Deciding it was best not to push the subject of the old poetry Elise watched as he plucked a book above her with ease, a part of her didn’t think it was poetry especially with how quickly he had stepped away from it stating it was irrelevant. “Ah… thank you.” Feeling herself smile naturally as she took the book from him, but for a moment she felt their fingertips touch in the brief exchange, and it was hard not to blush, not feel her heart skip a beat. It was hard not to feel something when a part of her desired to be loved. Don’t be a fool, that is not on the cards for me.
Reprimanding herself she glanced down at the thinner book from the last in her hands, the faded coloured cloth and beautiful golden font. Slender fingers tracing the letters upon the book as she took a moment to glance at it, taking a peek at the pages inside as she tried to forget about the touch and how for a brief moment, she had forgotten herself. I am foolish, he probably thinks I’m some stupid girl with feelings. I don’t have a desire to be with him, to be loved. No.
What had made it worse was that she had rambled about her feelings, shown weakness and given him something he could use to his advantage which was all too clear at his response. The way he had changed, forced a laugh at no doubt her expense made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. “Trouble you? Yes, because my sole aim of coming here is to trouble you. Get over yourself.” Instantly she had become defensive, angered by his words but it was hard to hide the hurt as he continued.
Feeling her heart stop it took an additional few seconds for Elise to process what he had said, it was a wave of emotions as she felt her walls crumble. Would they care enough to reply? They have just left me here, sold me off. No communication. Nothing. No. I won’t cry, I won’t give him satisfaction. He would love it if I broke down like some weak child. The hurt was soon replaced by anger and a frown crept up on her face as she clutched the book in her hands narrowing her eyes at King Ozragad.
“THEY gave me to you. That means nothing because I have not given myself to you and I NEVER will.” Speaking up firmly as she glared at him, “No one could love you, you’re just a bloodthirsty warlord who only knows how to kill.” Her words were laced with venom as it was clear he had struck a chord with her with his words. Anger coursed through her as she dared to fight back, speak up against him as she couldn’t, no wouldn’t let him win.
“You know what. I don’t want to learn about your people. I. Don’t. Care.” Without even thinking the book in her hands went flying towards him as she threw it with force, the anger clouding her judgement on how stupid throwing a book at him was. Although Elise wasn’t finished, the idea that her family didn’t care had really affected her and even though it had been something she felt hearing the words from him made it worse. “You might as well keep me as a prisoner or kill me because I will NOT marry you. I refuse.” Elise felt her hands tremble as she clenched them into fists, shaking with anger.
“I will NEVER marry you.”