Avatar of sukikyoufu


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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

There we go!

Ohhh very nice! I hope you have a good evening :3
Iris was aghast to think that he assumed something had happened between her and Miles, that she had been flirting with his friend because she didn’t feel like she had. “No. Cas, of course not! I would never. Nothing happened during lockdown.” Concern filled her eyes as she watched him open up to her with how he was feeling, guilt seeping in because she realised how it must have looked now especially with her just casually winding his friend up back. To her it was just harmless banter, them becoming friends and her more comfortable in his home and she never thought that she was openly flirting with him.

Taking the time to listen to him she felt a mixture of emotions, sadness because she never wanted him to feel that way. Partial guilt because she should have been more careful around his friend. Then a part of her felt happy because this confirmed how he felt for her, that he wasn’t thinking of breaking it off or suddenly found her repulsive and didn’t want to be with her. “I only ever thought of us as being exclusive.” Speaking softly as she could see the blush on his cheeks and she understood, if she was in his shoes, she’d probably feel a bit miffed watching other girls pursue him. It was just her luck to be totally oblivious to it. “It’s not clingy, I’d rather you be honest with me like this because I never would have known.”

Rising to her feet she touched his cheek gently with her hand still feeling guilty over the fact he had felt this way and she hadn’t put a stop to Miles already, that would be another awkward conversation for later. “I’m not going to walk away from this, from us. I still want to be with you, I know it’s going to be hard, but I want you.” Glancing to the door happy no one had come back just yet as she leaned down placing a gentle kiss on his cheek, showing him that she wanted no one else but him. Reassuring him that again he was what she wanted, there was no one else and she knew she had fallen hard for him.

“I never would have risked my life for you if I didn’t care about you, just as you did for me when you came to my rescue. We both know it’s not going to be easy, but I think your worth the trouble and I’d love to go steady with you.” Taking the chance, she knew they didn’t have much time, but she took the risk and placed her lips against his in a quick chaste kiss. Feeling her heart hammer away at the danger of getting caught it flustered her, but in a good way. Iris wished they could have had longer alone, especially when Caspian had opened up to her like he had, she wanted to make sure he was truly okay and reassure him of how she felt, but it was hard when they were on limited time and trying to keep things secret.

Breaking away from Cas reluctantly she decided rather than going back to the sofa she would sit in front of his chair using his legs as some sort of backrest. It shouldn’t seem off to anyone as she was just allowing Jay to sit on the sofa with Miles, plus she knew they wouldn’t read into it, she hoped they wouldn’t and she wanted to keep close to Cas with everything that had happened.
Thats good!

Awh bless him. I may not get a post up until later today. Its been such a busy day haha. I still have loads of work to do T.T
Yaaay you must be so happy!! I'm glad they could fix it :3

Oh gosh that is so horrible, how is your friend doing now? I hope a lot better, what a horrible experience. I feel so sorry for the doctors and nurses right now who are having to work all this extra to keep people alive.

Awh Cas omg bless him ;A; Iris doesn't care for Miles haha only him xD
It was strange hearing them talk and mention things like college, in the districts there had been a school but nothing with higher education for them. Everyone was just expected to get jobs and move on with their lives, not study and no one had questioned it. Years back there had been scholarships for those who had attained such high grades in the districts school they’d be allowed to go to a college in the Capital, but that had stopped before the rebellion and was only spoken of like a myth. No one believed it had been true, but then no one could confirm with those that had gone because they had never returned. It was just another one of the stories parents would tell kids so they would get good grades, that’s what most believed anyway.

For a moment Iris had nearly forgotten herself, with the way Caspian had stammered from her touch and the rosy cheeks she wanted to close the distance. Tempted to just kiss him and wrap her arms around him like it was normal, but she knew she couldn’t not with Miles still in the room and she couldn’t wait for him to leave even if it was just briefly. Acting like Caspians phone was interesting she looked at the tracker nodding as Cas said it wouldn’t be too long, she was a little bit hungry but already she was concerned about the fancy pizza knowing she’d be embarrassed if she didn’t like it. It would just be another thing showing them all how different she was, and she worried that with all these differences Cas would just be put off by it.

Hearing the doorbell go however was like music to her ears because she hoped this meant Miles would leave, smiling as he already jumped to his feet to go to the door, she felt a wave of nerves hit her. Unsure on how much time they would have, but she wanted to make sure Cas knew she only had eyes for him. There was no way she’d go for his friend, he really wasn’t her type and she had only been teasing and joking along with him because it had been how he had gotten her to feel more comfortable in his home. That and at the time had she not played along she probably would have cried.

Watching as Miles left, she moved in front of Cas from behind the sofa and knelt down as she took his hands in hers, “Cas, I only have eyes for you.” Squeezing his hand in hers as she smiled at him she wanted to assure him that there was no one else, he was the only one she cared about and even if she had her doubts about their relationship she wanted him to know she didn’t like Miles like that. “I’m so oblivious I didn’t know, I thought he was just being friendly and trying to cheer me up, so I didn’t cry. I wish we could have spent the week in lockdown together. Time felt like it went by so slowly without you. My feelings haven't changed for you.”
Fingers crossed!

I was going to say that doesn't seem like a good plan at all! That sounds terrible, I hope it doesn't get so bad because hospital capacity must be full to the brim by now!!

Also I think Iris has finally just started to realise xD
“… Uh. Yeah… maybe.” Iris mumbled at the response of Miles insisting she had to try it, maybe she would but right now it was not important to her because all she wanted to do was just talk to Cas. That and a part of her didn’t want to be surrounded by all these luxuries, it just felt too much to her and she was finding it hard to adjust. Especially when she was surrounded by high borns who were raised on this stuff, raised on money never being an issue and she found herself feeling far to self-conscious about not having tried fancy flavours of pizza, or fifteen hundred credit wine.

The silence was becoming difficult, especially when she knew she was contributing to it and not helping. Biting the bottom of her lip she looked over at Cas watching him flinch when Miles brought up the subject of his mood. Listening to his words careful she found her head tilting as she met his gaze and it took a few moments for her to understand what he was talking about. Adjusting to the possibility that he was wrong? Certain expectations… does he mean us? Focusing on his words she tried to figure it out, looking down at her hands before taking a glance at Miles and finally noticing the hand that was placed on the sofa behind her. It was like a penny dropped, was Miles hitting on her? Was this what was affecting Caspians mood? As when she first saw him, he certainly wasn’t acting like this and now after a bit of time with them all together his mood had changed.

Is Caspian jealous? Her gaze drifted back to Caspian as she thought on his cryptic words, wondering if this truly was the problem and cause for his mood. Iris knew she had been quite pally with Miles, but nothing was going on. There was no way she looked at Miles like that and she wished she could just outright tell him. Though what if I am reading into that and I’m completely wrong? I’m not some amazing prize, surely Miles isn’t into me. Even as Miles got up to go grab whatever good vibes he was talking about she pondered his words before finally making a decision as Miles sat back down next to her nudging her playfully.

“No thank you, I’m really not into that kind of stuff. Call me boring, I guess. And well… your ideas do suck.” Iris chuckled as she rose from her seat and moved over to Cas with a smile, putting distance between her and Miles because if she was right this would certainly help his mood and hopefully show him she didn’t have eyes for any other. Leaning on the back of Cas’ chair she glanced over his shoulder, “Is there a tracker for our food on that app you ordered from?” Using that as a rouse to have left Miles and the sofa, hopefully it didn’t seem suspicious because again they were meant to be a secret. Placing her hand on his shoulder she leaned over glancing towards his phone, it seemed innocent enough, but she hoped this would put his mind at ease and assure him without words who she wanted to be with.
Oh man! I hope they fix it for you soon!

Especially as you mentioned lately you're staying inside. Honestly those that complain about the masks wind me up too! It's there to protect everyone and people should have the right to refuse service if they don't abide by the rules!!

I hope it gets better for you guys!
He said not to worry about it, but I am. I can’t help but worry about him. Iris thought to herself as she continued to mull over Caspians wellbeing concerned and wanting to know how she could help. Hopefully he goes to greet Jay just so I can talk to him if only for a moment. Thinking to herself agreeing with Miles on the fact that Cas did in fact wear his heart on his sleeve, it was one of the many reasons she had been attracted to him because he didn’t well couldn’t hide his emotions and he had been so open with them with her.

Maybe his father annoyed him during lockdown? I know their relationship isn’t the greatest at the moment. Iris thought that was probably the reason, perhaps the King had been overbearing upon his return that it had wound him up? It wouldn’t surprise her, but then he had been taken and held against his will by rebels that wanted nothing more than the death of the monarchy so she could understand if the King had been a little bit overbearing. Then again, she could have gotten the wrong end of the stick, again I could just be reading into it too much, but Miles said he was acting off too.

“Hang on, firstly? As if I could take your bed. I’m the guest here, that aint fair. Secondly! You shouldn’t have too; I can’t just keep leeching off of you like this.” Iris countered but found herself falling a little quiet at the mention of the districts being dangerous, Miles didn’t know the half of it. It’s not that the districts where super dangerous, but they didn’t have life easy over there and she knew that he didn’t understand it fully and had to keep reminding herself of that fact. Maybe I should tell him what life is really like over there? Though would he think I am lying over it? I don’t know.

Thankfully Cas had returned but he still didn’t seem right, and it was hard not to be concerned about him. Eyes glanced over the bottle and she could tell it looked fancy and a part of her wanted to try it because who wouldn’t want to try some expensive champagne, but again she wasn’t a big fan of drinking in general. It won’t hurt to try though.

“What!?” Iris couldn’t help but exclaim at the price, it felt as if all the air had left her lungs at the mention of how much that one bottle cost. “Fifteen hundred credits?” Staring at the bottle she couldn’t believe how much the thing cost, that bottle was more than she had ever earned in her whole life and it made her feel sick. Another grim reminder of how the Capital varied from the districts. “No… I haven’t.” Finding the tone of her voice dropping as she admitted to the fact, she had never had champagne like that in her life, nor would she have in the future had she not gotten entangled with the Prince. That kind of money, thrown on a luxury like that. That kind of income would make such a difference. For a brief moment she felt like running, getting away from all of this because she knew she did not belong here.
Yeah I bet! Have they managed to fix it?

I hope you had a lovely time with your friend yesterday! I went out for lunch today as restaurants are now opening! It was so goooood.
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