’t always be there, and she wanted to be sure her friend would not get hurt.
“Now, let’s see how that pie is doing.” Smiling as she stood back to her feet, she moved towards the kitchen checking on the pie, glancing at the time wondering just how long Iris was going to be in the shower. Glancing at the pie she checked how the pastry was doing, the room filled with the smell of food cooking covering whatever damp smells there had been. “Not too much longer, I hope you’re hungry. Oh! Speaking of, how was yesterday’s pie? Iris never mentioned if she liked it.”
Get a hold of yourself. Trying to will herself to stop the thoughts she tried to push them aside, continue on like it was nothing. Taking a deep breath she stood herself back up and started to wash the grime and dirt off of her body, she would not cry, she was strong and she could at least spend some time with her friend before she had to go back to the reality of running once more. Stopping the water once she was clean she grabbed a towel to dry herself with, feeling more human now she had showered.