The interrogation hadn’t gone on too long, the crazed man had spilled all of his secrets to the questioner. No location to any sort of body, but he had given up names.
Iris Nox-Fleuret – Daughter.
Ethan Williams – Second in command.
Thomas – Partner to Ethan.
Regis had also listed off all the names of the district leaders that had rallied against the King and the monarchy, that had aided towards the death of the Prince. Locations had been listed, the men that had betrayed the Capital and helped route the supplies to the Districts had been listed. On top of that it had listed the main base of operations, the main meeting place located in the seventh district that they’d create their plans in. Regis had given it all up, although he was a tough cookie to crack the pain had overcome him. Memories that he didn’t want to remember haunted him, plaguing him and the already crazed man could not take it. Everything had been given up in a heartbeat.
Dragged back this cell Regis had curled into a ball to sleep for the night, delirous pained and broken. It was clear that even though he was crazed he could still be broken.
It was very early in the morning when Iris had stirred, something felt very wrong and she couldn’t sleep no more. Tossing and turning in the bed she frowned groaning slightly as she opened her eyes. Sighing heavily when she realised she was in Maisies room, nothing had changed. It wasn’t a bad dream she was still very much having to sneak Cas back into the Capital, but again she had this horrible feeling in her stomach that something was wrong.
Pushing herself from the bed she touched her head feeling the warmth, she could feel the headache and she wasn’t feeling great. “Not now.” Whispering to herself as she tried to wake herself up and push past it.
“Not now what?” Maisie asked walked into the room with a cup of tea handing it to her friend, “Somethings wrong… are you okay?” Frowning as she moved forward placing the back of her hand against her friends forehead feeling the warmth, but before she could even say something she felt Iris push her away.
“You have a temperature. Iris! No, what are you playing at? Sit back down you can’t push yourself.” Maisie tried, but failed as she watched her friend get ready for the day. “One more day of rest can’t hurt. Please.”
“I’m fine.” Iris snapped placing the cup down before brushing out her hair frowning, “That day is what we need to get a head start. I want to get him back to the Capital tonight.”
“Tonight!? That’s ridiculous! He is injured, you are unwell and will only make yourself worse pushing yourself Iris and him too! You have to stop that.” Maisie pleaded, but it was falling on death ears as she watched Iris leave the bedroom determined. “You’re going to get yourself killed… idiot.” Sighing to herself as she shook her head left in the bedroom, glancing to the bedside cabinet where Iris had left her tea.
Moving into the front room Iris glanced over at Cas on the sofa before kneeling down next to him, gently placing her hand on his good shoulder she shook him gently, “Hey Cas. Wake up, we should look at heading off for the day.” Speaking softly not glancing back at Maisie who had walked into the room frowning, clearly unhappy.
Iris Nox-Fleuret – Daughter.
Ethan Williams – Second in command.
Thomas – Partner to Ethan.
Regis had also listed off all the names of the district leaders that had rallied against the King and the monarchy, that had aided towards the death of the Prince. Locations had been listed, the men that had betrayed the Capital and helped route the supplies to the Districts had been listed. On top of that it had listed the main base of operations, the main meeting place located in the seventh district that they’d create their plans in. Regis had given it all up, although he was a tough cookie to crack the pain had overcome him. Memories that he didn’t want to remember haunted him, plaguing him and the already crazed man could not take it. Everything had been given up in a heartbeat.
Dragged back this cell Regis had curled into a ball to sleep for the night, delirous pained and broken. It was clear that even though he was crazed he could still be broken.
It was very early in the morning when Iris had stirred, something felt very wrong and she couldn’t sleep no more. Tossing and turning in the bed she frowned groaning slightly as she opened her eyes. Sighing heavily when she realised she was in Maisies room, nothing had changed. It wasn’t a bad dream she was still very much having to sneak Cas back into the Capital, but again she had this horrible feeling in her stomach that something was wrong.
Pushing herself from the bed she touched her head feeling the warmth, she could feel the headache and she wasn’t feeling great. “Not now.” Whispering to herself as she tried to wake herself up and push past it.
“Not now what?” Maisie asked walked into the room with a cup of tea handing it to her friend, “Somethings wrong… are you okay?” Frowning as she moved forward placing the back of her hand against her friends forehead feeling the warmth, but before she could even say something she felt Iris push her away.
“You have a temperature. Iris! No, what are you playing at? Sit back down you can’t push yourself.” Maisie tried, but failed as she watched her friend get ready for the day. “One more day of rest can’t hurt. Please.”
“I’m fine.” Iris snapped placing the cup down before brushing out her hair frowning, “That day is what we need to get a head start. I want to get him back to the Capital tonight.”
“Tonight!? That’s ridiculous! He is injured, you are unwell and will only make yourself worse pushing yourself Iris and him too! You have to stop that.” Maisie pleaded, but it was falling on death ears as she watched Iris leave the bedroom determined. “You’re going to get yourself killed… idiot.” Sighing to herself as she shook her head left in the bedroom, glancing to the bedside cabinet where Iris had left her tea.
Moving into the front room Iris glanced over at Cas on the sofa before kneeling down next to him, gently placing her hand on his good shoulder she shook him gently, “Hey Cas. Wake up, we should look at heading off for the day.” Speaking softly not glancing back at Maisie who had walked into the room frowning, clearly unhappy.