Stop it. Stop thinking on what could have been. That night. Iris couldn’t help how her mind strayed back to their last night together, how close they had been. How foolish she had been. It can never happen. As much as she told herself it could never happen, she couldn’t help but wish for it, the memories of the time they spent together were as clear as day. Those memories however were the easiest to remember because everything else hadn’t returned fully, what had returned were hazy and not fully put together even with the breakthrough. It was a miracle she could remember how to get back to the Capital, but then that was one of her most recent memories.
Even something as simple as them going for ice cream was by far one of her favourite memories, but she knew she had to push that away. I have to forget. It will only hurt. Trying to will herself to forget but the more she pushed it aside the more she just wanted to return to those memories when she had felt truly happy. Something she was easily forgetting with her current mindset because she couldn’t push past on how she had betrayed him, how she had single handedly broken his heart when he had without a doubt been one of the most decent human beings she had met.
“Good, as long as we don’t have to divert or encounter any problems, we should be alright. We can push through.” I can push through this. For Cas. Smiling as she nodded to signal that she was ready, another lie she so easily told but she was learning when it came to her own health, she was bad at admitting she wasn’t okay. It made her wonder if she had always been like this before the collapse of her memories. “I’m ready for it.” Keeping the smile in place as she turned to sort herself out a slice of toast, more to just busy herself because she didn’t want to falter and delay them any further.
“Right. I’ve sorted some more bits out, fresh water, some food. I’ve scrapped together a little bit of money incase you don’t manage to do it in a day and well if you do, you’ll need it for the journey back here Iris.” Maisie smiled walking into the room with the backpack all packed for their trip, her eyes lingered over Iris knowing she wouldn’t be able to stop her.
Turning around to see Maisie there she smiled, it felt good knowing she had a friend on her side and the fact Maisie had said back here was a blessing. There was no way she could go home; she could stay with Maisie until she sorted something out and it was a little bit of relief. “Are you sure? I’ll pay you back. I promise.”
“Of course! This is far more important than anything else. I want to make sure you are both safe.” Maisie nodded as she pulled out her phone, “I’m going to message Ethan in half an hour. It should give you both time to get to the gate and wait until he leaves. Then you can slip past.” Sighing as she looked back at the pair, “Oh, Iris. I’ve found you both some hoodies you can borrow again, Go grab them for me? I’ve put them on the bed.” Smiling as she watched Iris go do that, eyes waiting until she heard the bedroom door shut before she turned to Cas the light-hearted tone had dropped. “Don’t break those promises to me. Please.”