Avatar of sukikyoufu


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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

The interrogation hadn’t gone on too long, the crazed man had spilled all of his secrets to the questioner. No location to any sort of body, but he had given up names.

Iris Nox-Fleuret – Daughter.
Ethan Williams – Second in command.
Thomas – Partner to Ethan.

Regis had also listed off all the names of the district leaders that had rallied against the King and the monarchy, that had aided towards the death of the Prince. Locations had been listed, the men that had betrayed the Capital and helped route the supplies to the Districts had been listed. On top of that it had listed the main base of operations, the main meeting place located in the seventh district that they’d create their plans in. Regis had given it all up, although he was a tough cookie to crack the pain had overcome him. Memories that he didn’t want to remember haunted him, plaguing him and the already crazed man could not take it. Everything had been given up in a heartbeat.

Dragged back this cell Regis had curled into a ball to sleep for the night, delirous pained and broken. It was clear that even though he was crazed he could still be broken.


It was very early in the morning when Iris had stirred, something felt very wrong and she couldn’t sleep no more. Tossing and turning in the bed she frowned groaning slightly as she opened her eyes. Sighing heavily when she realised she was in Maisies room, nothing had changed. It wasn’t a bad dream she was still very much having to sneak Cas back into the Capital, but again she had this horrible feeling in her stomach that something was wrong.

Pushing herself from the bed she touched her head feeling the warmth, she could feel the headache and she wasn’t feeling great. “Not now.” Whispering to herself as she tried to wake herself up and push past it.

“Not now what?” Maisie asked walked into the room with a cup of tea handing it to her friend, “Somethings wrong… are you okay?” Frowning as she moved forward placing the back of her hand against her friends forehead feeling the warmth, but before she could even say something she felt Iris push her away.

“You have a temperature. Iris! No, what are you playing at? Sit back down you can’t push yourself.” Maisie tried, but failed as she watched her friend get ready for the day. “One more day of rest can’t hurt. Please.”

“I’m fine.” Iris snapped placing the cup down before brushing out her hair frowning, “That day is what we need to get a head start. I want to get him back to the Capital tonight.”

“Tonight!? That’s ridiculous! He is injured, you are unwell and will only make yourself worse pushing yourself Iris and him too! You have to stop that.” Maisie pleaded, but it was falling on death ears as she watched Iris leave the bedroom determined. “You’re going to get yourself killed… idiot.” Sighing to herself as she shook her head left in the bedroom, glancing to the bedside cabinet where Iris had left her tea.

Moving into the front room Iris glanced over at Cas on the sofa before kneeling down next to him, gently placing her hand on his good shoulder she shook him gently, “Hey Cas. Wake up, we should look at heading off for the day.” Speaking softly not glancing back at Maisie who had walked into the room frowning, clearly unhappy.
Awh thank you!!

I managed to get one in! I'm having so much fun with this!!
“Iris…” Whispering out her name as he felt his memories muddle up even more, flashes of his daughter passing by as he groaned in pain. A memory of holding her in his arms for the first time when she was born, his wife there smiling. A happy memory, one that he had forgotten for so long, he had forgotten her face. The way her smile would light up the room, the crying child in his arms as they grew their family. “I forgot… the way she smiled.” Mumbling to himself in his delirious state as the memory faded into something far worse, the happy picture torn apart as a knife stabbed his wife. The blood curdling scream resonated through his mind, but he hadn’t realised that it was his own scream, the painful cry leaving his own lips. The child in the memory fading away alongside the image of his wife.

“You remember Prince Caspain, right?” Tseng pursued not even wincing at the scream of the prisoner, this hadn’t been the first time he had questioned prisoners under this drug.

“Cas.. pian.” The whisper left his lip as his head lulled forward; the pain hadn’t stopped subsided it felt like it was getting worse with each passing minute. His blood felt like it was burning under his skin, head pounding as he remembered various different things. “Dead.”

“So, he is dead, did you kill him?” Although it was hard hearing the fact the Prince was dead Tseng knew he had to press on, Jacob wanted to know where the body was. They all did because without a funeral there would be no closure, without a body it would only cause the King to spiral. The war would take a turn for the worse and no one was going to come out of it alive.

“HAH. I killed him… I did that.” The grin returned to his face as his eyes glazed over. I did that, right? I killed him? Smashed his head until he bled. Yes. That’s the truth? Frowning slightly as he tried to remember the truth, grunts of pain leaving his lips as he tried to focus. Yes. I did that. Caspain is dead. The monarchy is dead. I caused that. I DID THAT. “Smashed that p-pretty little head until he was no more.” Coughing as he leaned forward grimacing, “Could paint a picture with all that blood.”

“Where is his body? What did you do with it?” Continuing with his questions Tseng would not let up.

“THERE IS NO BODY.” Regis shouted, the pain becoming too much, “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME?” He felt weak, his body trembled as the pain surpassed the withdrawal. Every inch of him felt like he was on fire, the pain would not stop. It would not subside, and it only worsened as time went on.

“What do you mean no body?” Tseng leaned forward eyes narrowing. “If you co-operate, we will give you the antidote, it will take all that pain away. Trust me. It will only get worse.”

“I BURNED the little pest. Can’t bury him, now can you?” Spitting at Tseng but as he did another cry left his lips as he whimpered backing down, the anger only made the pain worse.

Leaning up he pressed his coms device that linked with the security, “Subject has confirmed the Prince is dead, that he has burned the body. No locations as of yet.” Speaking quickly over the comms device before glancing back at Regis who was swaying in the seat. “I am pushing for more however subject isn’t in the best frame of mind already.”
There we are! I am heading to bed! I should be on tomorrow but not sure how much because it's my birthday!
The laughs did not stop, Regis continued to laugh in his cell even as the soldiers dragged him out of his cell whilst they waited for the Aproveset to kick in. Five minutes was all it took before the pain would start, but the laughter was haunting especially as it echoed throughout the halls as he was dragged by the two soldiers. It was like he was crazy, deranged and clearly not all there anymore as the laughter sounded strangled.

Feeling the soldiers throw him into the chair he couldn’t help but grin at them both maliciously who in turn exchanged rather concerned looks between one another. “You think you will get me to talk? Think again. I’ve said all I need to say.” The growls emitted from his mouth as he looked from soldier to soldier clearly thinking he was above them. That he was above their interrogation techniques. “There is NOTHING you can do to get information out of me. I won’t break.”

“How long is left?”

“About two minutes sir.”

Swaying on the chair Regis looked over at one of the men who had entered, he wasn’t a soldier, but it was clear he was here for a reason perhaps to talk to him? Idiot. He won’t get anything from me. “If you think I’ll sing like a bird you have another thing coming.”

“Oh, I don’t think. I know.” The male in question spoke as he took a seat, eyes watching the prisoner who had already been through various different creative tortures to get him to talk. The Aproveset was one of their most prized possessions when it came to the difficult talks and this was no exception, he didn’t know who this man thought he was, but he would get him to talk. That was his job.

“One minute, sir.”

“Very good.” Nodding to the soldiers who stood at the door, they were there just in case the prisoner got cocky, in case he thought that he could fight back. Once the drug was in his system however it would be a different story. Throughout this whole time, he did not look away from Regis, he kept his eyes firmly on the prisoner and he would wait. He was a patient man. Tseng would often oversee the interrogation; he had a way with words to push the information out of his prisoners whilst the drug was in effect. It was a speciality of his.

Regis opened his mouth to say something but the minute he did he felt this overwhelming sense of pain, he had never felt this kind of pain before and it even pushed through the withdrawal of the alcohol. “What…” Panting as he looked at the table eyes trying to refocus as he felt the agony course through his entire body.
“Ah, it seems your minute is up. What is your name?” Tseng started as he could see the drug was taking effect by how he was reacting.

“Don’t be fucking stupid you know my AH.” Regis cried out hand going to his head as all he could feel was the burn, the pain aiding his shakes from his withdrawal and he felt his body temperature rising.

“How many are in your family?”

“Two… shit.” Regis couldn’t understand why he had said that, but the pain was pushing him forward to answer truthfully.

“A daughter, right? Iris?”

“Yeah, what’s it to you?” Regis spat but when he did another cry of pain left his lips as if he’d been stabbed in the leg, hands went down to his leg gripping at eyes glaring as if ready to see blood, but he couldn’t. Narrowing his eyes his head was swimming, his daughter Iris the memories flitted by focusing on the one where he had hit her. He felt his chest rising and falling quickly, pants leaving his mouth as his body shook. The pain was becoming unbearable.
Omg Atlas ;A;

That made me really sad. I just want to hug him omg poor thing ;A;
Omg bless Jacob! Man oh man I can only see him becoming more obsessed with work when he realises Cas is actually alive!!

Regis will be a tough cookie to crack. The fact that he is going through withdrawal from the alcohol already and on top of that he has convinced himself he killed the Prince. Regis believes that to be true, his mind is a complete mess. It's really fun to write!!

Awh I can't wait for the reunion of Atlas and Cas though, I think that will be interesting to play out!
“End my suffering?” Regis scoffed, that was pathetic, and he knew that even if he gave away any secrets it wouldn’t end his suffering. There was no way that they’d just let him go like it was nothing. Regis knew he would not be walking out of here; he would not be leaving this cell alive and this man was potentially the last person he would see before he was killed. At least he could have his fun, he could continue to terrorize the Royal family until he was dead and that was his intention.

My name will be remembered in history as the man who brought down the monarchy.

A delusional smile crossed his face as he thought on how he would be remembered, the sole purpose of the rebellion had passed him by. The man couldn’t remember what the cause stood for anymore as he’d been so caught up in killing the boy, the Prince. He had finally gotten his wish, but a part of his mind was telling him that wasn’t true. A brief glimpse of his daughter, her pure heart and how that kindness ruined his plan. Shaking his head, he knew that was a lie, no. Reigs had killed the prince, the blood was everywhere he had done it. He had saved the people, saved his soul and gotten his ultimate revenge.

“How does it feel knowing you can’t bury him.” The cold words left his lips as he continued with the idea that he had burned the Prince alive. There was no body to bury, no proper funeral and it reminded him of his own wife. Clenching his hands into fists a memory of his own had pushed through the alcoholic state, that his wife was not buried. There were no such things as funerals, headstones, wakes in the district. The ground was dug, and a body was thrown in like it was any other day. A dark memory of his that he had pushed back for a reason.

As if coming from his delirious state he looked back at Jacob who had claimed he had given him a chance. “Sure, you did. All you’ll learn is that the Prince is dead and there’s nothing you can do to change that fact. Tell your King that it was I, I ruined his monarchy with great pleasure.” The words rolled off of his tongue naturally as he truly believed that bringing down the monarchy had been the answer.

Grinning to himself rather smugly he didn’t flinch as the cell of his opened up, a soldier holding some sort of needle. Regis felt nothing as the needle was stuck into his neck a substance being injected into him, that pain was nothing compared to not having a drink and that was his current priority. His age was starting to show, the pale wrinkled skin of his covered in various different colours from purples to blues signifying the beatings he had endured so far. Licking his lips as he watched Jacob leave he laughed in his cell throwing his head back in pure joy that he was causing absolute misery to the Capital.
I'd love to see more backstory on him too! I think that would be awesome!

Ohhh this is going to be so much fun to write! Especially seeing as Regis mind is pretty messed up and twisted already due to the alcohol he's consumed over the years!!

That sounds perfect! I'm so excited to write it! And to see poor Atlas getting all this news. Boy that's going to be so good! Also I never said but poor Cas having a moment thinking they don't care about him!!!
Omg the way they run around in the plaza though! Or run to go smell the flowers!!!!
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