Avatar of sukikyoufu


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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Oh man! I used to have a gym buddy to motivate me too, but then we stopped going to the gym xD It's always the way!!

Oh yeah for sure! I'm excited to think of new challenges they could face too haha
Iris knew she had stopped her dad from killing him, she knew she was trying to help him get home and as much as it was good of her to do that it didn’t fix anything for her. As much as he said she didn’t have to undo the past to fix it, that she was trying she just didn’t feel it was good enough. Nothing would be good enough, nothing she could do would ever change that. All it had taken was one choice, one action that had completely changed their lives and not for the better. “This never would have happened had you not saved me in the woods.” The words left her mouth before she could stop them, a dark truth of her emotions. That one sentence that had been on her mind for a while, how different things would have been had she not been saved from the forest.

Even though her head was bowed, her eyes downcast she couldn’t help but look at the touch of his hand, the stroke on her arm that stirred up emotions she was trying to fight against. The slither of hope that they could rekindle, that they could work something out but the minute she felt it she tried to squash the thoughts back down. Even though her heart raced at the touch. The fact it felt so inviting and she wanted nothing more than to just hold him and feel the comfort, she knew she couldn’t.

Cas was right though, even though all his words saying how it was true, how she wasn’t a bad person because she had felt regret, the guilt. A bad person wouldn’t care who they hurt, and she did. I just can’t see it right now and here I am letting him comfort me when I don’t even know what he could be going through. He’s suffering worse than me and I am just being so selfish. What is wrong with me? I am the worst. Flinching at her own thoughts, her own words that she was beating herself up over she clenched her hands curling them into fists.

“Hey.” Maisie spoke up as she finally returned to the room with blankets and pillows for Cas, “I think it’s high time everyone gets some rest. I know it’s early, but you’re both probably tired.” Placing the covers by the sofa she glanced over at Iris before looking at the tea and the pie that was barely touched bar a few bites. “I have an idea for tomorrow. To get you past those gates.” Changing the subject onto something else, something that her friend would be able to focus on she hoped it would give some sort of positivity to her.

Grabbing the plate and full cup of tea she moved them to the kitchen to clean up later as she continued on, keeping an eye on her friend. “I was thinking. Tomorrow you both leave, keep near the gate. I’ll contact Ethan say I’ve spotted you by your house. They’ll instantly go back to look giving you an opening to slip through. What do you think?”
Haha yes! I deffo need a motivation buddy for running xD

Omg he really does, I'm really excited too! I can only imagine how strong they will be after everything haha
Glad that he had said it felt fine she was thankful that she could do something right, she wasn’t a complete failure and that was something. It was a slither of hope amongst her dark thoughts. He must be in pain though and I don’t have any painkillers for him. I doubt he has ever experienced pain like this before. Another thing that’s my fault. As the silence lapsed over them her thoughts spiralled back into the darkness and despair, she felt for all that she had caused. It wasn’t just Cas that she had hurt greatly, but the fact she had also betrayed her father practically walked out on what little family she had left still played at her mind.

Iris wasn’t just worried over him finding her and killing her, it ran deeper than that. It was hard to deny the fact she loved her father, turn her back on him after everything because she did love him. He was her father; he had helped raise her. Somewhat looked after her after her mother passed, sure his parenting hadn’t always been ethical, but he still loved her. She believed that, she had to believe that and even though he wasn’t right it was hard to push that away. Regis may have strayed from the path, but what if she could have changed him?

His voice had pulled her from her thoughts, and she jumped at the touch on her forearm, the warm hand that she wished she could just hold once more. “B-But… I can’t fix it. This can’t be fixed, and you know that.” Feeling her own breath hitch as she tried to avoid his gaze but couldn’t, looking him in the eyes she felt her own well up again as she trembled. “How can you say that? H-How can you say I’m not a bad person.” Feeling the distress as she glanced around the room the despair in her voice evident, she could feel her heart pounding away as she lowered her gaze. “… A-After everything. A-After all I did…” Shaking her head as she tried to hide behind her hair that had fallen in front of her face, she was so upset and she didn’t want him to see the hurt in her own eyes.

Finally finding some bedding Maisie folding it neatly placing it on the bed, glancing around she looked for anything else that would make his stay a bit more comfortable whilst here. A part of her was looking for distractions as she knew they had to be talking, she knew her friend wasn’t the best at keeping her emotions in check when tired or on the verge. Maisie knew Cas liked her and she was certain he would at least ask or try to make her feel better, regardless of everything he seemed like a decent person.

Glancing to the door she approached it and placed her ear to the wood just trying to hear anything, she didn’t want to walk in like Cas had done. Biting her lip as she took the time she cringed as she heard Iris refer to herself as a bad person, she wanted to jump in and say don’t be stupid, but she knew it wouldn’t help. Not yet. Sighing to herself she looked over at the clock deciding she would give it a bit of time before returning.
Yeah I agree! Oh nice! Yeah I think that's why I haven't picked up running because of my work schedule. Hopefully I can try it now!

Awh bless him, he has such a good heart ;A;
“Yeah, I guess it was. It’s at least given you time to recover some energy, even if it’s only a little.” Iris smiled slightly happy on a different subject and not her feelings, although the idea of opening up to him wasn’t a bad idea as she had done it once. The problem was she’d only feel guilty for doing it because of everything she had caused, why should she unload her feelings making herself feel better when she felt she didn’t deserve it. “This will probably be the best place we stay.” Sighing at the realisation on the fact she couldn’t do more to make him comfortable.

Hearing his joke, the half-smile tugging at his lip at his lip as he spoke about his bucket list and how couch surfing had been on it only made the guilt resurface. Without noticing the tears left her eyes as she looked at him, listening about how he was living life on the edge and to screw safety. Bowing her head in shame she looked at the bandages in her hand she knew she hadn’t been quite finished with her breakdown, her emotions were still running haywire and it was hard to control. “You never deserved this… it’s all my fault.” Whispering more to herself as she focused her gaze on the bandages in her hand.

“What have I become? I don’t…” Sighing as she shook her head shaking away the tears before she looked back up, “Sorry… I.. I will be fine, ignore me.” Trying to smile as she moved over thankful he had leaned a little closer, taking the time she gently began to loosen the bandages trying to take care and not hurt him anymore. Gently removing the old bandages, she cringed seeing the wound, it wasn’t the best looking and she knew there was plenty of time before it would heal. It worried her that it could get infected. What if it got infected whilst they were still here as there was no way she could treat it. Not without medication.

Placing the soiled bandages to one side she grabbed the new set and began to wrap them around his bicep, again it had to be tight but not too much so he couldn’t feel his arm. With ease she had re patched him up with the new set of bandages with albeit shaky hands, she had done a good job and she was happy with it. “How does it feel? Not too tight right? I hope it doesn’t get infected… I don’t know what to do on that front.” Smiling sadly as she looked at the bandaged bicep, “All we can do really is hope that rest will help you recover quicker, at least tonight will be comfortable.” Rambling slightly as she fiddled with her fingers, a part of her felt nervous being alone with him now.

Cas had every right to be angry at her, a part of her wanted him to shout at her, blame her because she was at fault. Another part wanted nothing more than to hug him and say how everything was going to be okay, but she knew that was not appropriate. Not when they could never be with each other and that wasn’t just because of the betrayal but because of their social status, plus she was certain that his father was after her head.
Deciding it was best not to push the subject of the old poetry Elise watched as he plucked a book above her with ease, a part of her didn’t think it was poetry especially with how quickly he had stepped away from it stating it was irrelevant. “Ah… thank you.” Feeling herself smile naturally as she took the book from him, but for a moment she felt their fingertips touch in the brief exchange, and it was hard not to blush, not feel her heart skip a beat. It was hard not to feel something when a part of her desired to be loved. Don’t be a fool, that is not on the cards for me.

Reprimanding herself she glanced down at the thinner book from the last in her hands, the faded coloured cloth and beautiful golden font. Slender fingers tracing the letters upon the book as she took a moment to glance at it, taking a peek at the pages inside as she tried to forget about the touch and how for a brief moment, she had forgotten herself. I am foolish, he probably thinks I’m some stupid girl with feelings. I don’t have a desire to be with him, to be loved. No.

What had made it worse was that she had rambled about her feelings, shown weakness and given him something he could use to his advantage which was all too clear at his response. The way he had changed, forced a laugh at no doubt her expense made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. “Trouble you? Yes, because my sole aim of coming here is to trouble you. Get over yourself.” Instantly she had become defensive, angered by his words but it was hard to hide the hurt as he continued.

Feeling her heart stop it took an additional few seconds for Elise to process what he had said, it was a wave of emotions as she felt her walls crumble. Would they care enough to reply? They have just left me here, sold me off. No communication. Nothing. No. I won’t cry, I won’t give him satisfaction. He would love it if I broke down like some weak child. The hurt was soon replaced by anger and a frown crept up on her face as she clutched the book in her hands narrowing her eyes at King Ozragad.

“THEY gave me to you. That means nothing because I have not given myself to you and I NEVER will.” Speaking up firmly as she glared at him, “No one could love you, you’re just a bloodthirsty warlord who only knows how to kill.” Her words were laced with venom as it was clear he had struck a chord with her with his words. Anger coursed through her as she dared to fight back, speak up against him as she couldn’t, no wouldn’t let him win.

“You know what. I don’t want to learn about your people. I. Don’t. Care.” Without even thinking the book in her hands went flying towards him as she threw it with force, the anger clouding her judgement on how stupid throwing a book at him was. Although Elise wasn’t finished, the idea that her family didn’t care had really affected her and even though it had been something she felt hearing the words from him made it worse. “You might as well keep me as a prisoner or kill me because I will NOT marry you. I refuse.” Elise felt her hands tremble as she clenched them into fists, shaking with anger.

“I will NEVER marry you.”
Hey don't worry about it! Hopefully it picks back up with some more writing! How have you been?
Yes! I'm thinking of starting running you know.

Yay! I managed to get one up before bed too!
Maisie looked up grimacing as she heard his voice, she felt Iris stiffen in her arms probably embarrassed on the fact he had walked in on them. “No no, it’s okay. Yeah, it is a good idea we change that. It could get infected if we don’t.” Speaking normally, not drawing attention to the scene of Iris crying.

No. Did he hear what I said? I hope not. Oh gosh, why does he always see me crying like this? He must think I am pathetic. I am pathetic. Stiffening at the fact he had walked in on them, already berating herself on the fact she could not keep her emotions in check and had broken down completely. Pulling away from Maisie she wiped her face hoping she did not look a state, but even she knew her face would be blotchy from crying. “Did you eh… enjoy your shower?” Iris tried to smile pushing all emotions aside best she could; her voice shaky as she glanced over at Cas trying to avoid the subject of her emotions.

“Let me get some new bandages, I think I have a few left in the bedroom.” Maisie smiled as she rose to her feet to find some more bandages, casing a glance at Iris she gave her a warning smile. “Eat up, I mean it.” Warning her as she moved towards the bedroom to get some supplies to sort out the wound for Caspain.

Glancing over at the pie on the table Iris sighed, picking it up in her hands as she slowly started to pick at it. Eating a little bit, she forced herself to eat because Maisie would not let it go if she didn’t, she started to feel a little awkward but then she was still quite emotional. Upset and somewhat lost, but it did not matter now. It had to be pushed aside because getting him home was more important than anything right now.

“Here we are!” Maisie grinned holding some new bandages, “Although I highly doubt, you’ll be able to do this yourself.”

“I will do it. It’s not a problem.” Iris smiled looking up as she put the plate back down, the pie half eaten.

“Well alright. I should set up the rooms and get some sleeping bits for everyone. I think I have a spare blanket at least. You sure you’re okay on the sofa? I feel bad.” Maisie sighed as she looked over at Cas before glancing to Iris and the barely touched food. Holding her tongue she would get to the bottom of it later. Passing the bandages over she gave a small wave before disappearing into the bedroom to find comfort for everyone.

“Will you be okay on the sofa? Especially with that arm?” Iris asked gently as she took the bandages looking over at Cas, face still blotchy and red in places from the tears she had shed earlier. “Did you eh.. want me to help? I’d be happy to re patch that up.” Smiling as she looked down at the bandages in her hands smiling, it was at least something she could do to help him.
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