Contemplating the idea of him being on the sofa it did make sense for them to share the room, but she felt bad she knew her, and Iris would have been fine. Rather than fight with him it was best they took the room and he had the sofa, especially as he seemed okay with it. Maisie by that point was still rummaging through the clothes knowing she had some of her fathers old items here that he could use, problem was she didn’t know where they were, but once she found them she’d give them to the Prince.
Iris watched as Cas rose from the seat on the sofa to head for his shower, but when he stopped, and she heard his words she felt herself crumble a little. “That’s… really kind.” Glancing down at her hands she felt them tremble as she fidgeted a little bit, although she would have loved to have talk to him, express how she truly felt the reminder of the betrayal and the fact they could never be more than just acquaintances right now kept creeping up on her. “But… I’m fine, nothing is wrong. Thank you.” Making her voice sound strong she pushed herself off of the sofa and moved to the kitchen to grab herself some food, distracting herself from the truth.
Lies. Maisie thought to herself as she moved into the living room clothes and towels in hand for the Prince, but she knew it was only a matter of time before the words I’m fine wouldn’t cut it anymore. “Here.” Maisie spoke up before any of the conversation could continue, plus she was certain the Prince would want his shower by now. Holding out the clothes and the towel for him she smiled, “I hope they fit, they were my fathers. Sorry it took a while to find them it’s been a while.” Laughing to herself as she moved to the sofa sitting herself down.
“Well least you managed to find them. Thanks, for helping. I don’t know what I would have done.” Iris smiled stopping in the doorway of the kitchen glancing back between Cas and Maisie before going to cut some pie. The fake smile plastered on her face like nothing was wrong and everything was a okay in her world. It was far from the truth, but they didn’t need to know that.
“Oh hush, it’s fine. The amount of times you have bailed me out.” Maisie waved it off grinning, “Speaking of I should probably find some extra bedding. It can get quite cold.” Tapping her fingers against her chin as she tried to think on where she had last seen it, she was certain it was in a box somewhere, but it was just a case of where. Although when Maisie had glanced over at her friend, she frowned catching sight of shaky hands trying to cut the pie.
Pushing herself off of the sofa she silently made her way to her friend taking hold of her hand steadying it. “Hey, go sit down. Let me do that.” Taking the knife from shaky hands as she moved to cut a slice of pie she nudged Iris to go sit down.