Avatar of sukikyoufu


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Ah yeah I think I'd hate to work from home. I like the routine of getting up, ready and the walk to work. It's just so much better for me!

I work in a bank!

I have the week off though as my birthday is coming up!
I found it quite hard finding face claims for them haha. That was the closest I could find to what I wanted! But the picture was taking when they were both 17 :3 seeing as her mother has passed on at a young age.
That sounds perfect!

I am happy with either option! Perhaps we could skip and then have them go to the market?

Omg I love them all! I'm looking for a FC for Harus father!
Oh gosh don't worry about it!

Omg I'm so excited to meet the family! I bet it will be so cute and fun!
Haru watched as he put the water to the boil, and she couldn’t help but keep the bright smile on her face as he agreed to bring her along. It would be nice to get out and meet these elders he liked to help, she wanted to be a part of his world and she hoped he wanted the same with her. It was quite sad to hear about the fact they were without relatives and she could only assume that they could feel quite lonely and she knew what that felt like especially growing up as an only child.

However, the whole ordeal of him calling her pretty only furthered her embarrassment especially when he confirmed it. It feels nice… to be complimented. Called pretty by him… my husband. Thinking to herself as she fiddled with her hands finding herself watching him as he prepared the rice. It was strange, she always knew she was going to be married by him that her whole life had been planned out for her. A part of her had been worried, of course there had been stories of arranged marriages that didn’t work. Slightly darker tales that she didn’t want to think of but Chunjiro was different.

I could never picture him hurting me… he is sweet. Caring. Of course, this will work. Though as soon as she thought how it could work her face heated up, flush from embarrassment because a normal working relationship meant other things. Things that she was still embarrassed about.

Coughing slightly as she tried to distract herself her attention fell back onto the rice, “O-Oh! I think that might be a little much… well for me, I guess. Ah b-but we are cooking for two!” Although her eyes widened and she held her hands up shaking them, “N-Not like that! No no. I meant us. Gosh… I’m a little awkward… sorry. Ah…” Back peddling her words as she felt herself get flustered once more, she had never been so nervous, it was strange that she was now sharing her life with someone else.

“W-What I mean is… I don’t eat too much.” Haru stated trying to get her words out, biting the bottom of her lip hoping he wouldn’t think she was a complete and utter fool. I hope he doesn’t think I’m a fool…

“Can I… can I help with anything?” Feeling rather hot under the collar she wanted to help with something to distract herself from feeling so embarrassed. At least if she was doing something it would provide her with the perfect opportunity to focus her mind on whatever task it was.
It's okay! We can do this though! I just need to find the motivation to start!

That's okay! I hope you have a lovely time!
Even with listening to his words she couldn’t agree, deep down she knew he spoke the truth, but it was hard to push past how she was currently feeling. It was hard to get out of that kind of hole. Trying to smile at his words, how he put the ordeal in a somewhat positive light that had it not been her someone else would have killed him. There was truth to it, if it had been someone else at the task, he could very well be dead, but would they have been able to slip past security? They were all questions she had and answers she would never get because it hadn’t played out like that.

“Please, don’t say that. You don’t owe me anything.” She didn’t want him to think like that, he didn’t owe her anything not compared to her and what she owed him. It wasn’t just the fact she had betrayed him but everything he had done for her in the Capital, he had practically homed her, clothed her and fed her he had even paid for her hospital care. There was so much she wanted to do to repay him, but she knew she would never be able to repay him. Iris had no money to her name, nothing and she couldn’t very well pay him back with nothing. “I… owe you so much and I can never repay that… not like I thought I could…”

Sighing as she looked over at Maisie glad, she had come in because she didn’t know what else to say to Cas. Although he had said he forgave her she couldn’t forgive herself for what she had done. Forcing the smile, she nodded at Maisies plan, “I think that’s a great idea… but I don’t want him coming after you. Will he not blame you?”

“He won’t blame me; he’d be stupid too considering I run the bakery with one of the only food sources in this district.” Maisie scoffed as she moved back into the room, “We can figure it out tomorrow, come on you.” Grabbing her friends hand she pulled her to her feet to drag her to the bedroom to get some sleep, she was not taking no for an answer as she knew that rest was needed for the both of them. “Go on, go get yourself comfortable, I’ll make tea for us all and we can get some rest.” Grinning as she urged Iris to head to the bedroom.

Keeping the smile in place she turned to Cas placing her hand on his shoulder gently, “Thank you. Sleep well.” Turning her back on him she moved to the bedroom not feeling any better, she was so stuck in her own head. Spiralling over her thoughts of how she had caused this and the what ifs if he hadn’t had been around at that moment in the forest.

“Do you need anything else?” Maisie asked watching as Iris disappeared into the bedroom. Turning her attention back to Cas she smiled, “Did you also want a cup of tea? I highly recommend a cup before bed; it helps calm you.”
Yeah! I've had it sometimes when I just can't write, it happens!

Oh gosh yeah I can imagine not being in an outdoor space must be frustrating, especially if the weather is so nice and you like to go outside!

It's kind of weird for me, I'm doing good I like to stay indoors though. However work is really crazy, dealing with the public is stressful and it's frustrating!!

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