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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Haha omg same!! Like when I think of an idea I just can't wait to share it and I get super excited haha xD

Oh no! Everything okay?
Maisie sighed even as he confirmed that he would do everything in his power to make sure she didn’t suffer, she wanted to believe it. She had to else she wouldn’t let her friend go. Though something told her it wasn’t going to be plain sailing, she knew there was going to be trouble, but she wouldn’t air those concerns. The Prince had given his word and she had to believe in that. “Alright. I will trust you. I will hold you to that word so don’t make me come after you if you break it.” Offering a smile keeping it somewhat light.

“Oh, thank you. For folding up the blanket and that. It wasn’t needed but I appreciate it. Maisie nodded as she headed into the kitchen to check on her own supplies and to see if her friend had at least eaten something. She had seen the neat pile of bedding on the sofa and she only assumed it had been him.

“Right I have these.” Iris sighed as she walked back into the room pulling on the hoodie herself before handing one to Cas, it felt good being in fresh clothes and she was glad they had come to Maisies. It had been the right decision, but now it was time to move on and head into the next district.

“Ah good, don’t worry about anything okay. You will be fine.” Maisie smiled as she moved back into the room and over to Iris, hands grasping her shoulders as she smiled. “Be careful and try to bypass district eleven if you can. It’s still somewhat in ruins so I doubt you’ll get much resource there.”

“Still in ruins?” Iris questioned confused as her hand went to her head as if it would help her remember, had she known that?

“It was pretty recent actually, military targeted it thinking that was base of operations. I don’t think you were here.” Pondering the thought as she took a step back, finger tapping her chin before she shook her head smiling, “No matter. Just move past that one quickly. I’ll explain when you are back from your little adventure.”

“Oh. Sure. Right… Eh” Shaking her head she looked back over at Maisie smiling, “Thank you Maisie. For everything. I really appreciate it.” Eyes softened as she looked over her friend, the idea of not having her would have only made everything worse.

“No bother. Right I’ll message Ethan in twenty minutes okay. You guys need to go now.” Handing Iris the backpack before glancing over at Cas, “There’s more bandages in the backpack for that wound. Try to keep it clean else you’ll lose your arm~”

“Be careful…” Iris couldn’t help but grimace as she pulled on the backpack feeling the weight immediately, Maisie had clearly packed more into it this time. Trying to steady her own breath she could feel her heart beginning to race, the danger of having to sneak through the gates and the fact she felt incredibly warm was not helping. Determined to keep herself focused she gave a small wave to the friend that had helped them before finally leaving the house, she was going to get him back to the Capital today. I can do it. It has to be done this way as the longer he is here the more danger he is in. Thinking to herself as she begun the walk back towards the gate, pulling up the hood on her dark coloured hoodie to keep her face from sight.
No worries!!

Oh sweet! Well if you have any ideas or stuff you want to do let me know! I'm excited for their journey home.
Awh bless his little heart!

Right I need to get some sleep!

I was thinking they can make it past the gate into the next district before the fever really kicks in stopping them from progressing? Or they could get further! I don't mind :3
Stop it. Stop thinking on what could have been. That night. Iris couldn’t help how her mind strayed back to their last night together, how close they had been. How foolish she had been. It can never happen. As much as she told herself it could never happen, she couldn’t help but wish for it, the memories of the time they spent together were as clear as day. Those memories however were the easiest to remember because everything else hadn’t returned fully, what had returned were hazy and not fully put together even with the breakthrough. It was a miracle she could remember how to get back to the Capital, but then that was one of her most recent memories.

Even something as simple as them going for ice cream was by far one of her favourite memories, but she knew she had to push that away. I have to forget. It will only hurt. Trying to will herself to forget but the more she pushed it aside the more she just wanted to return to those memories when she had felt truly happy. Something she was easily forgetting with her current mindset because she couldn’t push past on how she had betrayed him, how she had single handedly broken his heart when he had without a doubt been one of the most decent human beings she had met.

“Good, as long as we don’t have to divert or encounter any problems, we should be alright. We can push through.” I can push through this. For Cas. Smiling as she nodded to signal that she was ready, another lie she so easily told but she was learning when it came to her own health, she was bad at admitting she wasn’t okay. It made her wonder if she had always been like this before the collapse of her memories. “I’m ready for it.” Keeping the smile in place as she turned to sort herself out a slice of toast, more to just busy herself because she didn’t want to falter and delay them any further.

“Right. I’ve sorted some more bits out, fresh water, some food. I’ve scrapped together a little bit of money incase you don’t manage to do it in a day and well if you do, you’ll need it for the journey back here Iris.” Maisie smiled walking into the room with the backpack all packed for their trip, her eyes lingered over Iris knowing she wouldn’t be able to stop her.

Turning around to see Maisie there she smiled, it felt good knowing she had a friend on her side and the fact Maisie had said back here was a blessing. There was no way she could go home; she could stay with Maisie until she sorted something out and it was a little bit of relief. “Are you sure? I’ll pay you back. I promise.”

“Of course! This is far more important than anything else. I want to make sure you are both safe.” Maisie nodded as she pulled out her phone, “I’m going to message Ethan in half an hour. It should give you both time to get to the gate and wait until he leaves. Then you can slip past.” Sighing as she looked back at the pair, “Oh, Iris. I’ve found you both some hoodies you can borrow again, Go grab them for me? I’ve put them on the bed.” Smiling as she watched Iris go do that, eyes waiting until she heard the bedroom door shut before she turned to Cas the light-hearted tone had dropped. “Don’t break those promises to me. Please.”
Omg bless his heart. Cas is just the sweetest thing hahaha. Although he is not helping matters of distancing their feelings xD
“Huh?” Iris stammered being pulled from her trance as Cas walked over to her, “Oh! No. Gosh. No, I’m okay. Don’t worry about me.” Shaking her head rather quickly as Cas asked if she was okay, if it had anything to do with last night. Well partly, she was still a mess, but he didn’t need to know that. After all, right now she had to get him home and focusing on that pulled her away from her dark thoughts even just for a moment.

“H-Hey. What are you?” Frowning as he stepped closer and before she could even bat his hand away or move back, he had touched her forehead. “S-Sorry?” Stuttering her own cheeks flared up, the redness evident against her pale skin as he fumbled around his words on how she was hot, but not like hot hot well apparently, she was. It was kind of cute and she felt her heart twinge, the way he would fumble just like she would and the way he would get embarrassed over the little things. It didn’t help her trying to get over her feelings for him because things like this just attracted her to him. “No I didn’t think you meant it like that… well. No. I… ah…” Feeling herself stutter around her words she cringed at just how pathetic she must have sounded.

Seeing him step back from her, pressing his hand against his own face in embarrassment she smiled softly. Even though he was awkward, well she could be quite awkward too it still warmed her heart. The rise and fall of her own chest had quickened, not just because of the brief closeness but also because of the fever she had developed. Iris was falling unwell, but that would not stop her. He didn’t need to know how she felt, she could brush it off and just say she had a hot shower? He had been asleep, dead to the world he wouldn’t know.

“Oh… no. I’m fine. It’s nothing. I’m just warm. Wrapped myself up in plenty of layers last night.” Laughing nervously as she turned her back to him to get herself some toast, biting the bottom of her lip hoping he would buy it or at least play along so they could get moving. “Let me just eat something. Maisie is just getting us a few things and we can be on our way. I will get you back. Tonight.” It was quite the promise, she wanted to get him back tonight and it was doable provided they had no problems. Right now, she was the problem, she couldn’t let the fever take over and ruin the plan of getting him back.

“It’s going to be quite the walk. I hope you’re ready~” Trying to be playful and keep the mood light in hopes he would happily latch onto the subject and not bring up the temperature of her skin. “It will be worth it though. It means we can get you home. Were you belong.”
Awh bless him, honestly so adorable ;A;

Oh gosh I know! I can only imagine the kind of terror this is going to bring.
“No, you haven’t missed breakfast, I’ll sort something out. You can both at least eat before leaving.” Shooting a glance at Iris before heading into the kitchen to rustle something up.

“No, sorry. Did you want to rest some more a bit? I just thought we should head off was all. It’s going to be a long trek, especially getting you back today.” Smiling as she stood herself up looking over at Maisie who was now in the kitchen sorting something for breakfast, she felt her stomach churn at the idea of food knowing it wouldn’t be easy to stomach. That could have been because she felt off, something wasn’t right, and it wasn’t her feverish skin.

“Oh, I know! It’s not a bad sleep.” Maisie smiled placing a cup of tea on the table for Cas and passed him a couple of slices of toast. It would hide the fact the bread was stale at least and make it taste just a little better. “Eat up, I’ll work on those supplies you’ll need if you are adamant on leaving today.” Looking back over at Iris before she sighed and moved to the bedroom to gather up what little she had to assist them in their journey. “Food is in the kitchen Iris. Help yourself.” Waving her off as she headed into the bedroom closing the door behind her.

“You don’t have too…” Trailing off as her friend disappeared, she shook her head before moving into the kitchen to grab some food at least. Even though her stomach wouldn’t agree she’d eat something because who knew how easy it would be to find food again after today. Shaking her head as she looked at the bread in the kitchen, she placed her hands on the side to keep herself upright, her head was swimming with what she needed to do. How to get them out and what was the best route to take to the Capital.

I have to avoid Ethan and the rebels. They could be anywhere; I have to keep us hidden. Ergh… can I get him back in one day? It’s going to be a long day if so. Thinking to herself as her gaze fell on the bread, she wasn’t truly there though. Lost in her thoughts as her gaze locked onto the bread, not even making herself something to eat as she was just focused on figuring out the plan. It felt strange, she could feel her own breathing, the rise and fall of her own chest. It was like everything was going in slow motion for her and she didn’t like it, she couldn’t be going this slow. Not right now. Right now, she needed to working on the plan, escorting him home before anything else bad could happen to him. Heaven forbid what would happen if her father got a hold of him.


Wondering what he was doing now, how he had reacted to the Prince going missing. Cringing at the idea he was probably on his own warpath trying to find them at any cost. Iris had began to grip the sides so hard her knuckles turned white in a daze of her own.
Huh that was strange? Nevermind!! I brought us back to Cas and Iris :3

Poor Atlas though ;A;
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